Sweet Love • Mingyu X Mina

By minasbingsu

9.6K 369 29

1997 liner friends, go out for dinner to catch up on what's new and talk about their life and relationships... More

chapter 1: the story begins
chapter 3: oust me
chapter 4: heart attack
chapter 5: let's last long, shall we?
chapter 6: suds
chapter 7: polaroids
chapter 8: grwm (Get Ready With Mina)
chapter 9: pink skies
chapter 10: sunsets with you on my chest
chapter 11: as sweet as chocolate
chapter 12: up & down
chapter 13: gossiping with Chan and Dahyun 101
chapter 14: behind the scenes
chapter 15: the universe in each other's eyes
chapter 16: pure bliss
chapter 17: my world is always you
special chapter 18: sweet love
special chapter 19.1: dream a little dream
special chapter 19.2: dream a little dream
special chapter 19.3: dream a little dream
special chapter 19.4: dream a little dream
special chapter 19.5: dream a little dream
special chapter 20.1: so, tell me your wish
special chapter 20.2: so, tell me your wish
special chapter 20.3 : so, tell me your wish
special chapter 20.4 : so, tell me your wish
special chapter 20.5 : so, tell me your wish
hi :DD

chapter 2: driving (me crazy)

599 17 0
By minasbingsu

(please play the song at the indicated part please:>)

After settling inside the set, they started filming already. All they did was just perform, dance, answer questions, do challenges, and play some games.

While playing one of the games, the music used was SEVENTEEN's Left and Right. The moment Mina heard it, she stepped forward, pushing Momo and Dahyun away from the center. "Momo, Dahyun, move!" Mina shouts from behind. "Jihyo Unnie! Mina unnie pushed me!" Dahyun stomps her feet as she complains to Jihyo. Mina just acted like she didn't hear them. Everytime Momo would try to push her back, Mina would push her to the side again, causing Momo to give up on the center position and ended up giving that round to Mina. Everyone was shocked at her activeness, which caused Mina to win that round. Mina went back to her seat with a proud smile on her face.

More games were played afterwards. When it was almost time to end the show, they started concluding what had happened in that episode. "Wow, a while ago was the first time I've seen Mina move an inch. She barely talks and gets up from her seat in variety shows." Everyone laughed at the host's words. Mina being Mina, felt shy again. Which was the total opposite of what happened a while ago. "Why won't Mina say some words since she's probably going to be the talk of the town after this episode is released." The host says, Mina then agreed saying, "Thank you for supporting Twice, continue to stay with us and I hope you enjoyed this episode. hehehe" Mina says as she giggles in the end.

After leaving the set, Twice was already walking in the hallways, when suddenly Sana went behind Mina and back hugged her. Mina notices it, but still won't mind her. Sana giggles, and then says, "Minaaaa~ I'm sorry" and hugs her tighter while walking. "I have a surprise for you once we get back to the waiting room." Sana tells her, while Mina just smiles back at her partly accepting her apology.

Once they got inside the room, Sana made Mina sit down on the couch with her eyes closed, so that she wouldn't be able to see Sana's surprise. Mina then heard Sana go outside their room. "What is she up to?" Mina asks the member whoever she was beside of, still closing her eyes. What an obedient Mina. None of the members replied, and if they did, all they said was that it was a secret. This made Mina even more curious of Sana's surprise.

A few seconds later, the door opened slightly revealing a Sana trying to hide something. "Mina, open your eyes, and look towards the door." Sana instructed Mina. Mina took her hands off her face, and looked towards the door, showing Sana trying to block the door. "Here's my surprise" Sana says while smirking. The door opened even wider, showing a hand holding a bouquet of flowers. "What?" Mina blurts out of confusion. A bouquet of flowers? Who? That's so random, Mina thought. The hand kept extending, now it was showing half its body. Mina thought it was familiar. Tall, muscular arms, and buff. Moreover, the owner of the hand, kept moving until his whole body was finally revealed. Mina knew exactly who owned this.

"Yah! Kim Mingyu, show yourself. I knew it was you the second you stuck your hand out." Mina says while trying to stop herself from blushing. Mingyu heard her, and finally showed himself, and went inside with a huge smile on his face. He first went to Sana and gave her a paper bag full of lotion and perfumes. That was his payment for Sana because Sana was supposed to make up with Mina by bringing her to an arcade later, but Mingyu messaged her earlier asking if he could steal Mina instead. Sana thought that it was a better idea of cheering Mina up, so she just gave Mina to Mingyu, but with a price of 3 lotions and 6 perfumes.

"Let's go?" Mingyu says as he hands Mina a bouquet of flowers, which she happily received, putting his arms around her shoulder. Mina was confused as to why he was there, and how he got there. "I was planning to apologise to you by taking you to the arcade, but Mingyu asked me if he could steal you away from me, and go out with him instead." Sana replied like she could read Mina's mind. 2na soulmates indeed.

"O-Ok...." Mina stuttered, still not processing the situation in her mind. They finally left the room with Mingyu wrapping his hands around Mina's shoulders, leaving their staff confused. As soon as they closed the door, it was like a wet market in there. Gossip here, gossip there. "How, when, and what are they?" The managers ask the members. Twice then patiently explain what they've been hiding for months. "It's been 5 months and we're only knowing about this now, and the fact that I'm with Mina everyday, and I don't see anything fishy?" Mina's stylist asks in disbelief.


"Where are you taking me?" Mina asks Mingyu, while looking up to see his face. "Secret~" Mingyu says cheekily. They were already in the parking lot, walking to Mingyu's car. Once they reached his car, Mingyu opened the door for her, and decided to play a skit. "Mi amor~" Mingyu says while bowing, putting his hand out for her to use to get inside his car. Mina chuckled at his antics and closed the door. Once the two were inside the car, Mina pulled out her phone for a picture. When Mingyu saw this, he went closer to Mina and pouted, with his eyes settled on her cheek, looking like he was preparing to kiss her cheek. She kept snapping photos, and everytime she pressed the button, he went nearer and nearer, and by the time Mina was about to take the last pic, he kissed her cheek as Mina snapped the last photo. He then pulled away, and he smiled while scrunching his nose.

Mina looked at him and saw him scrunching his nose, which Mina found cute. She saw him act cute, and pinched his nose. "Why are you acting cute all of a sudden? What do you want, you big baby?" Mina says. Mingyu then replied, "Nothing~ hehehe" while giggling. Mingyu started his car, and the two were already going out of the building's parking lot. Mingyu was gonna take her to a laser tag place, which he promised taking her. He planned on taking her out at the end of the month, but since he couldn't wait any longer, he asked Sana if they were free today, and she was supposedly taking Mina out that night, but ended up giving Mingyu the opportunity.

While Mingyu was driving, Mina was on her phone looking for a good restaurant for dinner. "How about this one?" Mina asks him. "hmmmm.... Not a fan of Mexican food." He replies. "What about.... This one?" Mina then shows him a Japanese restaurant. "I just had Japanese food yesterday. Try another one." He retaliates. Mina got so frustrated, and hit him on the arm causing him to flinch. "Hey! I'm driving here?!?" He scolds Mina, she didn't mind him and just rolled her eyes. She then asks Mingyu, again, showing him a Chinese restaurant. "That looks good, ask them if we could reserve a table." Mina then sarcastically answered, "Wow, finally, took you long enough." Mina then proceeded to call the restaurant.

"Uhm, Hi, are you open today?"

"Oh ok, can I please make a reservation?"

"For 2 people, please."

"Do you have a room?"

"Oh ok, I would like to reserve the room as well."

"Name of the reservee? Myoui Mina"

"Ok thank you!"

Mina then ended the call. "I have good news and bad news, which one would you like to hear first?" Mina asks him. "Bad, I guess?" Mingyu replies. "Nope. You're listening to the good news first." Mina says as Mingyu sighs. "You still had to ask me, when you still want it your way." Mingyu says as he rolls his eyes. "Ok, good news, we got reservations for a private room. Bad news, the cashier of the restaurant noticed me, so now you need extra protection for your identity." Mina chuckled as she tells him.

"Sooo, after this mystery location you're taking me, we're getting dinner, and then what are we gonna do afterwards?" Mina asks him. "I don't know, I just wanna go back and sleep." Mingyu replies. "Well, I want you to accompany me to the mall. I need you to come with me for some shopping, I need more clothes and shoes, in which only I can wear." Mina says highlighting the word "I". "As usual, you want everything your way, and want everything you have exclusive. Oh my god, Myoui Mina." Mingyu says as he sighs, but he really wants to spend more time with Mina, so he just says yes to all her wants. In return, Mina gives him exclusive and limited edition, luxurious items as gifts as well.

"Look I want this."

"Ooooh! This one's cute!"

"Let's get these matching passport covers from Louis Vuitton!"

"Let's also get matching shoes!!!!"

Mina says excitedly, scrolling through the items she's looking at in the online version of the physical store they're going to later. Mingyu turned his head towards Mina's direction, and spotted an excited and hyper Mina. He smiled at her. "Tomorrow, do you have any schedules?" Mingyu asks Mina. "Why? Are you taking me out again?" Mina asks him, scratch that. Mina pleads to him. "You wanna?" Mingyu asks her back. "Is that even a question? Hell yes!" Mina replies excitedly.

"So, wanna go to the mall tomorrow?" Mingyu asks. "Seriously? Again? I've been going to the mall for 4 days straight already. Yesterday, with Momo, 2 days ago, I went with Sana and Taehyung, 3 days ago, I was with Eunha, and 4 days ago, I was with Nayeon, Chaeryeong, and Chan. And later, with you." Mina explains, while Mingyu just utters an "oh". He then realizes how much of a shopaholic she is, and thought of a new plan, which has nothing to do with shopping or malls. "You wanna come over to my family house, and swim?" Mingyu suggests. "Ok, that's much better. But I need to buy new swimsuits and more sunscreen." She replies. Mingyu sighs for the nth time in the hour, and tells Mina, "Of course, you're Myoui Mina, shopping will never be erased in your daily life, no matter what." Mingyu says that causing them both to laugh out loud.

Mingyu just kept on driving, while Mina just kept on using her phone on the way to the laser tag place. It's been 30 minutes, and they have finally arrived. As soon as Mina got off the car, she immediately recognizes the place since it's currently trending all over Korea, and Mina couldn't help but want to go there too. "We're here. You've been facetiming me everyday at around 2:00 to 4:00 AM, telling me you badly want to go here. So I reserved the whole arena for us, and some friends to play." Mingyu explains while Mina couldn't believe her ears. "You reserved the whole place for just us to play in? Wow! Thank you! 19383829x Thank you!" Mina squeals while Mingyu tries to put his finger over her mouth, to make her lower her voice, since they were still outside, where there are still people around. Mina puts her arms around his waist, putting her head on his chest, hugging him super, super, tightly. Mingyu noticed her, and just hugged her back, putting his hand around her shoulders.

Mingyu had a mask and his hoodie on, while Mina had a big bucket hat enough to cover half her face, and a mask on. If they didn't have those, Dispatch would have already caught the two. "Who are the people you invited?" Mina asks him curiously. Mingyu then replied, "They're gonna arrive any minute now." Just in time, a black car parked beside their car. After the car parked, its owner finally got out. The owner of the car was Mingyu's fellow member, Jeonghan. Jeonghan then went to the front passenger's seat, and opened the door. Seeing Jeonghan alone was already enough to see who he was with. Jeonghan opened the door, revealing Jeongyeon. The two then walked towards Mina and Mingyu, hand-in-hand.

"Hi!" Jeongyeon greets them as she waves her hands. Jeongyeon and Jeonghan then exchanged greetings with Mina and Mingyu. After Jeonghan and Jeongyeon reached the entrance where Mina and Mingyu were located at, another car arrived. Mina was quick to notice the car, it was Twice's group vehicle. "Don't tell me you invited all my members-" Mina tells Mingyu. He chuckled and then said, "No, I didn't. I mean I was about to, but not all were available, so yeah." Mingyu says as he laughs nervously. The driver's door opened, showing Twice's manager. The manager then opened the back doors, wherein K-pop's Powerhouse Couple, Jihyo and Daniel exited out the car.

"We could have used one car if the only people you invited were my members." Mina says as he glares at Mingyu. It's not that Mina didn't want her members invited, she just thought they were boring and that they'd suck at laser tag. After Jihyo and Daniel came, some more of Mingyu's friends arrived. Eunwoo, Jaehyun, Yugyeom, and Jungkook arrived. Tzuyu was hanging out with Elkie, explains why Jungkook went alone.

After chatting outside, by the entrance for a few minutes, they finally went inside. Mingyu, who was holding a Mina who linked arms with him, was leading the way, as the reservation was under his name. "The reservation for Kim Mingyu please." He says as he approaches the counter with Mina by his side, while the rest of their friends were busy talking behind the two. "Mina, my wallet please, I need my credit card." Mingyu looks down to Mina. Mina then took out his wallet from her bag, since it has already become a habit for the two whenever they hangout. Mingyu lets Mina keep his wallet and keys in her bag, because there was that one time Mingyu left his wallet in the car, causing Mina to pay for their dinner.

So, after what felt like hours, Mingyu got the final tickets, and Mina helped him carry them, and handed them out to their friends. Apparently, the teams have already been chosen randomly when they bought the tickets. Since Mingyu reserved the whole place, the group of idol friends could already remove their masks, hats, and literally everything they use to cover themselves. As for Jihyo and Daniel, they didn't have to use that much cover, since they've already gone public, but it still doesn't mean the two could go out freely. Why can't people let idols date in peace? Is dating a crime?

After removing their items, they placed everything in the lockers, and the teams separate to wear the gears and equipment.

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