The Thoughts Between Us // CH...

By HumanVariant

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Covers 13 REASONS WHY : SEASON 4 Previously called 'Don't Break My Heart'. [Not just a Love Story.] What if i... More



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By HumanVariant


If I say I'm nervous, it would be an understatement.

I had just spent a whole hour after school going through my closet and trying to decide what I should wear tonight.

It's just Winston, so why am I taking this much efforts?

Because I care about what he thinks of me.

Wow, I didn't realise I have started talking to myself too.

Winston himself had asked me out today  and even if he didn't say it was a date, deep down I wanted it to be.

I like Winston, yes, and I'm not afraid to admit it to myself. I don't know what Winston thinks of me now, but he did gave a signal during the college tour.

And I'm hoping he hasn't changed his mind since.

Sighing to myself, I checked my alarm clock on the bedside table. It was just half past four, and Winston had said he will pick me up at exact 6'o clock.

I have choosen two final outfits that I could wear in the evening, and this was a great deal when you have mostly dark colour clothes which scream depression.

But now I had time to do my favourite thing.

Take a nap.

Unlike at night, I actually don't get any bad dreams whenever I took naps in daytime. So I always try to get some sleep during the day.

I set an alarm for half past five, layed down on my bed and closed my eyes. But being a high school student, you don't usually fall asleep right away because there are things you are overthinking about.

My thoughts drifted towards something that happened in the library today.

Winston and I had decided to study Spanish in library during our free period, and that's what we were doing when Clay decided to make an appearance.

I had seen Ani earlier where she sat at the nearby table, so he must've came to meet her. Then out of nowhere, Clay came walking towards Winston, a determined look clear on his face.

He stopped infront of Winston, then realised something and went towards a girl who was sitting on the ground. Her phone was ringing, which Clay abruptly grabbed from her hands and yelled 'Got you!' at her.

It was really weird of Clay to do that, and Ani gave an shitty explanation that Clay gets annoyed when someone breaks the no-cellphones in the library rule.

But I don't believe that.

I don't really know what was up with Clay. This semester is getting really weird with him acting like this. He acts normal most of the times, but then does something that is so not expected from him.

Jessica and Justin breaking up, Tyler hiding something, Tony fighting, Charlie being friendly with Estela, Zach's not giving a fuck about anything, Clay's random acts, and then here was I confused about which gender I exactly like.

Seems like Ani is the only one having a normal semester.

I don't know when I exactly felt asleep, but the next thing I remember was waking up to my phone ringing.

Winston was calling me, and when I saw the time I realised there were only ten minutes remaining for 6 pm.

"Hey, Winston," I said, checking my alarm clock which I had snoozed in my sleep. "What's up?"

"You sound sleepy." He replied, chuckling to himself. "Did I wake you up? We could do this someday later if you want."

"No, it's okay." I hurriedly said. "I was already awake."

"As you say." I could actually hear the amusement in his voice. "I just called to inform you that I am leaving my house now. Be there in ten."

"Yeah, see ya then."

Those 10 minutes were one of my fastest of getting ready. I selected one of the two outfits, which was a maroonish long-sleeved shirt and my regular black jeans.

Don't judge, this is the best I can do for a date.

It's not a date, Alex.

I heard a car honk outside, as I got my shoes tied properly and ran downstairs.

"Hey, Mom," I greeted my mother, who was in the kitchen and also ready for her nightshift at the hospital. "I am going out with a friend. Will probably eat outside, so can you tell Dad to not waitup for me?"

"Do I know this friend?" Mom asked, crossing her arms. "Is it Tyler or Zach?"

"Uhm... No, actually. He is a new friend. His name's Winston."

"Hmm, okay then."  Mom nodded, then shrugged. "I'll tell your father. Be back soon though, and don't eat any sugar."


I got out of my house to see Winston's car parked right infront. I could see him through the window as I got nearer, and he also gave me a lopsided smile.

"Hey." Winston greeted, as I finally got in his car and got my seatbelt on. "You made it on time. I really thought you would make me wait."

"Never." I replied, smiling at him as he started the car. "You good with going bowling, right?"

We had discussed it in the library earlier, and he also agreed to go bowling first and then dinner later.

"As I said before," He glanced at me sideways. "I'm not that good at the game, but I'll try."

I nodded, as I just gazed at the passing houses through the window.

"You mind if I play something on my player?" He asked me, but I just shrugged in reply and indicated to go ahead.

Winston started going through his playlist, as I, surprise surprise, started checking him out.

He was wearing a blue polo t-shirt underneath a gray woolen jacket. His messy hair were styled neatly, and they looked really good on his sharp face structure.

Overall, he looked hot.

After a Taylor Swift song started playing, he continued driving to the mall as we both settled in a comfortable silence.

I kept glancing at Winston sideways, more times than Taylor Swift said 'ever' in her song. I noticed him looking at me too, so maybe the feelings were still there.

Once we reached the mall, we went straight to the bowling area and got our shoes on. This game was my favourite, and I will say that I'm a pro at it. That's why I suggested to come here.

"Whoever looses will buy dinner." Winston challenged, as I smirked to myself. "Deal?"

I didn't reply, just grabbed a ball and stood infront of the lane assigned to us. Winston leaned against the sofa behind.

A R&B song was playing through the speakers as I got ready to with my first ball.

I rolled the ball on the lane, and it successfully knocked down all the pins.


I turned around to face Winston with my arms wide spread, as I gave him a challenging smile.

"Okay." He said, straightening himself up and grabbing another ball."If I had known you were so good at this stupid game, I never would have agreed to it."

"Yeah, you know," I replied, chuckling to myself and leaning against the sofa. "It's kinda like a lower-class sport. I think that's the problem."

He got ready with the ball in hand, but I knew that it wasn't possible to shot all the pins down by just looking at his posture.

Yeah, I was that much of a pro.

"You wasted all your time at Hillcrest learning, what, polo?" I asked jokingly.

"And cricket!" He replied, as he took a small run and rolled the ball with a grunt.

As I expected, the ball rolled towards left a little bit and the pins on right were still left standing.

Winston pouted as he faced me and I just looked at him in amusement.

"After being there," I asked, as he took another ball in hand. "I guess Liberty must seem pretty boring, huh?"

Hillcrest was a high class school, with their own uniforms and school song. Pretty interesting, if you ask me.

While Liberty was just a local public school where some students commit suicide while others cover up murder. So boring.

"The opposite, actually." He replied. "I mean, I never saw anyone melt down
over a phone ringing at Hillcrest."


I just nodded as he rolled his second ball which didn't hit any pins.

"Yeah, that was, um..." To be honest, I didn't know what to say. "It was definitely not boring. I'll give you that."

"You're pretty close to them, right?" He asked, walking closer. "Clay, I mean, what was that about?"

"Oh, that..." I said. "It's just Clay being Clay. He can be pretty intense sometimes."

It was my turn again, and I got up and grabbed another ball. It rolled down the lane and knocked down all the pins again.

"Ha! Come on." Winston exclaimed, still not believing I was actually this good in bowling. "All right, guess I'm buying dinner."

"Yeah, okay." I nodded, then remembered something that I had been thinking about.

"So, I was thinking, um..." I continued, walking towards him. "...about the dance."

He just nodded so I continued talking.

"You know, since you're gonna be there already anyway, I thought maybe, I don't know, like, I could keep you company?"

Winston was just observing me as I was talking, and I leaned beside him.

"I don't know. We could make fun of all the people dancing."

Yup, this was my lame attempt of asking someone out.

"Sure." Winston agreed. "Yeah, we could hang out."

"Okay. I mean, just 'cause the whole thing is bullshit doesn't mean that we shouldn't still go, right? Like for social commentary purposes? Uh... I guess, as friends?"

I should really stop talking. Why was I being so nervous? I wasn't this nervous when I was with Jessica.

"Absolutely." He agreed, as I also looked at him. "Friends."


I was looking at him, his adoring face as he was slightly nodding.

"Cool." He repeated. "Cool."

It was now or never.

So I took my chance, leaned forward and kissed him.

And he kissed me back.

The kiss was short, but sweet. His lips felt soft against mine, and I wanted to just continue kissing him.

I pulled away and gasped at the fact that I've actually did something like this.

First Zach, now Winston? I was having a happening last semester.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to him and looked down in shame.

"I'm not." He said, as I looked back at him in surprise. "I've been waiting for you to do that all night."

I slightly smiled and then we kissed again.

And again.

And again.



Okay first, I am apologizing for this long delay.

My internet was down for 3 days after the bad weather that hit our city last week. That's why I couldn't update early.

So enjoy this chapter and the next update that will come in 2 days :)

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