Flight of the Night (How To T...

By Wolfmoon22

14.1K 484 52

Deep in the heart of Berk two Night Furies are born to two very proud parents. However their lives aren't wha... More

Night Furies
New Life and New Skills
Dangers Lurking All Around
Horrific Truth
Flying Lessons with Night Furies
Memories Awakening
Lost Innocence
Proven Innocent
Heart Of A Wolf
Wolf Blood Flows
Queen's Orders
Beginnings Of Battle
Never Ending Battle
Help But Is It Too Late?
Closer Than Friends
Land Hunting
Dragons Over Wolves
Decesions Adding Up
Losing a Friend
Splitting Up
Grief Weighing Hard
Familes Torn
Taking Everything Away
She's Gone

Wolf Friends

389 16 2
By Wolfmoon22

Stormchaser tried to follow her brother but she couldn't. She just wasn't fast enough. She kept going though until she neared a part of the forest she had never been before. It smelled of new creatures and fear sliced through her. She wasn't sure if she should be there. She didn't want another Woolly Howl or any other dragon to leap out at her.

She kept forward until she saw something furry and canine standing in front of her. It was almost russet colored with a white chest and under it's muzzle. It's eyes were sharp and yellow. She smiled inwardly as she saw it stalking around, sniffing the air as it tried to scent something.

"Scent anything Smolder Moon?"

The russet she-wolf turned her head and shook it. "No sorry Magpie Dive." A black and white wolf stepped out, it's eyes the color of the night sky.

"That's alright. Prey is scarce everywhere right now," she sighed as she hung her head. "Let's get back to camp and inform alpha. He'll want to know."

Smolder Moon nodded before she stood stiff. "I'll catch up with you. I promised the she-wolves I'd find some sweet berries for their pups."

Magpie Dive nodded reluctantly. "Alright but be back as soon as you're finished." She darted forward, her black and white pelt streaking the landscape.

Smolder Moon turned her head in the direction of Stormchaser. Stormchaser gasped a bit and lowered down behind the fallen tree. However Nakora was continuing forward, her paws gingerly sliding over the grass. She was trained to stalk and take down prey five times her size. If something was hiding behind the log that she could eat she was going to take it down.

Stormchaser held her breath before Smolder Moon as she leaped over the log and braced her muscles toward Stormchaser. When she realized Stormchaser was a dragon she gasped and lowered down, terror showing in her eyes. "Y-You're a dragon," Smolder Moon stammered.

Stormchaser blinked her blue eyes. "It's okay," she murmured gently. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Dragons never come this deep into wolvian territory," Smolder Moon pointed out with a irritated twitch of her tail tip.

Stormchaser dipped her head. "Yeah I'm sorry. I was just looking for my brother. Have you seen him?"

Smolder Moon straightened a bit and tilted his head. "A giant Night Fury like you, sorry I haven't seen him."

Stormchaser's shoulders slumped a bit. "Er that's alright. I don't think that he was going into wolf territory." However she wouldn't put it past her brother to try. He was grieving and unstable. He could be absolutely anywhere.

"Well I'll keep my eyes open and my ears alert," assured Smolder Moon as she twitched her ears upright. She stood rigid for a bit before she seemed to perk up. "Where are my manners?" She leaned forward and dipped her head. "I'm Smolder Moon, daughter of Running Bear and Moss Fire. I'm off the North Star Pack."

Stormchaser dipped her head a bit, trying to copy the wolf's movements. "I'm Stormchaser. I don't have a pack but I live with my mother, Swiftstream, and my brother, Darkflight."

Smolder Moon smiled. "I have a sister named Russet Feather. She's back at camp though."

Stormchaser smiled a bit before she heard the sound of a yowl or a snarl. She realized it was Darkflight. Darkflight pushed out of the bushes and bounded toward his sister. "What are you doing with a wolf," he spat as he pointed to Smolder Moon.

Smolder Moon drew back at his tone. Stormchaser stepped in front of Smolder Moon and narrowed her eyes at her brother. "I was actually looking for you. I thought that you might have ventured here."

Darkflight clapped his teeth together. "Let's go Stormchaser. You found me and we should be getting back before mom has our hides."

The way he said that made Stormchaser shiver. She turned her head to look at Smolder Moon. "I suppose I'll see you around."

Smolder Moon nodded. "Yes I'd love to see you again soon Stormchaser. Have safe travels home." She waved her paw at Stormchaser in saying farewell.

Stormchaser waved her wing before she bounded off after her brother, trying to fly a bit but just ended up nearly falling on her face.

Smolder Moon tucked backwards and smiled behind her. Pride surged through her. She had talked to a Night Fury! They weren't as bad as her parents had warned her.

She turned and romped toward camp. She hadn't gotten far before a blur or russet fur leaped out and nearly tackled her to the ground. She gasped in shock as she saw her sister, who looked to be a perfect copy of her, standing on top of her, holding her down. She let out a growl of frustration and twitched under her sister's firm paws. Her white chest fur seemed to smother her.

"Get up you big lug," she growled as she finally found her strength and pushed her sister off of her gently. She then pushed herself to her paws and smiled. "I didn't even know you were there."

Russet Feather rolled her eyes. "No of course not. I'm becoming an excellent tracker!"

"Yes you are," rumbled Smolder Moon as she brushed her muzzle across her sister's cheek.

Russet Feather's eyes suddenly turned serious and she looked away. "What were you doing just now?"

Smolder Moon's heart leaped in her chest. "Patrolling. Magpie Dive told me to," she explained quickly, a bit too quickly for Zerock.

Russet Feather narrowed her eyes. "Don't lie to me Smolder Moon. I saw you talking to those two Night Furies. Don't you know how dangerous dragons are?"

Smolder Moon frowned before nodding vigorously. "They're not like that. They were actually really nice. The one was a bit testy but he seemed nice enough. The other one, Stormchaser, was amazing."

"You made friends with them," gasped Russet Feather as she slumped down, not seeming to know what to do with herself. "That's even worse!"

"There's nothing wrong with it Russet Feahter," assured Smolder Moon as she looked her sister up and down. "I just made friends with them. It's not like I did anything wrong."

Russet Feather had no idea what to say to her sister. "I'm still not convinced that it's safe. What if they turn on you?"

Smolder Moon seemed shocked at the accusation. "They would never! Don't say something like that Russet Feather." She couldn't believe her sister would ever suggest that.

Russet Feather opened her mouth to say something but before she could say something Magpie Dive pushed forward and looked at the two sisters. "Is everything alright here?"

The two nodded vigorously. "Yes," the barked together before looking at each other, pleading the other to say something next. Instead they just stood rigid and couldn't think of anything else.

Magpie Dive just frowned. "Well let's get back to camp. I think that Alpha has an announcement he wants everyone to hear."

The sisters pushed forward and bounded after the she-wolf, not saying anything else about their ordeal.

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