Avatar x Male Reader

By ImmortalGod1

1.2M 37.7K 48.5K

Why do people fear fire? The big body of Water is called the ocean... Then there is the Earth itself...a gian... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chpater 52
Ember Island Players
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 (End)

Chapter 15

23.1K 758 926
By ImmortalGod1

As they fly away everything is quiet

Y/n is drawing pictures while Katara is watching him do so

Y/n:Y/n know...these look...childish but...best he can do...

Katara:As long as you're doing your best that's all that matters...

Y/n turns around quickly and writes something

When he turns back around as he has a piece of paper with a big smile on it where his mouth would be

Katara laughs a bit

Katara:Why did you do that?

Y/n:Y/n's friends...not see his...mouth...so he do this...so they know he smile...

Sokka:Well when you close your eyes I just assume you smile...

Y/n:Y/n not smile...everytime he blink...

Sokka:No thats not what I meant...

Katara:We can hear it in your voice when you're happy...we can just assume you're smiling too...

He puts the piece of paper with the smile back up

Aang however is doing anything but smiling

He paces back and forth nervously

Aang:Y/n aren't you worried we have to master the elements before summer?

Y/m:We stick...together...y/n not scared...

Aang:Well I am!

Y/n rotates the paper into a frown

Y/n:That not make...y/n happy...

He rotates it again into a smile once more

Y/n:But we...here to help...

Katara:Wait...y/n needs to learn to do all the elements as well?

Y/n nods

Aang:Roku said that heat is all elements so y/n should learn about all the elements to learn to use that to his advantage...

Y/n:Roku did not say...himself but...maybe y/n...incorporate other...elements bending...into fire bending...

Katara:Is it hard for you to take heat out of things?

Y/n:Y/n not have...much experience...taking heat from...elements...mainly heat sources...and occasionally people...

Katara:Why don't I teach you two what I know...

Sokka:Great we'll just find a small puddle for you three...

Katara looks over and sees a waterfall and a stream of water

Sokka:Okay...guess we're going...

Appa starts to fly towards the waterfall

When they land everyone gets off

Appa jumps into the water causing it to splash everywhere

Sokka:So what do I while you three mess with water...?

Y/n raises his hand

Y/n:Y/n has idea...pick him!

Sokka:Uh sure...y/n what do you got?

He takes off his wrist blades

Y/n:Sokka can practice...using these!


He grabs them from y/n

Sokka:You told the Earth Guards they sometimes randomly eject out...you were lying about that right?

Y/n:Totally...not lying...

Sokka:Y/n you're making me nervous...

They start to walk off leaving Sokka

Y/n:Be careful!

Katara:Okay you two watch close and try to mirror my movements if you can...

Y/n:Y/n watch...Aang and Katara...he is visual learner...

Katara:That's fine!

Katara starts to waterbend as Aang copies her movements used to do so

Katara:Now it took me months to learn how to do this so don't be...

Aang is not only water bending but at a noticeably higher level

Katara:Oh...you got it first try...

She turns to y/n

Katara:Did you get that?


He lights a small flame on the ground

Y/n:Y/n want fire...to be...smooth and fluid...like water...

He attempts to copy Katara but fails to do so as the fire aggressively jumps around...

Katara:This is where the learning takes place y/n...you learn from your mistakes...

He nods his head

Katara:Alright Aang for the next move...

She waterbends a small orb of water around her and drops it back into the stream

Katara:Now it's  pretty tough so don't be angry if-

Aang does it easily along with some added flair

Aang:Whats next?

Katara starts to get visibly angry

Katara:Okay Aang...this next move is so advanced that not even I have mastered it yet! The idea is to create a giant wave-

Aang creates a giant wave as it comes crashing down

Aang:You can do that too right?

Katara:Okay Aang enough practice for you!

Sokka gets up from the water,soaked...

Sokka:Hey you just "Practiced" our supplies away!

Aang:Sorry! We'll get some more...

Sokka:My life was hard enough when you were just an airbender...

Katara walks over to y/n as he is having an admittedly hard time

Katara:It must be tough for you...although I think you have it a bit harder...


Katara:Aang has to bend water,but you have to...in a way bend water but with fire instead...that's like bending two elements at the same time...

Y/n:Well...y/n figure it...out for...friends!

Katara:Do you need another demonstration?

Y/n sits down on the ground criss-cross and watches closely


Katara smiles a bit as she starts to demonstrate once again but this time more extensively and explains it with more detail

Y/n tries his best to take all the info and demonstration in

He goes back to the small fire and does attempts to mimic Katara once more

The fire changes the way he wants to ever so slightly

Y/n:Small improvement...not good...enough...

Katara:Thats progress y/n! That's good enough for me okay?

Y/n:Y/n wish..he had paper...to show...he smile...

Katara:Its okay y/n...I know you're smiling...which reminds me,we should think of a reward system for you when you do good,learn something,or demonstrate something you learned correctly...


Katara:Yea! I have a couple ideas!


Katara:So we have hugs...

She hugs y/n

Katara:Or we have head pats...

Y/n tilts his head


Katara:I'll demonstrate...

She pats his head softly

Y/n laughs a bit

Y/n:Y/n like...head pats!

He pats Katara's head

Katara:Good job y/n! That earned you a head pat!

Y/n:Katara...deserve one too!

The proceed to pat each others heads until they are interrupted by Sokka

Sokka:If you two are done messing around...we should get some supplies..

Y/n walks up to Sokka and pats his head

Y/n:Sokka...responsible...get head pat...

Sokka:I'm not even gonna question it...

Aang:I think I saw village when we were landing...

Y/n:Y/n go...friends stay here...stay safe...hidden...

Katara:Are you sure?

Y/n:Yes...y/n sure...

Sokka gives y/n the bag of money

Sokka:Don't let anyone try to scam you...if you feel like it is too much it probably is...

Y/n nods as he heads off into the village nearby


Y/n is seen walking out of a store with supplies

Y/n:Two...copper coins left...

He looks around and sees Iroh

Y/n walks up to him cautiously


Iroh looks at him and smiles

Iroh:Y/n you remember me!

Y/n:Y/n remember...your name...not who...you are to him...

Iroh:Your father and I are very close...we respect each other greatly...naturally that means I was introduced to you at some point when you were born...

Iroh pats his back

Y/n smiles a bit as he pats Iroh's head as Katara did to him

Iroh looks at him confused

The bandages on y/n's cheeks start to burn and smoke a bit as he blushes embarrassingly

He puts his fingers together and speaks

Y/n:Y/n sorry...he new to...idea of...many things...

Iroh gives a hearty laugh and pats y/n's back again

Iroh:And just like everyone else you have much to learn!

Iroh stops suddenly

Iroh:I saw something in that ship that may be of interest to you and your friends...I shall receive it for you...wait out here...my nephew Zuko should be nearby though...

Iroh walks off leaving y/n by himself

Y/n hears shouting

Zuko:Uncle! Where are you!

He sees y/n and runs up to him



Zuko:What are you doing here? Where is the Avatar?

Y/n shrugs his shoulders

Zuko sighs

Zuko:Fine! Have you seen my uncle? I would fight you but no point in doing that if I would lose...

Y/n:Went...inside ship...

Zuko:Oh...I see...

They both awkwardly wait

Y/n:So...how is...your uncle?

Zuko:He's uhh...interesting?

Y/n:Y/n see...he see...

Zuko:How's the...Avatar?


Zuko:I see...I see...

They both wait silently for a bit longer

Zuko:Can my uncle take any longer!

And with perfect timing Iroh walk out of the ship with a scroll

He hands it to y/n

Iroh:You should look at it once you get back...

Y/n nods

Zuko:Once you fly off I will go after you again!

Y/n turns around


He walks off again

Y/n:Goodbye...friend Iroh! Goodbye...friend Zuko!

Zuko:We are not friends! We are enemies!

Y/n just laughs a bit ad he goes off

Iroh speaks to Zuko

Iroh:That boy doesn't want to harm anyone...

Zuko:Well that boy knows where the Avatar is as well as he himself being incredibly powerful!

Iroh:It matters what one does with said power...


Katara:Y/n you're back!

Y/n:Yup! He bring...supplies! And gift...for Aang...

He gives Sokka the supplies

Katara:A scroll...

Y/n gives it to Katara

She opens it as her eyes light up with happiness

Katara:This is a waterbending scroll! This is amazing how did you buy this?

Y/n:Friend...bought it...for me...

Sokka:Well your friend must be rich...

Y/n reaches into his pocket and pull out a whistle that looks like a flying bison

He gives it Aang

Y/n:Different animals...hear different...frequencies...use to call Appa..

Aang smiles

Aang:Thanks y/n...

Katara:We have to practice right now-

Y/n:Fire Nation...nearby...should leave...

Katara:Oh...okay then,we'll practice when we get the chance...

They all start to get onto Appa and fly off over the village

Y/n looks over and see Zuko and Iroh looking at them

Zuko then immediately yells at Iroh as they both look at y/n

Y/n starts to wave at them

Iroh tries to wave but Zuko smacks his hand down and drags him to their ship

Sokka:Who are you waving at y/n...?


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