
meimyselfforever द्वारा

11.9K 744 1.5K

I stopped inches away from her. I could feel the heat radiating off her body. I was too close. She kept her e... अधिक

01 Gunshot
02 Hex
03 A Story
04 Red
05 Mistake
06 Green
07 Rest
08 He Left?
09 Distraction
10 A Visitor
11 Coming With You
12 Everything
13 The Real Story
14 Ten Minutes
15 No
16 Dream Walking
17 Curiosity
18 Patience
19 Alpha Boy
20 Incendia
21 Drink From The Vein
22 Baby
23 Insatiable
25 Leave
26 Dissension
27 I Have To Find Her
28 He Knows Something
29 Two Can Play
30 Good Girl
31 Sanctum
32 Letter For Her
33 Bath
34 Blood Stained Wall
35 News From...
36 Space?
37 We Got Shit To Do
38 Into The Woods
39 Tied Down
40 Mind Games
41 He Looks Familiar
42 Witch Hunt
43 Till Midnight
44 Blue
45 Its Unheard Of
46 A Hint
47 Let's Go Home
48 I Missed This
49 Our Best Shot
50 Shaky
51 Are The Boys Behaving Themselves?
52 Why Would I Start A War?
53 Is This It?
54 Let's Get This Over With
55 What Had To Be Done
56 Howl In The Woods
57 Do You Wanna Know?
58 I Have A Bad Feeling
59 Fire and Knives

24 A Bad Idea

139 12 9
meimyselfforever द्वारा


"Ezra get out of that chair" Nathaniel's annoyed tone took everyone's attention.

Ezra sat behind the huge table in the lavish chair, leaning back. Ethan stood behind him with his hands in his pockets, staring out of the window.

They both had on white buttoned down shirts. Different shades. They were positioned in such a business like manner, it was almost as if they were in a painting.

Then again, Ezra did have a flair for the dramatics

"I'm the King . Watch your mouth Nathaniel" Ezra leaned forward on the table and Ethan turned around to shoot Nathaniel a glare.

"Not here, you aren't" Nathaniel smirked and stood in his place, whith his hands arrogantly clasped behind his back.

Deja Vu.

This whole scenario was all too familiar. Only this time it was Nathaniel kicking Ezra out of the chair, not Sage.

"Aahh, look who finally showed up" Ethan smirked at Nathaniel with a cold tone.

"Yes, apparently nothing gets done here without me" Nathaniel gave him a glare.

"You're delusional Nathaniel" he shook his head in annoyance.

"At least I'm not a the King's little bitch" he simply smirked back.

Ezra gave him a deadly glare.

"You're lucky Sage likes you" Ethan leaned down against the table "You would've been dead a long time back" his cold threatening voice didn't make Nathaniel flinch.

"Sage makes alot of stupid decisions. We can't go killing all of them, now can we?" I gave Ethan a slight smirk, glancing at Nathaniel.

"Speaking of my sister's bad decisions" Ezra stood up to round the table "How was Cohen?"

I walked over to the the desk and grabbed a chair, pulling it back, I made myself comfortable in it.

"It was.. eventful"

"You want to elaborate on that Axel?" he gave me a questioning look.

"Why don't you ask your sister for yourself?" Nathaniel shot back in a sharp tone.

"Because she doesn't like sharing" Ethan shot him another glare.

"With you" Nathaniel corrected.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Ethan rounded the table, taking meaningful steps towards Nathaniel.

"It means. If you have to ask her the plan you're not fit to know it to begin with" he gave him on of his taunting smile.

"What the fuck does that even mean?" Ethan shot back in loud tone.

"What?" Nathaniel gave him a questioning look.

"What?" Ethan's confused tone made me let out a chuckle.

Ezra shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose as he sat down in the chair beside me.

"Can you both shut up?' he grumbled under his breath.

"Can you all shut up?"

Ahaa that voice...

That sharp voice made us all look in the direction of the door.

She stood there with her hands behind her back, glaring at Ethan and Nathaniel, as if she was one more word away from snapping their necks.

Ethan took a few steps back, gave Nathaniel a glare and walked over to lean against the table beside where Ezra was.

Nathaniel simply gave him an innocent smile and glanced over at Sage.

She walked past him and rounded the table, making herself comfortable in the huge chair. Nathaniel rounded the chair to stand behind her with his arm leaning against the backrest.

They were in almost the same position as Ethan and Ezra was. They both were wearing all black clothing, completely contrasting to the other two. They exuded a darkness I couldn't put my finger on.

They had a bad reputation and they did more than uphold that, simply by the manner in which they carried themselves.

"Morning sunshine" Ezra broke the silence.

"There's nothing good about this morning Ezra" she rolled her eyes "What are you doing here?"

"You told me to meet you in the morning Sage" he gave her a glare.

"Yes. Its not even eight in the morning" she shook her head in annoyance.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. I could have had a nap instead of coming down here.

"Sage. I have shit to do. What happened in Cohen?" his low threatening voice made me want to tear his tongue out of his skull.

Sage on the other hand seemed unfazed by it. She sat back with an arrogant posture. Nathaniel continued looking out of the window.

"Alot of things happened in Cohen,Ezra" Nathaniel's arrogant tone took his attention.

Sage glanced at me with a smirk as she leaned back in her chair.

I knew exactly what went through her mind in that moment.

I leaned back and rested my knuckles against my lips to hide the grin I couldn't hold back.

"Yes. We heard something" Ethan glanced at Sage, then back to Nathaniel.

"Oh dear! What did you hear?" Sage shot back in a sarcastic tone.

Damn. This was fun.

Watching Ezra and Ethan try to get information out and Sage and Nathaniel piss them off to the core brought me way too much amusement.

"That my sister had witches strolling around inside her head" Ezra gave her another glare.

"Well that's exactly what I went there for" she gave him an even deadlier glare.

"No. You went there for the witch to do some stupid spell with your blood to see if the hex was still in you" he corrected.

"Well the hex wasn't in me and there was no other way" she shook her head at him, carefree.

"There was no other way?" he let out an chuckle.

"There was no other way?" he turned around to face me.

"And you let her go through with it" he gave me ironic glare.

"Ezra, have you ever tried talking your sister out of doing something?" I shot him a glare.

His expression went from threatening to defeated in a second.

He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair.

"So did this witch find out anything?" Ethan took my attention.

"Bergman Coven ring any bells?" I sat up straight and glanced over at Sage.

She already had her eyes on me intently.

"Most of the covens were wiped out couple of decades ago in the Wallough massacre" Ethan shook his head, almost as if he was trying to piece something together.

"Not all" Sage sat up a little "The witch that performed the spell was Noelle Crassus's daughter. The wolves helped some of them escape during the massacre"

"Fuck" Nathaniel walked upto the table, leaning against it.

"She said it was really dark magic. Apparently only the Bergman Coven does dark stuff like that" I added.

"Yes. But witches are clannish. Why would one coven be raging war against a species and the other trying to help us?" Ethan looked at Sage.

"I don't know. Arabella's gone to meet a friend, she'll let us know once she has any information" she gave him an assuring look.

"But that's not the fun part, is it" I gave her a smirk.

Her eyes widened when she realised what I was talking about.

She nodded her head, gesturing me to tell them.

"Our witch got attacked by one of the wolves"

"What?" Ezra's expression was that of complete and utter confusion.

"He was the Alpha of the Alliyah pack. They had just joined Xander"

"What? How?" Ethan glanced back and forth between Sage and Me, concerned look that was on Ezra's face.

"Can either of you actually elaborate on what the fuck really happened out there?" Ezra glared at both of us.

I heard Sage let out a deep breath in annoyance. She moved forward and leaned her elbows down on the table and began telling them the incidents that unfolded.

Leaving out some details ofcourse.



"You what?" Ezra slammed his hand against the table.

I didn't bother replying. I just leaned back in my chair, catching my breath after narrating that whole story.

"How could you let her do something like that Axel?" he whipped his head to the side.

Axel kept his glare at me, so I gave him a little smirk.

"Can you stop yelling Ezra" he rolled his eyes and glanced at my brother.

"No. You executed his men" he pointed a finger towards me.

"Well technically it was the witch. We were just gonna torture them" Nathaniel casually stated.

"And Xander was okay with that?" Ethan gave us a questioning look.

"Well he had to discipline his new pack members. We gave him that , without him having to get his hands dirty" I shrugged.

"Technically no one got their hands dirty" Axel smirked back.

Ezra stood up and ran his hand down his face in frustration.

Axel leaned back in chair, his gaze still burning through me.

Ethan hung his head, he didn't know what else to say. He looked back up at me with furrowed brows and turned to Ezra.

"I think we should call off the Festum" his sharp tone made Ezra whip his head in his direction.

"No. We will not" he shot back.

"Think about it Ezra. There are going to be vampires and werewolves and humans, maybe even some witches. It'll be a blood bath if things don't go right" he waved his hands around defeated.

"Hunters?" I looked at them in surprise.

We never invited hunters to the Festum.

"The invites went out months in advance. I didn't think about it until a week or so back" he put his hands on his hips.

"The hunters won't come" Nathaniel gave an assuring look.


"Because they will be out numbered. No matter how big their numbers are, they won't walk into our territory just like that" he gave me a know look. I knew he wasn't wrong.

"But we would have had a chance to ask them their people being seen in Huntley" I looked up at him.

"Huntley is off limits. Our men haven't been able to get back in" he furrowed his brows.

"Gervase is sealed off but its not as bad. Things are calming down there" Natty continued.

"Aahh I hope you were well taken care off there" Axel gave him a smile.

"Ahaa I was more than well taken care off" he smirked back.

I knew what he meant.

"There's something about the water in Gervase Axel" he shook his head "the women there are cr..."

"Nathaniel" i cut him off. "Get to the damn point"

I shot Axel a glare who was grinning like a child.

"The point is no one's getting into Huntley" he shook his head.

Probably shaking his disgusting thoughts out.


"Yes Ethan" i gave him a smile.

"You can't pull some strings? Get people in some other way? Get information out?" he gave me a hopeful look.

I shook my head. I could feel Axel's gaze burning through me, but I refused to look at him.

"If Nathaniel couldn't get it, no one can" I shrugged my shoulders.

"But I'm still curious about Huntley. Hunters in their land isn't a coincidence Ezra" Axel turned away from me.

Ezra looked at him, they exchanged knowing looks, as if they were communicating with telepathy.

Something clicked in my mind. Something I knew could go so horribly wrong...

"I have an idea" I looked at Natty.


"Can we send out another invite?" i glanced back at Ezra.

Nathaniel had already pulled out his phone, ready to do as told.

"Who?" Ezra furrowed his brows at me.

"If we can't get into Pheonix's land. Then we get Pheonix to ours" i spoke in a low tone.

"Fuck" i heard Nathaniel curse from beside me.

Ezra and Axel looked at me like I just asked them to carve their hearts out with their hands and offer it to me.

They glared at me, I almost felt like they were going to rip me apart.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" Ezra shot back at me in a loud tone, taking meaningful steps to slam his hand down on the table.

Axel stood in his place, looking at me like he hadn't processed what I just said.

"Listen to me Ezra" i enunciated "What can he do? Its a feast. Besides, the place will be crawling with our men." I stood up to round the table.

"I need to leave" i heard Axel.

"What? No." I took a step towards him.

"Your brother's on his way over here Axel. He's coming down for the Festum" Ezra turned to us.

Axel ran his hand through his hair and gave Ezra a surprised look.

"See. We have Donovan's men too" i gave Ezra an assuring look.

"Its not about being outnumbered Sage" Axel grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. "I don't want to be in the same room as that man" he hissed through clenched teeth.

I could feel anger beginning to crawl through me. He was still affected by Pheonix, even after all these years. Why couldn't he let it go? 

"You have a better plan Axel?" I pulled my hand away from him.

"There has to be another way" he glared at me as if he was cutting through my soul.

"Its just a few hours" i turned to Ezra "besides what are the odds he actually lands up? " I tried to be as convincing as I could, trying to hide how annoyed I was with Axel at this point.

"And what if he shows up?" Ezra put his hands on his hips.

"Then we go about the damn feast as we normally would and show him a good time" I waved my hand in the air.

What else were we supposed to do?

"I don't even think he would show up honestly" i shook my head.

"Unbelievable" I heard Axel mutter behind me.

I turned around to give him another glare when I heard the little clink of a message leave a phone.

I turned around to look at Nathaniel.

Oh my gosh.

He looked up from his phone.

"What did you do?" I heard Ezra's low tone from beside me.

Nathaniel looked at me with a determined look.

"Its done"



Its done!!

Don't forget to vote and comment before heading out.

See you guys soon *virtual hugs*

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