A Living Shadow ➣Gellert Grin...

By eekhoorntje112

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After a long life of questions and sorrow, (Y/N) finally gets the chance to find out who her parents are. Tog... More

Chapter 1 ➛Golden Advice
Chapter 2 ➛Broken Pieces
Chapter 3 ➛Ties of Family
Chapter 4 ➛The Price of Trust
Chapter 5 ➛The Quiet World
Chapter 6 ➛Take Me Back
Chapter 8 ➛Forgotten Memories
Chapter 9 ➛True Colours
Chapter 10 ➛Colourless
Chapter 11 ➛Rewritten Stories
Chapter 12 ➛Bad Dreams
Chapter 13 ➛The Heart Remembers
Chapter 14 ➛Tremble
Chapter 15 ➛Childish Fears
Chapter 16 ➛Piece of My Heart
Chapter 17➛All of Me
Chapter 18 ➛One More Day
Chapter 19 ➛Desire
Chapter 20 ➛Shadows of Doubt
Chapter 21 ➛Ghosts From the Past
Chapter 22 ➛Back In The Days
Chapter 23 ➛ Childhood Stranger

Chapter 7 ➛Hope For The Hopeless

1K 44 10
By eekhoorntje112

We arrived in front of an enormous castle. He led me inside and to a room on the third floor without as much saying a word.

"This will be your room. Dinner is at 6 P.M, I expect you to be there," he said as he opened the door for me.

I was tightly holding Robert in my arms and looked at Grindelwald a little taken aback. "What about Robert? I don't know what happened to him, I can't help him," I said to him as I held the raven tightly against me.

"I have no time at the moment, besides I know just as little as you. You may visit the infirmary if you like. It's on the first floor. Ask around a little and you'll find it."

I watched him with a frown. "I have to go now." Then he turned around and with not as much as a word, as he hurried away down the corridor and disappeared behind the corner.

My mouth hung open as I watched him go. Was he really that arrogant? I was starting to wonder if I should tell him that the person he had just invited to join his cause, was his daughter.

I sped toward the first floor, looking for someone to ask for directions. Despite the urgency of the situation, my mind was mostly preoccupied with Grindelwald and his behaviour. Had he really been busy or was it one of those excuses people used to evade your company?

Once I finally came across another person, I didn't notice them at first and almost ran into them. ''Are you all right, madam?'' a soft voice asked as she watched me with concern. I looked at her and realized it was the woman who had brought Grindelwald his skull-hookah.

''Where's the infirmary?'' My voice was almost a whisper and only barely audible. I had no idea what was happening to me, and it didn't feel good. It was all too much, too many thoughts and questions that remained unanswered.

She smiled gently before placing a hand on my shoulder and walking me down the long corridor until we could see a set of big double doors. ''It's through there,'' she said. And it was only when she spoke that I realized she was french.

''Thank you,'' I said quickly as I hurried toward it, hoping the medical person in there might enlighten me on what happened to my friend.

It had been quite strange at the infirmary and my head was filled with new questions and explanations I had to wrap my head around.

Once at dinner, I didn't say a word. Not that anyone did, but I didn't notice it, I was too preoccupied.

At first sight, the nurse had tried to get me to leave, since she was 'too busy' to tend to animals. From that moment on I didn't like her, because all the beds in the infirmary were empty, except for one.

''It's not like that, it's my friend. He's an animagus, please.''

At that point, she seemed torn between helping me or sending me away once more. Fortunately for me, she decided to take a look, and as I described the situation she looked at me tiredly.

''He's cursed,'' she said as she looked at me. She had dark circles under her eyes and I felt a wave of guilt come over me. She looked like she hadn't had any sleep for the past few days.

''He won't be able to return to his human form. He's stuck like this until, either, the person who cursed him will die, or if they break the curse themselves, which sounds rather unlikely to me.''

I watched her, eyes wide. ''He shouldn't have come,'' I said through gritted teeth. I didn't understand, however, why Anne had cursed him. What her motive had been? Robert was one of them.

I felt anger bubbling up inside of me as I pricked in my vegetables, rolling them over now and again.

''When will he wake up?'' I had asked as I returned my attention to the nurse. ''That's hard to say. It could be an hour, a day maybe even a week. You should have patience,'' she said. And before I could reply, she was already making her way back to her office.

I watched her go and suddenly felt homesick. Where to, I had no idea. I was homesick to a place that didn't exist. Home.

Grindelwald's P.O.V (Third Person)

His gaze had been on you most of the time. He was still curious. He was curious about your past, about where you came from. About what your life's been like to join him at such a young age. Unless... she's a deep thinker and truly understands what the movement is about, he thought as he leaned back his head and looked at you.

There were several other people at the table, everyone kept to themselves as always. They might be silent, but most noticed his interest in the young girl. The glances he sent your way when he thought no one was looking.

Suddenly he felt a sense of responsibility come over him as he noticed you weren't eating anything. ''You should eat. It's important to stay energized,'' he said to you. You looked up from your plate at him. ''I'm not hungry, besides I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat meat.''

The other people at the table looked at each other and then at you. He looked at you with an annoyed look. ''Eat,'' he said. I watched him defiantly. ''Aren't you too busy to care?'' you asked him in a whisper as you leaned back in your chair. There were several gasps and everyone at the table looked at you with wide eyes before glancing at Grindelwald, whose expression stayed casual.

You rolled your eyes before pushing back your chair and asking if you could be excused.

There was a second of silence and intense eye-contact between you and him before he said, ''No.'' So you remained seated, a glare plastered on your face.

You took your fork and pricked a vegetable onto it and made a show of putting it in your mouth before chewing and swallowing. ''Happy?'' you said as you glared at him. He watched you contentedly. ''Quite.''

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was walking down the corridor at a slow pace, watching the snowflakes fall on the other side of the window. I was wondering if I shouldn't have come here.

Where else would you go? That's right. Nowhere.

I sighed and closed my eyes momentarily as I leaned against the cold stone wall.

Suddenly as I was staring outside, hurrying footsteps echoed behind me. I spun around, watching a girl hurrying toward me. She slowed down as she saw me.

She leaned on her knees, taking a moment to catch her breath before speaking. Now she was standing closer to me I realized she must be about my age. ''You're the vegetarian girl, right?'' I rolled my eyes. ''I already have a nickname. Yipee,'' I said returning my gaze to the window. ''That's not what I meant, (Y/N),'' she said softly. I turned to her and watched her surprised. ''You know my name?'' I asked her with a suspicious gaze.

She nodded, ignoring my scepticism. ''I do. You don't eat any meat? Like, at all?'' she asked as she looked at me with an expression of respect. ''I don't. It's not very hard, since I don't like it. Besides, I don't think we, humans are any better than animals. We have no right to take their lives for ourselves. Animals are pure and only act out of instinct. We people hurt each other, burn each other to the ground on purpose. We are the monsters in this world,'' I said as I stared at the window once more.

I sighed and scolded myself in my mind. These bursts of convictions and opinions were always what scared people away, besides the fact that I was different than everyone else.

But as I looked at her, I was surprised to find instead of unease, the woman was looking at me with a grin. ''That's what you call one serious opinion,'' she said with a chuckle. Then she extended a hand which I shook hesitantly.

''Alyx Robins,'' she said with a smile. Before I could say anything she already said with a grin, ''Weird name, weird person. Get used to it, I'll be around, a lot.''

That made a genuine smile come to my lips. ''I suppose I don't have a choice then.''

She grinned. ''You definitely don't.''

Grindelwald's P.O.V (Third Person)

He was pacing in front of the big window at the back of his office. How dare she be so rude and defiant. I can't let her talk to me like that. What will my followers think if I let a brat talk to me like she did? I can't allow it. However, I can't send her away.

He stopped pacing and looked at the distant mountains, his hands joined behind his back.

I can't do anything but scold her. But I don't think that will have any effect, he thought frustratedly.

We have some sort of connection. However, I do not understand where it comes from. There is something about her that keeps me intrigued that keeps me from acting as I should.

There was nothing he could do. He knew that. He had, despite the situations you caused, no regret of inviting you to join his cause. It was a challenge to deal with you, for certain. But there was no regret.

He sighed deeply before he decided to ignore it for now and see how things went. 

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