
By trashpandaleader

237K 4K 494

"I'm so sorry, it was unexpected. " "It wasn't, we just didn't want it to happen." More



4.5K 83 11
By trashpandaleader

A few months later

Everybody ran outside after the last schoolbell of the year rang. It was finally summer. It wasn't something that i was looking forward to but i was happy that i didn't need to think about school for a while.

"Wanna go back to my place?" Maddy asked.

"I can't, i gotta pick up my brother." I said as we both walked to the parking lot.

"Too bad. I'm leaving tomorrow morning so I'll probably won't see you for a while."

Maddy's parents owned a yacht and every summer they would take it to all these beautiful warm countries. She absolutely loved it because it was the only time that she really was with her parents.

But it meant for me that i was going to alone this summer. Besides Maddy i didn't have any other friends.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said a i hugged her.

"I'll text you every day." She said with a smile.

"Byeee, have fun." I yelled at her as she got into her car.

I stepped into my mom's car. I had permission to drive my mom's car now that she was too sick to even leave the house.

I drove to Jack's school and waited for him to come out.

He came running to me with a big smile on his face.

"Somebody's looking happy." I said to him once he got into the car.

"Of course i am. It's finally summer vacation."

I smiled at him. I miss being his age where everything seemed so simple. To him it was  a vacation but to me it would be almost 11 weeks of taking care of my stubborn mother.

When we got home i made some food for Jack and my mother.

I gave it to Jack as he had made himself comfortable on the couch.

I put the rest of the food on a trait and carried it upstairs to my mother's room.

I knocked on my mom's door and walked in with the trait.

She was sitting in bed watching a dumb cooking show on the tv.

My mom looked like a walking corpse if you'd ask me. She had lost a lot of weight, looked very tired and had mutiple bruises on her body. Her immune system was slowly collapsing so she wasn't allowed to be in contact with too many people.

Now that I would be free for the whole day i was going to be the one who looked after her when Michael wasn't around.

It was hard to see my mother like this but i had to push my emotions asides if i wanted to help her properly.

"I brought you something to eat." I said to her as i put the in her lap.

"I'm not hungry." She said not even looking at the food.

"It wasn't a question." I said firmly to her as i turned to volume of the tv off.

"Fine." She said annoyed.

She ate the fruits and a few crackers which was enough for me.

She put the half empty bowl down next to her. "Can you make a bath for me?" She aksed with a small smile.

"Of course."

I walked into the bathroom and ran the water. After it was warm enough i walked back to mother.

"It's ready." I said to her.

She turned the tv off and tried to get herself of bed but failed to find the energy.

"Come, I'll help you." I said to her as i trew her arm over my shoulder.

I basically dragged her to the badtub.

"It's cold." She said grumpy as she stepped in the bad.

I sighed and turned to hot water on.


She nodded.

"Do you need any help now or later?"

She shook her head. "I can get myslef out and please close the door on the way out."

I didn't know if i should fell sad or mad. I felt sad because my mom was literally dying infront of me but i felt mad because she still was being an complete asshole.

I walked downstairs and saw that Jack was watching tv.

"How's mom?" He asked as i sat down next to him on the couch.

"Still the same. She's definitely not getting better." I said to him.

He nodded and focused back on the tv.

I made sure that Jack only saw mom during her good days because i knew how hard it was the see the bad ones.

I got up from the couch and walked to the garage to do some boxing.

Boxing was one of the few that i could still enjoy. My mom found my guitar to loud so i only played it when she wasn't home which was almost never.

"Hey, how was school today?" Ashton walked in the garage.

"Nothing special, all the teachers just put on a movie because it was the last day of school." I said out of breath.

He laughed nervously. "I totally forgot that summer vacation starts today."

I took my boxing gloves off and walked towards the garage door. "Well you probably won't really notice it because you still have work."

Ashton followed me out of the garage into the kitchen.

"You're probably right about that. I might take a few days off though so that i can spent some time with you guys." He said leaning against the counter.

I nodded as i quickly drank my glass of water.

"How's your mom?" He asked in soft tone.

I put the glass down and looked at him. "She looks horrible but i got her to eat something so that's a plus. I think that she's still awake so you should say hello."

He gave me an thankful smile and walked upstairs to my mom's room. Ashton's relationship with my mom had been a weird one these last few months. If it wasn't for us or her illness they would've never stayed together.

That thought made me sad because i was scared that Ashton would leave us when my mom would pass away.

I went upstairs to take a shower.

When i got out of the shower i looked at my guitar. I missed playing, i missed being able to express myslef trough music. But i wanted to respect my mom so i didn't play.

I jumped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Summer vacation hadn't even started yet and i was already bored.

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