My Distraction {Completed}

Af xplrrsolby

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Sam crossdresses and he gets bullied for it he soon got kicked out and he moves into an apartment. He also ha... Mere

new book!


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Af xplrrsolby

Colby's pov

"Eeeeee!!!" "Devyn quiet" I open my eyes "great Devyn you woke him up" "I'm sorry its too cute!" I look down and Sam is in my arms sleeping I look up and everyone's down here watching tv "what time is it" my voice deep and a little raspy "well it's 12:30" Elton says "why'd you let us sleep in" he shrugged I groan Sam stirs and he's facing me now I sigh contently and watch whatever's on. "Morning daddy" Sam says tiredly I look down and smile "morning baby" "eeee!!!" Devyn squeals Sam giggles "daddy I'm hungwy" "ok let's get some food" he nods he sits up and I sit up after and stretch before standing up and Sam makes grabby hands and I pick him up and he giggles and wraps around me and stuffs his head in my neck I chuckled and walk to the kitchen I set him on the island and stand in between his legs "what time is it daddy" I grab my phone and check the time "it's 1:00 they let us sleep in" he giggles "it's almost my nap time" I chuckle "well you may not be tired then" he giggles "ok what do you want baby" "umm do they have pancakes" "I don't know baby I'll look" he nods and I go and look in the cupboards and I find some pancake mix and grab it "yay!" I chuckle and grab a bowl and a whisk and a measuring cup and put it in the island next to Sam. I put the things in it "can I mix it daddy" "sure baby don't make a mess though" he giggles "otay" I hand him the whisk and I put the things away and I grab a pan and spry it with the oil then put it on the stove and turn on the burner and grab a spatula "I done daddy" he says holding out the bowl I smile and take the bowl and take it to the stove "I wanna see" I chuckle and bring him to he counter by the stove. "Daddy do they have chocy chips" "I don't know baby why don't you go ask" I take him off the counter and he runs to the living room "ELTY! ELTY!" he yells "what's up bud" "do woo have chocy chips!" He chuckles "yeah c'mon" "yay!" He runs back in "daddy! daddy they have some!" I smile and Elton hands me the bag "thanks" he smiles "no problem" he ruffles Sam's hair and he giggles and then Elton leaves. "bubba want to play a game while he makes the food" "can I!" I chuckle "go ahead baby" "yay!" Jake laughs and then they go somewhere else and i continue to make the pancakes

I put the pancakes on a plate one for me and one for Sam and I grab a small bowl and put some fruit in it I put the syrup on the pancakes and grab a fork "c'mere baby!" I call from the kitchen he runs in "are they done daddy!" "Yeah baby c'mere" "yay!" I pick him up and set him in the island next to his plate "tank woo daddy" I smile "your welcome baby" I kiss his forehead and we eat

We're now watching tv with the others "daddy can we go swim" he says as he's looking out the window "baby you dont have any clothes" he sits back and pouts "baby maybe next time" "but i wanna go now!" I sigh "pwease daddy!" I sigh "hey bubba come with me ill get you some trunks" "yay!" He jumps off the couch and goes with Jake. "Hey man you ok" Elton asks "yeah I'm ok" "daddy! daddy! Look their pink!" He squeals and points at his pink trunks he has on i chuckle "here daddy" he hands me blue trunks "thanks baby" he smiles "I'll be back wait here" "otay!" I go to the bathroom and change into them and I walk back to Sam "c'mon baby" "yay!" He jumps off the couch and runs to me and we walk out back to the pool I get in but he didn't yet "c'mon baby" "it's cold!" I chuckle and go up to him and grab him "daddy no!" He giggles I chuckle and bring him in the water "daddy its too cold!" "Baby you'll get used to it"

Jake and Tara walk out in swim suits Sam turns and sees them "yay! Pool party!!!" We laugh at him and then they get in and we continue to play in it and do whatever. "daddy daddy daddy!" "Yeah baby" "so woo see that thingy over there" he points at a blue floaty thing "yeah what about it" "let's gwet it and put soap on it!" "Let's do it!" Jake says and sam giggles "I'll get the soap" Tara says and jake gets the floaty and puts it in and Tara comes back with the soap "can I put it on!" Sam asks "sure Sammy" Tara gives him the bottle "yay!" He starts putting it all over and we get on it "it's swippery!" He squeals as he falls we all laugh "guys let's put it on there and slide on it like a slide" tara says and ponts at the diving thing "yeah!" Sam squeals and so we did

After about twenty minutes we take the floaty out and do whatever with out it. "Daddy I'm tired and cold" I chuckle "bubba let's go inside now" Jake says and Sam nods with a yawn and we all get out and go inside "Colby there's a bathroom upstairs if you want to shower" "ok thanks" he nods and ruffles Sam's hair then leaves. "but daddy I dont have clothes" "baby I told you that already but you didn't listen" "oh I sowwy daddy" he puts his head down "hey baby it's ok let's get you in the bath we'll figure something out" "otay" he makes grabby hands and I pick him up and walk up the stairs to the bathroom. I but Sam on the counter and run the water and walk up to Sam while it's filling up "daddy" "yeah baby" "I'm tiwerd" "I know baby we have to get you in the bath first" he yawns "can I do it later" "no baby" he sighs "otay" I turn off the faucet and get Sam off the counter "wait daddy" I chuckle "what baby" "there's no ducky or bubbles" "oh baby I'm sorry the-" there's a knock on the door I open it and it's Devyn "hey what's up" "oh well I was at the store and I got Sam some clothes and other things and a outfit for you too" she says handing me a bag "oh thanks dev" she smiles "no problem" then she leaves and I close the door "what is it daddy" "wanna look with me" "yeah!" I laugh at his excitement and open the bag there's an outfit for Sam "oooo!" He squeals it's a black mini skirt and a white crop top then I grab a onsie and it's a koala "ooo daddy can I wear that!" I chuckle "yeah baby after your bath" "yay!" I smile and pull out black ripped jeans and a white shirt "ooo daddy we can match!" "Yeah we can baby" he giggles "is that all" I pull out some bubble bath and some bath toys "yay!!!" I chuckle "quiet baby" "sowwy" he giggles "let's get you in the bath now" "the bubbles!" I chuckle "ok baby you want to put some in" "can I!" "Yes baby not too much though" I open it and give it to him "yay!" He puts some in "otay daddy" he gives me the bottle i put it down and I grab the toys and put them in the bath "ok baby get in and call me when your ready to wash your hair" "otay!" I ruffle his hair and grab the bag and leave

I go downstairs and grab a water "did he like the things" Devyn asks I chuckle "yeah he loved them he squealed for everything he seen" she giggled a bit "I'm glad he likes it" I nod "hey Colby" Tara comes up to me "what's up" "well I got Sam a stuffed animal" she hands me a dog that looks like stormy I chuckle "he'll love it" "daddy!!" I chuckle "thank you guys but I have to help him now" "your welcome" they both say and they leave I put the dog in the bag and set it on the counter and grab a cup and I go upstairs. I go to the bathroom and open the door "hi baby" he looks up from his toys and smiles "you ready to wash your hair" "yep" I chuckle i walk up to him and grab the shampoo I fill the cup with water "head back baby" he puts his head back and I pour the water on his head slowly his hair is fully wet and I put the shampoo in and let it sit for a bit then rinse it out I then grab the conditioner and put it in his hair "daddy" "yeah baby" he giggles and then squeezes his toy and it shoots water out "baby" i good back a laugh he giggles and squeezes a different one "baby stop" "sowwy daddy" I chuckle a bit "ok baby head back" he put his head back and I wash his hair and he yawns I chuckled and I finish rinsing his hair out "ok baby want to stay a bit longer or go to sleep and take your nap" "jus a bit longer" he yawns a bit I chuckle "ok I'll come back up in 5 minutes" "otay" I chuckle and leave and shut the door behind me and go back downstairs and grab the bag "Elton where's the guest room" "oh there's two on either side of the bathroom your using" "ok thanks" "oh Colby" "yeah Jake" "I put an outfit on the bed in the left room" "ok thanks" he nods and I go back up to one of the bedrooms and put the bag on the bed and then there's a knock on the door "come in" Devyn walks in "I forgot to give you these they were in my bags" she hands me a pack of pacifiers "oh thank you but you didn't have to get things for him" "I wanted to though" I chuckle "ok thank you" "expect more things some other time" I chuckle "ok you don't have to though" "but I will" "daddy!" I chuckle "he probably wants to sleep now" she giggles "ok I'll leave now" she walks out the door and I grab the onesie and a towel and go to the bathroom "daddy I tiwerd" "ok baby do you want help drying up" he nods I close the door and put the onesie on the counter and go up to him with the towel "don't look daddy!" I chuckle "ok baby I won't look" he squints at me I hold the towel up to block him "ok baby get out I can't see anything" he giggles he gets up and gets out of the tub and I help dry him and then wrap him in the towel "ok baby get dressed" he nods and I hand him his clothes and leave

"Otay daddy I done" he calls from the bathroom I chuckle and walk in "aww" I coo "stop it daddy" he yawns I chuckle "let's get you in bed" he nods and I pick him up and bring him in the room and sit down with him in my lap "daddy do woo have a paci" he mumbles tiredly "actually Devyn got new ones" he gasps "weally!" I chuckle and grab the package "which one baby" he points to one that has a panda on it I open it and hand it to him "tank woo" he puts it in his mouth and puts his head in my neck I put the bag on the floor and I lay him down "lay wif me" I chuckle "I'll lay with you until you fall asleep ok baby" he sighs "otay" I smile and lay next to him and he cuddles me I kiss his head "I love you baby" "love woo too daddy"

I soon hear soft snores and he's still cuddled into me so I go on my phone until he moves I scroll through Instagram and soon he turns around I slowly get up and pull the covers over him and kiss his head then grab the clothes Jake left and leave the room quietly and go to the bathroom to take a shower. I get done with my shower so I look in the room to see if he's still sleeping and he is I shut the door and go downstairs "hi Colby" "hi Tara" "where's Sam" "he's taking a nap" "oh yeah ok" I chuckled and we go in the living room and Tara sits next to Jake and I sit on the love sac and they play a game for a while and soon turn on a show

I soon hear soft footsteps come down the stairs then soon a half awake Sam pops up "daddy!" He squeals but it gets muffled by his pacifier "aww" everyone coos "stop" he giggles and walks towards me "c'mere" he giggles and lays next to me "how'd you sleep bubba" he giggles "good" I play with his hair "daddy stop" he pushes my hand away "why" "I'll fall asweep" I chuckle and I stop and we watch whatever's on. It's now 6:00 and the sun is now setting "daddy I hungwy" "what do you want" "let me guess chicken nuggets" Jake says Sam giggles "noo" "what!? Then what is it bubba" I chuckle "Mac and cheese!" He squeals we all laugh "ok baby I'll make I'll call you when it's done" "yay!" I chuckled and get up

I'm in the middle of making it and then Sam runs in "daddy help!" He giggles "with what baby" he looks behind him then squeals and runs behind him "daddy he's trying to kidnap me!" He giggles the Jake comes in and Sam runs away Jake chuckles and then runs after him then I hear a squeal "no put me down!" He squeals I chuckle then strain the noodles and put the cheese in and stir it "daddy!" He giggles "what baby" "help!" I chuckle and put the mac and cheese in a bowl one for me and one for him then I walk to the living room and they're tickling Sam and he's laughing "st-stop!" "never!" Jake yells "pw-pwease!" I chuckle "ok guys let him eat now" they laugh and stop "fwood!" He jumps off the couch and runs to me and I give him his bowl "tank woo!" I chuckle "your welcome baby" "is there anymore" jake asks "yeah it's on the stove" "cool thanks" he runs in the kitchen and Sam giggles and sits on the love sac and I sit next to him and we eat

"Baby we should go home now" "stormy!" He squeals I chuckle "ok baby I'll get our stuff" "otay" I ruffle his hair and I head upstairs and grab the bag of our things and I go back downstairs "baby where's your paci" "umm" I chuckle "go find it baby" he nods and runs off to the living room "brother I can drive you back" "you sure" "yeah I have to stop at a store anyway" "ok thanks" "daddy I found it!" He runs back holding it up we chuckle "ok baby let's go" "bye bye guys!" "Bye Sammy" Tara says and the others say bye back and we leave. We get to our apartment building and Jake parks "bye bye Jake!" "Bye bubba" he gets out if the car "see you tomorrow brother" I nod "bye" "bye" and I get out of the car and Sam makes grabby hands I chuckled and pick him up and he waves to Jake and he pulls out and I walk in the building. I get to my apartment and walk in I set Sam in the counter and stand in between his legs he giggles "I'm proud of you" he looks at me confused I chuckle "for telling them" he smiles "I glad they wike me" I smile and kiss his forehead "do you want some dessert" he squeals "pwease!" I chuckle "what do you want" "dwumstick" I chuckled and go to the freezer and grab one and give it to him "yay! Tank woo daddy" "your welcome baby" he opens it and starts eating it getting it all over his face I chuckle "baby it's all over your face" he giggles I shake my head and smile and he continues to eat it and I feed Stormy and go on my phone "I done daddy" I look up and it's all over his face "oh baby let's get you cleaned up and brush our teeth" "otay" I pick him up off of the counter and put him in the bathroom counter and grab a rag and wet it and clean his face I then grab his toothbrush and the toothpaste and hand them to him "brush you teeth I'm going to change and I'll be back" "otay" I kiss his forehead and go to my room and change into joggers and walk back into the bathroom and start brushing my teeth. We finish and I pick him up and sit on the bed with him on my lap he giggles a bit I peck his lips and he smashed his against mine after we kiss for a couple minutes and then we pulled away and I put my forehead on his "I love you baby" "I love woo too daddy" he hugs me and I lay down and pull him close while he's on top of me "goodnight baby" "g'night daddy"

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