My life's meaning |✔️

By titi_hendrix

3.6M 164K 80.3K

A Stephen James book! (BWWM) "What the hell? No, get your ass in that house and beat Elijah's ass" she pulls... More



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By titi_hendrix

Lauren Monique

Four months later

During the passed few months Elijah and I's relationship grew stronger and better. His blackouts and night attacks stopped two months ago.

As for me and my problems? I still find myself pinching my wrist from time to time. Elijah would tape my wrist with Athletic tape and change it the next day.

Our therapist suggested we sleep in different beds, I forgot the reason but he also said not to have sex. . .we've been fucking twice a week and sleeping together at least three days out of the week depending on how the day goes.

I've got secret I've been holding to myself for a while, I'm not sure when I'm going to tell it though. Well to secrets, I've been writing letters to Matt. He's still in the hospital waiting on a liver and kidney.

"Princess, put your brother down!" Elijah yells as his eyes bulged at Delilah as she jumps on the bed holding Squirt

"Him happy!" She giggling a plopping on the bed. "Hi Mama"

"Hi Dee" I wave, getting closer I scooped Squirt up and kissed all over his face. "hey mamas baby"

You'll never believe what the little shit said; Dada

"Elijah. . .get your kid" mumbling I turned and handed him off to his father. "You know damn well I'm mama"

"Dada" Squirt laughs reaching for me

He's been saying that since last night, Elijah damn near fainted when he heard Squirt say it for the first time.

"Amir we practiced since day one, your first words were supposed to be Mama" sighing I rubbed the side of my face. "you don't even like that nigga and you talking about Dada, what type of shit"

"Hater" Elijah mutters flicking my ear. "I'm taking Delilah down to the park, are you coming?"

"You know I went to jail because I got into with some old bitches at that park right?"


"Oh shit" chuckling I rubbed the back of my neck. "I forgot to tell you about that, back when you were in Italy I took the kids there and two older ladies were harassing me and I said they made me want to murder them. Long story short I went to jail and the cops made me fight bitches for their entertainment"

Elijah stood there dumbfounded he didn't know whether to be mad at me or at the cops and ladies.

"Me and Sienna whooped the ladies asses when I got out" I smile nervously. "anyways how long are you going to be down there?"

"No longer than a hour, you fought other prisoners and didn't feel the need to tell me?"

"You blew up that couples house and didn't tell me"

"That was after you went to jail, don't flip this on me"

"It wasn't as important as the other stuff that was happening at the time" shrugging I hugged him from the side. "I love you, you look good today Papa. Smell good too"

"Stop changing the subject"

"I said I love you!"

"I love you too" he sighs side eyeing me, putting Squirt on the bed he tried to give me a hug but I pushed him away. "what now? You've been doing that for a month now"

"You always squeeze too hard, side hugs only buddy until you learn how to give regular hugs"

"You weren't complaining when I was holding you up against the shower wall—"

"Okay! Shut it the kids are in here"

Laughing he changed shoes then took Delilah out the room saying they'll be back, Squirt inches closer and closer to the edge of the bed babbling.

Ever since he learned how to crawl he's been trying to crawl off the bed and couches.

Catching him just in time I grumble to myself carrying him downstairs while he laughs pulling my hair.

It's grown back completely, I tried to cut it again but Elijah hid all the scissors saying it was for my own good.

"Dada" Squirt smiles looking me dead in my face

"Mama! It's Mama you mean baby!"

"Dada! Dada! Dada!" he screams wiggling in my arms

"Elijah! Wait, you forgot this one!" I shout running to him before he got to far. "take the little shit"

"Stop calling my son that" he chuckles putting his phone in his pocket, holding his arms out for Squirt.

"Dada!" Squirt laughs wholeheartedly

"Okay I get it, you like your daddy now" handing him to Elijah I went back in the house.

"Lauren, you've got another letter" Benjamin smiles softly holding it up, he's been intercepting Matt and I's letters so Elijah doesn't see them.

I felt guilty about what happened to Matt and I couldn't just drop him without knowing if he was alive and doing better. Elijah made me promise I wouldn't see him and I haven't, I'll eventually come clean about it when Matt's put the hospital but fr now it's a secret I'm keeping to myself.

"Thanks Benny, how is he looking?" sitting in the kitchen with him I opened the letter, smiling at the horrible drawing of a flower Matt drew. "why does he keep trying to draw a rose? He knows he's bad at it"

"Because he knows it's your favorite" Benjamin chuckles filling the cooler with bottles of water. "he's doing well, his cousin is giving him a kidney and his mom is getting tested to see if she's a match to give him a piece of her liver"

"That good" nodding I read the letter frowning. "I still don't get it"

"Get what?" Benjamin questions putting on his hat. "are you ready to go?"

"He's not mad at me about what happened, if it was the other way around I don't think I'd be willing to talk to him or even even write him letters" getting up I helped with the cooler and dragged it outside, walking beside Benjamin

"Love makes you do crazy things and overlook a lot of things" he responds. "the day he woke up from his medical induced coma he asked about you, he wanted to know if you were hurting"

"When you for see him after your shift and you tell him to move on? You said he's getting a kidney and possibly a liver, that means he'll be leaving the hospital soon right? Tell him to get that job at the fire department like he always wanted. Elijah agreed to leave him and his family alone so he doesn't have to come back here"

"I can suggest that but it's not up to me if he actually does it, he's stubborn in a way"

"Yeah I know" handing out water to the guards outside, Benjamin gave them chicken and stake subs. "wassup Sam"

"Afternoon Lauren" he nods taking a water bottle from me. "what do you have for us today?"

"Chicken and stake subs, pick one. And before you ask yes there's melted cheese on the stake sub"

Smiling he asked for the stake sub, Benjamin and I started making and handing out food to the guards way before I had Squirt and got Delilah. At the old house the Maid, Marry and I would do it. It was a way for me to get to know the guards and build a bond with them, so my fear of them killing me in my sleep would go away.

Whenever I couldn't do it myself Benjamin would make the sandwiches and hand them out his self.

After we handed everything out I decided to go to the park, I miss my babies. Driving the golf cart I made Elijah buy me, I made it to the park within a few minutes.

Seeing Elijah on the bench holding Squirt, I creeped up behind him.

Rubbing his chest from behind I held back a laugh when he tensed and pushed my hand away saying he had a girlfriend.

Bending down I kissed his neck, he pushed me away out of shocked and stood up turning to me.

"Jesus Lauren, don't do that!" he stresses holding his chest. "I was seriously going to hit you"

"Cause you have a girlfriend?" I chuckle rolling my eyes playfully. "how long as he been sleep?"

"Since we've been here, he fell asleep during the walk here" sitting beside me Elijah laid his head on my shoulder. "I thought you didn't want to come?"

"I didn't but I missed my babies, where's Delilah?"

"Over there" pointing to the slide we watched her come down with a little boy. "who the fuck is that?"

"Let them be" holding him down I stopped him from going to them. "you can't keep her from boys forever"

"The hell I can" he grunts standing up. "hold Amir"


"Hi Mama" Delilah waves standing at the bottom of the slide, the little boy she was playing with pushed her down giggling pointing at her. "I know not"

"Hold. Him." Elijah grunts turning red

Ignoring him I went to Delilah, before I could get to her she stood up and started fighting the little boy.

"I'm Princess, don't hit me!" she shouts pulling his hair

"That's enough, Dee let him go" pulling her off him I held her tightly as she kicked and screamed. "Delilah Mae Ricci, stop it"

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" she yells as tears rolled down her cheeks, blood dripped from her forehead onto my shirt. Looking at the cut on her head I looked over at the boy, he was in worse shape than she was. "Dada! Dada!"

Awe shit

I didn't have to turn around to know he was behind us. Delilah wasted no time telling him what happened.

"Let her go" Elijah mutters lowly. "Lauren, take Amir"

Putting Delilah down I took Squirt from Elijah.

"Don't do nothing crazy, he's just a kid" I mutter

The kid father ran over when his kid cried out for him.

"What the fuck did you do to my son?" the man shouts pushing me into Elijah

Awe damn

"Elijah don't—" I started but stopped seeing as I was too late, he had already started swinging on the kids father.

Delilah went back to kicking the little boy while I just stood there annoyed.

Going back to the golf cart I drove it back home.

"Dada" Squirt yawns waking up

"I'm not about to argue with you little boy"

A few minutes later Elijah stormed in with Delilah on his back, coming up to me he asked for the keys.

Giving it to him I watched him leave saying he was taking Delilah to the hospital.


After taking a shower I sat on my bed in nothing but a robe, Squirt laid beside me playing with his feet.

A knock on the door startled both me and Squirt, running to put clothes on I told them to wait.

Giggling Squirt watched me struggle to put shorts on.

"Come in!" I shouting jumping on the bed pretending I was scrolling on my phone.

Sienna came in and took Squirt, just before she walked out she paused and stared at me while inhaling deeply.

"Lauren" she mutters

"Nope get out! Don't start that weird shit" waving her off I face palmed myself. "I already know what you're about to say"

"Mm" she nods closing the door

A few months ago her mother came, Sienna hide at Geovani's house until her mother got tired of looking for her.

"Babe?" Elijah questions knocking on the door.


"Can I come in?"

"Open the door"

"Are you mad at me?" he asks coming into the room making his way to the bed, laying down beside me he laid his head on my lap.

Sienna crept back in holding Squirt sideways while he whimpers, sitting on the bed she ran out the room.

"Nah, I knew you weren't going to listen to me when lil dude pushed Dee. Is she okay?"

"Yes, she's asleep in her bed. The doctor said it was just a flesh wound, it'll heal itself"

"Mmh" nodding I grabbed Squirts leg pulling him back when he tripped to crawl off the bed. "get yo son, he's going to fall off the bed one day"

"Lauren, bitch where you at! I gots the tea!"

Side eyeing Elijah I pointed to the door, he rubs his neck nervously.

"I forgot to tell you, my mother is back" he chuckles softly

Vivian comes into the room holding a big bottle of fireball and gin with two glasses, she sees Elijah and points to the door.

"You can't come here and bully me in my own home" he mutters frowning

"Grown folks business son, you gotta go" she chuckles sitting on the bed beside me passing me a glass and pouring gin in it.

"Ima pass on that Viv, I actually want to remember this conversation" giving it to Elijah I held Squirt while be chewed on my arm

"Babe" Elijah questions nudging me "do I really have to go?"

"Yes!" Vivian nods

"No" I shook my head turning my back to him so I could be little spoon, he laid behind me a crossing his arms over his chest.

"So you know how I went to Bora Bora right?" Vivian smirks wiggling her eyebrows. "well I met someone and have bomb sex—"

"Mom" Elijah groans

"I told you to get out" she shrugs. "Anyways that was two months ago and I'm still talking to the guy. His name is Jordan and he wants me move in with him. Girl the dick was so good he had me crawling to the bathroom the next morning literally"

Gulping down her first glass of gin she poured herself another.

"I'm disgusted" Elijah murmurs getting up and leaving the room

"It's not like y'all haven't been rolling in the sheets yourselves"

"Don't mind him, your grandson is ready to go back to Italy with you. Lil nigga has enough teeth to get chicken, he's ready" putting him in Vivian's lap I wiggles under the covers and hugged my pillow. "take him"

"Girl and mess up my sleep schedule? Hell no, if he comes with me you have to come too"

"I'm still wanted in Italy I can't go"

"You have a twin don't you? Set her ass up and let her take the fall"


Wassup fireflies,
I'm ending the book soon for real this time.

I'm thinking about giving Sienna & Geo some screen time in Tiana/Remo's book for the people that wants to see more of them.


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