Pocket Thief [Katakuri x Read...

By Positive_Possum

116K 6.4K 3.1K

Big Mom's ships are disappearing overseas, while everyone is on the look out for suspects Katakuri is dealing... More

1. Get A New Hobby
2. Burnt Donuts
3. Sweet Tea
3.5 Pranks Have Consequences
4. Build Up
5. Like A Rabbit
6. Chasing a Thrill
7. Helping Hand
8. It's a Date
9. Teasing
10. Starting Role
11. Let's Talk
12. Preparations
13. Breaking Point
14. Prisoner.
15. Trainee
16. The Masquerade Ball
17. Deadly Dance
18. A Bitter Pill To Swallow
19. Intrusive Thoughts
21. Temporary Alliance.
23. Cutting Ties
24. Owe Me A Favor
25. Scars and Their Secrets
26. Choices
27. Show Your True Colors
28. Love Sickness
29. Hopelessly Devoted
30. Lover
31.Honeymoon [NSFW]
32. Epilogue

20. Mixing Buisness with Pleasure

3.1K 176 33
By Positive_Possum

"Mamamama, these pastries are delicious~" Big Mom slowly savored the dessert in front of her, barely chewing as she kept shoving the cream-filled puffs in her mouth.

"I'm happy to hear big mom." the guest bowed at the base of her throne, nervously eying the second eldest Charlotte by her side.

"They're unlike anything I've ever tasted before, I want more!" she ordered like the spoiled child she is, licking the cream off her fingers.

The man below her paled. "I-I'm afraid those were all the cream puffs I had," he stuttered in fear. "They're made with the syrup from the trees at Sabaody Archipelago, I'd have to go all the way back"

The guest had a good reason to be afraid, especially giving a glance at Big Mom's expression.

If the queen wants a specific pastry, she's gonna get it.

Valentin was peacefully enjoying the view of the ocean, leaning against the wooden railings of a large pier. He pulled out his pocket watch, noticing the larger hand ticking ever so closely to the estimated meeting time. Right before the hand could mark 1pm, a woman approached him from behind, casually leaning her back against the wooden railing to his left.

"This is a surprise, you're usually late for meetings," the Fishman comments without looking at the woman.

"Guess you could say I matured a little during our time apart..." you reply smugly, looking at your nails.

"At age 30? yeah, that's a real shocker."

"Oh come' on. I'm still in my late twenties, you don't have to diss me out like that!" you playfully smack his shoulder.

Val rubbed his shoulder with a light hiss, feeling first hand how strong you grew and yet... "Who cares how many ships or islands you can sink, the real development you had was arriving on time!"

There was a brief pause until both of you burst into laughter.

"I missed ya my dude." you hugged the Fishman with one arm.

"Likewise," he returns the hug. "Things have been dull without you (y/n)."

Unlike Val who stared at the ocean, you kept your eyes on the mechanical rides of the carnival. Recognizing a few familiar faces in the vendor stalls.

"How has everyone been doing?"

"Oh you know, a few of them left when you disbanded the group, but the loyal ones work here while they wait for a big strike," Val explains.

You caught up with your first mate over what has happened the past 3 years, the crew, politics, and your training while casually opening a series of portals. Sometimes you would jump from island to island, and other times you would ride Val's back as he swam through the sea while you shorten the distance with your devil fruit. It would be nauseating for newbies but both you and your first mate were used to the speed.

"Where did you say we're going again?"

"It's a surprise." you grin.

After that pleasant agreement with Doflamingo, you needed to make time while he arranged his part of the deal. However, with each day you were growing impatient. You read the newspaper about what happened at Dressrosa and how the Donquixote family took power after the former king became a ruthless killer overnight. With the information you know from the flamingo, it's easy to say you can smell the bullshit from a mile away. Of course, it took a toll on your mental state, guilt mainfesting a part of you. You stayed strong and reassure your concious, but the sleepless nights were too much to bare.

But you can compensate by doing what you know how to do best.

It didn't take long for the pufferfish Fishman to figure out where you were taking him, judging by the familiar locations and eventually making a pit stop halfway to Fishman island.

"Oh for the love of, please don't tell me we're going back there," your first mate pinched the bridge of his nose. "(y/n) you know how much I hate going to Sabaody."

You didn't reply but instead gave him an apologetic smile.

"I know Val, but..." you sigh in defeat. "Look, I made connections with shady people ever since meeting Doflamingo, along the way I collected info on a few hidden auction houses around the archipelago. It would be like in the old days where we kick ass and break chains." you smile.

The Fishman didn't look too convinced, but at least he was considering it.

"We don't have to go there yet. We can stay on Fishman Island with your family until I replenish enough energy to go to our mini base in Sabaody. Who knows, we could even bring the youngsters some souvenirs along the way. What do you say?"

Val raised an eyebrow at you.

"How much time do you need?" he asks.

"Three days or two."

"Very well, I'll go ahead and let them know we're staying over," he nods.

Valentin dropped you off at Mistoria island while you wait for him, he's the fastest swimmer you've met so you can confidently say he won't be gone for long. Soon after his departure you curiously started hearing rumors around town about how one of big mom's ships was last seen 20 days ago with a special coating around them before sinking into the ocean.

How interesting.

If it wasn't because Linlin has underground contacts, the crew wouldn't have been able to cross the redline as fast as they did, especially since Fishman Island is Whitebeard's turf which makes it difficult to cross unseen. Eventually, the big mom pirates resurfaced from underwater, as devil users both Katakuri and Brulee unconciously felt a sense of relief when the ship was out of the water. Poire however, was happily rushing to the front of the ship to get a better view of the archipelago at the distance.

"Amazing!" she cries out. "It's about time we arrived. Look at the size of the Ferris Wheel big brother! it's huge, I can see it all the way from here."

Neither Katakuri nor Brulee could contain the excitement coming from the teenager, even after boarding at the docks she couldn't stay still.

"I want to see the Sabaody Park!"

"The mission is our first priority..." Katakuri reminds her, even with his responsibilities at hand, he can't say no to her. Katakuri sighs. "Fine, If we have spare time we'll go see the park," he stated firmly.

He didn't know why he had such a soft spot for Poire, maybe it's because they share the same teeth? Due to his appearance, Katakuri's upbringing wasn't fun in the slightest, even though at the time their mother was a well-known pirate at sea, in the town they grew up everybody was quick to regard him as a freak. Poire was born under different circumstances. Now that Lin Lin is the queen of her own kingdom, people are more careful of their comments towards her children, but then again it's not like she cares about them. Children are still children, and they can be mean.

Brulee giggles from under her breath, especially when Poire grabbed his hand jumping up and down like a pup.

"You're the best big brother ever Katakuri-nisan!"

Katakuri's face flush from under his scarf, patting the top of Poire's panda head.

"Go on to your room and get dressed, we'll handle the syrup shipments in the meantime," Brulee says in a sisterly tone.

While the teenager ran back to the ship Brulee playfully nudged Katakuri's shoulder.

"Whatever," he scoffs in slight embarrassment. "Let's go find a salesman before mama develops hunger pains while we're gone."

Negotiations went fine and dandy. The Charlottes didn't need to go far into the groove to find a salesman willing to sell them barrels of tree syrup in quantity and at a good price. Just a few death threats here and there.

Their mission is almost set, the crew is loading the barrels onto the ship while they were in process of getting their ship coated. Katakuri was in the middle of keeping tabs on the crew when Brulee walked up to her older brother, carrying a fine purse and a pair of sunglasses.

"How's the loading going along?" she asks.

"Without any trouble-" Katakuri raised a brow at Brulee's choice of outfit. "Going somewhere?" he asks.

"I'm heading to the plaza and see if I find anything that suits my fancy, this is a tourist area after all."

"Brulee..." Katakuri patiently pinched the bridge of his nose. "We're not tourists, we're on a mission."

"But brother Katakuri! we already have the syrup and don't forget the ship's coating is gonna take a few hours to finish," the witchy woman whined. "There's no harm if I go shopping for a few minutes, besides, you promised you would take Poire to the park." she placed her hands on her hips.

Speaking of being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Katakuri huffs.

Poire happily skipped alongside Katakuri's long strides, earning side glances from the townspeople. Nothing he wasn't already used to. The teenager however is ecstatic, not only does she get to ride on fun mechanical attractions but she'll also spend the day with her favorite older brother. The girl was nothing but giggles and smiles and Katakuri was happy to see that.

"This is gonna be the best day ever!" she exclaims.

At first, he was doubtful about being too old or too tall for the rides, but seeing his sister beam with joy was worth the trouble.

However, before he could begin to enjoy the day with his little sister, Katakuri abruptly stopped walking. Eyes growing wide, his heartbeat inexplicably raising, and his hands beginning to sweat. There you are, coming out of a shop, dressed in casual clothing and carrying a shopping bag in each hand. You promised you two wouldn't meet again and yet here you are, on the same island as him. Out of all the places, it had to be on the other side of the redline.

It makes sense, you have an ability capable of long travel... which is amazing, just think of how fast he could finish missions with you-

No. Don't even start thinking that way.

"What's the matter, big brother?" Poire asks innocently.

Katakuri didn't explain to her, simply grabbing her hand as he turned around.

"We're heading back to the ship," he stated firmly.

"What? why? it took us weeks to get here!"

Because I don't want to see the one person who's giving me mixed feelings.

"Because I said so."

Poire's once happy smile broke into a pout and a frown, she shed a few crocodile tears to get her brother to change his mind, but Katakuri was too deep in his own thoughts to fall for her trick. So the teenager was in a gloomy mood the rest of the walk back.

What are you doing here? should he attempt to capture you? you're still mama's enemy therefore you're his enemy too, but you haven't shown yourself as a threat to him... yet.

There were so man questions roaming in his head that Katakuri didn't notice he almost bumped into Brulee.

The witch-like woman was surprised to see her siblings arrive so soon. "What happened? I thought you two would go to the park?" she asks, removing her sunglasses.

"Change of plans." Katakuri's said in a monotonous voice.

Poire abruptly pulled her hand from Katakuri's hold, ripping herself from her brother as she silently runs off. Brulee didn't understand what Katakuri's reasoning was, but she can tell it made Poire upset.

"I'll make sure we finish our business here as soon as possible, for now, I want you two to stay on the ship," Katakuri ordered, not as a brother but as an authority figure.

"Y-yes brother Katakuri."

Sooner or later the midday sun lowered itself to the horizon, gray clouds were beginning to cast over the darkened sky and started pouring in light rain. Just like the mood between the Charlotte siblings.

"Poire," Brulee called out softly, knocking on the door leading to Poire's bedroom. "I bought some clothes while I was at the plaza, we could try them on and play models if you like."

Nothing. Not even a snarky remark, or a sniffle.

Brulee was growing frustrated, this was the third time Poire hasn't answered her.

Using her devil fruit ability, Brulee slipped into the mirror world and walked into Poire's room by using the mirror on her dresser.

"Poire I know you're upset but ignoring me isn't going to solve anything, I'm sure brother Katakuri has his rea-" Brulee paused mid-sentence, realizing she was talking into an empty room.

The sweet commander stood on deck as he silently watched the ship coaters do their work. He found out that if he hired more than one to do the job and pressured them, they could have the ship ready in half the time. Harsh, but effective.

"Brother Katakuri!" Brulee cried out desperately, she rushed at him, almost tripping on her dress.

"Brulee, what's the matter?"

"It's Poire! She's not in her room!"

"Imposible," Katakuri felt his heart drop.

"She escaped out the window! I tried using my mirrors but they couldn't find her anywhere on the archipelago. What if she's out of my range?!" Brulee panicked, tears beginning to collect in her eyes. "She could've been gone for hours and I didn't notice." the woman furiously wiped her eyes.

"I'll find her," Katakuri rubs her shoulders reassuringly. "I think I know where she went, stay here if she comes back."

The sweet commander jumped off the ship in a single leap, landing on the port with a roll before rushing towards the park. He could've sent subordinates to search around the area but Katakuri felt this was a personal responsibility. At first, he didn't see his faults, he was just complying with his responsibilities, he didn't have time to mess with a park or try to capture you.

If anything, it's Poire's fault for pulling a tantrum and running away.

Or so he believes.

But the closer he got to the park the heavier the rain became and he was still a few grooves away. Halfway through Katakuri turned himself into a donut-shaped mochi, speeding up as he rolled through empty plazas and grassy hills, but the rain made it harder for him to stay as mochi without sticking to the ground, resorting back to his usual self.

The wetter he became, the more the guilt started to consume him.

His consciousness didn't weight on him until he finally arrived at the empty entrance of Sabaody Park. Katakuri dropped to his knees. The park is closed, the only clue he had on Poire's whereabouts was useless.

It's his fault.

He was a terrible older brother and made his sister upset for something that wasn't her fault.

And now she's lost.

To make matters worst, his observation felt a familiar presence make his way towards him. It didn't mean any harm, but it still made him uneasy.

"I should have known it was you..." Katakuri mutter darkly, standing on his feet as he turned around to face you.

Your expression was mild and solemn, carrying an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain. You were holding something else in your hand, but Katakuri was too furious to check what it is. He attempted to throw a mochi punch at you, but the rain made him slow, easily sidestepping as his mochi fist got stuck to the ground.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY LITTLE SISTER" he demanded, trying to pull his arm back.

"First of all, how rude of you to make assumptions about me," you say calmly, but still slightly offended. "And second, I didn't do anything to your family."

"Then why are you here?!" Katakuri snarled.

Everything was fine until you showed up.

"You're looking for your sister right? I think I have an idea of where she was taken."

The rain continues falling around you two while Katakuri stayed quiet.

His eyes said it all.


You sigh. "Is this enough proof for you to believe me?" Tossing him the object you were carrying.

Katakuri caught the soft item in his hand, opening his palm to show a distinctive stitched panda hat. Poire's hat to be exact. The sweet commander was more than ready to interrogate you right there and now if it wasn't for your next choice of words.

"I'm here to offer you a temporary alliance."

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