By amberromanx

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BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS SERIES BOOK 1 HIS HAZEL EYE WITCH Billionaire bad boy Uche Okoha had sworn off relations... More

Part 3


44 5 0
By amberromanx


Nma woke up at the sound of the birds singing. It was a beautiful dawn and the rising sun was splendid but she turned a blind eye to it.

"I slept round the clock" she muttered in surprise and mild disgust. It was as if the turmoil inside her got the better of her and her body decided to take a rest whether she wanted or not.

She moved to bathroom. She had a refreshing shower and dressed in dark blue skirt suit and pulled her hair tightly behind her enhancing her hazel eyes.

When she was set to go, she searched for her car keys where she usually kept them and didn't find them, alarmed she began to look for it furiously, at the back of her mind was a friend mentioning that bad things came in threesome. She didn't want the missing car keys to be the number three. Then it dawned on her that her car was at her store. She heaved a sigh of relief and actually laughed at her thoughts.

She walked into the living room and glanced at her watch impatiently.

"I could as well have breakfast" she told herself but the thought of food was the last thing on her mind. She could only think about her plans and she couldn't wait to act on them. Come rain or shine, she would have her fashion show, she vowed.

And then she heard the sounds of cars driving in and she ran to the window to see. She saw two cars, one was Felix's and the other her own and she smiled. This was a miracle; she thought and hurried to open the door before they could knock. She was touched by Tessy puffed up eyes. She had been crying for her.

"Oh Nma! I just heard" she cried pulling her into her arms. Nma embraced her, receiving her comfort gratefully before moving out of the way to let them in. Nma sat down and Tessy sat beside her sniffling softly while Felix hovered over them.

"I couldn't believe it when I heard" sobbed Tessy "How could Uche have done this?"

It was difficult to know who needed consoling between the two of them, Nma thought. Tessy was sobbing uncontrollably that she had put her hands around her to console her.

"Cut it out Tessy" Felix roared "It is Nma who needs comforting, not you"

"I'm sorry" she said to Nma "But it is all so painful when I think there will be no wedding"

Nma wanted to laugh, for Tessy her break up with Uche was the tragedy and losing all her money didn't come into play.

Tessy had already learnt from her husband that Nma was in denial about her mother so she thought it would be best not to talk about it then. To her loosing Uche was more brutal, Nma was like a daughter to her, and she had planned on enjoying every bit of planning her wedding like she would her own daughter. If only Felix had allowed her to come see Nma last night, she thought, she had a perfect solution for all her problem.

"I wanted to come last night when I heard but Felix wouldn't let me" she complained looking at her husband angrily.

"He was right, I was dead to the world then" said Nma trying to sound cheerful.

"But I know how painful it would have been for you to stay here alone; you are supposed to be surrounded by family"

"I will survive Tessy, I am a survivor and besides this is just a trial, it will come to an end" she smiled

"But you two will make up again, what really happened?" Tessy asked even as her husband frowned at her.

Nma sighed; she didn't want to talk about Uche or making up with him especially not this morning.

"It is over for good Tessy".

"Tessy!" Felix cut in sharply. "I am sure Nma has more important things pressing on her mind"

Nma smiled gratefully at Felix preparing her speech.

"But she loves him and still does. She would have been a very happy woman with him. I mean what could be more important than that. Money can come and go easily but when one looses a true love, she loses a part of herself forever"

"If Uche's love was true, he wouldn't have cheated on me" replied Nma

"Cheated on you!" the two of them turned to look at her.

"With Angela, look I don't want to talk about this now, like Felix rightly said, I have more pressing things on my mind"

"From all you told me about that lying scoundrel Angela, I believe there is no length she wouldn't have gone to have him and he is only a man"

"We are not here to resolve the issue between Nma and Uche "

"Felix I have a plan" Nma interjected quickly before Tessy could say anything more.

"What plan?"

"I am going to borrow some money with my house"

"You cannot do that? Said Felix

"Why Felix, it seems the only choice we have. All I want to know is where I can borrow with a considerably low interest rate"

"I would say that is where Uche Okoha comes in" said Tessy. "I mean Finance houses would take too long and they are very risky, if you don't pay back at the stipulated time, the house is gone. Money lenders, double risky their interest rates are as high as Kilimanjaro but Uche wouldn't ask for any interest at all"

"Tessy please let us talk about this first before solution" her husband said exasperated.

"You can't borrow with this house, I know that deep inside you don't want to and I have no reason except that you might end up losing the house, I know how proud your father was of it"

"Felix let me take the risk, as you can see I am penniless so what is the use of owning a property, is it not to fall back on in the times of trouble" asked Nma reasonably

"Yes it is but this one is out of question"

"Why? Give me a good reason or I am going ahead with my plans" Nma threatened.

Felix stood up confused, how was he going to tell her? He asked himself. He couldn't do this, not after Amber and the way she reacted. She might be pretending that she didn't overhear their conversation but he knew she was still in shock. This one might take her over the board and besides he promised her father that he would never let her feel the heat of it. He turned to face her

"Out with it Felix! It is another bad news isn't it? Don't worry; I have been expecting bad news number three. What could be worse than losing your love and all your money?

"Oh my!" Tessy exclaimed "I totally forgot" she said getting a hard stare from her husband.

"This house is already on mortgage" announced Felix sitting down.

Nma stared at him like he suddenly grew horns "It can't be? When? Who mortgaged it Felix?

"Your father did?"

"Daddy did?" she asked confused "How come he never told me?"

Nma didn't want to believe it but Felix would not lie to her, she thought. Oh he would she accepted, he had been lying about Amber, lying to her all these years she thought. Anyway she had more pressing issues to worry about and Amber was not one of them.

"He was very sorry to die without offsetting the debt and you were too young then, so he made me promise never to tell you"

"How could he have done such a thing and why did you agree? Who did you expect to pay back the debt? Cried Nma "How did you expect me to pay back a debt I don't know about? Or was the debt supposed to pay back itself"

"He made me also promise to pay it back and I agreed" replied Felix.

"How could you have agreed? She asked perplexed and almost close to tears with frustration. "Where were you going to get the money? By stealing?" she asked hysterically.

"It was at his death bed and I didn't think it through, you were so young and grieving, there was no way I was going to burden you with it, not with your father dying"

Nma was confused, Felix wasn't making any sense.

"when Daddy died, the house could have been taken away by the bank, why didn't they" she stated the obvious

"I have been paying it as best as I can but am not sure"

Nma immediately became contrite, she had been so engrossed in my own troubles and she didn't stop to think about his! Oh no! This whole thing was becoming too much. She sobbed and she felt Tessy's comforting hands around her.

"And if something is not done fast enough, we would lose the house"

"Not another one Felix please!" she looked up pleading with her eyes.

"The bank wrote me last month informing me that they would take over by next week Wednesday if we didn't pay up but I didn't bat an eyelid because I thought with you getting married, I would swallow my pride and enter a deal with your husband"

Nma stared at him speechless

"Uche is the answer, I am not asking you to make up with him, only ask for help at least for the house. You know you can move in with us but I know you will not be happy loosing this house" said Tessy anxiously

Nma willed herself to stop crying, crying wouldn't solve any problem.

"Your mother could help" Felix couldn't believe he said that to her and they waited to hear her reaction

"My mother left when I was baby, it would be impossible to ask her"

"It is time you accept the fact that your mother is back"

"I am sure I would be shouting for Joy soon if that is the case"

"She was never really far Nma, I don't know if I should say this, but it was her who helped start up NMA in the first place"

Nma whirled around to look at him, her eyes filled with shock, then livid with anger.

"The money you said a friend helped you raise"

"I went to her, when there was nowhere else to turn to"

Nma quietly sat down "Tessy, did you know that she was my mother?"

Tessy hesitated for some time "Yes I knew and we tried to tell you but it was never really easy..."

"You said she was never really far, how near was she?"

"I am sure it would be better to talk to her and let her tell you, only she is in the best position to explain herself"

"I trusted the two of you with my life, how could you lie to me about something like this"

Tessy stood up to go her but she swayed and nearly fell but her husband caught her. Nma looked up alarmed

"Are you alright?"

"Tessy is pregnant now of all times" said Felix angrily

Tessy looked at him, hurt at the tone of his voice "Felix none of this is our baby's fault"

"I am sorry darling, I didn't mean to sound like that but it is just that a man has got let his frustration out somehow"

"You are pregnant?" asked Nma "At least there is one good news" with all that had happened, she was genuinely happy for Tessy and Felix. For years they had waited to have a baby of their own. It was so painful because she knew if anyone deserved to be a mother, it was Tessy. She would never abandon her child no matter what.

Nma smiled at Tessy 'It would be great to have a baby around. I am sure I will make a great aunt"

"I don't know how great it is going to be with the loss of money and everything that is happening"

Then it dawned on Nma how much she needed help. It was not just for her but for this couple who had always been there for her. She felt that even with all had happened to her that it was still up to her help them. And For the first time she seriously considered going to Uche for help.

"Come on, things would be better by the time the baby is born" Nma assured her.

The three of them grew quiet each lost their thought.

What do I do to help, Nma asked herself silently. How was she going to save her house, have her fashion show and turn things around by the time Tessy's baby comes? Uche Okoha still remained the only answer in her mind. But how was she going to go to him after all that had happened between them, she sighed.

Tessy was pregnant for the first time. Without Tessy's condition, she would have managed just fine without going to Uche for help. She looked at them, looking very worried. This couple gave her more than their love and it was her turn to help them, she wasn't going to let her pride stand in the way of helping them.

Yes Uche Okoha was the answer, she agreed. He should help her for old time sake, after all he was known as a very kind and generous man. She was sure that when she told him of her predicament, he would surely help her, she thought.

Tessy's sigh cut into her thoughts and she glanced her way. Without a second thought, she made up her mind to see Uche that same day. This was her family, she thought,

"There was no shame in taking care of your own" she concluded

"I think we should leave now and don't worry, don't think too much. I will find a solution somehow"

She smiled at them "The same goes for you and Tessy, don't you dare worry about the baby" she told her. "Things will turn around for the better soon. This baby is going to be the luckiest baby ever" she assured Tessy.

"I have faith" Tessy said "Trials are God's way of knowing if we are prepared for the next level of blessings he has in store for us. It is you I am worried about" they hugged each other.

"I have made up my mind to meet Uche, not to make up with him but to solicit for help, so don't get your romantic mind up" she teased her.

"It is a beginning" smiled Tessy unrepentant.

As soon as they left, she returned to her bedroom to change out of the clothes she was wearing because it was all squeezed up. She walked into her closet looking through her dresses. She was confused, she wanted to wear something that would not be suggestive, something businesslike and at the same time, she wanted to look beautiful for him, she sighed.

"I am not going to dress up for him" she told herself firmly. She selected a coffee color leather skirt with a high slit over her right leg and marched it with a black long sleeve turtle neck cashmere top which she tucked into the skirt. She wore a strappy black sandals and matched with a black oversize purse. she let her wine color bouncy hair flow, the way Uche liked them. Then she knelt down and prayed for God to soften Uche's heart. She took another look at herself in the mirror and left.

For a few minutes, she just sat in her car and looked at her house with deep emotions. All her memories from childhood to adulthood, the good, happy and sad ones were rooted in this house.

"I can't lose this house" she muttered, "I won't" she repeated firmly. With that she started the car and reversed smoothly into the road.

Where would Uche be now? She asked herself as it just dawned on her that she didn't know exactly where to look for him. If she was lucky; she could catch him at home but she thought better of it for so many reasons; she didn't want to face that wicked house keeper again and just for today, she didn't want to be reminded of his betrayal. She could call his phone but what if he rejected her call? She decided to go the famous Okoha house. She had never been to his work place before but she was sure there wouldn't be any difficulty locating it. The place happened to be popular. And some have turned it into a tourist centre because of the famous sculpture in front of the building.

Okoha house was a glass splendid beauty, one of the tallest buildings in the area and the most expensively built. As she drove through its gates, she understood why tourist couldn't resist crowding the area and taking pictures. "They should have called it Okoha glass palace" she mused. The word House seemed such a boring name for a building so magnificent . She got to the building and lost her breath. It was not just the beautiful exotic flowers that softened the otherwise hard features of the building that caught her eyes. The culprit sat in the middle of the vast compound just before the entrance to the building proud and beautiful. It was a large fountain; it was not really the size of it that made it spectacular but the statues around it. Just behind the fountain and a bit raised up was the statue of a man in a robe with long bears. He was pouring water into the fountain with an earthen pot; he looked calm and satisfied pouring the water. Below the man and around the fountain were other statues, they were fetching water with earthen pot from the fountain while a few were scooping with their hands. They were people of all ages, sizes and sex. Nma stood there gazing with her mouth agape. The click of camera brought her back to reality and she straightened her shoulders.

"No wonder" she muttered, the place attracted tourist. She turned and found out she wasn't the only one watching. One significant thing about the statues were the attires of those fetching from the fountain, it signified different races of the world. So the one pouring the water must be God, the others represented different people from all over the world, she reasoned. No matter what race or tribe you are from, we all draw from one Supreme Source, God. She smiled with appreciation for the art.

Then she remembered her mission and she whirled around, walking briskly to the gate that secured the building barring tourists from gaining entrance. It was a bit difficult getting the security men at the gate leading to the building to let her in, not until she told them she was Uche's fiancée Nma. As she walked to the building, she scolded herself for forgetting her mission here for a moment. Though she couldn't deny the art was wonderful and it relaxed her anxious and restive mind. Kudos to the artist, whoever he was, she praised silently as she stopped in front of the smart receptionist. The whole reception looked like that of five star hotel friendly and inviting.

"Good morning" the girl greeted eagerly with smiles

"Good Morning" Nma responded

"I take it you are looking for Mr. Okoha" said the girl jovially

A surprised Nma responded "you're right but how did you know?"

"I know you, all my clothes are NMA and I see you most times when I come to shop"

Nma smiled recognizing the deep pink African print she had sewn in a corporate pencil skirt with deep pink linen fitted shirts.

"It's nice to meet someone who appreciates what I do" she smiled at the girl. "You look different, who said African prints are just for bubu" she teased the girl. Still aware that the girl somehow didn't give the correct answer to her question but she didn't want to press.

"Which floor is Mr. Okoha?"

"Pent house" the girl answered

"Thank you!" Nma began to leave.

"So when is the wedding? The girl asked smiling

Slowly Nma turned around and walked back to the girl, she was going ask.

"How did you know?" asked Nma, there wedding arrangement hadn't gotten out to the public before there break up and for that she was very grateful

The girl smiled and reduced her voice as she answered "because I am dating his best friend Stanley"

Nma stared at the girl dumbfounded, trying hard to hide her shock. She had pegged Stanley as the kind of man who would date some sophisticated executive, a top actress or model.

"I have shocked you and don't worry I am about the only staff who knows"

Not for long Nma thought, the girl was a talkative; this kind could tell her life history without being asked. She hoped Stanley didn't confide in her.

"What's the name?" Nma asked

"Ijeoma but call me IJ"

"When you come to shop next time, please take some time to say hi. It was refreshing talking to you"

"That I will do" she responded

And Nma walked away towards the elevator wondering what she would see next, first the magnificent art, the happy parrot of a girl, so what next? She asked as the elevator glided up. She wondered if God was using all these to reduce the blow of Uche's refusal. "O ye of little faith" she murmured resolving to have more faith.

The door opened and she stepped into a Spartan marbled hall way, there were some green plants at some corners, she was sure it was somebody's efforts to make it look more friendly. She walked trying not to make noise with her heels. She was beginning to understand the class of the man she was going to marry. The hall way led straight to an office and she entered and met the icy glare of a woman sitting behind the desk. The woman wore a smart cream color trouser suit that blended with walls, thought Nma

"Good morning" Nma greeted "I would like to see Uche please" she thought she would meet Star, a friendly face would do a lot of good, she thought

"Uche?" the woman asked raising one well manicured eyebrow.

"Mr. Okoha" Nma repeated realizing her mistake and wondering what was wrong with the woman.

"Are you on appointment?" the woman asked looking at her as she would an irritating house fly.

"No but if you would tell him Nma is here to see him, I am sure he would see me"

"I am sorry but you need appointment, just fill out this form and I'll see when he is likely to see you"

Nma stared at the woman furiously. The woman could as well have asked her to buy a ticket. Nma had never felt this insulted before especially by a mere look, the woman's look implied she was one of those girls who had nothing better to do than run after rich men. She sighed. She was probably right, Nma thought after all she was here only for Uche's money

"Look I don't think it would cause you anything to just tell him I'm here" she told the woman politely. She thought of calling Uche's mobile phone but she was scared he wouldn't pick. It was better to barge in on him.

"Mr. Okoha is fully booked, too busy to attend to you" she said with emphasis on the "you"

Nma smiled, she was determined to see Uche even if she was going to push her way through.

"Just tell him and if he says he doesn't want to see me, it would save both of us the trouble of having to book an appointment" She couldn't believe believe they were talking about the same Uche she saw whenever she wanted before, was he still the same man who came to her office and home and dotted on her like she was the centre of his world? How ironic? She saw the woman pick up her intercom and spoke into it. She looked up and Nma turned to her

"What did you say name was?" she asked

"Nma" Nma muttered curtly. Women! She fumed why do they always feel threatened by another woman?

"He'll see you now" the woman said through tight lips.

Nma smiled sweetly at the woman and started moving towards the door she indicated. She turned when the woman spoke "And see you don't stay too long, he has a busy schedule ahead of him"

It was Nma turn to give the girl a dose of her own medicine

"I'm sure you heard about his engagement to a certain fashion designer" she watched acknowledgement came into her eyes

"I am that fashion designer, you have just saved your job by treating me the way you did but don't push it" with one last look at the woman's astonished and embarrassed face she walked into the room.

She saw Uche sitting behind his massive desk, relaxed and tapping the end of a gold pen on the table. The interior decorator must have been going through some gender problem because it was all male and exuded the power the owner welded. There were white leather couches at one corner of the room and some huge green plants besides the couches. At another corner was glass sliding door, she could see through it a mini conference room. It dawned on Nma that this man might never become as desperate as she was then and it was so unfair.

"Well! Well!" he drawled "To what do I owe this good fortune?"

"To whoever you owe all your good fortune" she snapped at him.

He sat up and looked at her seriously "If you have nothing but sarcasm, then I would go back to my work, like Grace told you, I have a busy day ahead"

"I have..." she trailed off

He looked up shocked for a moment "What? The cat got your tongue"

Nma was on the brink of tears, here she was in the same room with man she would gladly die for and they have nothing but sarcasm for each other.

"Now you have my attention, what is it that has your tongue in chains"

Calm down, calm down, she told herself.

"Won't you at least ask me to sit down" she asked politely

"I didn't realize you needed asking, I guessed when you got tired of tempting me with your beautiful body, you would sit down and tell me what kind of devil chased you into my arms"

Nma sat abruptly, seething as she tried to keep herself from retorting.

"So what brought you here" Uche asked with genuine curiosity.

Nma became confused she didn't know where to begin or how to tell him that the reason she came was for money or that he was the only one she could turn to in time of need after all that had happened between them.

"I am waiting" said Uche

"I'm....I'm....." she didn't know how to put it and she was scared of his reaction. She was totally confused and she felt like running away but that would worsen the whole situation. Somehow she knew he would follow her, her presence had raised his curiosity. She sighed inwardly. This was a lot harder than she thought. Oh! God please! Soften his heart so he would help"

"I am still waiting" Uche said quietly cutting into her thoughts.

She took a deep breath to calm her nervousness and turned to him with pleading eyes.

"I am in trouble" she said to him.

It took him a while to reply "What kind of trouble? He asked.

She was in trouble; he thought calmly, yeah he had been expecting that after seeing her with the rasta.

"Uche please, if I had a choice, I wouldn't be here, I need financial help"

She saw him visibly relieved, he stood up from his chair and walked to her and sat down.

"For what, does this have anything to do with that Rasta I saw you with...?"

"No! Of course not" she looked horrified and he believed her. And then it dawned on her, could it be Mike? He was nowhere near her phone or bag when they went out, and even if he did somehow get her bank details there was no way he could siphoned the money in her account within minutes or was there? She didn't know what to believe so let it rest to concentrate on the matter at hand, Uche.

"I don't know where to start; I don't even know how to tell you"

"I would suggest you start from the beginning"

Nma heaved sigh and looked at him, she could feel the concern in his voice and eyes, surely that was a good sign she thought. She saw a ray of hope at last and that gave her the courage to tell him the whole story. As she explained everything to him, she watched him critically trying to decipher his feelings but couldn't because he schooled his expression.

"Uche you have to help me, you are my only hope" she pleaded

"Which bank is that? He asked sternly

"United Bank"

"United Bank, a pretty good bank, what are they doing about it?"

"They have launched an investigation"

He simply nodded "Same bank Ken works with?"

"You don't think Ken would stoop this low, I had him changed as my account officer when you suggested it?

He nodded again.

"When is this exhibition?"


"So near" he mused "And by next week you would be homeless" he said

"Yes" Nma nodded waiting for him to say how would help her. She watched him with apprehension as he stood up and walked to the window.

"Even though this is very sudden" he said after several minutes of silence, she guessed he was trying to make up his mind. "I can help you" he stated.

Nma sighed with relief "Thank you, thank you so much, I promised I will pay back every last kobo" she thanked him enthusiastically.

He turned away from the window and came towards her. "I didn't say I would help, I said I can" he smiled at her.

Nma's words died on her lips and she watched with confusion and felt the chill as it began to creep up her spine, his revenge, she thought fearfully.

"What do you mean? I...don't ...understand" she stammered nervously.

"I mean I stand in very good position to help you and I can but the question is, will you be willing to leave a collateral for the loan I am willing to give you?

"Uche I told you, I don't have one, and if I had one do you think I would be here with my tails hanging between my legs?"

"Then will you be willing to accept the proposal I'm going to make you to make sure I get back what I am giving out"

"What kind of proposal?" her heart was beating hard in her chest. She didn't understand what was going on. Could this ruthless man here be the same man that courted her with so much love?

"How desperate are you Nma?" Uche asked firmly

"I need help Uche, but I won't sell my soul to the devil because of my problems" Nma answered firmly. What was happening, she asked silently in panic, her fear grew without caution. Would he ask her to sleep with him before he would help her? Uche would never stoop that low, she thought but somehow the thought had taken hold in her mind and her fear grew. She was not scared of what she would do if he asked; she knew she would never give in no matter what but she was scared of what would happen to the respect and trust she had for him. She knew she would hate him and she was scared of that happening, very scared.

"Then we understand each other" he told her. "I can help you but I don't want to make a mistake again, so that is...."

"I was the one who made a mistake by trusting you" her outburst interrupted him. She was fuming inside, how could he imply that she was the one responsible for their break up when he was the one who couldn't be trusted, who cheated on her. And here he was about to do something worse than the betrayal, something she was very afraid she was never going to forgive him for. Somehow she wanted to save them both from that happening, she wanted to leave but his next words stopped her.

"Whatever" he dismissed nonchalantly "What I'm saying is that I'll write you a check now, if you'll agree to be my wife"

"To be your what?" Nma asked alarmed and with the alarm came relief as it flooded into her body that he didn't say what she was thinking; still what he said was totally absurd.

"You heard me well, to be my wife" he repeated boldly

"I can't believe this" she muttered "Look Uche if this is a joke it is not funny, I mean..."

"Look Nma you'll agree with me that the amount I'll be giving you is much and without collateral it is a risk. And besides you need my help, you can't afford to say no"

Nma opened her mouth to say something but closed it again, her words died in her mouth, she couldn't find the appropriate words. She couldn't believe his audacity. What kind of a monster was he? She asked herself. Was he past feeling and by the way what gave him the right to make this kind of stupid proposal.

"Look Uche, you don't want to help me, fine, I'm sorry I disturbed you in the first place, the Leopard never changes its skin and I was a fool to come here in the first place". She said calmly hanging her shoulder bag to go but his words stopped her

"Now... if you are going to agree, I'm giving you now, because the moment you walk out of that door the proposal doesn't stand anymore"

"You are a monster, a beast, whatever gave you idea that I would want to marry a monster like you" she almost shouted in tears

"Think about it, I'm your last hope you said so yourself. I wonder why the idea of marrying me repulses you now, you were going to marry me before, and in fact you couldn't wait to marry me"

"All because I thought you were different, I didn't know that all those nice behavior was a façade to cover your real self and I've been thanking God ever since for opening my eyes sooner" she muttered.

"Still you are the one with problems not me, I have given you my terms take it or leave it and remember the moment you walk out of here without making a choice the deal stands no more" he said going to sit down behind his powerful desk, like he didn't just turn her world upside down.

Nma watched him sit down behind his desk and blinked back the tears that were trying hard to escape. Then probably was the best time to go to her mother, she thought but how was supposed to go running to a woman who never cared if she lived or died, a woman whose only interest in her could be because she was engaged to Uche. Was that not what Angela said to her, that Amber herself wanted Uche too. No, she was not going to go her, she decided. Then she turned to face Uche. Come on, she told herself, two could play this game.

"Just agree to marry him, you stand under no obligation to marry him but just say yes to get the help from him" her mind told her. Nma thought about it, knowing Uche as she did, he would make sure she went through with it. "But he will not force you, will he?" Her mind asked.

"My conscience will suffer" she replied "Why think of conscience when the man you are dealing with lacked it"

Without deliberating on it anymore, she made up her mind. "Yes Uche, two can play this game" she muttered to herself. It would be so marvelous when she said no to his proposal after he must have fulfilled his own part of the deal.

Slowly she went and sat in front of him. "I hate you so much right now, but yes I will marry you because I'm desperate" she said calmly.

"Good, wise decision, very wise" he smiled sardonically

"I have one question though" she said and he looked at her

"What question is that?"

"Why are you resorting to blackmail, is that how bad you want my body?"

He laughed and looked at her mockingly "There is nothing about your body that I haven't seen before. I am Uche Okoha so I have seen it all, more beautiful and more willing women"

Nma's vision turned crimson , she was angry and embarrassed. How dare he?

"Yet you never forced any of the others to marry you" she said trying to save face.

"No one has ever dumped me. When I first met you, I thought my money couldn't buy you but you proved me wrong today and I am only showing you that you are not so different after all" he smiled "And this marriage is not going to be forever, till I get tired of being married"

Nma couldn't believe her ears, she wanted to get up and leave but she couldn't find the strength to do so. Surely this was not the same man who had loved and cared for her.

"So first of all give me the number of those with your house"

"I don't have it Felix probably does" Nma said, she was going to show him just how different she was. This marriage would take place over her dead body.

"I'll call him, you should pay attention to things other than designing" Uche admonished.

Nma totally kept quiet, thinking of the sweet revenge she would have on him.

"If I were you I would have canceled the show?"

She nodded because she didn't trust the words that would come out from her mouth.

"Okay I will make the transfer when I come over this evening?"

"Why this evening" she asked alarmed

"I'm a business man Nma and I know what I'm doing"

Nma stood up to go, seeing nothing else to do except that.

"All will be finalized this evening trust me and we have things to discuss and to agree exactly when we're getting married"

"We can still use 27th can't we?" asked Nma

"When I come we will talk but now I have work to do"

Nma turned around to go and as she turned the knob, Uche placed a large hand on her slender ones. "Now, don't you think we're forgetting something?" his eyes twinkled devilishly?

"Not that I can think of"

"This" he answered placing his lips on hers.

She stilled her body from responding, trying to block her mind from remembering what it felt like to be kissed by him but she was fighting a lost battle as her mind had already remembered and was responding. She had missed him, she sighed with relief. How many nights had she lain awake wishing for this and playing it over and over in her mind, only to cry out in agony thinking she would never have this moment again? But thank God she sighed again, responding to his kiss. Uche released her gently and set her a little away from himself.

"Now that was something" he murmured.

Nma looked down in shame; she cursed her treacherous body for behaving so wantonly. She wasn't supposed to respond to his kiss, she was supposed to show Uche that he had no more power over her body like she had already told him in so many words.

"It was nothing more than flesh responding to flesh, don't read anything more into it Uche" she said brutally

"I never said there was more to it, honestly I would really get scared if you did

"As long as we understand each other" she said turning to go

"Yes, you are right, as long as we understand our position in this our new relationship we won't have any problem"

"You are hateful" she said walking out.

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