When Lines Blur

By Hurricane_Child

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Young Lucas Taylor is a high school student like any other. He takes a few advanced classes, plans to go into... More

Character Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Two

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By Hurricane_Child

Micheal and Gabe immediately were able to identify when Ryan started to slip into flashbacks, Micheal was the one to move close to Ryan though. He gently sat by Ryan and carefully watched him, looking for any signs that they should worry about. Maddox walked out and came back with a weighted blanket, Micheal didn't stop him from draping it on Ryan's lap carefully. No one really said anything, none of them really knew what they could say. Lucas carefully sat near Ryan, but not close enough that Ryan could feel threatened. They all worried about getting too close to him. Despite never seeing it before, Salem and his friends clearly understood what was going on.

They all sat quietly and waited for Ryan to move or talk or do anything to indicate that he was okay. Maddox stayed closest to Ryan, and they could all understand why. Out of all of them, Maddox would definitely seem least threatening as he didn't look like an adult man like Ryan's abuser was. "Maddox be careful. He's hurt Gabe before while in an episode," Micheal said quietly.

"If he hurts me, he hurts me. I'll be fine," Maddox replied in a whisper. He gently reached out and gently held Ryan's hand. Tight enough there was a consistent pressure, but not hurting him. Maddox was calm, despite knowing that Ryan might end up lashing out and he would be the receiver of any aggression that would appear. Ryan slowly ended up in the present time again, Maddox smiled softly at him, "You're okay Ryan." Maddox reached up to wipe away the few tears on Ryan's cheeks. "You won't be hurt again." Ryan looked at Maddox and smiled very softly, not quite ready to talk but Maddox could tell the small smile was a thank you.

Jaxson looked at Maddox, "You're so calm..."

"I've had worse than whatever he could do," Maddox said, "Besides... It helped him. That's what matters."

"Gross," Jaxson said.

Maddox smiled and rolled his eyes, "Better Ryan?"

"Y-Yeah... thank you."

"Anytime," Maddox said smiling softly. "Especially since I'll be moving in with you soon."

"Yeah," Ryan said. He smiled. Ryan wouldn't say it out loud, but he realized then that having Maddox around would be great. "Well, I'm sure Austin will be there often as well. I don't want to be the reason you two stop hanging out."

"If you tried I'm pretty sure Austin would flip his shit."

"Probably," Ryan said.

Austin looked at Ryan for a second before looking at the group, "Let's make this clear. Anyone that tries to separate me from my emotional support human will be a homicide victim? Okay? Good."

"Note to self. Austin is scary."

"I watch crime shows for fun, I can hide your body and not get caught Shawn. Don't test me."

"Austin, calm down dude," Maddox said, "No one is gunna try to separate us. However, we kind of have to right now. Because CPS and or the cops will be here soon, so I've got explaining to do and If the cops see most of you I'm fucked."

Levi paused, "They have proof of that."

"I meant those who should be charged with assault," Maddox said, "but for real. Those of you besides Ryan should leave. I'll see you at school tomorrow, unless I have to do stuff for CPS or move into Ry's. I'll text if so. Okay? So scat, out of my house."

The group agreed and left. Most back to their own homes, Adrian and Shawn being forced at knife point by Levi into Zeek's car. All of them went back home, and waited. They knew Ryan would keep Maddox safe and do everything within his power to make sure Maddox went with him, but that didn't stop Adrian from worrying. Eventually night came and they all went to bed, crossing their fingers that Maddox would be there again tomorrow. That morning, they all went to school. Salem would have skipped, but his worry outweighed his laziness. Ryan and Maddox walked into the building together. "Are you always first in our group here?" Maddox asked Ryan.

Ryan shook his head softly, "Adrian and Shawn tend to get here almost at the same time as me, their bus is just behind today. Give it a moment."

Adrian turned to the corner with Shawn beside him and smiled seeing Maddox, "So it worked?"

"Yep," Maddox said, "Ryan's parents signed like four documents and now I'm theirs until adopted."

"Good," Shawn said. "Now Adrian will stop worrying."

"I didn't worry that much!"

"Believe what you want Addy," Shawn said. "Now we get to wait for the others."

"I don't know what takes them so long," Adrian said.

"Mike, Gabe, Zeek, Brax and Lucas all walk," Ryan said. "Lucas switches which of the two he walks with each week. The others ride a different bus."

"I hate that you know that," Adrian said, "Stalker."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "Whatever Adrian. I know it because Lucas told me his schedule with walking and Jaxson used to complain about riding a bus with them all."

"I would too," Maddox mumbled. "I usually walk with Austin."

"Aww, gay," Adrian said. Maddox rolled his eyes and looked at his phone sending a text real quick. "So you're back to texting Austin all the time?"

"Yep!" Maddox said, "He was worried all of last night."

"You're so kind," Adrian said. Salem walked over and ruffled Maddox's hair. Levi and Jaxson followed behind Salem while holding hands and Austin running up to Maddox and hugging him. Maddox smiled as he hugged Austin back, loose enough to not put pressure on any of the injuries.

Austin smiled at Maddox, "So everything's okay?"

"Everything is fine Austin," Maddox said, "You just have to go to Ryan's instead now."

"That's fine. Ryan's great, also might help you out a bit."

"Yeah, since he doesn't want to throw up when he sees injuries."

Austin nodded some, "Yeah..."

"You throw up at injuries?" Jaxson asked. Maddox nodded. "And you're Salem's friend??"

Maddox laughed, "I was roped into the group by Braxton and Adrian mostly. Salem is just kinda there."

"I accept that," Salem said, "I don't need to befriend small children."

"I'm a year younger than you," Maddox said.

"No you're not."

"Okay, so maybe more like 23 months but fuck off."

Levi looked at Maddox, "You are baby." Maddox rolled his eyes. Salem smiled some, which only grew when he saw Gabe walk into school, Micheal and Lucas in tow. "And Salem is so fucking gay."

Gabe looked at Levi, "You're holding your boyfriend's hand right now Levi."

"Just because I'm fucking gay doesn't mean I can't call others out for being gay," Levi said. The group paused when they heard a text notification. "If I check my phone, and Zeek says he's hurt again, I'm committing homicide."

Hell Bois

The Man: Guys I'm sick. Staying home. Don't kill each other please, and if anyone asks Gabe and Ryan are incharge.

Witch Trials: How dare you put them in charge!

The Man: None of you could handle that and those two might be able to keep you out of a fight Salem.

"I'm offended," Salem said, "I have been that man's friend for almost 11 years, for most of our lives and he has the audacity to put my boyfriend and Ryan in charge."

Adrian rolled his eyes, "Salem. Braxton has a point. He's seen what you do when you have responsibility. Also, you played strip poker in freshman year! You don't deserve power!"

"You were involved in that too!" Salem defended.

"And I'm not in charge of anything because I would get everyone killed."

Shawn rolled his eyes, "Adrian would be like 'lets go cliff diving into a fucking rapid' if he had power."

"Why not?" Adrian asked, "It would be fun!"

"And you all would die," Levi said.

"You're excluding yourself there?" Adrian asked.

"I can actually swim."


Gabe sighed, "That's exactly why neither of you are in charge." Zeek walked into school just then and waved to them. "You're late Zeek."

"Neither Lucas or Braxton were there to wake me up. I woke up to Braxton's text and drove here really quick."

Maddox looked at Zeek, "How have you not gotten a speeding ticket yet?"

"I don't know." Micheal rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me Micheal," Zeek said.

"You can't stop me," Micheal said.

"Would you like to bet on that?"

"No," Micheal said, "I don't care that much."

Levi chuckled, "Micheal's fiance isn't here and he immediately acts like a dick."

"He had a shitty night," Gabe said. "My parents were supporting their happy and loving marriage by yelling at each other about my father's affair and that did not help with Micheal's recent flashbacks."

"That sounds healthy," Jaxson remarked.

"Yeah no shit," Gabe said. The group continued to talk for a while, before it got too close to class and they had to go off their own ways. Mostly at least. Adrian and Micheal walked together to their first hour.

Neither really spoke at first, but Adrian couldn't help but ask Micheal, "You're okay right Mike?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Micheal replied, "Gabe kept me somewhat sane during his parent's fight. I'm okay. Not out of it at all. A little... moody is all."

"Sorry Braxton isn't here to help you out."

"He doesn't have to be," Micheal said, "I adore Braxton a lot, hell I proposed to him. But I know that you're here for me. And the others but I don't care so much about them."

Adrian laughed, "Yeah. You're amazing Micheal."

"So are you."

"Sure, if you want to believe that."

"I will," Micheal said, "Always." Adrian rolled his eyes and walked into class with Micheal, not surprised to see Micheal pull out a notebook and start doodling immediately. They all went through their first few hours and sat together at lunch, Braxton's seat empty.

"Having an empty seat is so strange," Lucas said, "Usually it's more than one empty, none of them, or all of them empty."

"Let's skip and go to Braxton's to bully him," Salem said.

"No," Zeek said immediately.

Levi shrugged some, "I dunno. I've only seen Braxton sick once before and that was when we all got the flu."

"What are you saying Levi?" Salem asked.

"I'm saying that Braxton is probably being a lying piece of shit," Levi said, "Beyond that one time can you really remember Braxton being sick enough that he skips school? He's too paranoid to do that usually."

Zeek rolled his eyes, "He's fine. Don't worry about it. If Braxton was having an issue I have a feeling that Micheal would know at least." Micheal sat silently, not really saying anything.

"You know," Levi said, "I can remember one other time Braxton skipped school."

"He would've told us if that was happening," Zeek answered. "That or Salem would be able to tell."

"You sure?" Levi asked.

"Quit trying to make us worry," Zeek said, "You'll put Micheal into a panic attack because he'll think Braxton is in danger or something."

Levi went to go say something, but paused when he heard the quote that Zeek used as his notification sound when he gets personal texts. "Aren't you gunna check that Ezekiel?"

"Don't you dare Levi," Zeek said before pulling out his phone and looking at the text. Zeek sighed softly, before grabbing his backpack and standing up. "Micheal come on. We're going."

"Called it," Levi said. Micheal grabbed his bag and stood up to follow Zeek out. "Don't let him die!"

"Shut up Levi!" Zeek shouted, leading Micheal out of the school. "I'll drive us there. Come on."

Micheal followed Zeek and climbed into Zeek's car, "What's going on Zeek?"

"Braxton is sick," Zeek said, "He isn't sure what it is. But he's been nauseous. I'm sure you know about his phobia." Zeek started the car and began driving to Braxton's house.

"He didn't tell me that..." Micheal said quietly, "He just said he was sick."

Zeek looked at Micheal for a moment before turning his eyes back to the road, "He didn't want you worried."

"Is he okay?" Micheal asked softly.

"He'll be fine," Zeek said, "Not contagious, we think. I think he might've eaten something that was spoiled and got food poisoning or something. Or ate too much and feels sick from it... I dunno, but he basically knows he has to throw up but can't let it happen without panicking."

Micheal paused and looked at Zeek, "You want me to make him throw up?"

"Not unless necessary," Zeek answered, "I want you to calm him down enough his body will let him puke. If that can't happen then yeah, I'll need you to make him throw up since I cannot fight him off myself."

"Okay," Micheal said softly. When they got to Braxton's house Zeek and Micheal went inside. The house was quiet except for heavy breathing from the bathroom. Zeek and Micheal made their way over, and Micheal opened the door and sat by Braxton. "Hey Angel." Braxton smiled weakly at Micheal before heaving some and panicking again. Micheal carefully moved to hold Braxton carefully, but positioned himself so that if Braxton started to throw up the toilet was right there.

Braxton went to talk but Micheal shook his head softly, "Don't worry about talking to me Brax. Don't worry about that. Just focus on calming down." Micheal analyzed Braxton for a moment. "You're wearing your binder?"


"Angel," Micheal said softly, gently brushing Braxton's hair back. "I know your binder is tank top length, that's not going to be good for your stomach right now. Can you take it off?"


"Baby, I know. I know that dysphoria can suck but this isn't going to help you. You're sick, you can't have your binder on. Can you take it off?" Braxton didn't answer but instead went to take his binder off, struggling a bit in his panic. "Can I help you?" Braxton nodded softly. Micheal took off Braxton's shirt carefully and then helped Braxton remove his binder. He set the binder aside and then put Braxton's shirt back on.

Micheal smiled gently at Braxton, "Okay. Let's keep working on calming down and once you're calm you can have my jacket okay?" Braxton nodded. Micheal focused on getting Braxton calm. Once Braxton stopped panicking, he started heaving again, which started to make him panic. "Don't panic Angel," Micheal said, gently running his fingers through Braxton's hair. "I know it scares you, but you're not going to feel better until you let it happen okay?"

"Don't want to..."

"I know," Micheal said, "But it's either you relax enough to let it happen naturally or me and Zeek have to make you throw up." Braxton shook his head, saying that he wouldn't be able to let it happen. "You realize to make you throw up one of us is going to trigger your gag reflex right?" Braxton nodded and Micheal sighed. "I'll hold you and let Zeek do that okay?" Braxton nodded again, trying to keep himself calm. Braxton knew that Micheal and Zeek only wanted to help him. Micheal moved to hold Braxton in a way that restricted his movement, so that Braxton couldn't try to push Zeek away.

Zeek moved to be next to Braxton, "Don't bite me okay?" Braxton smiled weakly and then Zeek made him throw up. Micheal was careful that Braxton didn't hurt himself as he lurched forward to vomit. Micheal gently rubbed Braxton's back as Zeek went and got a glass of water for Braxton to rinse his mouth out with.

When he finished throwing up Braxton curled close to Micheal. "I've got you Angel."

"Rinse your mouth," Zeek said as he handed Braxton the cup of water. "You okay?"

"I feel worse emotionally but better physically," Braxton said before rinsing his mouth and spitting the water into the toilet. Zeek flushed the toilet.

"Definitely a food thing then," Zeek said, "You'll be fine in an hour or two... Eating something small and bland will also be good... Cracker time." Braxton just nodded in agreement and Zeek walked out to go to the kitchen and get Braxton food. Micheal carefully took off the hoodie he was wearing and handed it to Braxton. He smiled quickly and put on Micheal hoodie, wrapping his arms around himself.

"You're so cute Angel," Micheal said softly, kissing Braxton's head.

Braxton looked at Micheal's shirt, "That was Addy's wasn't it?"

"Yeah," Micheal smiled, "I have a feeling that somehow things are going to end up so mixed up eventually Shawn will end up in one of my hoodies, and you'll be in one of his sweaters just because they'll get passed along."

"Oh yeah. You'll give Adrian a hoodie and Adrian will forget it's yours and Shawn will steal it or something," Braxton said, smiling widely. "So, have Gabe and Ryan kept everyone out of trouble?"

"Mostly," Micheal answered, "Salem was a bit grumpy that you put them in charge and not him, Adrian said he should have responsibility and then Zeek showed up late."

Braxton rolled his eyes, "He insisted on sticking with me last night and was going to skip this morning until I told him to go."

"Yeah, Levi kept saying something was suspicious, which didn't help with Adrian's anxiety. Also, Maddox will be fine. I think he's planning on moving his stuff to Ryan's after school today."

"We should probably help with that."

"He won't let us and you know it. It's likely that Maddox will just go with Ryan and Austin after school and the others will come here or go to Levi's," Micheal said. "Most likely here."

"Yeah," Braxton said. "I bet they think I'm dying or something."

Micheal nodded, "Levi at least does. Zeek was trying really hard to not hit them. Speaking of, we should head to the kitchen so you can get some food."

"Oh, yeah." Braxton smiled and Micheal stood up, holding out his hand for Braxton. Braxton happily took it and the two walked over to the kitchen together to see Zeek eating a brownie. "I didn't have brownies... where did you get that?"

"Think for two moments Brax," Zeek said before taking a bite of his brownie.

"Pot brownies," Braxton mumbled as he grabbed a piece of bread to eat. "Druggie."

Zeek looked at Braxton, "You were the one to give it to me at first."

"Yeah. Really encouraged you and Salem to pick up my bad habits huh?"

"Adrian eats the brownies I make too!"

"He had those bad habits already," Braxton said, "I don't take responsibility for that train wreck."

"I would make a joke about his parents but he isn't here."

Braxton rolled his eyes as he pulled bite sized pieces off his slice of bread, "Dumbass."

"If you're just now realizing Zeek is a dumbass I'm curious as to what you've been thinking about for the 11 years you've known him," Micheal said.

"I've been thinking about how dumb he is." Zeek chuckled some at the comment, then the three heard their phones go off. "If this says someone is hurt, I'm going to kill every single one of them without mercy."

Hell Bois

Archangel: I tried to control them but my boyfriend is an asshole.Witch Trials: We're on our way to your house Braxton. I'm sure Zeek and Micheal are already there.

"Just what we wanted," Zeek replied, "More chaos. Mutual agreement to not talk about making Brax puke?"

"Yes," Braxton and Micheal replied in unison.

Zeek smiled, "Good. When they walk in I'm throwing a brownie at Adrian."

"His leg has been bothering him today," Micheal said, "he was being extra careful in first hour today."

Braxton paused, "Would the worry about Maddox make his leg hurt more?"

"Maybe," Micheal answered, "I dunno. Do I look like a doctor?"

"If you were a doctor, I would kill myself before going to the hospital," Zeek said.

"I'd kill myself if I was a doctor. Do I look like a people person?"

"Fair," Zeek said.

Braxton leaned against the counter, "So are you two friends or something? I mean, Zeek ratting out Salem to you must mean you meant something to him."

"I'm not entirely sure," Micheal said, "I've seen him a lot."

"We were friends when we were kids. We went to Sunday School together before I got put in public school for kindergarten," Zeek said, "I owed it to him since he kept me out of trouble in Sunday School."

"Fuck I really do have childhood amnesia huh?"

"Oh yea," Zeek said, "Real bad. Just if Gabe says something about your childhood, I'd trust him."

Micheal sighed, "All Gabe has told me is that my parents were pieces of shit."

"That's definitely one way to put it," Zeek said, grabbing Braxton's water bottle.

Braxton glared at Zeek, "I've gotten you your own water bottle, why must you continue to steal mine?"

"Yours is filled," Zeek said as he took a sip from it before putting it back. They heard the door to Braxton's house open. "We're in the kitchen!" Zeek looked over his shoulder at the group there, "Where's Luc?"

"With Mads and Ryan helping Maddox move, Austin too," Salem said.

"Fuuun," Zeek said, tossing a brownie to Adrian. "The peace keepers are gone. Time to ruin our lives."

"Me and Gabe are still here," Braxton said.

Adrian laughed some, "Gabe can only control Salem. He has realized this."

"I'm still here."

"If you want to be a dick, I will walk home and get drunk without you," Adrian said.

"No!" Braxton said, "Unfair!"

Gabe looked at Adrian, "I have many questions. The main one is how do you get that underage?"

"I have... associates who are over twenty one."

Jaxson paused, "You have an alcohol dealer?"


"I just steal it," Jaxson said, "Pussy."

Micheal sighed, "I'm going to pretend to be disappointed."

"So you aren't is what you're saying."

"I am not saying that."

Levi clapped softly, "We have successfully tainted all of them!"

"And this is why we called you devils," Gabe sighed.

"Hey!" Zeek said, "We are good christian children, every last one of us."

"Only in-" Gabe cut Salem off quickly.

Micheal sighed, "Just let him say it Gabe. It's fine." Gabe put his hands up in defeat.

"We are only good Christian's in Micheal's wet dreams." Braxton sniffled his laugh and glared at Salem.

Adrian paused, "I wouldn't be so sure. I'm pretty sure all of our boyfriends have a corruption kink." Braxton ended up losing composure at that and laughing.

"Well I know-"

"Levi don't," Jaxson said, "We are not having this conversation. Not today. Not while sober."

"Maddox isn't here so I could fix that sober thing really quickly," Zeek said.

"No!" Braxton said, "Last time we were high Salem ended up tied to a tree."

Micheal laughed, "I want to have the context for that please."

"He was convinced that one of us planned on cutting it down so he made Lucas tie him to the tree to protect it, and to fuck with him I played the noise of a chainsaw on my phone for like an hour," Adrian said, laughing some. "He was fucking bawling." The group all laughed at that except for Salem.

"In my defense, Lack of sleep, weed, and caffeine don't mix together too well."

"No," Adrian said, "They mix fine. You're just a sentimental baby."

"No I'm not!"

"Salem," Zeek said, "You kind of are."

"Yeah you are Salem," Braxton agreed.

Salem looked at Zeek and Braxton, "I'm going to poison you."

"Kinky," Zeek said.

Adrian laughed, "Mr 'I'm Straight' everybody, weirdest bitch ever."

"At least my body count is only three," Zeek said.

"Slut shaming?" Adrian asked, "That's where you're going with this Calorie?"

Shawn groaned, "Stop both of you before I drug you."

"Okay that aside," Levi said looking off some. "I just realized something."

Adrian looked at Levi, "Shit the fish is thinking. What do we do???"

Levi held up a hand, "I just realized that since he'll either have to get surgery or use a strap-"

"Levi we already had the conversation that my dick will be customized, don't bring it up again," Braxton said. The group all ended up laughing.

"Poor Micheal," Salem said.

"Why poor Micheal?" Braxton asked.

Salem looked at Braxton, "I did not have to sleep with him to know that he is a bottom." Braxton paused before nodding some, Micheal meanwhile was blushing and not talking. "What's wrong Micheal?"

"He won't talk," Adrian said.

"Why not?"

"Because he doesn't want to stutter," Adrian answered, "I figured you know about that Salem."

"Does it seem like me and Micheal had anything close to a healthy relationship?"

Adrian nodded some, "Fair enough."

Gabe smirked some before poking Micheal in the side, Micheal jumped some. "D-D-Don't-t do th-that!"

Adrian smiled, "The cutest thing." Micheal crossed his arms and glared at Adrian. "Don't you dare. You know I call your stutter cute every single damn time Micheal."

Zeek was looking at Micheal, "I thought you got rid of that. Huh, guess not."

"Only when flustered," Micheal answered simply.

"It'd be all the time if you weren't a little bitch and didn't try to appear all composed," Gabe said, "But sure. Only when flustered."

Micheal looked at Gabe for a moment before picking Gabe up with ease, and throwing Gabe over his shoulder. Then throwing Gabe on Braxton's couch. "I'll hurt you short stack. Don't even."

Adrian paused for a moment, "Alright that was hot." Braxton and Shawn both laughed. "It was!"

"How did you get not one, but two boyfriends when I can't even get a girl to like me?" Zeek asked Adrian.

"Dumb Luck," Adrian answered, "really fucking dumb luck. Don't point it out to them."

"You'll have to kill me if you want me away from you Adrian," Shawn said.

"GROSS!" Jaxson shouted, "Nasty! Get a room!" Braxton looked at them all and realized what they were in for, usually it's Ryan or Lucas to talk sense into the group, but with those two gone, Braxton was about to start acting like his freshman self all over again. Braxton smiled and relaxed, ready to just mess around and have fun. 

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