Her Life

By Brindream

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Tulsi- 27 year old middle class, calm and innocent girl. She is working as a teacher. She have one elder sist... More

Marriage Day
Marriage Day : P-2
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Part- 44
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6.2K 274 12
By Brindream

After 2 Weeks:

In these 2 weeks Tulsi tried make a conversation with Arun, But he tried to avoid reply or sometimes he replied with single words... after that She also avoided to make conversation to thought he wants some time......

At Airport, yes today Both Arun and Tulsi shifting to US......

Chitra: Arun! Take care of Tulsi.. Don't make her sad or cry... Otherwise I am not going to leave you! Spend sometime with Tulsi... Don't spend all your time in office...Ok

Arun just nodded his head...

Chitra continued....

Tulsi my daughter be careful and take care of yourself... If anything happens or emergency you have to call me first... Ok....US is new country for you but Your neighbours are indians... So make some friends there....so you don't feel lonely when Arun went his office....

Tulsi: Ok! Amma, your take care of yourself....with smile....

After that Tulsi hugged her Appa, Amma and her little brother with eyes full of tears....

After 22 hrs travel they reached US....after one hour the car stopped infront of beautiful condo....

Just imagine like this 😂

Both Tulsi and Arun entered inside the condo... The inside view of condo quite unique at the same time breathtaking... It has indoor pool,home theatre,gym and 4 bedrooms.....

Arun stood near the his bedroom entrance... And looked towards the tulsi, who admiring the house like a showpiece...

Arun: I want to talk with you very important....

She stood infront of him.... looking into his eyes straightly....

Arun: Look I don't like you not even bit and I am not going to spend my whole life with you... I know why did you married me ! Infact I hate you...

Hearing his words... Tulsi stood like statue with confusion.....

Tulsi: But Arun at that night you told me you want some time for this marriage life.... But

Arun cut of tulsi.. started to talk...

Arun: Hey don't take my name in your mouth... It makes me think myself low.... I know Why did you approaced my Amma... and these marriage things....don't act infront me ...I just acted because of my Amma...I don't want to hurt her... And listen me carefully i have a some preference for my future... Your not 1 percent to match my dream girl.. and I hate ugly things from childhood.....After 3 moths I will give you divorce.... ofcourse I will convince my mother for this divorce.... within this three months you and me stranger in one roof ok...
Tulsi- What are you talking.....
Again he cut her of middle....

Here read this rules in this paper... I don't want to spend my precious time for explain these things to gold diggers....Follow this rules without fail... Otherwise you have to bare the consequences...

With trembling hand and eyes full of tears she took that paper and started to read slowly....

1. Don't touch anything in this house not even corpets... Because you will make it dirt...I don't like dirt.. I don't like to share my things with stranger like you....

2. You can use vacant store room that is near the guest room,you can use maid bathroom it's in backside of the house...

3. Apart from these 2 place you can't go any rooms and even kitchen... Because it's for my future wife....

4. I will not give any penny for your daily chores... You have to manage yourself....

5. Don't show your gold digger and manipulative face infront me.. it's make me puke...

6. And don't say you are my wife or any relative to the neighbours....

7. important rule... These things will not reach to my Amma... If you try to say anything to my Amma... I will not leave your family... Not forget to your little brother....

Reading this Tulsi started to cry loudly...if you don't like me why did you married me... What gold digger....If it's because of your Amma... What about my life...you should explained to you Amma before marriage...why! Why! Now your treating me like this... You are calling me dirt...Looking towards arun place where stood before with tears filled eyes... But he is not here....he already went to his room... leaving tulsi in this state ... Because he don't care about gold digger.....

After one hour Tulsi got up from where she seated while reading......with heavy heart she searched for storeroom for her stay ...

I have to be strong for my family .....she can't let her family to suffer.....she knows rich people can do anything.... She started to think it is also good for her life because he showed his true self..... little bit she started to like him... now she erased that feeling also....only 3 months Tulsi......

"You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won't happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, 'I don't care how hard this is, I don't care how disappointed I am, I'm not going to let this get the best of me. I'm moving on with my life.'"

The good and happy relationship need two people constant... If one is not ready for that relationship we have move on or forget about that life....

So she is ready to live in this house as a stranger.....

She reached Storeroom...her eyes widened... Because it's...

Storeroom pic ...Just imagine without these things empty room...

Again she started to sob.... How can she live in this tiny room.. without blanket and necessary thing not even Drinking water....how her life changed within hours....

That night she didn't stopped her cry.... Arun words started to Pickering her mind and heart...sleep is far away for her....Chill weather makes situation tougher for Tulsi..

Next morning....She awake full night... In early morning she took hot bath in maid restroom... Inside of her tiny room she arranged her clothes and things...Her stomach started make sounds.. because from yesterday she didn't ate any thing even water.....

She went near store using of Google map with difficult... Because she is new in US ....not to mention before this she is not even travelled out of the country...Using of Marriage Money that is given by her parents she bought some necessary things..

One month went like this....

Arun happy about his life without Tulsi.... whenever his Amma asked about tulsi he tells some lies....

Meanwhile Tulsi got know about some people in neighbouring places...
She also sold gold chain which is gifted by her mother for her daily necessities......in this one month she didn't talked with Arun and not even saw his face....she only spend in her time in tiny room and some times roaming near places....

One day night.....

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