By amberromanx

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BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS SERIES BOOK 1 HIS HAZEL EYE WITCH Billionaire bad boy Uche Okoha had sworn off relations... More

Part 3


45 6 0
By amberromanx


As she drove home she couldn't understand her feelings. She didn't know if it was triumph or dismay. Agreeing to become Uche's wife was stupid. He made it obvious he was getting married to her just to punish her for dumping him. She didn't know he was that twisted. She wasn't aware she was crying till her vision blurred with the warm liquid thinking about what she had lost and wasn't going to get it back anymore, not when he looked at her with so much coldness in his eyes. It was not fair the way he was taking everything. She was the victim and should be the one with all the coldness.

Nma got home from work quite early, earlier than usual and she also went for grocery shopping. She wanted to make a good dinner for herself and not because Uche was coming over she told herself again and again. She tried to convince herself she needed a break after the trauma of the day before.

She wanted to make rice, beans, stew, with fried plantain and salad just the way Uche loved it, but she caught herself,

"I'm not cooking to impress Uche" she said to herself firmly. As she washed the beans she could hear her heart calling her all kinds of names for refusing to admit that she was cooking for Uche after all she didn't eat beans and she had not touched fried plantains since her early teens but Uche would never touch rice and stew without beans or fried plantains. Alright she agreed she was cooking for Uche but not because she still cared for him, she was cooking to show him some appreciation for helping her out. Felix and Tessy didn't need to worry any longer about the coming baby or about her. Felix wasn't all too happy when she broke the news happily to him that she and Uche were back together. He suspected that something was wrong, she had seen him practically sniffing the air for trouble and then his next question surprised her.

"Is he forcing you?" thank God she was anticipating the question so acted shocked and offended and he believed her

"Maybe I should go into acting next" she joked and laughed at her own joke. She glanced at her watch, six thirty, Uche would be here any minute, and she began to hurry. When the stew was cooking she decided to dash into the bathroom for a quick shower and a new dress, she didn't want to face Uche as she was looking, sweaty and tired. She felt she needed all her wits about her if she was going to face him squarely. She didn't want to admit to herself that she wanted to look fresh and beautiful for him. It'd been so long since she had taken time to look beautiful not since they broke up.

"It is not true" she snapped at herself "I'm not dressing up for Uche; I just want to be on the same level with him" she concluded, rushing into her bedroom.

She wore a forest green chiffon flowing skirt on a sea green body suit. She added just lip gloss to her lips and brushed out her hair, then slipped her feet into green flat slippers and rushed out to the kitchen.

When she got to the kitchen, she hurriedly switched off the cooker and began to dish the food. Each one she dished, she carried it to the living room where there was a small dining area. When she was done, she glanced at her watch and it was half past seven, he might not come after all, she sighed with disappointment. She looked at the dining table and the dishes she had taken time to prepare and she felt like crying. All these trouble taken in vain, she sighed. She wanted to throw the whole dishes away and she couldn't stop calling herself a thousand different kinds fool for wasting time trying to impress a man who couldn't care less about her.

Just then the door bell rang and her heart skipped a beat, she straightened her dress and ran her fingers through her hair. The door bell rang again, she was confused. She very much wanted a look in the mirror to be sure that she looked good enough but the door bell rang again and she shook her head in defeat and hurried to open the door and decided she was going to fix a mirror in living room somewhere. She opened the door only to find Mike smiling down at her. Her face fell and she couldn't stop her disappointment from showing.

How did he know her address? She wondered in shock

"Wait, I know I am not who you are expecting but you can pretend for five seconds and smile at me" said Mike jovially

"Who gave you my address?" she asked instead

"Got it from Felix, he said you needed some cheering up?" explained Mike.

"Well....." she hesitated, could he be the hacker who hacked her account? If he was, would he boldly come to her house a day after doing so? Was it wise letting him into her home, she thought wishing Uche would come quickly.

"Say yes, it doesn't take anything away from you and besides you can ask me to leave whenever you want to" he said cutting into her thoughts

"Alright come in" she accepted and moving out of the way to let him in cautiously, Maybe talking to him would help her know if he was the hacker or not.

"This place smells heavenly, what's cooking?"

"Nothing much" she quickly answered, too quickly because she didn't want this sharp witted smooth talker making her invite him to dinner. Suddenly she wanted him to leave, she could imagine what would happen if Uche met him in her house. She didn't want a repeat of Ken's episode.

"There is no way I am inviting you to dinner fits your facial expression better" he laughed.

"Actually I am expecting someone, I cooked for two only"

"Don't tell me you've taken another man when I put in my application first"

"I have not taken another man, Uche and I are back together" she explained to him

"Uche, is he not your ex, the mean, rich monster"

Nma became offended at the name calling "He is no longer my ex and there is no way he is a monster, rich yes" yes he is, she said to herself. Why was she defending him?

"I am shattered" he said lightly "Anyway let's leave Uche out of this, I came to take you dancing at the club"

"It is very obvious that I cannot go, Uche will be here any minute" she replied

"Yes I know but, he doesn't own you, you are an independent woman and as far as I can see you should makes your choices"

"As an independent woman I should honor my words, I promised the man I love that I am going to cook him his favorite meal and moreover clubbing is not my thing"

The door bell rang and she went to open it.

"Sorry I'm late" Uche said as soon as she opened the door.

"No problem, come in"

Uche came in stopped short as he saw Mike relaxing on a cushion.

"Hi! We meet again" greeted Mike with smiles.

Uche ignored him and turned to Nma in anger. "What is he doing here?"

"He just came to visit" she answered

He turned back to Mike with a glare "leave before I throw you out and never dream of coming back here again"

"Uche! Mike is like family to Felix" Nma said in shock

"Sorry honey but I am not in the mood for a family get together right now"

"Oh! Don't worry, I will just leave" Mike interjected standing up "But think about what I told you, you are an independent woman, don't let no body push you around" with that he left.

"I hope you are now satisfied with yourself and your action" she fumed

"I was only trying to save you from him" he told her quietly.

"What makes you think I needed any saving from him, if there is anybody I need to be saved from, it is you?"

"Now listen, I can smell his kind from a distance, how sure are that he is not the one who hacked your account?"

She glared at him because he was right.

"Besides his kind have a strong radar for rich women. Have you told him about your bankruptcy?

She stared at him blankly

"I guess you haven't but tell him and see if you will see him anywhere around you again"

"Yet you didn't have to be so rude" she censured calmly

"I did not come here to discuss Solomon or David or whatever his name is, I came to see you" he interjected. He drew her into his hands and gave her a good kiss.

"What's cooking?" he asked when he let her go "I am really hungry" he continued sniffling the air.

"I made dinner, nothing really that much but you can stay if you want to" replied nervously

Uche walked to the dinning table and started opening dishes. "You call this nothing much. You cooked for two, me or David?

"I was expecting you, do the math"

"How lucky then that David didn't talk you into giving him my share" he said mockingly

"Are you implying I am hare brained?"

"Not in the least way, but that looks like David would do"

"His name is Mike! Don't tell me you are suffering lapses in your memory"

"I can only think food now"

She smiled tiredly, it was no use arguing with the man, he was so impossible when he wanted to, she thought.

"I made dinner" she began to rearrange the dishes nervously

"Leave the dishes as they are, you are not nervous are you?"

"I am not nervous" she snapped at him and sat down, she opened one of the dishes, revealing the contents

he whistled at the content of the dish "Have you spoken to Felix?"

"Yes I have"

"I take it he wasn't overjoyed"

"Everyone is not supposed to like you and not when you have given them little reason to do so"

"I guess you are right... I also spoke to him" he told her

She looked up startled "I see"

"He told me about your mother"

"So he did"

"Now I see what he was worried about, I guess you are still in shock realizing she is really your mother after years of idolizing her"

"I am not in shock; it is just that I am so used to not having a mother that I don't care for one now"

"She is your mother; it is never too late..."

"And it is my business, please if you have nothing else to discus..."

"Felix agreed to stand with us on Friday."

"For what?" then understanding dawned on her. The man was moving too fast for her.

"You are not paying attention"

" Nma asked alarmed. "Which Friday?"

"This coming Friday to be precise" he enlightened her eating cheerfully, he was enjoying her reaction it was just as he had imagined.

"You can't be serious! I have my fashion show on Saturday!" she shouted at him.

"I am not asking you to cancel your show now, am I?"

"It is not possible; I don't have the time..."

"You had best make the time or I will withdraw my help"

"Uche you can't do this to me, I have things that can't be canceled. This exhibition means so much to me. Don't you care that it does?"

"We are going to get married on Friday and it is very simple what you would do, find something appropriate to wear, a car will be sent to pick you. We will have a small reception at my house afterwards. Your things mostly your clothes would be moved by Friday morning. It is very simple and you have the rest of Saturday for your exhibition"

Calm down, calm down, she cautioned herself. This was not the time to disagree with him. She needed him more than he did her. He had won, it was like the guy knew what she was planning for him. He was way too smart for her. Nma knew she had been outplayed by the master of the game. She heaved an inward sigh and smiled at him. Another opportunity would come. She could probably divorce him before he could blink an eye.

"Tessy will be thrilled, but I can't say for Felix" she was sure he must be surprised at how calm she was taking it all, she thought. There was no need to protest anymore, he had the upper hand then and he knew it.

"So it is clear, we have an understanding"

"Well understood" she replied calmly "I only have one question" she stared him firmly.

"Fair enough, what is the question?"

"Why the rush?" she asked

"One day I believe I'll let you know" he answered dropping his fork and knife and wiped his mouth.

Nma who had been finding it difficult to eat found an excuse to stop eating and stood up with him.

"I will give you a call tomorrow to finalize things" Uche said kissing her softly and started towards the door.

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