Love Through Time

By ishqbazz_fangirl29

30.7K 3K 694

A couple whose chemistry also involves some physics (Not kidding though). One day kuhu and mishti finds thems... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Abir 1
chapter 3
Kuhu 1
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Suggestion box

chapter 12

604 74 13
By ishqbazz_fangirl29

RECAP: abir and mishti doubts the black hoodie while kuhu eavesdrop their conversation with black hoodie ...

abir and mishti came home...

abir:mishti...whatever you decide ...don't rush ...

mishti nods...

kuhu was peering this from a distance...

kuhu: it seems she didn't call till now... I have to get the phone number from her...

mishti comes inside the room...

kuhu:mishti didn't wash your hair like for years... you have to take bath...#dirty

misthi:what rubbish ?

kuhu:no rubbish...its the truth... come on...i have bought an aroma candle for you ... go and bath inside...

mishti:seriously ?

kuhu:yes seriously ...go inside...

mishti was confused ...

mishti: whatever...but i think a shower can clear my mind...

kuhu:yeah ...go ahead...

mishti starred at kuhu while passing through her...she went for a bath...

kuhu: now...i have to look for the number...

she found the blackhoodie's number.

kuhu:this must be the number...i should call before her...

She leaves to the secluded space with mishti's phone...and calls the number...

kuhu:hello !! black hoodie sir ... 

call:is this mishti?

kuhu:no... but i ....

call:what ?did you time travel or not?

kuhu:yes...infact...i came here first...

call:okay listen carefully...whatever happens have to face the consequences...

kuhu:okay...what can be worse than the time will help me right... to to..return...right?

call:ofcourse... come to address i have texted to this number by 10pm today...


call:yes?do you have any problem?

kuhu:no... i will come...

mishti:kuhu...where are you?

kuhu cut the call...and went to mishti...

kuhu:why are you shouting like that? i was standing outside!!

mishti:where is my phone?

kuhu:your phone... i took your phone to...

mishti:whatever ...give my phone...

kuhu returned her phone...

kuhu:god... i have deleted the call logs ...and forwarded the text message...

mishti:why are you tensed?

kuhu:its nothing...

mishti:kuhu..see...i want to say everything...

kuhu:Stop...mishti...dont act like a good one...i know about you ... 


kuhu:stop mishti...

kuhu left the room...

After few hours ,

abir and mishti were at the terrace,

abir:hey...angry chorni ... how did you find this place... i said we shall meet in our place...

mishti:weirdo... even this place knows that this is our place...

abir and mishti laughed...

abir slowly tried to speak about the blackhoodie's offer...

abir:what did you decide?

mishti:i dont know...abir... i should go or not ?

abir:mishti...we are not sure about his identity ... how can we take risk...


abir:mishti ...get up...i have an idea...we will go to that place and wait for the blackhoodie...he said ...he will come for us...

mishti:you are right!!!

they went to the wormhole building...

mishti:are you sure ? will he come? we  have been waiting here for 2 hrs ? 

abir:wait mishti...we have passed our message through the postbox as he told...

mishti:its 9:30pm already...

a voice came from backside...

blackhoodie:why is this ? is there an emergency ? 

abir and mishti faced blackhoodie who was standing behind them.

abir:we came to ask about what you told this morning .

blackhoodie:what ? are you kidding with me  ? i have no time for this...


mishti and abir saw each other...

abir:you didn't meet us today morning ?

blackhoodie:ofcourse not !! i have a lot of work to do...

mishti:then whom did we meet?

blackhoodie:what did he say?

abir:something about a stone ...forest ...compass...

blackhoodie: oh my !! thank came to me... 


blackhoodie: i know this person... i will not spare him...i will report him to the committee...

abir: please....can you explain us ? we cant take risk anymore!! what if ....what if we went to the forest...please tell about you...whom you will not spare?

blackhoodie:aah...i hate this... we never identify ourselves to the people... 


blackhoodie removed his hoodie...his eyes were blue ... he had a beautiful face with dimples in his cheeks...his face was glowing...

mishti:why someone hides this handsome face behind a hoodie!!

abir starred at her...

mishti glanced abir...


abir raised his eyebrows...

blackhoodie:my name is aarav walker...

they turned towards him with a confused look...

aarav:what ? my father is from united states and my mom is from this important ?

abir and mishti nodded no.

aarav:okay good...coming back to the story ... i come from another mishti here...

abir looked curious...

aarav:i come from future ... 


aarav:not any close to both of yours...

mishti:why?are you struck here?

aarav smiled...

aarav:no... i am not like you...i am different ... i will explain that come to the story !!! there is institution of space science and time travel ... i work in that place... 

abir:you work for what?

aarav: it's more like a research lab... we people take care of all the important scientific wormhole....

mishti:so you are working there!! then why hide your face?

aarav: we people cannot reveal the identities to normal can lead to disasters...we are a confidential group of people... we help people like you...who are struck by wormhole ...


aarav:yeah... but what you see is small... there is a lot in the world you did not know about... knew that person...who is he?

aarav: his name is Noah...he was our member...


aarav:long story short ... he kept on using the research results for his own purpose...which is against our basics... so he was dismissed ... he is working alone now...he know most of our institution's they sent security to catch him...he is still on the wanted escaped...

mishti:thank god...we escaped from him...

aarav:mishti... did you tell another person about this?


aarav:tell her soon... he may approach her...

abir nodded...

a message came to the mishti's phone...

mishti read the message..."I am waiting for you ... come fast..."

abir:what is this? 

mishti:i dont know!!!

abir:this is your new sim one knew your number...then how...

aarav:give me the phone...

he checked the message...

aarav:this is from him...i know...i know for sure...

abir:but no one called him!!

a thought struck mishti...

mishti:abir...kuhu might have...


mishti:she was using my phone this morning... she even asked me to aroma bath...which is so out of her character...

abir:oh god!! she listened to our conversation with that...that...

abir put his hands to his forehead...

aarav:what? you people say... she eavesdropped your conversation with him...and now...she went with him?

mishti nodded...

aarav:god...she is in hell danger...we have to save her from Noah...

mishti:where will we search her?

abir:he said some forest right?

aarav: i think i know that forest... but we have to go there fast...

abir:yeah... i will ask my brother to reach there...he may be able to reach before us...

abir called kunal,

abir:nanko...where are you?

kunal:bhai... i dont know...

abir:nanko...this is not good time to kid...i am asking you where are you?

kunal:bhai...i am not kidding... i dont know where i am!!

abir:what are you saying?

kunal:kuhu wanted me to drop her somewhere...but this place is too spooky... so i am waiting for her return...

abir:oh my god... nanko... just get out of the car...and bring her back...we will be there...

kunal:but why?

abir:i will explain on the way...first...go and find her...

kunal:ok bhai...

abir:mishti...our luck...nanko is near kuhu... he will bring her back... we will reach there in meantime... 

aarav:then i can catch him... lets move...

abir and aarav moved forward...mishti stood there...

abir turned to mishti and came close to her...

abir:mishti...nothing will happen to her...we will save her....come on...i am with you...

aarav:i think we should be moving...or else we cannot reach there in time...


he shrugged her shoulder...

abir:you have faced worse...this one...we can deal with this... have hope...

mishti nodded...

abir:come on...

aarav catched a taxi...

aarav:come on guys...its already late...

they left in the car...

in the forest...

kunal :kuhu... kuhu ... where are you??

kunal shouted through the voice came...


he hesitantly entered the woods...

kunal:she was having some address on her google maps... how can a person have some business in this deep forest...

he slowly moved forward shouting her name....

at the same time,

kuhu saw a shadow of the blackhoodied person...

kuhu:give me the compass...

that voice:there is no turning sure...

kuhu experienced some bad vibes...still she didn't show...

kuhu:did mishti call him? why didnt she? did i do something wrong?

her hands were trembling...she turned to get the compass from him...

noah:here have this...

she took the compass...

noah:go on with the attraction...

kuhu nodded hesitantly...

kuhu:why are covering your face?

Noah:not now...go...


kuhu walked towards the forest...she turned back time to time...noah was not there... she started to regret her decision..

kuhu:maybe i should talked with abir least ...with kunal or mishti...god this is scary ...

now she reached the entry point of the dense forest...

kuhu:god me...

she took a step inside the forest...she experienced a rush of energy inside her...

kuhu:what is happening to me?

she tried to look at the compass , it pointed north-west...

that energy inside her dragged her to the north-west... she felt like a north pole to a south pole magnet...something dragged her...

kuhu:god... i did me from this ...please...

at that time she heard kunal's voice...


kunal:thank god... 

she tried to shout ...

kuhu:kunal.....kunal...i am here....

kunal did not hear her voice....

kuhu kept on trying while she can't stop moving forward...

kuhu's eyes started bawling... me...

kunal heard a faded version of kuhu's voice...

kunal tried to walk in that direction...he kept on running...

after few minutes,kunal found kuhu...

kunal:come on ...lets go...

kuhu:kunal ...can't you see? i cannot move according to my wish...something is dragging me....

kunal:what nonsense? 

he came near to her...

kunal tried to drag her in the opposite direction but he couldn't ...

kunal:why aren't you moving?

kuhu:i said right...i cannot move ...its like something is dragging towards it ...i am body is hyper ... something is happening with me...

please help me improve!!

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