By Catchingyou_jk

30.9K 1.5K 278

-ON HOLD- "Even before we were born, the stars aligned for us to meet and save the world...but why can't you... More



1.5K 101 18
By Catchingyou_jk

Hello lovelies! It's me again ☺️ How are you all? I hope you're doing great 😊 I'm always here if you need me, okay? Thank you for everything, lovelies 😘 Loveyoulotss and keep safee 💛 You're all wonderful, don't ever forget that!

Question: Do you have a nickname, lovelies? If yes, what is it?

Gulf's POV

A warm hand softly caress my cheek, "My prince, wake up. Wake up, love." The touch sent tingles all over my body.

I blink my eyes open and saw my alpha hovering over me, but what really woke me up was his scent. It wasn't the calming scent of cedalwood and lavender. It was sour, too sour. That it got my omega alarmed.

"P'Mew? What's happening? Are you okay?" I sat up quickly letting his hands fall on my lap. I held his cheeks and stare at his eyes. They weren't filled with love, adoration, and contentment like they always were. But, instead. I was surprised to see fear, anger, rage present in his eyes.
That's unusual. Very unusual.

"Gulf. My Prince. I need you to stay here, okay? You're safe here. You're gonna be fine. Close the curtains and never let anyone in, understand?" His hands slides up to where my hands are gently cupping his cheeks and place a soft lingering kiss on the side of my left hand.

My eyebrows furrow as i tried to process his words. What is he saying? Safe? And who would walk in here? Aren't there too many guards roaming at the palace? The more i thought about it, the more unsettling it is.

"P'Mew? Why? What's wrong? What do you mean?" I scoot closer until our thighs touched. I removed my hands from his cheeks and placed them on his shoulders. I released calming pheromones to help him ease down a bit. I knew it worked when his shoulder seems to relax.

This time, i'm really worried. My heart is beating rapidly while i wait for his response. My inner omega whines at how distressed and worried our alpha looks. He has never been this way.

He looks down for a second, his bottom lip caught in his teeth, he was playing with it. He always does that whenever he's nervous or hesitant about something.

When his eyes met mine once again, there was nothing but love i see in them. He lets out a reassuring smile.

"I need you to stay here for me, Gulf. Promise me you won't leave this room, okay? Promise me." Instead of finding out an answer, i got more confused and scared at his statement. Why does he keeps on repeating those words? Why does he want me to stay here? What does he mean by that?

When i was about to reply, the door suddenly bursts open revealing four of our royal bodyguards. Why are they here?

"Alpha Mew, they're looking for you." One of them said. They stood beside the door holding their swords on the side.

I stared at P'Mew and took a hold of his hand.

"What's happening? P'? What's going on?" This time, i'm really panicking. I feel like i'm hyperventilating, i couldn't breathe.

He looks at me but unlike before, I couldn't seem to decipher what's in his eyes.

He cups my cheeks once again and pulled me in closer until our foreheads touch.

"I love you, my prince. Never ever forget that. Whatever may happens, just know that i'll always be right here." He points at my chest, where my heart is directly beating, "You're the greatest gift the gods has ever given me, Gulf." And before i could process everything. He placed his lips onto mine.

This kiss was different. It's so different from the thousands of kisses we've shared. It's gentle, soft, deep but also urgent. Like, we're loosing all the time we have left. Our lips moving like the waves.

I can feel everything he wants to say. And maybe that's the reason why a tear drops on my face. Because, even though the kiss felt so good. So right. It feels like he's also saying goodbye.

I clench onto him tighter, my hands on his neck as i tried to deepen the kiss. But, then he pulls away before i could do it and place a soft lingering kiss on my forehead, then to both of my eyes, my cheeks, a soft peck on my nose, and my lips until he reaches my neck.

I titled my head to give him better access, completely forgetting about everything. The only thing that matters now is that he's here with me. He kissed my moonmark making my inner omega preen and then he took a sniff, scenting me thoroughly. All i could do was howl happily at the attention he's giving me. It feels so nice.

"I'll come back for you, my prince. Wait for me. I love you. Always have and i always will." And then, everything moves so fast. He was standing up and heading towards the door. W-what?

I panic, i scrumble off of the bed but the guards blocked my way before i could even reach out to him.

"W-wait! No! NO! P'MEW! DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! COME BACK! P'MEW!" I hiccup as more tears flow down my face. I fought the guards, biting them, kicking them, pushing them away. But, they held me down. With my current state, i'm weaker compared to them. I won't stand a chance. And that's what hurts more.

Because, i couldn't even ran after my alpha.

"P'MEW PLEASE! STOP HIM! WHY AREN'T YOU STOPPING HIM?! I COMMAND YOU TO DO SO!" I pushed one of the guards away but i was so weak he didn't even budge. "Please. I love him. He's my mate, my alpha. Please. Please." I cried out. My heart feels like it's being ripped out of my chest. My moonmark hurts. It hurts so bad.

But, when he looks back at me with his own tears stripping down his face. I lost it. Because, I know. I know he won't stay.

He gave me one last smile before he completely walks away.


I barely noticed the reflection of the moon coming from my opened window, it was shining as clear and bright as a ruby.

And the sour scent of citrus and cedalwood surrounded the whole room.

"GULF WAKE UP!" My eyes opened and i gasped. My heart already beating faster than normal.

"Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Gulf. You're okay. You're awake." I was pulled into a tight embrace. But, when i was expecting a buff and larger body, a thin, slim and softer figure engulfs me instead.

Then, instantly, a sweet scent filled my nose. Primrose.

"I was so worried. You wouldn't wake up and i just—i got so scared. You were screaming and moving around and—i didn't know what to do." She sniffs and pulled me tighter. I only notice now that my plain white shirt was drenched with sweat, the light coming from the curtains indicates that it's already half past noon. I slept that long?

I slowly put my arms around her waist and she immediately placed her chin on my shoulder.

"I-i'm fine. It was just a nightmare. You don't have to worry. Stop crying, it's okay." In instinct, i release some of my calming pheromones. Was it really that scary?

Then, i remembered my dream. I shivered. It's the first dream i had after a week. It had felt so real. Why do i always dream of him? Why is that, in my dreams, we're so in love with each other? What the hell? What's going on with me? Why can't he just leave me alone?! It's so—it's so frustrating!

"Gulf? Hey, babe?" I snapped out of my thoughts when Lily pulls away from our embrace.

"O-oh, yes? What's up?" I forced out a small smile and reached out for her hands. I frowned internally and stared at our now, joined hands. Why—why does it suddenly makes me feel uncomfortable?

I wish i could feel my wolf, maybe it would be a lot easier. But, he refuses to speak with me after that fight i had with Mew and my bestfriend, Mild. I know he's mad at me, but i can't find the reason why. When i tried to communicate with him, he shuts me down and then nothing. I sigh.

A knock on the door interrupts us, "Your Highness, Mr. Suttinut is here to see you." A voice came from the outside. Mild is here?

My eyes widened and I abruptly stood up, "Let him in."

"Hey, i'm gonna wait for you downstairs okay?" Lily said standing up and fixing her dress before giving me a peck on the cheek. I fought the way my hands itch to touch where her lips landed. What the hell is happening to me?

Then, the door opened revealing Mild who walks in with a cup of coffee in his hands. Both him and Lily gave a small smile as a greeting before the door closes, leaving only the both of us.

The atmosphere was quiet. It's so awkward that it made me so uncomfortable. This is a first. I've never felt this way when i'm with Mild, it's always either we're bickering or laughing about something. But, not this. We don't fight.

"Here, this is for you. Your favorite." He handed me the drink he's holding with my name written on the cup.

I bit my lip and held it tighter, "Thank you." I mumbled shyly.

I watch as he casually sat down on the bed and leaned his back into the headboard. I nervously shuffle my feet on the floor not knowing what to do. Should i sit too? Make him some coffee?

"This is our first ever serious fight. Gosh, pimples and lines are showing on my face after that day. I can't believe it actually happened." He snorts but i know he was trying to hide a smile escaping from his lips.

I sigh in relief. There he is. The Mild i know. My bestfriend.

"I'm sorry." I lowered my gaze when i felt his gaze burning in the side of my head. "I—i'm sorry if i acted like that. I'm sorry i was childish. I'm sorry if i said really bad words. I'm really sorry." I muttered, fighting back the tears trying to escape. Why am i so emotional? Goodness.

He suddenly released a laugh and i stared at him, surprised. "I've never seen you like this. It's cute." He giggles. I rolled my eyes but a fond smile formed on my lips, "You are forgiven. And i'm sorry too. For leaving just like that." He apologizes.

I nodded, grinning, "Let's not fight like this again. We haven't seen each other for months." I stated, glancing at him briefly. He throws a pillow at my direction which thankfully, I managed to dodge the last second.

It was silent for a few moments, but this time it's calm, comfortable. Us.

"But, there's still one person you have to apologize to. You're aware of that right?" I froze. The cup in my hands almost dropping.

"Gulf." I slowly returned back my gaze to his and saw one of his eyebrows already raised.

I pouted, "Do i really have to?" I whine. I have to talk to that guy?

"Ofcourse, duh. Even if i don't know him that much, i was impressed when he willingly volunteered to stay and take care of you. Just because you hate him, doesn't mean you have to judge him like that. He was trying his best to make sure you're okay and well. I'm sorry but you know what you should do, Gulf." He explained. The seriousness in his tone frightened me for a second.

He got a point right there.

I huff, crossing my arms. "Okay. Fine. I'm gonna apologize to him. Just this once." Just once.

He cheered, a wide grin plastered on his lips while he pumps his fist in the air.

I let out a giggle as i watch him being all cheerful like that but then I remember the dream. I pursed my lips. Should i tell him? He would understand right? He can help me. And maybe, i could finally find out the reason why i keep on dreaming about Mew.

"Hey, you okay?" I was taken aback when he suddenly stops and stared at me worriedly. "You suddenly look pale. Is something wrong?" I bit my lip. Well, it's now or never.

"It's just—i dreamt about him again." I whispered. I heard him gasped and then within five seconds he's already standing in front of me.

He grabbed a hold of my shoulders and shakes them a little, "You—you remember?" He asks, his tone hopeful.

I gave him a sad look and shook my head, "No. But, i remember my dreams. It's always about him. I—i don't understand. Whenever i go to sleep, i'll always wake up with him on my mind. I—i'm scared, Mild. Are my dreams telling me something? He's always there and—it's scaring me." My voice cracks at the end and my eyes teared up. What should i do now?

Mild pulled me into a hug and i placed my nose on his scent glad, inhaling some of his comforting scent. It made me ease down a little. Just a little.

"Hey, shh. It's okay. We're gonna figure this out together okay? I'm here, i'll help you." He rubs my back soothingly and i nod shakily, "But, i really think you should get him back as your trainer." He continues.

I pulled back immediately. What is he talking about?

"You said that maybe your dreams are telling you about something. This is the only solution i could think of right now. He could give you answers, Gulf. Maybe he is the answer." He stated carefully, afraid that i might act differently again.

I bit the inside of my cheek. He has a point though, again. Maybe i really should stop acting like a child and do something to find the answers i've been looking for. Then, after that. We could go on with our different lives right?

Maybe he is the answer.

I gulped and with a determined stare, i replied, "Alright. Let's bring him back."

I really hope it's the right decision.

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