Finding Our Wings {Complete}

By LOVE-succa

30.3K 1.1K 704

Tyler and Clem run away to get a better life in California. {#2 in tylerthecreator} 06/12/20 More

1. Bedroom window
2.Adventure Time
3.Wrong key
4. Mr. Nice guy
5. Are you jealous?
6. Preparation
7. So he famous?
8. Good talkes
9. Support
10. I Quit
11- She a thousandaire
12 The fight
13-We viral
14-Busy Busy Busy
15- Number 1
16- The start of something great
17-Tyler's first show
18-Not that deep
19- Attitude
20- Let me stop
22- Tour life
23- Hyped
24-Her addiction
25- Apologies
26- Wild n out
27- The DM
28- New York New York
29- New York New York pt2
30- Back home
31- A JUMP
32- Come with me
33- Last minute
34- Success feels good
35- Drinking more than you can swallow
37-Let's talk
38- Mom?
40- The vibe's off
41- While I was gone
42- Lovey Dovey
43. Congratulations
44- Show time
45- Transaction
46- New friends
47- Kendall Jenner's birthday
48- Not special
49- Always and Forever
50- Scary
51- Make it up to you
52- Like a firework
53- Went to 6 flags
54- Lovey Dovey
57- Yea yea
58- Business Partners
No time 59
61-Butts and Bikes
62-Appreciate it
64-Goofy Dom
How the tables have turned
Planning ahead
68-Say yes to dress/tux
69-Almost there
70-All we did was laugh
71 (coming soon)

55- The Doctor's

332 12 0
By LOVE-succa


"Stop it." I said

He was ripping the paper that was on the table thing in the doctor's office. 

"You're no fun." He said getting down

He opened the jar of those sticks they put in your mouth and put it in his. He gagged making me burst out laughing.

"You're a retard"

"But I'm you're retard." He smirked kissing me 

"Shut up you soft fag." I said lightly pushing him away

"See. People really think I'm the mean asshole but it's really you."

"You bully me all the time."


"You know it's true."

I rolled my eyes and leaned back in the chair.

"Ok. Well we've gotten your test results back and it seems like your asthma is getting worse."

"What?" We both said

"But I've been fine. I use my inhaler like 3 times a week."

"According to the results. You're at the peak of really sever asthma."

"That doesn't even make any sense."

"Because of this. I going to prescribe you with a nebulizer. You're supposed to use it 3 times a day for the next two weeks." 

"Two weeks?!" 

"Yeah. But other than that you're good. Everything seems great."

"Uh. Thanks."

"Here you go." He said handing me the papers 

"Thanks." I said

I took a look at them and analyze it.

Tyler sighed and I looked over to him.

"Come on T." I said getting up 

He got down from the table and we walked out.

"You two have a good day."

"You too." We said

We left the building and talked about his asthma and other things. We got in my car and I started to drive home. We came to a red light and Tyler rolled his window down. I didn't think anything of it until he stuck his head out of it. 

"What the fuck. Go asshole!"

"Tyler!" I said trying to control my laugh

"But it's red!" She yelled back

"It's orange you dyke!"

I rolled up his window and bursted out laughing. 

"You're fucking crazy T. I love it."

The turned green and I continued to drive. We went to target to pick up his prescription 

Time skip

I was laying next to Tyler watching the poltergeist. Thunder boomed in the movie and for some reason that scared me. Tyler laughed and looked at me.

"We don't talk about it."

We continued watching the movie talking about certain scenes and making jokes. Once the movie was over Tyler got down from the bed to go work on a song and I stayed up here to handle business stuff for my camp. I had to meet with an inspector in about 2 weeks (today was Monday) I hired a cleaning team and their coming in tomorrow. 

"T." I called


"Do you wanna come with me and see my building tomorrow?"

"Fuck yeah. What time?"


"Bet. And come listen to this."

I got up and went over to him. He put some headphones on me and pressed something on the computer. 

(A/N think of the song New magic wand)

I started bouncing my head a little bit hearing the intro. I continued to listen to it until stopped.

"That was fire."

"I know." He smirked

"When did you even record this?"

"When you were out yesterday."

"Wow. But yeah it's fucking awesome."


He kissed my cheek and then his phone started to ring.

"Oh shit. It's Kanye." He cheesed

"Yeah I'll let you do that and I'll make dinner."


I went down stairs and decided to make chicken tenders. Unlike Tyler, I got tired of breakfast every night. About halfway through the process Tyler comes downstairs. 

"It smells good as fuck down here." He said kissing my cheek

"It's almost ready."


I finished up dinner and we both ate watching Clarence. 

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