When Lines Blur

Hurricane_Child tarafından

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Young Lucas Taylor is a high school student like any other. He takes a few advanced classes, plans to go into... Daha Fazla

Character Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-One

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Hurricane_Child tarafından

Salem left Maddox's house, and walked far enough away that no one could see him from the windows of the house, Jaxson following after a few moments. It was only then that Salem noticed the small backpack Jaxson had with him. Salem wasn't sure if Jaxson had always had it or if Jaxson just suddenly was carrying it around. He didn't get a chance to ask, as Jaxson didn't stop he walked past Salem and just continued walking. Salem knew he should follow, and did so.

It wasn't hard to tell that Jaxson was deep in thought, but Jaxson also didn't start any conversation. Instead he just led Salem off. Once they were further from the house, Jaxson finally spoke. "You'd be easy to kidnap Salem."

"Oh would I?" Salem asked.

"Yeah," Jaxson said, "I simply clued into you that I wanted to lead you off and you just willingly followed."

Salem nodded, "But you're missing a key point there Jaxson. You aren't a kidnapper."

"You sure about that?" Jaxson asked, his lighthearted and joking tone giving away that he wasn't being serious.

"Nope, not at all."

"Good," Jaxson said.

"Where are we going?"

Jaxson finally glanced over to Salem, "For a walk. There doesn't have to be a destination in life."

"Why did you want to go on a walk?"

"No offence," Jaxson said, "But I can barely stand them most days. Beyond Levi and Shawn."

Salem chuckled, "Now that's a bias."

"Do you blame me?" Jaxson asked, "In case you missed it, I'm not exactly the most friendly person."

"You're better than me."

"Everyone is more friendly than you Salem," Jaxson joked. Salem chuckled as they continued to walk, silently again. "You know," Jaxson said after a while. "I've noticed something about you Salem."

"And what's that?"

"You think you don't deserve Gabe," Jaxson said. He stopped to look at Salem, and wasn't surprised to see Salem was shocked. "When you look at him, it was strange to me. At first, I couldn't tell what it was, but you saw something about him. At first, I thought you saw auras or something and that was why you looked at him like that. But then you'd look at the others, like Adrian, or Micheal, and that look was never there. So I thought about it more, and you don't think you deserve Gabe, even after two years together."

Salem looked at Jaxson, "You're smart."

"Thank you."

"I guess you're right," Salem said, "But I suppose that's what happens when you think the first year or so is for a prank." The two walked into the park, it was empty. The weather forecast said rain today, so that didn't really surprise either of them. Jaxson sat down on a bench with Salem.

Jaxson looked at Salem, "Why did you think it was a prank? Gabe isn't really capable of being that mean in case you hadn't noticed."

"I thought Micheal set him up to it," Salem said, "The first time we talked it was because I found him in the hall just pissed off. I asked him what was wrong and his answer was that Micheal had pissed him off. And I was still a bit pissy with the whole situation with Mike, even though I was the complete cause of it... and I asked Gabe what had happened, and he told me. I don't think he really processed that he was talking to someone Mike hated, or he did and that's why he talked to me. To piss Mike off more. I'm not sure."

"How does that make you think he was pranking you?"

"Me and him kept talking a lot about religion because he noticed my pentacle necklace and asked about it. And suddenly he realized he had accidentally skipped first hour so he ran off, but said that he'd like to talk again. So, we kept talking. And as it got romantic my mind started saying that one day I'd go to see him and Micheal and you guys would be there and it would all be a prank."

Jaxson looked at Salem, "That clearly didn't stop you though."

"I figured the eventual embarrassment was worth it to be around Gabe."

"That's fucking adorable."

Salem smiled, "It was after our one year where I realized it wasn't a prank. None of you are patient enough to wait that long for the payoff of a prank. When I realized that, I started crying like a fucking baby, and Gabe saw and asked me why I was crying. I didn't tell him. I just said I really loved him, and he was confused. I think he forgot about it though."

"I doubt that," Jaxson said, "Gabe has a knack for remembering things like that. If you asked him if he remembered, he'd probably say yes... Do you really think that poorly of yourself that you think you don't deserve Gabe?"

"Look at what I did to Micheal," Salem said, "I notoriously was a shitty boyfriend."

"How did you hide the fact you had a boyfriend from all your friends?" Jaxson asked, "I mean, they seem a bit prying. And like they would steal someone's phone to read their texts."

"I never even hinted to being in a relationship, me and Mike never texted a whole lot. It wasn't hard. Back then it was also just like Adrian, Zeek, Braxton and I who hung out everyday. Maddox was around some, same with Levi. Those three didn't pry so much back then."

"Braxton, not prying? What alternate universe do you come from?"

Salem chuckled, "He started to once Maddox was around a lot. He worried about Maddox a lot, still does."

"Braxton and Ryan are so similar," Jaxson said, "Ryan is the same about Austin. He won't tell us about himself but he will search through our minds with ease."

"Do you think Micheal used to have a crush on Ryan?"

Jaxson laughed, "God no! Those two act more like brothers than Mike and Gabe ever have. Micheal protects Ryan fiercely, but it's because Ryan reminds him of Leanna."

"Good," Salem said, "Lucas is too jealous to even accept that someone else used to have a crush on the guy he likes."

"You noticed that too?" Jaxson asked.

"How could I not when Lucas is constantly drooling over Ryan." The two both laughed at that. "No, the giveaway was Lucas having Ryan as 'My Love' with a heart in his phone."

"You looked in Lucas' phone?"

"Yep," Salem said, "We all have vine quotes as names by the way."

"God, I don't want to know... Yes I do tell."

"I sent a screenshot to myself, hang on," Salem said, smiling widely as he unlocked his phone and started looking through his pictures. Jaxson looked over his shoulder some and chuckled at Salem's gallery.

"Have enough photos of crystals and Gabe in there?" Jaxson asked.

"Nope!" Salem answered as he pulled up the screenshot. "Here."

Jaxson looked at the names, "Do you know who is who?"

"Some," Salem said, "I know mine is 'SaAiIl', and I'm guessing that Austin is 'A Child? NO'. I know Gabe is Fre Sha Voca Do. Beyond that, not sure."

"I'm definitely it don't bite. The only one he'd use that for is Gabe, but he isn't that mean," Jaxson said.

Salem looked at Jaxson, "You know about his fear of dogs too?"

"Yeah. None of us have a clue why so don't ask."

"Damn," Salem mumbled. "I think Maddox might be I smell like beef. Since that one is another kid."

"Yeah, we could just ask Luc."

"Where's the fun in that?" Salem asked.

Jaxson shrugged, "Why not ask everyone what their text nicknames are in everyone's phone."

"I'm sure that'll make Zeek thrilled."


"Zeek hasn't told any of us our nicknames in his phone but he has confessed that he does use the nicknames," Salem said.

Jaxson smiled, "So let's go back and pressure an answer out of him."

Salem paused, looking at Jaxson before smiling, "Alright fine. Let's go." With that the two began to walk back to Maddox's, knowing that the others would still be there. Salem once again just entered Maddox's house without knocking, Jaxson right beside him.

"Where'd you two go?" Adrian asked, "I know for sure it wasn't to fuck so don't tell me that for an answer."

"Jaxson knows better than to answer that," Levi said. The group was all scattered around Maddox's living room, they were clearly talking about something before Salem and Jaxson showed up.

"We went for a walk," Jaxson said as he sat by Levi. "Is that a crime?"

"The thought of you and Salem being buddies is," Ryan answered.

"Too late," Jaxson replied with a smirk. "Anyways, I'm curious. What nicknames do you use for each other's contacts in your phone?"

Gabe looked at Jaxson, "That's the strangest question ever."

"I'm curious!" Jaxson defended, "Besides, I doubt any of the nicknames are that insulting. We all call each other worse in person. I'll start if you guys want."

Levi sighed, "Fine. Start then Jaxson."

"Austin is Texas, Maddox is set as Fur Suit Dealer, Lucas is A Man with a Plan, Ryan is Sweet Boy, Shawn's is The Best Bitch, Salem's is Tolerable, Braxton is set as The Dad Man Dude, Adrian's is just Noice, and Zeek's is Food with a question mark. Oh, and Micheal and Gabe are Pain to The Eyes, and Pain in the Ass respectively."

"I'm offended," Gabe said, "How is Micheal not Pain in the Ass? Have you met them??" Jaxson laughed some. "I mean, Micheal and Braxton are Disaster and Chaos Gay in my phone."

"I'm Chaos Gay in your phone Gabe?" Braxton asked.

"Yeah," Gabe said, "I needed you to match Micheal's name somehow."

"I'm offended," Braxton said, "I have you as brother with a question mark in my phone."

Maddox looked at Braxton, "Am I still Smol one?"

"Yep, Austin is Smol Two."

"I hate that so much."

"Zeek's name is pot brownie in my phone so don't be so upset Austin," Braxton said. Zeek rolled his eyes but didn't protest it. "We have no clue our names in Zeek's phone. He won't tell us."

Jaxson nodded, "Yeah, Salem mentioned that."

"Tell us Zeek! It can't be that bad," Braxton said.

Zeek looked at Braxton, "Are you sure you want to know?"


"It's dumbass 1 though 12."

"That's a lie," Salem said, "You would call at least one of us something else if that was true."

"Trust me," Zeek said, sitting up some. "You don't want to know your names. Most of you would be offended deeply."

"Would we?" Adrian asked.

"Adrian, you definitely would be. Then again," Zeek said, "Your nickname has the most... disturbing ties to it."

"Now you have to tell us Zeek!" Levi said.

"Adrian's is clockwork orange."

"Wait like the movie?" Jaxson asked, "Damn that's dark."

"No like the book which is worse than the movie in so many ways," Zeek said, "Good read though if you can get past the nadsat."

"Wait! You can read??" Salem jokingly asked.

Zeek sighed, "Yes. I can."

"Why would I be named after a book that's mostly about gang violence and rape?"

"In the original book," Zeek started, "Alex changes his ways and gets married and has kids. He teaches them to never do the things he did. It was called the Redemption Chapter and got removed from all American copies. It made the American version of the book more shocking and horrific. The movie adapted the American version."

Adrian looked at Zeek, "Since when did you have a brain?"

"I dunno," Zeek said, "Since forever I guess."

"What other secrets do you have there, Zeek?" Ryan asked.

Gabe looked at Zeek, "Do I want to know our names?"

"You're all named after books. Mostly classics but Jaxson is Divergent."

"Fair," Jaxson said. "Surprised you didn't go with Hunger Games."

"Tris dies in divergent, you'd be a martyr not a leader."

Jaxson started at Zeek, "You really put a lot of thought into these huh?" Zeek nodded some and noticed they were all looking at him. He knew they all wanted to know their nicknames in his phone. Zeek sighed.

"Maddox is To Kill A Mockingbird, Brax is Lord Of the Flies, Lucas is Lord of the Rings, Salem is Frankenstien, Ryan is Alice's Adventures, Levi is Mobey Dick, Shawn is Hamlet, Micheal is Gatsby, Gabe is Catcher In the Rye, and Austin is Charlotte's Web."

Salem looked at Zeek, "When do you have time to read that much?"

"When I'm stuck awake due to your texts," Zeek answered.

"You read Hamlet?" Micheal asked.

"I've read most of Shakespeare's works. And Edgar Allen Poe, I considered naming you all after poems in my phone, but I figured books would be more fun."

Shawn was starting at Zeek, "Hamlet!? Me?"


"Fuck that," Shawn said.

"You match the message of Hamlet well. You know that revenge can be deadly, that's why you're Hamlet Shawn," Zeek said. "Most of you are named after the message of the book more than the content."

Adrian looked offended, "What is the message behind A Clockwork Orange?? Violence is good??"

"No," Zeek said, "The message of Clockwork Orange is choice is fundamental to human nature. You believe heavily that every choice has an effect. It's a great book, and the movie is pretty book accurate which is nice. Definitely deserves it's R rating though."

"Since when were you an english major?"

"I've always really liked books," Zeek said, "I don't make it the hobby everyone focuses on for me though. I prefer to be known for my cooking than my obsession with escapism."

Ryan nodded some, "Fair enough. Also, do you all give me Alice related nicknames?"

"Nope!" Austin said, "Your name on my phone is Railway."

"All of our names in his phone are words that end with y," Maddox said.

Levi sighed, "Mine's fishy isn't it?"

"Yep," Austin answered, "Don't feel bad. Others have it worse. At least my contact list doesn't look like the wikipedia article of supernatural creatures."

"First of all, how dare you out me," Maddox said, "Second of all, That's creative at least."

Adrian chuckled some, "Maddox's phone looking like that doesn't surprise me. Let me guess real quick, I'm either incubus or succubus?"

"No," Maddox said, "That's Salem."

"Fuck you furry."

Maddox chuckled, "You're a werewolf Adrian."

"If I'm not a unicorn, I'm gutting you," Ryan said.

"I live!" Maddox cheered. "Gabe's is Angel so there's that."

"Our contacts for Gabe are the same," Salem mumbled.

Maddox shrugged, "Would've had Mike as Angel but Dragons fit his personality better."

"Possessive, secretive, assholes, yep! That's Micheal."

"Gabe, I'll get you. And It'll look like an accident," Micheal said.

Gabe chuckled, "I'm more afraid of your sister than you Mike."

"Honestly that's fair."

Levi sighed again, "Mine's Mermaid isn't it."

"Actually, no," Maddox said.

"Wait what?"

"It's Selkie."

"Seal Mermaids?" Levi asked.

"What?" Maddox sounded shocked, "No. Not exactly at least. They are like the seal version of a werewolf more accurately. They turn from Seal to Human on will."

"Maddox, get new obsessions please," Lucas asked.

"You're the basic bitch so don't even."

"Maddox has your name set to Vampire is what that means," Levi said.

Maddox looked at them, "You're right. But how dare you."

"What are the rest of us?" Shawn asked.

"You're fairy, Braxton is Griffin, Jaxson is Phoenix, and Zeek is Skeleton. I feel like those ones are fairly obvious as to why."

Zeek looked at Maddox, "I accept mine. You do realize Fairy was slang for a femme gay guy in the 80's though right?"

"I know this," Maddox said, "Am I wrong?"

"No," Adrian said, "You absolutely are not. Ignore any protest from Shawn. He's a fucking femme."

"Fuck off!" Shawn said shoving Adrian some.

Braxton looked at Shawn and Adrian, "Is that healthy?"

"Yeah," Salem said, "They are at a point in their relationship where they act like an old married couple is all. Unlike you and Micheal who are still so heavily in the honeymoon phase." Micheal paused for a moment before nodding in agreement. "But Micheal is always like that no matter how long the relationship goes on for."

"Fuck off Salem."

"If anyone would know that it'd be me!" Salem protested, "So no! Suck Addy's dick fuckface."

Gabe looked at Salem, "Apologize."

"Sorry Mike," Salem mumbled.

"Bottom," Adrian said looking at Salem. Salem glared at him.

"Guys," Zeek said, "We're at like two weeks of Salem not getting hit or hitting someone, could you maybe not?"

"Could you maybe eat?" Adrian retorted to Zeek.

"Fuck you."

"You wish."

"I'm straight."

"You sucking Salem's dick implies otherwise."

"Adrian!" Braxton, Ryan, and Shawn shouted.

Adrian rolled his eyes, "Am I wrong? You're gunna look at me and tell me that I'm wrong?"

"You sure as fuck ain't right!" Levi said.


"Adrian," Maddox said, "Stop. Please?"


"The power of brotherly love," Gabe remarked sarcastically. Micheal chuckled softly.

Jaxson sighed some, "Honestly I'm still trying to figure out what in the hell made Braxton put Gabe as brother, but not put Lucas as that."

"Lucas' name in my phone is Lucy Who," Braxton answered, "Besides, I don't care about him that much. I like Gabe more."

"Ouch," Lucas said softly, not actually hurt by it though.

Jaxson looked at Brax, "What are the rest of us called?"

"Well, you're beanie boy, only because Levi is Nemo. Salem is Salami, because of course it is. Ryan's name is Ryan Reynolds because I really like deadpool," Braxton said, "Shawn's is Wednesday, the Adams part is implied."

"...That name suits Austin better."

"That's the point you pastel delight," Braxton said, "Adrian's is just Addison in all caps. And Mike's is The Person since I haven't changed it since we first talked basically."

"Yours is still The Man, so that's fair," Micheal said.

"Gross," Jaxson mumbled. "We get you engaged, could you maybe stop acting like it though."

"Absolutely not," Braxton said.

"I hate you all so much."

"We know Jax," Shawn replied.

Jaxson rolled his eyes, "Not all of you honestly. Just, 90% of you."

"Actually," Gabe said, "You really only like Levi, Ryan, Shawn and Salem so you hate 75% of us. Excluding yourself in the count. If you include yourself it would be 70% roughly."

"Wouldn't it be 62% including Jaxson?" Zeek asked.

"Are you implying that Jaxson likes himself?"

"You're right. 70."

Jaxson rolled his eyes, "So not only are you an English Major you're also a mathematician Zeek. What fun."

"Percents are so easy to calculate. Divide your group by the total and move the decimal place to the right two spaces. What do you mean mathematician?"

"Jaxson just sucks at percentages," Levi answered.

"Fuck off!"

"No," Levi said simply.

Jaxson crossed his arms, "Good."

Maddox looked at Jaxson, "Now when I say tsundere."

"FUCK YOU!" Jaxson shouted at Maddox. Maddox laughed in response.

Austin laughed, "If Jaxson is the tsundere who's the yandere?"

"Lucas," Salem, Gabe, Ryan, Micheal and Braxton all said at the same time.

"How dare you guys?" Lucas asked, "I'm not a yandere."

"You don't want to challenge me about this Lucas," Salem said, "Or I will out your crush to everyone."

"I am not a yandere!"

"Should I set Ryan up with someone else than?"

"I'll cut you Salem."

"Like I said. Also, you outed yourself."

"He knows," Lucas said. Ryan blushed and looked away.

Gabe looked at Ryan, "Now that is a bottom."

"Go suck a dick Gabe!" Ryan replied.

"I will later."

Micheal sighed, "Stop that. Right now. Stop."

"Wait," Salem said, "Gabe what are our names in your phone?"

"Do you want me to die?" Gabe asked, "Because Micheal might kill me."

"Yes," Jaxson said, "Tell."

"Salem's is Dearest Devil, Austin's is Rocket, Adrian is Crutchy, Jaxson is Charcoal, Braxton and Micheal's I've already said, Ryan is Hatter, Shawn is Pastel, Lucas is Boss, Maddox is just Wolf, Levi is Sea Wench, and Zeek is Supplier," Gabe said.

Micheal sighed, "This is why you're named Druggie on my phone."

Levi laughed at that, "Weed isn't as bad as what most of us have done."

"What's that mean?"

"It means," Levi said, "My attempt was not the first time I had heroin."

Jaxson looked at Levi, "I'll hit you."

"Not anymore chill!" Levi said, "I'm doing better than any of the others."

Adrian paused, "Woah hey! You cannot count that!"

"Can't I?"

"I don't use them recreationally! They are prescriptions!"

"All of them? I'm not talking about your pain meds Addy."

Shawn sighed, "Those aren't his Levi."

"OH!" Levi said, "That's even more interesting. I'll be quiet though. Makes sense why you relate to Zeek if that's true though."

Micheal paused, "I knew you drank. What is he talking about though?"

"I'm in danger," Shawn said, "I am in so much danger. So much fucking danger."

"Tell me Shawn."

"It's called I cannot focus, and self medicate to reprimand for that situation. And that self medication leads to an appetite loss among other things like sleeping a lot, being impulsive, talking a lot, and mania."

"Adderall," Salem said. "He has an adderall addiction."

"Yeah," Shawn said. "I would blame Adrian for getting me them... but I did ask... so... I cannot blame him."

Braxton looked at Shawn, "Okay next on the list of people to get clean is you! Adderall fucks you up long term dude. You drink with adderall in your system and you're done for."

"I'm not that dumb," Shawn said, "I don't do that."

"I make sure he doesn't," Adrian said simply.

"That doesn't fucking matter," Braxton said, "Dude, I don't care if we have to tie you up. You gotta stop that."

Shawn sighed, "And then I end up more spacey than Ryan and more unmotivated than Austin."

"And we can help you with that," Braxton said, "Drugging yourself to an extreme like that isn't smart."

"You're one to talk."

"I have a medical licence for marijuana Shawn, and my Moms have licences to be legal growers for me," Braxton said, "And how often am I so high I can't function."

"He's only been that high once," Zeek said, "And it was because all of us were smoking together. Unlike me, Salem, or Gabe he isn't looking to get high."

"Neither am I!"

"Then we go to a doctor and get a prescription Shawn," Braxton said, "If Adrian is getting it for you then it's from the streets and likely isn't completely safe. No street drugs are! Most get laced with other stuff. That's why all of our weed comes from my moms, we know exactly what those are." Shawn was silent, he didn't know what to say. "I get that it feels better to not have to deal with your lack of focus, but the side effects of Adderall abuse will get to you."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "It kills most people before they end up with major side effects. Unless you want to die, and if you do that's another issue, you have to stop man... If you really have that much issue focusing, join Gabe and Salem sometime. Weed can help with focus issues, as well as anxiety. Oh and chronic pain so maybe Adrian should too so he can stop using pain meds as much. And helps people eat... and it also helps with PTSD and sometimes alcoholism... Fuck man we all could probably benefit from it."

"It has risks though," Braxton said, "You're making it sound like a save all cure. It's not. Can cause hallucinations if you get too high, can make anxiety and depression worse when you aren't high, and sometimes causes vomiting. Learned that one the hard way."

"That's rough for someone with emetophobia," Salem said, "Never knew you dealt with that."

"Yeah," Braxton said, "Wasn't fun. It also fucks with your senses dude. It definitely adds to the hyper awareness. Of course, all of it's cons have a pro that sometimes occurs as well. It can get people to stop vomiting, can calm anxiety and depression... can help calm hallucinations... weirdest fucking drug ever."

"Anyway, if you want to try it sometime make sure we're with you. Some people can be allergic, or you might have complications," Braxton said.

Ryan looked at Braxton, "People can be allergic to pot?"

"Oh yeah," Braxton said, "Maddox is. Learned the hard way."

"At least we figured it out before there were issues," Maddox said. "Could've been worse. Could've tried smoking it."

"You're allergic to pot?" Ryan asked.

"Yep," Maddox nodded, "Throat closes up around the smoke. If I'm around it at all I get migraines. Why do you think they are always buzzed before getting to school and why they always ask what's in the food Zeek makes? He's brought pot brownies to school before when mad at me."

Zeek looked at Maddox, "You tried to break my phone!"


"Pisses Maddox off we do that nonetheless," Adrian said, holding a deck of cards.

Ryan looked at Adrian with confusion, "Where'd the cards come from what??"

"He uses them as a distraction," Braxton said, "I cannot tell you how often we fall asleep to him shuffling cards when we have sleepovers."

"You get used to it," Shawn said, "What's really fun is playing poker with him. He's a good liar."

"Not as good as Braxton," Adrian mumbled.

"Poker is easy though," Gabe said, "Sure there is an element of luck but most of it is math and calculations."

Adrian looked at Gabe, "I'm never playing poker against you. You'll math your way into success. Which is worse than Salem's dumb luck with it. I'm good at the math for it, but you'll probably beat me." Braxton suddenly laughed before coughing to cover it up. "What Braxton?"

"Just remembered the one time we played poker in freshman year," Braxton said. Salem and Zeek laughed too.

"Oh god why bring that up?" Adrian said, "I don't want to remember that."

"Why not Addy?" Salem asked, "You seemed very happy at the time." Zeek, Salem and Braxton were all laughing so hard.

Gabe sighed, "Do I want to know?"

"Lets just say," Salem started, "That game of poker was when I realized I was going to ruin mine and Mike's relationship."


"We sure did," Adrian said.

Braxton laughed, "The first people to see my titties."

"Yep!" Zeek laughed out.

"I hate you all so much," Lucas said, "I cannot believe I wasn't invited to that."

Micheal sighed, "Why would you do that?"

"Three of us were gay and one was questioning," Adrian said, "Curiosity. And we wanted to see Braxton's boobs since he had been binding since we hit puberty so none of us ever got to."

"There are four people who have, and only one is my fiance," Braxton said, "At least until I get them chopped off."

"Are you implying the day before you get top surgery you're gunna flash us all?" Lucas asked.

"I'm not implying anything."

"Seeing as I'll still be a minor at that point, you better not," Maddox said.

Jaxson sighed, "And you wonder why I hate you all."

"Shut it Sweater Weather," Shawn said, "The only reason you aren't seeing boobs is because Levi is possessive."

"You aren't wrong."

"You're bi?" Maddox asked.

"Yeah, Levi is too," Jaxson said.

Adrian was texting something on his phone and then looked at Braxton and Micheal. They pulled out their phones and looked at the message and laughed. Shawn also pulled out his and shook his head before kissing Adrian's head softly. "Do I even want to know?" Gabe asked.

"No, because I'm not allowed to say," Braxton answered, "It is for Adrian's partners and the partner of one of his partners. It is really funny though."

"Fuck you secret keeping fuckers!" Zeek said.

"When Adrian wants to tell you he will."

"Go ahead and tell them Brax. I'm surprised they haven't figured it out themselves yet," Adrian said.

Salem looked at Adrian, "Figured out what?"

"The person fucking asked to borrow my dress before and actively hides his body? The dude isn't cis!" The group that didn't already know made a simultaneous face of recognition.

"How do you identify Adrian?" Gabe asked.

Adrian looked at Gabe, "That's a good question. The answer is... um, aha, yes? In other words I don't have a label yet. We'll get there though.. Maybe. Probably not."

"Pronouns?" Gabe asked.


"Alright then," Gabe said.

"How did you, the most Christian person to exist, who quotes bible passages in his sleep, that's right you do that, end up like that?" Micheal asked.

Gabe looked around, "I don't know. I blame the trauma."

"I had nothing to do with it!" Salem said.

"Salem taught me most things like that. I mean, the like two and a half years of talking everyday would do that," Gabe said.

Micheal looked at Gabe, "You and Salem became friends shortly after I broke up with him."

"We became friends because when we first met we were both pissed at you Micheal," Salem said before pausing, "Hold on... Gabe was pissed at you for not telling him something..."

Adrian laughed, "You and Gabe are only together because Micheal refused to admit he sucked your dick is what you're saying."

"I think so yeah!" Salem said. "Me and Gabe met on the 23rd of April... and Mike dumped me the day before. So Yeah!"

Zeek paused, "So, what I'm hearing is because I slept with Salem and Micheal found out and broke up with Salem and was upset and refused to tell Gabe why he was upset which pissed Gabe off and Gabe and Salem met... So I'm responsible for their relationship since I'm the one who told Mike."

"YOU TOLD HIM?" Salem asked, "I never knew who told him originally!"

"....You didn't know that? Mike I thought you'd mention who told you."

"It pissed him off more to not know who ratted him out," Micheal said.

"Fair enough," Zeek said, "If I had known about Adrian and Brax at the time I would've told you about them as well."

Salem crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, "Narc. You know snitches get stitches Zeek."

"You're not mad so don't act like you are," Zeek said. Salem uncrossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"I didn't even know that part," Lucas said, "I found out about it all afterwards from Salem. And some from Mike."

"I fucking ranted to Luc," Salem confessed.

Micheal sighed, carefully holding Braxton's hand. "Worked out in the end I guess."

"I'd say it worked out pretty damn well," Adrian said, "The fuck do you mean I guess? Me and Braxton are fucking delights. Bitch!"

"I-I'm dating that," Micheal mumbled.

"I regret the choice too Micheal," Shawn joked. "Also, you're going to need to figure out makeup and quick."

"I already have to."

Levi laughed, "Really out here calling Addy and Brax sluts huh?"

"Are we wrong?" Shawn asked.

"You have to be a bit of a slut to be willing to sleep with Salem. So you're safe Shawn, Micheal and Gabe however, yikes," Levi said.

Gabe paused, "He's not wrong."

Micheal looked at Salem, "Who'd you lose your virginity to?"

"That person is not in this room."

"Out of the people here, who did you sleep with first?" Micheal asked.


Micheal paused, "So you cheated on me and then slept with me."

"I told you all I was a slut!" Salem said, "I warned all of you! I said, hey guys, you know I'm a whore right? You guys thought I was joking and that's not my fault!"

"The fact you don't have an STD impresses me Salem," Lucas said.

"Actually you can have an STD while being a virgin, and condoms help protect from STDs a lot. A lot of STDs can be passed down genetically. Especially from a mother," Ryan said.

"Why do you know so much about so many different medical things?" Shawn asked.

"Some are first had experience and some are a lot of time researching. Have fun figuring out which is which."

Levi looked at Ryan with a silent question and Ryan just shrugged softly. "Oh..." Levi said softly, "That explains... a fair amount."

"What?" Shawn asked Levi.

Levi shook his head no, "I'm not even going to be vague while telling about this."

"Drop it guys," Ryan said, "We don't need to talk about it."

"More secrets," Shawn mumbled. Ryan simply nodded while looking off some. He didn't want to tell them about that, and he wouldn't for a long time. He didn't want them to know most things honestly, however he can't always help it. Especially when he slips into a flashback of when he was younger. Ryan carefully reached a hand out behind himself to feel for a wall before leaning against it and sliding to the floor. Gabe and Micheal immediately reacted to the situation. 

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