When Lines Blur

By Hurricane_Child

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Young Lucas Taylor is a high school student like any other. He takes a few advanced classes, plans to go into... More

Character Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Six

23 0 0
By Hurricane_Child

The group was at Levi's house later that day, mostly because Levi said he had to leave Braxton's as he needed to do something in his room but none of them would be willing to leave him alone. So they all sat in the living room of his house while Levi was doing whatever it was he had to do. Salem made sure he was listening to anything going on up the stairs as well as the conversation they were having. Salem was mid sentence when he paused due to hearing something, "Is he hitting something?"

Braxton paused listening, "Sounds like it... What the hell?"

"Guys," Jaxson said, "He's fine, trust me. He's practicing."

"Practicing what?"

"He does not want you guys knowing," Jaxson said, "He'll be pissed if I tell."

Salem looked at Jaxson, "Well then, I'm gunna get bitched out because my curiosity outweighs any fear I have naturally. So, see you guys in a moment." Salem walked up the stairs.

Jaxson sighed, "Lee will hit him."

"What is he doing Jaxson?" Adrian asked.


"Practicing what?"

"A hobby," Jaxson answered.

"Jax," Shawn sighed, "Dude Salem's gunna tell us anyways might as well spill."

Jaxson rolled his eyes, "He is practicing his drum skills. He has an electronic drum kit. Uses headphones so you guys can't actually hear the noise."

Adrian pretended to look mildly offended, "So I can be forced to play guitar but he can hide his drum skills? I'll kill him."

"No you won't," Zeek said, "Chill Adds. Maybe if you don't make it a big deal he'll be willing to show us."

"Or at least he'll show Adrian and Ryan," Maddox said.

Austin smiled softly, "They could be a mini band."

Adrian shrugged, "The closest to a band would be me asking one of them to play for one of my songs while I'm recording."

"That wouldn't be too bad," Ryan said.

Levi walked down with Salem following him, and he clearly wasn't happy, "Jax, the hell babe?"

"What did you want me to do?" Jaxson asked, "Fight Salem? Yeah no thanks I prefer being alive."

"He plays drums," Salem said.

"Yeah we know," Adrian replied.

Levi looked at Jaxson, "Babe!"

"Yeah that one was my fault, sorry."

Levi looked at the group, "Any of you mention it and I'll drown you."

"Yes finally!" Adrian said.

"Hey!" Gabe protested, "I don't have anything to throw at you but stop!"

Braxton looked at Gabe, "I got it." Braxton punched Adrian in the arm.

"Abuse of the disabled!" Adrian shouted, "I am calling the cops."

"Do it, You won't pussy," Braxton said.

Adrian sighed, "Yeah you're right I won't."

"Fuck 12," Shawn said, "Acab."

"Don't," Gabe said, "Don't start that shit again. I don't need you encouraging Salem's anarchist tendencies." Salem rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me Salem."

"Fine, sorry," Salem said.

"Haha bottom!" Adrian jokingly said while pointing at Salem.

"Adrian I will bash your head in with a bat."

Micheal paused, "You have a bat?"

"Yes he does," Lucas said, "And yes it has dried blood on it. No, none of us are willing to take it away from him."

Ryan paused, "What?"

"The person's still alive, calm down," Salem said.

Shawn looked at Salem, "What did you do!?"

"We've already verified that I am a criminal," Salem said, "Why are you guys acting surprised? We've talked about how most of us have assault problems."

"No one specified a weapon in that," Shawn said.

"My bat is hardly a danger when Levi has stabbed people."

"He's done what??" Ryan asked.

Levi rolled his eyes, "You think I carry a knife and don't use it? Salem's the one who does that." Jaxson and Gabe both seemed almost unaffected by the knowledge.

Ryan looked at them, "Did you two know about this?"

"Yeah," Jaxson said, "It happened the first time me and Levi were together. He told me about a week after it happened.'

Gabe shrugged, "Salem took the bat to someone after they tried to hurt me. To be fair, it was our fault for being dumb and staying out until like 3 am."

"How did you do that?" Micheal asked, "Gabe I live with you!"

"I would sneak out my window to see Salem plenty of nights. I still do."

Adrian rolled his eyes, "Mike you're being a hypocrite."

"Oh?" Gabe asked, "What does he mean?"

"Adrian how could you do this to me?" Micheal asked.

Adrian looked at Gabe, "I got him to sneak out with me one night."

"That day you two were late I thought you fucked," Ryan said.

"Who said we didn't?" Adrian asked.

Gabe paused, "Micheal if you ever get upset about me sneaking out again I'll gut you."

"I have so heavily tainted Gabe," Salem said, "I take full responsibility for that."

Shawn rolled his eyes, "Don't act so proud Salem. You know he was always like that."

"Yeah," Salem confessed, "I did not help matters though."

"Y'all fuckers got corruption kinks and it shows," Jaxson said.

Salem looked at Jaxson, "You're excluding yourself from that?"

"Yeah," Levi said, "He's always been like this. If anything he made me worse." Jaxson smiled.

"Yeah Shawn's always been like this too," Adrian said, "Which amused me a lot with his style." Shawn pulled his sleeves back down over his wrists and rolled his eyes.

Austin looked at Adrian, "Hey give me time. I'm swaying him towards pastel goth slowly but surely okay?"

"Austin's been like that always, so good luck Maddox," Shawn said.

"Oh, good luck will do nothing for him now," Austin said, "I've already corrupted him."

"What does that mean?" Adrian asked. Austin shrugged softly and pulled Maddox closer. Maddox quickly hid his face.

Salem ended up laughing. "Austin's a top?? And you all thought me being a sub was surprising!"

"Austin, what does that mean?" Adrian asked.

"Uh-oh," Zeek said, "Adrian's big brother mode has been engaged."

Austin smirked, "It means that me and him spent a lot of time alone before his dad died."

"How long?" Adrian asked.

"Well, you know how Micheal and Braxton were talking for about five days before dating?" Austin said, "Me and Maddox talked for maybe two."

"You guys were talking over a week before me and Micheal were though," Braxton said.

"Yep," Austin said, "Which means I've been with Maddox longer than you've been dating Micheal. I mean, we already liked each other before talking and talking did not help that situation." Maddox kept his face hidden but they could tell he was blushing bright red.

Shawn looked at Adrian, "I told you so."

"Shawn don't."

"I'll do what I want." Adrian glared at Shawn some and Shawn put his hands up in surrender before looking at Austin, "Good for you. At least you weren't a pussy and actually acted on the crush instead of trying to make them jealous."

"That happened three years ago Shawn!" Adrian said.


"You're so lucky we aren't in our room."

Shawn rolled his eyes. "Could you maybe not Adrian?" Salem asked, "Like not the time dude." Shawn fixed his sleeves again.

"What are you doing there Shawn?" Braxton asked, "That's not your nervous tic."

"Nothing," Shawn said.

Adrian sighed, "Guys he's clean. Don't worry."

"Okay," Braxton said, "No longer worried. Now I'm just curious."

Gabe looked at Shawn and Adrian and noticed that Adrian had the necklace with the key not tucked into his shirt for once. "I have a guess and if I'm right then Adrian will officially earn the most possessive partner award."

"Oh you're probably right," Adrian said, "Shawn wears makeup usually so I have to show he's mine somehow."

"Adrain, if Shawn rolls up his sleeve and the handcuffs are on his wrist I swear to Cthulu that I will actually hit you," Salem said.

Adrian looked at Shawn, "Don't roll up your sleeve."

"That sounds like a challenge," Shawn said, "I might."

"Do you want me to get hit?"

"I mean, sure?" Shawn said.

"Adrian!" Gabe said. Salem and Shawn both ended up laughing and Micheal blushed bright red. Braxton sighed softly and looked at Adrian.

"If you put handcuffs on Micheal I will fight you Adrian," Braxton said.

"Fine," Adrian said, "I'll use rope." Micheal made a small noise and completely hid his face. "Sorry Mike."

"F-f-f-f" Micheal tried to say 'fuck you' to Adrian, but was stuttering to bad to get the words out.

"That bad huh?" Braxton asked. Micheal just nodded.

Adrian smirked, "That's not the only way I'll render Micheal speechless." Micheal froze for a second before trying to hide his face more. Salem and Gabe were of no help as they were laughing at the situation.

"I'm too straight for this," Zeek mumbled.

Levi rolled his eyes, "You aren't even straight Zeek. Dude, quit pretending you are."

"I'm straight romantically," Zeek said.

"No you're not," Levi said, "Dude, does it look like we care? We all can tell you're ace. It's fine dude." Zeek rolled his eyes.

"But you had sex with Salem?" Ryan asked.

Zeek shrugged, "I'm not sex repulsed. I just get more enjoyment from reading a book than anything sexual type of thing. I just don't care about it. I don't really feel romantic attraction either. A life partner would be fine but, I'm still not straight with that. I really don't care."

"Zeek needs a platonic lover."

"I need someone to read books with and cuddle with," Zeek said, "That's all I want."

"You'd get along great with Jez," Levi mumbled and then paused. "Hold up, you actually would... I'm setting up a platonic date for you two."


"Jez is ace aro too. She really just doesn't care," Levi said.

Gabe smiled softly, "She never has. She's a flirt though, but that's mostly because she likes pissing people off."

Levi nodded, "Yeah. She finds it amusing."

"What is going on right now," Zeek asked.

"Levi is setting you up with his friend," Jaxson said, "Come on Zeek. Keep up."

Salem sighed, "Anyways, going back to our original topic before we got side tracked like eighty times. Levi you play the drums?"

"Damn," Levi said, "I was hoping we would talk about it."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because I've seen you guys force Adrian to play," Levi said.

Braxton sighed softly, "He has a point. Why drums though?"

Levi shrugged, "It's something I can hit without causing damage. Honestly, I figured Zeek and Salem knew after they broke into my room."

Salem paused for a moment, "Sorry I focused on saving your life instead of analyzing your bedroom? The fuck did you expect Levi?"

"I dunno," Levi said, "You to get revenge for my habit of invading privacy."

"We should've," Zeek said, "Oh well."

"The fact you have an electric kit is more confusing to me. Those cost more," Adrian said.

Levi shrugged, "Jax got it for me. I said I wanted to learn but couldn't because it was too loud and would likely upset my dad's. Honestly, the only reason you guys heard anything was because I was lowkey pissed."

Salem looked at Levi, "Why?"

"Some dumb fuck decided it would be funny to mess with Seb. Kal and Jez handled it but I was still a bit pissed. Decided to not go to the beach this time to calm down."

"Sounds healthy," Salem remarked.

"I'm going to refrain from retaliating to that," Levi said. "Only because I'm a better person than you are Salem."

"That's not an accomplishment," Salem said, "That's the easiest thing to do ever."

"Salem, keep talking shit about yourself and I will give you a bruise from a granola bar," Braxton said. "And that is a promise."

Salem paused for a second, "That sounds like a challenge to me."

"Oh god no Salem don't you dare," Zeek said.

"I might," Salem said, "I am considering it!" Adrian went to grab one of his crutches to hit Salem with but Shawn stopped him. "Do it Addy. You won't!"

"You know," Adrian joked, "When I finally snap and kill you all, I'm making sure you suffer Salem."

"Good," Salem said.

"Are those four always this bad?" Ryan asked Lucas.

Lucas nodded some, "Yeah. You should've seen what happened when they found out someone hit Maddox. They are all assholes and I hate that they are my friends."

"What happened?" Shawn asked Adrian.

"We spent a while basically discussing out loud if we would kill the guy or not," Adrian said, "We didn't and never would've. But hopefully he learned a lesson."

Shawn looked at his boyfriend, "See I knew you were a sadist but you just keep giving more confirmation to that fact."

Micheal paused, "I am intimidated."

"You get used to it," Shawn replied.

"Anyways," Adrian said, "Do you sing too Levi?"

"Do I look like I can sing with my fucked lungs?"

"Well," Salem said, "By that logic Braxton shouldn't be able to yet here we are."

Shawn paused, "Brax sings?"

"Yeah," Braxton says, "I'm not as good as they say. I'm just still a soprano so they think it's amazing."

Adrian paused, "Dude I'm a tenor at best and your natural voice is deeper than mine so yeah. It's kind of impressive."

"You realize that my natural voice isn't this one right?" Braxton said, "I have a large range in both singing and speaking. I speak deeper than my natural voice most of the time. If I wanted to I could sound like a little girl in an anime."

"Do it!" Maddox said.

"No," Braxton said, "I don't want to."

"Braxton you can't give us that knowledge and then deny to use it," Lucas said, "Come on!"


"Please?" Levi asked, "I'll only laugh some."

Braxton sighed and rolled his eyes, "Here. You happy now?"

Salem laughed, "You sound like how you did when you were eight Brax, just without the accent."

"Yeah you really do," Adrian agreed. "You could be a voice actor."

"Hell no," Braxton said. "And I can use my accent whenever I talk regardless of pitch."

"You can sound like a french loli is what you're saying."

"That is not what I am saying Maddox."

Adrian rolled his eyes, "Braxton is also the only one of us who can do screamo without hurting themselves. Salem tried and it was funny."

"Which makes no sense," Maddox said, "Salem's voice is naturally deep and gravelly enough you'd think he'd do better than Braxton but no. Braxton is the only one."

Salem laughed lightly, "The amount of power Braxton has over his voice is surprising."

"Probably because for the first like 4 years I knew you guys making my voice sound different was the only way you'd listen to me," Braxton said.

Zeek shrugged, "You were no fun and kept trying to keep us out of trouble."

"So," Shawn said, "What I'm hearing is you three tainted Braxton?"

"Oh for sure," Salem said, "We were horrible influences."

"You guys think we're bad now," Adrian said, "Braxton had to deal with much worse."

Braxton rolled his eyes, "I had to deal with you guys during puberty. Nothing was worse than that."

"How many times did they try to fuck you?" Jaxson asked.

"More than I care to count," Braxton said, "Except for Zeek. Mostly Adrain. Fucking whore. Salem wasn't too bad."

Salem tried to hold back his laughter, "I was playing the long game and it worked."

"Apparently since I never slept with Adrian," Braxton said.

Adrian shrugged, "I still saw your tits though."

"Why are you three so proud of that?" Braxton asked. Zeek and Salem both shrugged. "It isn't that special. Like fuck off! Adrian you've seen plenty of boobs."

Adrian nodded some, "You have a point. But I raise you the point that I did not care about a single one of those people."

"Fair," Braxton said, "But still. Fuck off. Levi when will your dads get home?"

Levi paused, "That's a really good question Braxton of which I do not have the answer to."

"So what I'm hearing is if we plan to spend the night together we should probably go to my place or someone else's?" Braxton asked.

"You place is the only one that'll have adults," Zeek said, "My dad is out of town for a few days, so your moms are the only adults we can stand that'll be around."

Braxton sighed, "Delightful. By the way, My moms were not happy about the knife Adrian."

"You told me to throw it!!"

"You're the one that did it!"

"With encouragement!" Adrian protested, "Fine I'm never agreeing to ideas like that again."

Shawn rolled his eyes, "That'll last about twenty minutes."

"Probably," Micheal agreed.

Braxton rolled his eyes, "So my place?"

"Sure," Maddox said.

Levi smiled, "See you guys there." Levi then took off out of the house.

"I can't run you prick!" Adrian shouted. "We should follow after him before he destroys Braxton's house."

"Yeah," Braxton agreed. The group grabbed their bags and set off. Braxton's house wasn't to far from Levi's, but far enough that the walk took a few minutes. When they got to Braxton's house, Levi was already inside and playing on his phone. "Fuck you for being athletic."

"Not my fault you've been binding long enough to have issues breathing," Levi said. "Speaking of, go take it off before I break one of your ribs as well."

Braxton mocked Levi before grabbing Micheal's hoodie out of Micheal's bag and walking upstairs. Micheal laughed softly, "Okay then. My hoodie has been stolen."

"That's something Shawn and Braxton have in common," Adrian remarked.

"And Gabe," Salem said.

Gabe paused, "Look okay your hoodies are so big on me that I can disappear inside of them and I value that okay?"

"That's your fault isn't it short stack," Micheal said.

"Ah yes, because I am able to control my height. If I could I would not have been five foot five since the fucking sixth grade!"

Maddox looked at Gabe, "You're only an inch taller than me? The fuck dude? And I'm the kid."

"I'm perfect height to punch most of you in the dick so fuck off!" Gabe said.

Austin paused, "You know the joke that short people are so angry all the time because they are closer to hell? Gabe embodies that pretty clearly." Gabe went to protest but instead just glared at Austin.

"I mean Ryan and Braxton are only like an inch taller than me so whatever," Gabe said.

Braxton walked back in wearing Micheal's hoodie, "You cannot count me in your arguments as genetically I will never be as tall as most of you because I have two x chromosomes. And those with x's are shorter than those with a y."

"He has a point babe," Salem said.

"Ryan is still only an inch taller than me!" Gabe said, "Same with Austin."

"Austin and Maddox are only 16. They'll grow Gabe. You however, really won't," Ryan said, "I'm short because my mother was about five foot and my father was only five eight. So, genetically I'm out of the competition as well."

Micheal sighed, "It makes no sense since Gabe's mom is about five eight and his dad is taller than I am. How are you so short Gabe?"

"Over 400 genetic codings go into height okay!" Gabe said, "I just somehow had the worst luck and got all short ones."

"Well not all short ones," Salem said, "If you had all short ones you'd probably classify as a dwarf or midget. But since you are technically within an average height range just towards the bottom of it, you are more likely to be about 75% short and 25% tall."

"Since when did you know about science?" Zeek asked.

Gabe paused, "I don't even understand science and I'm in AP classes."

"I think we know that," Jaxson said, "Me and Micheal do all your science homework as is."

"To be fair," Gabe said, "Mike does a lot of our homework."

"You're both in AP though," Levi said, "Mike has classes with both Lucas and Adrian so he clearly isn't."

Lucas paused, "Are you calling me and Adrian dumb?"


"I can't handle the pressure from AP classes," Micheal said, "But the work is easy for me... so yeah. I do a lot of their homework. Gabe does Jaxson's math work though because Gabe is a dumbass who thinks math is fun."

"I got people to pay me to do their math work," Gabe said, "Besides math has easy and set rules unlike english."

"Direct attack," Braxton mumbled.

"Yeah the fuck dude," Micheal said.

Zeek rolled his eyes, "Rules are dumb and are only ment to opress real freedom and life."

Salem laughed some, "Gabe casually forgot about the three english obsessed nerds here."

Gabe shrugged. "I am conflicted on who to support," Maddox said, "All I'm good at is coding and programming and I don't know where that falls."

"It's not math," Gabe said, "but not english either... Maddox is his own team."

"History is the best," Austin said, "if you disagree your opinion is invalid. History is written by the winners and in this situation I am the winner. Fuck you all."

"History falls with english," Lucas said.

"No!" Austin said, "I do not want to be classed along with those three. I chose history and not english this time for a reason Lucas!"

Lucas paused, "Oh yea. I forgot you're super big about english too."

"Only reading," Austin said, "Escapism."

Zeek smiled, "And that is why Literature is better than Mathematics."

"Maths is dumb," Braxton said.

Salem paused, "Hold up. Braxton what did you say?"

"Don't do this," Braxton mumbled.

"Did you say 'Maths'?" Salem asked, "Braxton this is America speak fucking 'Merican!" Braxton mumbled something in french that none of them were able to understand. "What was that Braxton?"

"You don't want to know Salem," Braxton said.

Austin paused, "I heard the words fuck, handcuffed, and bitch. Braxton what did you say?"

"Why do you only know insults and cuss words is the better question Austin," Braxton said.

"The answer is simple," Austin said, "It's called insulting Micheal and Gabe."

Salem rolled his eyes, "Pussy. Just insult them, they've got thick skin."

"We have to," Gabe said, "We've dated you."


"Good," Gabe said. "For real, what did you say though Braxton?"

Braxton rolled his eyes, "I insulted Salem is all. Chill. By the way, Salem, do you need coffee? Your hand is shaking."

Salem looked at his hand and saw it shaking, "Ah. So it is."

"Have you had any caffeine today?"

"Uh no."

"Do you have a headache?"


Braxton sighed, "ibuprofen is in the front pocket of my bag. Someone make sure he only takes two. I'll go make coffee."

Salem smiled, "Thank you dad!"

"If I was your father, I'd return you Salem," Braxton said as he walked to the kitchen.

"My real father sure as hell is trying to!" Salem shouted after Braxton. Adrian coughed to hide his laugh at the comment. "You can laugh Addy."

Shawn paused, "That was almost as bad as Adrian's dead parent jokes."

"Hey, all I have to do now is get traumatized by bats and be a millionaire and I'll be Batman."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "Same for me and Shawn Adrian. You're not special. And Levi actually."

Shawn smiled, "Dead parent gang!"

"Ayy!" Levi said.

"Me and Mike just got walked out on. Damn," Jaxson said, "So close yet so far."

Gabe paused, "You were told your dad walked out on you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind!" Gabe said, "Don't worry about it."

Jaxson paused, "I'm scared. I hate that Gabe knows so much about our parents."

"Hey!" Zeek said, "I know just as much about Micheal's parents!"

"And yet neither of you tell me anything!"

"Mike dude," Zeek said, "You don't wanna know. And me and Gabe don't even know everything about your parents and we can say you don't want to know."

Gabe thought for a moment, "You might actually know more about it than me Zeek. You spent the night at his house once right?"

"Oh yeah I did," Zeek said, "that was... fun."

Adrian sighed, "Zeek was friends with me and Salem at the same time as Micheal and yet we never knew shit."

"I didn't talk back then really though," Zeek said.

"Oh yeah," Adrian said, "I forgot about that... wait... weren't you why we learned ASL?"

"Yep," Zeek said, "Yay for an optional mute child."

"You guys know ASL?" Ryan asked.

Salem nodded, "Yep. Braxton doesn't. Zeek started talking before we.... Basically kidnaped Braxton."

Gabe paused, "So you guys always make friends through hostages?"

Adrian looked at Gabe, "Do we look like approachable people? I got punched when we first met Maddox."

"Yeah," Maddox said, "He's telling the truth."

"But as children you were like this?" Gabe asked.

"Pretty much," Salem said, "The homicidal tendencies not so much, but the rest of it yeah."

Zeek paused, "I think the only difference is that now we know to get away before the cops come. Learned that the hard way."

"Your dad was pissed at you," Salem said, "I mean my dad was worse but your dad was pissed Zeek."

"You guys were arrested?" Shawn asked.

Adrian nodded, "Yep. But never charged. Vandalism."

"Who raised you three?"

"The streets," Zeek said, "My dad worked, Salem's family was well... Salem's family and Addy tagged along. We spent most of our time outside around gang bangers and lunatics."

Salem shrugged, "Turned out better than most of them. A few misdemeanors isn't nearly as bad as what we've seen."

Braxton walked back into the room, "Yeah. Because you guys definitely weren't on that track before my moms stepped in." Braxton grabbed the bottle of pills and tossed them to Salem, "Two. Now." Salem rolled his eyes and took two of the ibuprofen.

"Thank god you entered our life Brax," Zeek said, "Stabilizing influence."

Braxton rolled his eyes, "And the only thing that acted as a conscience to you three."

"Yeah," Adrain said. "Without you we'd all be in jail by now."

"Only took you ten years to realize that one huh?" Braxton asked.

"Yep!" Adrian said, "Like it or not Braxton. We are still three idiots and despite the fact that me and Salem have boyfriends, we are still your responsibility."

"Delightful," Braxton said, "I swear you three are going to get me killed."

Salem rolled his eyes, "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"It would be!" Lucas said, "None of us can handle you three."

"Braxton would beat our asses even as a ghost," Zeek said, "We can't get rid of him now. Not that we want to."

"Ezekial, you are so lucky that I love you. Actually that goes to all of you," Braxton said.

"I know."

Lucas rolled his eyes, "Braxton if you ever leave take those three with you."

"You act like you wouldn't track me down and force me to come back," Braxton said.

"We have attachment issues okay!" Maddox said. Braxton smiled at Maddox and rolled his eyes. The group continued talking for the rest of the night, Salem and Micheal slowly making their way through the pot of coffee which amused Gabe and Braxton. Eventually, they began dozing off one by one between midnight and 1am. 

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