The Burnout and the Cheerlead...

By Bella8660

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Jackie and Hyde, they made each other happy, they made each other better. But after what happened in Chicago... More

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part ten
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Chapter fourteen

Part nine

422 15 4
By Bella8660

Later that day

Point place, Wisconsin

Abonded playground


After Hyde left Eric in the basement he drove around for a while until he found himself at an abondoned playground he used to go to as a kid when his mom and Bud would fight, when his mom brought a new guy home, or when they were drinking way to much. As soon as he got there he saw her. She was sitting on one of the swings. She noticed him and stood up.

"Stev-Hyde," she corrected.

She should have known he would come here. When he brought her here for the first time it was when her dad went to prison and he told her to come here everytime she was upset and she did. But I guess apart of her forgot that he came here too.

"Jackie, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Well, when you showed me this place for the first time I liked it so I come here when I'm upset," she explained.

He remebered that day well. It was the day after he shaved his beard and Jackie was still pretty upset, so he deicided to bring her here. He told her why he brought her here and then he let her cry for a bit. Normally he got uncomfortable but he wanted to be there for Jackie. He wanted to be her shoulder to cry on. He missed those days. He remebered that after they finished talking they slept together in his car and it was really good. She was the only girl he would do it with in that car without feeling wrong.

"I'm going to leave," she said, she started to walk away but he grabbed her wrist.

"Stay," he said. She nodded and they went over to the swings and sat there for a few minutes in silence. "Are you ok?" he asked her.

"Yep," she said.

"Do you want a beer?' he asked. She remeber he always had a few under the seat in his car in case of emergencies.

"Sure," she said and he went to his car and grabbed one for him and one for her. They opened them and both took long sips.

"I didn't just use you last night," he said, breaking the silence.

"I just don't get it then, because you sleep with me but then you say we're the same old thing I'm not going to just be someone for you to sleep with when you want to," she said. She was surprisingly calm while she was talking.

"Jackie, I just I wanted to be with you but I can't be with you to give you what I want," he said.

"You know, I made a checklist while I was with Fez of the perfect guy and he checked all of the boxes but he didn't feel like the right person," she said.

"I just cant give you anything close to the life you want." he said.

"Can we not fight right now?" she asked.

She just couldn't deal with another fight. She already felt tired and she just wanted to sit there and drink beer with him as company even if they weren't talking.

"Whatever man," he said and he took another sip of the beer. They stayed there for what felt like forver. Just in silcence but for some reason it helped them both and made each other feel better just being together even if they weren't talking.

After they were done they went their serpate ways. Hyde went back to Eric's and Jackie went to her apartment. She debated calling him but she knew that she couldn't. She didn't have any idea what to say to him. I mean they sat for hours in silence so he obviously didn't have anything to say.

But he did. He had so much to say. But he couldn't think of thw words to say. He was never good with words. Especially when it came to Jackie. He went straight to his room because even if someone was in the basement the last thing he wanted to do was talk.

sorry! i know this chapter is short but i just wanted to thank you all for the love!

i also wanted to say that i have been thinking of adding some more stories and i do want some suggestions if you all are willing to give any!!

i have some ideas for the following, a fremione story (harry potter), dramione (harry potter), a collection of harry potter one shots, another jackie and hyde story, a story about six kids who get struck by lighting and develop powers, a story about disney characters children's, or a story about a girl with secret powers and a boy who wants to know her secret.

sorry if that was confusing!!

xoxo bella💗

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