Kamen rider x BNHA: Heisei ri...

By LeonShido

121K 1.5K 1.3K

In the world of Heroes meet 3 Quirk less individuals who have the power of the Kamen Riders and show them the... More

Chapter 1: Kamen rider strike again
Chapter 2: Meeting the family
Chapter 3: Invitaion to UA high
Chapter 4: UA Entrance Exam
Chapter 5: Beginning of UA
Chapter 6: Combat Training
Chapter 8: UJS Part 2
Chapter 9: USJ Part Final
Chapter 10: UA sports festival part 1 obstacle race
Chapter 11 part 2: Let's clear this Cavalry Battle with no continue
Chapter 12 part 3: A Specter in the Tournament
Chapter 13: Rock vs Robot
Chapter 14: Mach vs Engine and The Exploder vs The Destroyer
Chapter 15: Tournament semi final
Chapter 16: Overlord vs Overlord, Brother vs Brother. The Battle of Dark Riders
Chapter 17: Hero names and Internships
Chapter 18: Hosu attack and encounter the Hero Killer
Chapter 19: The Aftermath
Chapter 20: Final Exam Students vs Teachers
Chapter 21: The Final Exam Begins
Chapter 22: The Battle Against The No.1 Hero
Chapter 23: Exam Results and Shopping
Chapter 24: The Pool and The Invitation
Two Heroes
Chapter 25: The Training Camp Begins With Time
Chapter 26: Day Two
Chapter 26: The Night Againts the Onies.
Chapter 27: Rescue By Sneaking
Chapter 28: Confront To The Extremer
Chapter 29: The Infinite Potential Of People
Chapter 30: The Choice Of The Story.
Chapter 31: A Trip Back Home
Chapter 32: Regaining The Faith/Trust Of Heroes
Chapter 33: Moving to the Dorms
Halloween Special: Ghosts In The Woods
Chapter 34: Clash Of Trust From One's Past
Chapter 35: What Is A Kamen Rider? Part 1

Chapter 7: Class Representative and USJ part 1

3.5K 49 6
By LeonShido

The trio drive to school as they arrive they see there was a lot of news reporters at the gate. They stop and push their bike on foot with Naomi staying on the bike. The reporters see them coming and ask them questions.

Female reporter: Excuse me! We like to ask you what it's like having All Might as a teacher of UA? Wait aren't you that vigilantly from months ago?

Yuuto: No comment

Kenichi: All I can say is that he still new to teaching

The reporters continue to ask them about All Might and their vigilantism but the trio ignore them and got in the school.

(Mini time skip)

Aizawa: Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and result. Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid

Bakugo: I know

Aizawa: And Midoriya. You settle it by breaking your arm again, huh? You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya

Midoriya: Yes, sir!

Aizawa: Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I have you... decide on a class representative

The students get excited about it and start raise their hand

Kirishima: Pick me guys I want to be class rep!

Kaminari: I take it!

Jirou: I want to do it, too! 

Aoyoyama: It's a job made for m-

Ashido: I want to be the leader!

Mineta: My manifesto is for all girl's skirts to be 30 centimeters above the knee! 

Naomi: What kind declaration is that?(sign) perverts these day

Bakugo: Let me do it! ME!

Iida: Silence, please!

The class then became silence

Iida: It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one.

Class 1-A: Your hand raise the highest!

Kaminari: Why did you suggest that?

Asui: We haven't know each other for that long, so how can we have trust or anything?

Kirishima: If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves...

Iida: Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receive multiple votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person? What do you think Aizawa-sensei?

Aizawa: I don't care, as long as decide before homeroom is over

Aizawa wrapped himself up in his sleeping bag and then fell sheep.

Iida: Thank you very much!

Naomi: Should we vote to?

Yuuto: Eh if you want to, I just don't care for it

After a few minute the result was shown on the chalkboard, most student got 0 vote except for Yaoyorozu who got 2 vote while Midoriya got 3 vote.

Midoriya: I got 3 votes

Bakugo: Why Deku?! Who voted for him?!

Sero: Well, it's better than voting for you

Bakugo: What did you say?

Iida became upset for not being elected as student representative

Iida: Zero votes... I knew this would happen... That is only to be expected of the person's calling

Yaoyorozu: You vote for someone else, huh?

Sato: But you wanted to do it, too. What are you trying to do, Iida?

Midoriya and Yaoyorozu are now in front of the class, Midoriya is shaking of nervousness while Yaoyorozu is calm

Aizawa: Then, the class rep is Midoriya, and the deputy class rep will be Yaoyorozu

Midoriya: S-S-Seriously? Seriously?

Yaoyorozu: How vexing...

Asui: That might not be too bad

Kirishima: After all's said and done, Midoriya can be pretty fired up, anyway. And Yaoyorozu was cool when we were going over the battle result!


Naomi: Hey darling, what does the class rep do? Does it give benefits?

Yuuto: Yeah, It a person who lead the class, representing them in the school as a whole.

Kenichi: Kinda like leading a army showing who they are and what they can do right?

Yuuto: It kinda similar to that

Naomi: So the reason many students want to be class rep because they want attention?

Kenichi: I think more like they want to be the boss

Yuuto: Well the good thing about the class rep is they have more responsibility for their class and class-

Suddenly the school emergency bell ringed around the school

Yuuto: -mates

Announcer: There has been a level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly.

The entire school then start to freak out and crowding shoving each other to the emergency exit. While the trio still sit in their table eating normally.

Kenichi: Wow this is the prestigious high school and yet students still act like a panic child

Naomi: I though their age they be more calm and collective. Guess not

Yuuto pull out the Bat shot and insert the Bat memory in it and send it to check the outside.

After a minute it came back in and land on the table show what cause the commotion.

Kenichi: So it just the media? How's that level 3?

Naomi: There was a barrier that block people who don't have an ID so how did they get it?

Yuuto: Maybe someone broke the barrier and let the media get in. I think someone is using them as a distraction

Kenichi: That is a possibility

Yuuto: Yeah, I think the person who broke the gate try to use the media as a bait so that they could get in to get data and files of the school.

Naomi: So they try to do sneak attack huh

Kenichi: Make sense since the media don't have a Quirk to break the gate so it might be a villain that did it

Yuuto: Yes, so they might send an army to surprise attack UA from the inside without alert the school security.

Naomi: Should we report the school? let them know the villains might attack

Yuuto: No

Naomi: Huh! Why not?

Yuuto: They threaten the school so it's not us "students" to get involve with

Naomi: That's cruel, this is the first school that we ever got into. I don't want to see it gone

Yuuto: Remember what Aizawa-sensei said the world is full of unfairness it's a hero job to reverse that unfairness. So I want to see how this famous hero school do about this situation.

Kenichi: So you testing them see what they do?

Yuuto: Yes, to see if heroes the same or they change for the pass years and also obey the 'rules' that they tole us to do.

The school is now gone back to normal after someone tell the students that the media is outside and the police arrive. Lunch break is over and the trio gone back to their class.

Yaoyorozu: Come on, class rep. Start

Midoriya: N-Now let us decide on the other class officers... But first, can I say something?

Yaoyorozu: Eh?

Midoriya: I think... that Tenya Iida should be the class rep after all! He was able to got everyone's attention in such a cool way. I think it would be best for Iida to do it.

This caught Iida by surprise

Kirishima: I'm good with that, too. Midoriya's saying it, and it's true that Iida was a big help at the cafeteria today  

Kaminari: Yeah, and he kind of looked like the person on the emergency exit signs, didn't he? 

Aizawa: You're wasting time. I don't care what you do, just hurry up and do it

Aizawa in his sleeping bag went back to sleep again

Iida: (stand up) Id the class rep has nominate me, then it cannot be helped. (raise right hand) From this day forth, I, Tenya Iida, promise to do my best to carry out the duties of class representative 

Kirishima: We're counting on you, Emergency exit!

Kaminari: Emergency Exit Iida! Do your best!

Yaoyorozu: What about me...?

(Time skip)

Aizawa: For today hero basic training, It's turned into a class with three instructors, All Might and me, and one more person.

Sero: (raise hand) Excuse me! What'll we be doing?

Aizawa: (show card) Disasters, shipwreck, and everything in between. It's rescue training 

Kaminari: Rescue... Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time, too

Ashido: Right?

Kirishima: Idiot, this is the duty of a hero! My arm are ready to rumble!

Asui: No one can beat me in water, ribbit

Aizawa: Hey, I'm not done. you can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. (click remote) Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too. the training will take place off-campus, so we're taking to bus to there. That is all. Start getting ready.

Everyone got up and grab their costumes. Later, they are outside with their costume start and waiting for the bus. The trio in their costume but they carrying a brief case that have the name "Smart Brain" on it

Iida: (blow whistle) Class 1-A, gather around! Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!

Iida blow the whistles again to get everyone in the bus. As they got in the bus Iida realize that the bus they were in was not what Iida expected.

Iida: Shoot, I didn't think it'd be this type of bus

Ashido: There was no point, huh?

Asui: I say whatever come to mind. Hiroyuki-kun...

Yuuto: Yes?

Asui: What is that suit that you wear from the training exercise and why aren't you wearing it right now?

Yuuto: To answer you first question those are armor not suit, it enhance our combat capability so we use them when fighting or rescuing people that's all I can say about it.

Asui: I see, Midoriya-chan...

Midoriya: Um, yes, Asui-san?

Asui: Call me "Tsu"

Midoriya: R-Right...

Asui: Your Quirk is like All Might's

Midoriya: Huh?! Y-Y-You think so? But I'm... uh...

Kirishima: Wait a sec, Tsu, All Might doesn't get hurt when he use his. They just kind of look the same. But it's nice to have a simple argument-type Quirk. You can do lots of flashy stuff! My Hardening's strong against other, (harden his left arm) but unfortunately, it doesn't look like much.

Midoriya: I think it's really cool! It's a Quirk that can definitely pass as a pro's!

Kirishima:  A pro's, huh? But you have to think about popularity as a hero, too, you know 

Kenichi: Kirishima you don't need a flashy Quirk all you just need to learn how to use them

Kirishima: Huh, what do you mean Mitsuo?

Kenichi: If you able the master you Quirk you can achieve a full extend of your Quirk power and be able to beat stronger villains

Kirishima: Your really think so?! I never thought about that

Ayoyama: My Navel Lazer is a pro-level in both flashiness and the strength to beat powerful villains too

Ashido: But it's not great if it gives you a stomachache

Kirishima: Well, if you're talking about  flashy and strong, it's gonna be Todoroki and Bakugo, though, huh?

Asui: Bakugo's always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular, though

Bakugo then start to get mad

Bakugo: What the hell! You wanna fight!

Asui: (point at Bakugo) See?

Kaminari: We haven't know each other for that long, so it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in a sewage

Bakugo: What's with that vocabulary, bastard?! I kill you!

Yaoyorozu: What a vulgar conversation

Uraraka: But I like stuff like this, too  

Aizawa: We're here. Stop messing around

Class 1-A: Yes, sir!

The class arrive at the location where they will taking the training at

???: Everyone, I have been waiting for you

Most of the students recognize the hero and excited to see her

Midoriya: It's the Space hero, Thirteen! The  gentlemanly hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!

Uraraka: Oh, I love Thirteen!

Thirteen: let's go inside without delay

Class 1-A: Look forward to working with you!

As they got inside the building they were amaze by the place and how big it is

Naomi: WOW! It's so beautiful, there are lots of environments in this place

Kirishima: Wow, it looks like Universal Studio Japan

Thirteen: A shipwrech, a landside, a fire, a windstorm, ect cetera--- It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint" or "USJ" for short!

Class 1-A: (It really is USJ...)

Aizawa: Thirteen, where's All Might? He was suppose to meet us here

Thirteen: About that... It look like he did too much hero work on the way to school this morning and use up all his power, he resting on the teacher lounge.

Aizawa: That man is the height of irresponsibility. Clocks ticking, we should get started 

Thirteen: Excellent before we begin, let me say one thing... er... or two maybe three.. or four... five... six... seven...

Class 1-A: We get it!

Thirteen: Everyone, I'm sure you are aware of my Quirk, Black Hole. I can suck up anything and turn it to dust.

Midoriya: Yeah! You use it to save people from all kind of disasters right?

Thirteen: Yes, but it also can be use to kill

The class was surprise by that

Thirteen: Some of you also have Quirks like that, right? in a superhuman society, personal Quirks have been certified and stringently regulated, so that doesn't seem to be a problem at first glance. However, please do not forget that there are many Quirks that can kill with one wrong step. With Aizawa's physical fitness test, you found out about the possibility of your own hidden powers, and with All Might person-to-person combat training. I think you experience the danger of using those powers against others. The class is a fresh start. You shall learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You do not have powers so you can harm others. I hope you leave here with the understanding that you have powers in order to help others. That is all. Thank you for listening

Aizawa: All right then, first...

The lights suddenly shut off around the building

Naomi: I think we got company

A portal then appears by the water fountain. Then a man with a hand covering his face came out of the portal

Aizawa: Gather together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!

Kirishima: What's that?

The students look down below to see a portal with many people coming out of it.

Kirishima: Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started?

Aizawa: Don't move! (wear his goggles) This is real those are villains

It surprise everyone except for the trio they knew that the villains were going to attack but don't know when

???: Thirteen and Eraser Head, huh? The teacher's schedule we receive the other day said that All Might was also supposed to be here

Eraser head: So the trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbag after all, huh?

The army of villains began walking their way towards the class direction. Aizawa who now is Eraser Head is raising his scarf apart

Kirishima: What? Villains? No way... There's no way they could get into a hero school!

Thirteen: Sensei, what about the trespassing sensor?

Thirteen: We have them, of course, but... 

Yuuto: They might disable the sensor before they start invading

Todoroki: But did they only appear here, or around the whole school? Either way, they might have someone with a Quirk that can do that. An isolated area separate from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they are not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planed with some sort of goal in mind

Eraser Head: Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. These villains even had something to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering. Kaminari. You try contacting the school with your Quirk, too.

Kaminari: Yes sir

Midoriya: What about you, sensei? Will you fight by yourself? With that many, even if you can erase their Quirks... Eraser Head's fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's Quirk. A frontal battle is...

Eraser Head: You can't be a pro hero with just one trick. I'm leaving them to you, Thirteen.

Eraser Head jumped down to fight the villains, he began erasing some of their Quirks and knocking them out. Thirteen and the class are evacuating and Midoriya is watching the way Eraser Head fighting the villains

Midoriya: Wow... Aizawa-sensei's actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh?

Iida: This is no time for analyzing! Hurry up and take shelter! 

Then Midoriya follow behind Iida. As everyone are heading toward the exit, a shadow like figure appear from the ground blocking their path

???: I won't let you.

The class stopped and were frozen still and some were frozen in fear of the warp villain.

???: Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It maybe presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, UA High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath.

Midoriya: Huh?

Kenichi: So it's for killing All Might huh? not surprising

???: I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play

The villain spread his arms to do something. Thirteen then prepare to use her Quirk but Bakugo and Kirishima jump at the villain to deliver a punch causes a explosion

Kirishima: Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you did it?

???: Oh dear, that's dangerous

The villain show himself again from the smoke 

???: That's right. Even if you are students, you excellent golden eggs

Thirteen: No! Move away, you two!

???: My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!

The villain surround the entire class with his warp and began to scatter the students. Iida manage to pushed some people out of the warp

Iida: Everyone...!

(To be continue)

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