My Hero Academia X Male Realer

By LoPau_24

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(Y/n) (L/n) born with a mixture of his parents' quirk.. he dreamed to be a hero and he wanted to t for his pa... More

Info & Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

627 16 2
By LoPau_24

Cementoss then got the whole arena ready and soon the first match started.. Shinso v.s midoriya.. (Y/n) watched from one of the entrances and when the match started shinso started insulting both (Y/n) and ojiro.. making midoriya angry and answering him on accident.. (Y/n) got irritated but he knew midoriya can overcome this.. after almost walking off the stage (Y/n) thought it was over but suddenly he felt midoriya's finger move and he did a smash knocking him out of the trans..

(Y/n):"Nice going!"

He then pushed shinso.. and after shinso tried reversing it midoriya threw him over his shoulder.. making him win the match..

(Y/n):"In the end.. shinso was one of the few who didn't get the chance to pass the golden gates as he said.. and here i thought he was just some jerk who hated our class.." shinso got cheers from his classmates and he gave midoriya some words of encouragement.. he then stumbled upon (Y/n) "Nice match.. You know you can become a hero." with those words shocked shinso making him a bit emotional.. he soon went back to normal and smiled at (Y/n)

Shinso:"You better not lose on your first match.. when we meet again i want to have a real battle with you."

(Y/n):"I'd like nothing more." they bumped fist and soon shinso left "Next up will be todoroki and then my fight.."

While (Y/n) was heading back he saw todoroki somewhat talk with endeavor.. but what he heard just really pissed him off..

Endeavor:"Grow up stop rebelling like some petulant child. Remember your duty is to surpass all might. Understand? You're different from your siblings.. You are my greatest creation!"

(Y/n):'If my old man.. ever said that to me.. i'd resent him.. treating your son like a creation.. what a load of bull..'

(Y/n) then went off to watch the match todoroki's match.. he joined reina and the others in watching it..

Reina:"There you are.. took you long enough to psych yourself up."

Midoriya:"Hurry (Y/n)! we saved you a seat."

Iida:"Yes let us watch together (Y/n)."

(Y/n):"Sure thing guys."

Ochaco:"look! it's about to start!"

Present Mic:"The wait is over! Moving on... There they are! The cream of the crop!! Yet this guy is still as plain as they come! Hanta sero from the hero course!"

Sero:"That was unnecessary."

Present Mic:" Versus! The best of the best! The strongest of the strong Shoto todoroki, also from the hero course!!"

Sero did his stretches and when the match started he immediately taped todoroki and tried slinging him off the arena.. but something about todoroki wasn't right.. and when he used his ice.. he made an mountain so big it went out of the whole stadium..

(Y/n):"Cold cold cold!"(Y/n) then activated his flames and everyone gathered around him.. 'Todoroki.. Let's just hope midoriya can help you.. and.. i'll do my best to help you too..' "Looks like my match is up next wish me luck guys."

Reina:"You got this."

Midoriya:"Yeah good luck (Y/n)!"

Iida:"Yes give it your all (Y/n)"

Ochaco:"You'll have us supporting you!"

(Y/n) just smiled and left.. after the whole arena was cleaned of the ice it was (Y/n)'s Fight against kaminari..

Present Mic:"With the arena all thawed out. It's time for the next match! We have our sparkling killing boy! Denki kaminari! And we have the talented and incredibly lucky (Y/n) (L/n)"

Kaminari:"Looks like this will be a piece of cake!" 

(Y/n):"Better not make assumptions."

Kaminari:"Fine time to end this with one attack! Indiscriminate shock! 1.3 Million volts!" he released all of the electricity he had and smirked but when the smoke cleared (Y/n) was seen absorbing it..

Present Mic:"Oh! (Y/n)'s has turned this thing around and absorbed kaminari's strongest attack!"

(Y/n):"Damn this still hurts but...Say good night!" He then focused a electric blast in his hand and shot it at kaminari electrocuting him and eventually knocking him out.

Present Mic:"And there you have it folks the third battle is over in an instant and your winner is (Y/n) (L/n) from the hero course!"

(Y/n) went to the brake room to see reina there by herself and he decided to approach her..

(Y/n):"What ya doing here partner?"

Reina:"OH! (Y/n) good job on you win by the way.. i'm just preparing myself.. if i win this match i'm against bakugo and.. he really worries me.. he's a long to mid range type fighter he can even go close range if he needed.. but i'm a close quarters specialist.." (Y/n) then thought for a second and playfully chopped her head..

(Y/n):"Make sure you win you battle against kirishima first with his hardening it's gonna be pretty hard to go one on one with him."

Reina:"I already made a plan... so don't worry about me.." Reina then noticed the burn marks on (Y/n) and grabbed his hands to heal him "You're getting the hang of absorbing electricity but don't over do it.. ouch.."

(Y/n):"I should say the same to you.. yeah you can heal any injury to yourself and others but your stamina is still limited.. but win this one for you and let's face off in the finals kay?"

Reina:"You bet partner." as they do the bumped fist and (Y/n) left to watch the final matches

The next two matches were over in a flash.. mina out lasted aoyama knocking him out with an uppercut and momo lost to tokoyami in a flash and he didn't even let her get a move in.. and next up was kirishima versus reina..

Midoriya:"Hey (Y/n) you think she can win?" (Y/n) chopped his head and answered

(Y/n):"Of course she's got a plan let's watch okay?"

Present Mic:"And he we have the second to last match! This one is pretty interesting! On one side we the blonde hot-blooded Reina yoshino! And on the other we have the manliest of them all Eijiro kirishima!"

As soon as the fight started kirishima activated his quirk and planned on pushing reina off.. but reina then raised her powered up and slammed it to the ground and it caused the arena to shake making kirishima off balanced.. reina than rushed him and poured all her power in one punch.. when she punched kirishima he blocked but the impact caused him to be blown out of the ring..

Midnight:"And kirishima is out of bounds our winner is reina yoshino!"

Reina approached kirishima and helped him up.. they exchanged pleasant words and left.. (Y/n) was too absorbed in the fight to not notice ochaco and the others were gone.. 

(Y/n):'She's probably worried.. i'd be worried to if i was against bakugo.'

And soon the last match was about to unfold.. everyone in the class watching were pretty worried for this one..

Tsuyu:"In some ways i'm worried about this one in particular.."

Jiro:"I don't even think i can watch.."

Present Mic:"For the last match of the first round! A celebrity since middle school and a face only a mother can love! Katsuki bakugo of the hero course! Versus! My personal pick!! Ochaco uraraka, also from the hero course!"

The match started and uraraka did her charge.. but bakugo easily exploded her pushing her back.. this continued on for what seemed like hours.. a small crowd then started booing but were quickly silenced by aizawa saying that bakugo only goes out because he respects her as an opponent.. and another blast went up.. nobody noticed it but only few did.. uraraka had made an attack by gathering the debris on the ground caused by the explosions.. she released them all and  it looked like meteor storm.. she almost got close to him.. but his explosion was too much.. he blasted her improvised move.. uraraka again stood up and did another charge.. but surprising everyone.. she collapsed unable to continue..

Midnight:"... Uraraka is unable to continue.. bakugo moves on to the second round!"

And with that.. the first round was over.. and next up was todoroki against midoriya.. (Y/n) watched intently not batting an eye.. todoroki and midoriya's fight started.. todoroki started it off with a relentless barrage of ice.. with midoriya using his fingers to blow them away..

Kirishima:"Man i'm jealous.. Bakugo, (Y/n), and todoroki can just fire off super strong attacks like it's nothing."

(Y/n):"That's not really the case."

Bakugo:"Quirks are still physical abilities if you use it to much it'll strain your body in one way or another."

(Y/n):"Yeah i can't use my flames or electricity for really long periods of time they'll burn and electrocute me if i do.. and that is also the case for todoroki."

And suddenly a large gust of wind chilling everyone.. Midoriya had used his left arm to breakaway from todoroki.. but (Y/n) noticed and so did midoriya that todoroki was shivering.. and soon todoroki's attack became more and more weaker.. but midoriya seemed to inspire todoroki.. and soon todoroki erupted in flames ..

(Y/n):'You reckless bastard midoriya.. you got through to him.. at least even if it's only for this match'

Endeavor than started shouting but everyone ignored him.. what came next was probably the most epic clash.. both of them powered up.. todoroki sent out a wave of ice and midoriya jumped over it all he charged up hi right arm and todoroki used his left side.. midnight and cementoss tried to stop them.. but an explosion still occurred blasting everyone back

Reina:"What is this power!"

After that match midoriya lost and was escorted to recovery girl's office.. since (Y/n) battle was up next he had to prepare.. he asked reina and the others to check on midoriya while he got ready.. After the arena was repaired (Y/n)'s fight with iida would ensue.. 

Present mic:"The arena has been repaired! And we are on our second match of the second round! This two are nothing to sleep on! One comes from a renowned hero family! Tenya iida! And my second pick to win this all! (Y/n) (L/n)!"

(Y/n):"Let's have a good match iida."

Iida:"Just know i'm not holding back."

(Y/n):"Wouldn't have it any other way." The match started and iida had already activated his recipro burst..  'Planning on ending it with a fast attack' iida charged straight at (Y/n) trying a round house kick but (Y/n) wasn't prepared for the second round house kick blasting him away.

Present mic:"Will that be it!?" the smoke cleared and they saw (Y/n) flying near the wall "He saved it with a last minute burst of flames!"

(Y/n):"Damn that was really close." Iida looked distressed when (Y/n) blasted towards him.. iida tried to dodged but his engines stalled and he got a solid punch to his gut blasting him out of bounds

Midnight:"Iida is out of bounds! (Y/n) will be continuing to the third round!" (Y/n) approached iida and helped him up..

Iida:"Once again (Y/n) i have lost to you."

(Y/n):"That kick of yours was something else! I swear i would have lost if i didn't use my flames to slow myself form the impact of your kick."

Iida smiled and they both left to go to the stands.. (Y/n) figured reina would be alone again.. and he found her in the break room..


Reina:'Oh hey good job on winning."

(Y/n):"Yeah almost lost really.. the next match is going on i already have an idea who'll win.. so how you holding up?"

Reina:"Ohh? You concerned about me partner?" She said teasingly..

(Y/n):"Geez.. but good luck i mean it i'll be watching kay?"

Reina:"I'll win it and face you in the finals." She raised her fist and (Y/n) just sighed and shook his head and bumped it..

(Y/n):"Small steps."

Reina left and (Y/n) went to watch.. (Y/n) was worried he just hid it.. and he knew reina was scared.. he just wished he said something to ease her..

Present Mic:"And we move on to the last match of the second round! Our hot blooded princess! Reina Yoshino! And equally if not more hot blooded katsuki bakugo!"

Bakugo:"You're the one that heals injuries and uses it as power right, blondie?"

Reina:"We have the same hair color."

As soon as the match started bakugo launched an explosion at reina.. She took it full force and healed it.. She tried doing her strategy against kirishima but bakugo saw through it and charged at her and exploded her pushing her back a few feet..

Jiro:"She can't get an attack in.."

Mina:"This is another hard match to watch..." (Y/n) believed in reina so he watched as this continued.. reina was panting but she healed almost all the damage bakugo has done to her and she smirked.. "Stamina isn't on her side.."

Reina:"Thanks for going all out bakugo!" bakugo was confused and he noticed reina's hair hands and feet were glowing a bright gold.. "Take this!" she jumped into the air and as she came down she slammed the ground.. 

Present Mic:"What is up with you class eraser and all their super powerful attacks!!" he said while everyone felt the shake from the impact..while in shock she charged bakugo preparing to punch him.. she got him and he got sent flying.. "Is it over?!" the smoke cleared and everyone saw that bakugo was fine..

Bakugo:"That was close.. Time to get serious! Bring everything you got reina!" Reina in a last ditch effort jump towards bakugo with insane speeds and prepared her fist.. but bakugo used and explosion like the one in his gauntlets and blasted reina out of bounds knocking her out..

Midnight:"Reina yoshino is out of bounds! Katsuki bakugo moves on to the third round!"

Present Mic:"And with that we have our final four!" 

a short break was given for the final four.. (Y/n) used this time to go and see how reina was holding up.. he arrived at the infirmary and saw her on a bed.. he asked recovery girl if he could and she let him in.. he sat next to her and she hid in the covers..

(Y/n):"Hey.. come on look at me.."

Reina:"I lost.. it's embarrassing.."

(Y/n):"Oh.. Look you don't have to be embarrassed yeah you talked big but ended up losing to bakugo big deal.. but what i saw there was someone who wanted to win and gave it there all.." she removed the covers and looked at (Y/n) "And you did amazing partner.. Oh crap! Gotta run i'm against todoroki so watch me okay?" 

Reina:"Sure thing partner and when you meat bakugo beat him for me."

(Y/n):"I'll try my best nana."

Reina:"Oh we going with nicknames now~?"

(Y/n):"Sh-shut up gotta go."

(Y/n) before leaving gave her a fist bump.. and soon he made his way to the stage where he will face todoroki..

(Y/n):"So you ready for our awaited battle?"

Todoroki:"Beating you a fire type quirk like my old man will surely make him upset."

(Y/n):"Like i'm going down that easily."

Present Mic:"Our first match of the third round are two power houses from the hero course! WE have the hand to hand combat specialist! (Y/n) (L/n)! And the long range specialist! Shoto todoroki!"

The match started and todoroki being the careful type sent to a bigger ice wave at (Y/n).. he smirked and raised both his hands and shot flames that looked like ones from a flamethrower but only much larger in scale..

(Y/n) melted the ice make todoroki a bit annoyed.. (Y/n) smirked and charged at todoroki with amazing speed..

(Y/n):"Like your gonna win with some half baked attack!" Todoroki blocked (Y/n)'s incoming hit pushing him back "You're not going to win against me like that! So show me your true power!"

Todoroki:"..Just like midoriya.. don't say that i didn't warn you (Y/n).. Because i have dream myself."

Todoroki then readied his flame and so did (Y/n) they both released their respective flames.. both met at the center creating a clash of flames..

Present Mic:"A big contrast to the chilling fight midoriya and todoroki had! This is just burning!"

Amidst the flame (Y/n) increased his flames a tad too much and ended burning himself but he won the clash and he soon appeared in front of todoroki with lighting on one hand and flames on the other.. he released both towards todoroki exploding on him knocking todoroki out of bounds..

Hero 1:"He beat the number 2 pro's son?!"

Hero 2:"Who is this kid!? He's better than some pros!"

As always (Y/n) helps his opponent off and talks with them..

(Y/n):"listen todoroki.. you and me.. we're the same.. i may not have the same backstory as you do.. but i know how you feel.. your power is your own.. don't let what happen in the past determine who you are and what you want to be."

With that (Y/n) left after patting his shoulder.. he then arrived at the infirmary to see midoriya and the others already there..

(Y/n):"hey guys.."

Reina:"No more talking your arms are badly burnt.." recovery girl sat him down and used her quirk to heal him even though reina volunteered to do it herself

Midoriya:"It's amazing you won against todoroki."

(Y/n):"Yeah no kidding but burning my arms is really a bad trade." he said while recovery girl was wrapping his arms in bandages.. the were all excused and soon they left to watch the final match..

They watched as bakugo exploited dark shadows weakness to light and in the end tokoyami surrendered making bakugo the final winner..

Present Mic:"And with that Looks like our final match is bakugo vs (Y/n)!!"

Ochaco:"poor tokoyami.."

Reina:"I was sure he would win this one."

Pros talked about how amazing the first years were and some were actually ready to teach some of them a thing or two in the field..

Midoriya:"It's you against kacchan.. Brings back a few memories doesn't it (Y/n)?"

(Y/n):"You bet.. but the stakes are higher and we both have gotten stronger.." (Y/n) excused himself to get ready.. he heard in on todoroki and bakugo chatting..

Todoroki:"I may have lost but.. They both went out of their way to smash what was holding me back..You've been friends with both of them.. has midoriya always been like that? And was (Y/n).. always the type to go out of his way to make sure everyone was alright?"

Bakugo:"That.. damned nerd and that amiable bastard.. Who cares about them? I don't care about both of them! I'll beat (Y/n) with everything i got and prove to everyone that i'm the best!"

(Y/n):"Better be ready to make those words into reality bakugo."

Bakugo:"I sure as hell will! Now out of my way." he shoved (Y/n) out of the way and left..

(Y/n):"Sorry about him.. he was nice guy 11 years ago.. after developing a quirk he just.. changed." todoroki stayed quite but before (Y/n) left he asked his question.

Todoroki:"You said you knew how i felt and said we were the same... So why go out of your way?"

(Y/n):"It's not a matter of knowing how one feels.. you.. looked lost.. and as a friend i wanted to help.. i never knew my dad.. but i know he was a good person..and what gave me my drive were the people that doubted me they were the ones that gave me the strength to go on and chase my dream.. and you know the secret to moving forward? I didn't let my past determine who i would be.. they said i would never become a hero with a quirk like mine so i wanted to prove them wrong.. and i had all these amazing people supporting me so why should i care about what people i don't even know say about me anyway." He raised his fist and todoroki looked at it confused. "So i hope i helped you in anyway todoroki and i hope i have given you advice that you've been seeking.. so in the future i hope we can battle it out as we both go a 100%." Todoroki gave a small smile and bumped his fist..

Todoroki:"Thank you (Y/n).."

(Y/n):"Don't mention it."

(Y/n) left and walked to the arena.. he saw bakugo standing on the other side grinning like a mad man..

Present mic:"At last we have arrived! The best of the best among the U.A's first years will be decided!! It's the final match (Y/n) Versus Bakugo!! Start!"" 


it's funny how in my other MHA book it took me 5 chapters to finish the sports festival arc and it only took me three here.. but yeah sorry to cut you guys of so suddenly but this seemed like a good stopping point.. find out in the next chapter! Will (Y/n) become number one? see ya guys in the next one!


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