Book Of Requests

By theputus-ba

81K 6.5K 2.5K

Collection of one shots. More

Find me
All day long
All day long 2
Marry You
Best Part
Inside the clinic
Flashbulb Memory
Baby Doll
A Wish
7 deadly sins
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
What if
The Correct Distance
Heart attack
Midnight Secret
Fill in the blanks
Password 2
You make me feel
Fuwa Fuwa Time
Love or Punishment
Prince Charming
New Year Resolution
The Whistle
A Handshake
Things i'll never say
The cycle
The Untouched Contact
Status war
Your smile
His love
The shy smile
Under my Umbrella
Pink milk
Worth it
Hey Stranger
Psycho Saiyaan

My Darling

826 67 31
By theputus-ba

On the request of Lola_Sha


Kongpob looked at the back of Arthit.

He was sitting so still, he might as well be a statue.

He came and sat next to him, Arthit's eyes were lifeless, and there was no vigour in his body.

And the food remained untouched as always.

Arthit had been like this since that day.

And sometimes Kongpob thought that it was all because of him. It would have been better if he never came in Arthit's life.

Then he would would have been alive and happy.

Not like this.

Sitting and staring blankly at the vast garden, as if everything was lost.

Not matter how much Kongpob spent on him, what Kongpob did for him, how much delicious food he made for him, Arthit never reacted.

Day by Day, he would be sitting in this garden, looking lifeless and staring blankly.

Kongpob sighed and got up,"what have I done to you My Darling?"

And unlike before, there was no reaction from Arthit on this endearment.

Kongpob had just wanted a little happiness in this dark life of his.

Was that too much to ask?


It all started when Kongpob laid his eyes on Arthit.

It was love at first sight for him.

Arthit was a college student that time.

And Kongpob?

Kongpob was a mafia, a well known one too. Soon to become the underground king.

And like everything else, he had wanted to own Arthit.

He had started with mild flirtations. Always addressing Arthit as ' My Darling'. And had never hid his occupation.

And Arthit?

Arthit had rejected him down right. And had told him to never call him 'darling'.

Because he would never be his darling.

But as time went by, Kongpob could see Arthit's resistance wearing off little by little, as Kongpob pursued him without stopping.

And there was even one time, when he knew Arthit was very affected by him.

It so happened, that like always, Kongpob had addressed him as 'My Darling'.

Then Arthit had snapped at him asking just how many darlings he had?

Sure kongpob had many women attached with him, but they were all before he met Arthit. And they were never his darling.

And in a blink of an eye, he had cut all connections with them. And he told Arthit so.

And Kongpob swore, Arthit melted a little more that day.


The next time, Arthit was affected by Kongpob, when he had asked Kongpob if he could leave the underground for him.

And Kongpob had answered yes in a heartbeat.

And he would have truly followed too.

If not for that unfortunate incident.

Apparently, once you enter this dark world, there is no escaping.

Because his rival gang, knowing Arthit to be his weakness, had murdered everyone in his family as a revenge, but somehow, Arthit had managed to survive the attack.

And after that, everything went downhill.

Kongpob brought Arthit to his castle of a house.

But no matter what. Arthit had stopped living. It was like he was waiting to die.

And Kongpob was dying each day too, seeing his darling like that.

He just wanted to see Arthit smile again.


Again kong saw him sitting in the garden, staring at nothing in particular.

His food untouched.

Kongpob sat beside him, and tried to feed him, but Arthit just turned away.

He couldn't help himself from crying in anguish, " Arthit please tell me, what can I do so you will start living again??"

Finally, Arthit looked at him. And finally, he spoke to Kongpob after that incident.

" I want you to disappear from my life forever. And take that underground world with you. So that I won't be involved ever again"

Kongpob remained silent for a moment, then said," Ok. If that's what you wish. Your wish is my command"

He got up and started walking away, then said, " Arthit, you were my one and only darling"


A week later, there was Kongpob's face on the front page of the newspaper.

It said that the mafia king was down, and he had taken all the underground world down with him.


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