Silent Prayers

By mariahbelle18

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THIS IS NOT MY STORY This is written by TVDVampire on She's putting her entire trust in someo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 34

322 5 0
By mariahbelle18

They all heard the back door open and then slam closed, making Elena jump slightly. Stefan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the side of her head. "I'll go talk to him" he said.

Elena shook her head no. "Why don't you let me" she offered. Maybe she could get through to him in a way Stefan couldn't right now. Elena glanced at Katherine before turning and leaving to go and find Damon. She could hear Stefan talking to Katherine as she left, but couldn't really understand what he was saying exactly.

Damon hadn't gone far. Elena found him pacing by his truck, clearly trying to decide whether to leave or stay.

He saw her and stopped walking. He ran a nervous hand through his hair and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, Elena. You don't need all this right now" he said. He felt as guilty as he felt mad. "I'll get rid of her" he promised.

Elena stood in front of him and frowned. "I'm alright" she assured him. She saw him looking at her like he was trying to figure out if she was telling the truth or not. She was. "And I'll support you in however you want to handle Katherine" she told him honestly. "But I think you should talk to her. Hear her out" she said. "She came back for a reason. Don't you want to know what that reason is?" Elena asked.

Damon looked past Elena, not wanting to look her in the eyes any longer and give something away.

"I asked you one day, what you would do if Katherine came back" Elea reminded. "And you told me you didn't know, but that you still loved her." That had to count for something.

Damon leaned against his truck and sighed. "I don't know, Elena" he said. He was so confused and frustrated. "She wants something." He knew deep down, that's why she had returned. "I guess the sooner I find out, the sooner she will leave" he shrugged. As long as he gave her what she wanted.

"She needs a place to stay" Elena announced. "Stefan offered to let her stay at the beach house."

Damon closed his eyes and lowered his head. "Of course he did" Damon said. Stefan and his damn, big caring heart. Damon really didn't want Stefan dealing with Katherine when he was trying to get his own life back on track.

"What if Stefan and I left for a little while, and gave you and Katherine some time to talk?" Elena offered.

Damon looked up at her finally. "I have to get back to work" he said, declining her offer. Could he have stayed home and talked to Katherine for a little while? Yes. But if he was at work, he had distractions and space. He turned around and opened his truck door to get in.

"You wouldn't be this upset about her being here, if you didn't still have feelings for her" she said, resting her hand on his arm before he climbed in. Damon turned to look at her and saw her smiling sadly. "I know, because I felt the same way about Stefan when he first came back" she admitted.

Damon knew she was right. He just wasn't ready to admit it to her or anyone else. "You call me if she gets to be too much to handle" Damon told Elena. Then he got in his truck and shut the door.

Elena stepped back and watched Damon back out of the driveway and leave. Her conversation had not gone how she had hoped, but she was confident that she had given Damon something to think about.


Katherine was washing dishes as she watched Elena out of the kitchen window. Elena was in her swim suit attempting to apply sunscreen as she got ready for a swim. Stefan walked into the kitchen and Katherine smiled. "Elena needs help with her sunscreen" Katherine said, turning slightly to look back at Stefan. She nodded her head towards the window. "Well go on" she told him, watching him blush just slightly. "Trust me, sex when you have a sunburn is awful."

Stefan chose to ignore her. "You're looking quite domestic" he said instead. As spoiled and high maintenance as she was, he could always remember her cooking, doing the dishes and laundry and cleaning the house. Having her there brought back a lot of fond memories for him.

"Taking care of the house and you was something I really enjoyed doing" she mentioned. Katherine dried her hands off and turned around to face him, leaning against the sink. "I was thinking you and I could go and get my stuff from my hotel soon. Then head to your place" she said. Obviously Elena had not convinced Damon to stay and talk like she had hoped.

Stefan nodded, sad to think that his brother was acting this way. "Sure" he told her. He smiled sadly, sympathizing with how Katherine must have felt being rejected by Damon after so many years. "I'm really glad you're here" he told her.

Katherine smiled. "Thanks, Stefan" she told him. She needed to hear that. "So, what's your plan for Elena?" she asked.

Stefan raised an eyebrow at her question. "What do you mean?" he asked, moving to sit in a chair at the counter.

Katherine rolled her eyes. "Come on Stefan, you love the girl. What are you going to do about it?" she asked.

Stefan shrugged. "We're taking it day by day" he answered. "I don't really have a plan" he admitted. "There's a lot of trust we have to build back up, so for now, I guess we're just friends."

"Just friends?" Katherine asked skeptically. She crossed her arms. "Are you two sleeping together?" she asked.

Stefan stared at her blankly, not surprised that she would ask such a thing but caught off guard all the same. She was pinning him down with an expectant stare and he knew she wouldn't give up until he answered. So he sighed and looked anywhere but at her. "We have, once since we broke up" he answered. "But you know, I'm thinking it was too soon. Not that I regret it, but I don't want rush things" he explained.

Katherine smiled, because Stefan really was an honest, considerate guy. "Stefan" she said, making her way over to sit down next to him. "Sex is ... the best way to reconnect with someone" she told him. "The trust ... that will come back with time. Do not downplay the importance of physical intimacy" she lectured.

Stefan looked at her slightly confused. He would have thought the complete opposite. "Really?" he asked.

Katherine nodded. "Every chance you get, find a reason to be close to her. Put your arm around her, hold her hand. Kiss her" she encouraged.

Stefan stared ahead, focusing on the large oak clock hanging on the wall. "I'm afraid I'll hurt her again" he admitted. "The last thing I want to do is drag her into a relationship with me again and then screw up."

"What makes you so sure you'll screw up again?" Katherine questioned. She was a little offended by his lack of confidence. "Because some know-it-all shrink told you that you have an addiction?" she questioned.

"Katherine ..." he warned.

"No" Katherine said, interrupting him. "I don't like you putting all the blame on yourself. Did you ever stop and think that maybe there came a point and time in your marriage when you really needed Elena, and she wasn't there?" Katherine questioned.

Stefan shook his head no. "Elena has always been there for me" he told her. "She did nothing wrong." He would argue that fact until he was out of breath.

Katherine reached over and grabbed is hand. "I don't want to argue with you, Stefan" she told him. "And I'm not trying to solely blame Elena for anything that happened. I'm simply pointing out that relationship problems are hardly one-sided" she explained.

Stefan considered what she had told him, though he was still content with blaming himself and his own problems for his failed relationship with Elena. "I'm going to go tell Elena we're leaving" he stated, pushing himself up off of the kitchen stool and out of the kitchen. He was done with the conversation, and he hoped she knew that.


"Hey" Elena smiled, swimming towards the wall of the pool so she could talk to him. She hadn't been swimming in far too long, and since the summer heat wasn't going away anytime soon, she was glad she had decided to start swimming again.

"Hey" he said back, kicking off his flip flops and sitting on the edge of the pool to talk to her. He was happy to see her wearing the swim suit he had picked up for her. He thought she looked happiest when in or near water.

"You should come in" she invited with a small smile. "The water feels amazing in this warm weather."

He wanted nothing more than to accept the invitation she had extended. The thought of having to spend the rest of the day and evening without her was a disappointing one. "I have to take Katherine to her hotel to pick up her things. Then we'll probably head back to the beach house. Get her settled" he explained.

Elena frowned. "I really thought I could get him to change his mind" Elena said, referring to Damon. "He loves her still, and yet he's so mad at her. I hate seeing him like this" she admitted. And yet, she had felt the exact same way about Stefan not too long ago.

Stefan reached out and placed his hand over hers, remembering what Katherine had said about physical affection. "He'll come around" was all Stefan could think to say. He really didn't want Elena stressing out about any of it. "The fact that Katherine came back after all these years is a big shock for him. He needs some time."

Elena did her best to give him a small smile. "You know him best" she agreed, hoping that everything would work out. "Stefan?" she asked, looking up at him. "I think we should start going to our weekly sessions again with Dr. Erickson." She had been giving it more thought lately.

"Okay" Stefan nodded, trying hard not to show her how thrilled he was to hear her say that. It was a relief to know she was still willing to work on them. "I'll make a call and get something set up."

"Good" Elena nodded. "So, I'll see you ... tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'll call and let you know when I'm on my way" he promised. He was not exactly looking forward to having to play referee between Katherine and his brother. Stefan squeezed Elena's hand and then stood back up. He gave her one last smile and slipped his flip flops back on before turning around and walking back towards the house.

"Stefan, wait!" Elena called out, climbing out of the pool and jogging towards him, careful not to slip. She stopped just as Stefan turned around to face her, suddenly shy about what she wanted to do.

His eyes helped themselves to the pink bikini she wore so perfectly. The water dripping off of her was a sight he loved seeing. When he realized he was staring, he quickly averted his eyes and smiled shyly as he waited for her to say something.

She hadn't been completely oblivious to his staring. The fact that he still looked at her like that was a good thing. Elena placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned in, kissing him quickly. Then she backed away and smiled. "Bye" she smiled and turned to go back into the pool before he could have a chance to reply.

She wasn't fast enough though. "Elena!" he called after her. He watched her stop and slowly turn around. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, but he held back. "I'll call you tonight" he said instead. When he saw her smile, he smiled himself and continued on into the house.

Katherine was looked up from the glass of tea she was drinking when she heard Stefan come in. He was still smiling. "You two good?" she asked.

He nodded. "I think so" he answered. Better than where they were a few weeks ago when she had walked out of their therapy session. "Are you ready?" he asked, grabbing his Jeep keys off of the counter.

"Yes" she replied, setting her glass down and getting up from her seat. "I cannot wait to see this new house of yours" she told him.

They left the house listening to Katherine complain about a decorative piece Damon had in the living area that she did not like. Stefan pretended to be interested, until they saw Damon pulling up the driveway just as they were about to get in.

Stefan braced himself for an argument to erupt, though his brother did look fairly calm as he approached them.

"Katherine can stay here tonight" he said, looking at Stefan as he announced this. "You should spend some time with Elena. Take her to your place" Damon told his brother. He watched Katherine smiled out of the corner of his eye, like she had won. It pissed him off, but he wouldn't let Stefan know it.

"You two will be okay?" Stefan asked, looking back and forth between them nervously.

Katherine was still smiling, keeping her eyes on Damon. "We'll be fine Stefan" she assured him. She was ready to hash things out with him and she didn't care how long or how many harsh words it took. She could take whatever he gave her.

"I'll uh ... I'll go let Elena know" he said, slowly backing up a few steps as if to tell them he was watching them. When neither moved, he turned around and headed for the house.

Stefan moved quickly to the backdoor and out to the pool where he could still see Elena swimming. She looked at him curiously, but smiled politely in greeting. "What's up?" she asked.

"Damon is letting Katherine stay here, and he wants time alone with her" Stefan explained. "Would you be willing to stay at my place tonight?" he asked, coming to a stop at the edge of the pool deck.

Elena didn't even hesitate to answer. "Yes" she said, her smile reaching her eyes. Stefan reached down and she grabbed his hands, letting him pull her up out of the pool. She grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself and they started walking back to the house quickly. "Do you think they'll work things out?" Elena asked quietly as they made it inside.

Stefan steered her directly to the stairs, just in case Damon and Katherine had made it inside and were already fighting. It was pretty quiet though. "I don't know. He's pretty calm right now, but she's known for pushing buttons" he said. That's what worried him. Katherine's sarcasm and her need to poke fun, even during serious situations, could be a recipe for disaster.

They reached Elena's room and Stefan stopped at the door, being the gentleman he was. "Grab anything you think you'll need for the night" he said, unable to stop the smile that appeared. He was excited that Elena would be spending the night in the new house. He had made so many new repairs and he had a feeling she was going to fall more in love with the house than she already was.

"Okay. Give me a few minutes" she told him. Elena let herself into her room and Stefan went and sat at the top of the stairs to wait.

Ten minutes later, both Stefan and Elena were coming outside with her bag packed. Both Damon and Katherine were still outside.

Damon approached Elena. "Elena, I really hope you don't think I'm trying to get rid of you" Damon said.

Elena smiled. "Don't be silly" she told him. "The ocean will do me some good" she said, trying to ease his guilt.

Damon stepped forward and pulled her into a hug. "You call me if you need anything" he whispered. He trusted his brother, and knew his brother was in a good place right now, but on the offhand that something went wrong, he needed her to know he would come and get her. Even if he had to drag Katherine along with him.

"Hear her out" Elena whispered back, right before she left his embrace. Elena looked at Katherine and waved her hand in a friendly gesture. "It was nice meeting you, Katherine. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other" she said politely.

Katherine smirked. "Oh, you can count on it" she replied.

Elena wasn't sure if that was a friendly promise or an obnoxious threat, but she wasn't going to focus too much on it. Instead, she got in the Jeep and waited for Stefan.

"See you guys" Stefan said, climbing in and starting up the engine. He backed out of the driveway and honked, saying a silent prayer that Damon and Katherine would be alright left alone together.

He didn't worry long though, because Elena had reached over and grabbed his hand to hold, smiling his way as they turned onto the road.


Katherine was sitting on the couch with her legs tucked under her, watching Damon who sat in the recliner staring at the wall. They hadn't said more than two words to each other since Stefan and Elena left. They had even ridden in his truck together to get her things from the hotel. "Are you going to ignore me the rest of the day?" Katherine asked. He didn't say anything, and that made her mad. "Hey!" she said, throwing a pillow and hitting him in the head.

Damon stood, pinning her with an annoyed glare. "Like I said before, I've got nothing to say to you. I only agreed to let you stay here so Stefan and Elena could be with each other" he told her.

"Then get me a hotel" she said, her snarky attitude ever present. He continued to glare at her. She stood up as well. "You're mad, I get it" she told him, crossing her arms.

Damon shook his head. "No. Mad doesn't even begin to explain how I feel after someone I love walks out on me" he said angrily. "Ten years, Katherine. Ten years and a marriage, just thrown away" he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Katherine stepped closer, her eyes wide because she was ready for the fight. "You don't think I don't regret what I did?" she asked. Damon looked at her, surprised that she would own up to that. "I built a family with you and Stefan. A real family!" she said, raising her voice. "So yes, I regret leaving you, and Stefan" she told him harshly.

Damon shrugged. "So you decide to come back and tell me this after six years?" Damon asked. "Six years, Katherine. We could have already started our own family, had our own kids in those six years!" he shouted.

"I can't give you kids!" she shouted before she could stop herself. She took a few deep breaths when she realized she was crying, and he was looking at her, shocked and waiting for answers. "You asked me for one thing when I married you. To have kids with you" she reminded him.

"I ... I don't understand" Damon told her, shaking his head slightly. When had she learned that she couldn't have kids?

"The details don't matter" she told him, unwilling to talk to him about it at the moment.

Damon felt his own eyes sting. "So you just left?" he asked hoarsely.

Katherine wanted so desperately to look anywhere but into his eyes. She couldn't though. "You talked about having kids long before we even got married. You wanted them more than anything" she told him. Katherine hated that he was looking at her like he was. Like he empathized with her suddenly.

"I wanted you" he told her. "Katherine" he said, stepping towards her.

"Don't" Katherine said quickly, holding up her hand. "I made my choice. And I can't change it" she told him. "I just wanted you to know why I left. It wasn't because I didn't love you" she added, wiping at her eyes. She hated crying, unless it was to get something she wanted. "I'm tired. I'm going upstairs to bed."

He didn't say or do anything, instead watching her walk away.


"You can take the bed" Stefan said, showing her to the only bedroom with one. Furnishing his house completely was still on his to-do list.

"So you can sleep in the beach chair outside?" Elena asked. "I don't think so" she said, dropping her bag at the foot of the bed.

She didn't say it, but she implied it. He wasn't so sure he could just "sleep" next to her after the night before. "I don't have much food in the house, so I'll run down the street and pick something up" he mentioned, changing the subject.

"Sounds good" Elena told him, watching him back out of the room.

Stefan let himself out of the room, closing the door but leaving it open just a little. He looked through the opening to see her peeling her shirt off with her back to him. Stefan knew he shouldn't stand there and watch her, and yet he couldn't take her eyes off her.

Elena turned around, surprised to see him watching her. She didn't make a big deal about it though, choosing instead to take her shorts off next. They locked eyes as she pulled the hair tie and let her hair down. Elena turned around again and unzipped her bag, grabbing a pair of cotton shorts and a t-shirt she wanted to wear to bed.

When she turned back around, Stefan was in front of her, grabbing the clothes from her hands and tossing them on the floor behind them. When she looked up at him, he grabbed her face between his hands and leaned in, kissing her before he talked himself out of it.

She was glad he didn't. She welcomed his lips on hers and even met him halfway, kissing him harder than she thought she ever had.

Stefan's hands dropped to her waist and hers wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her. He backed her up against the wall behind them, pressing his body against hers. His lips reluctantly left hers, but were happy to trail wet kisses down her neck instead.

Elena's head leaned against the wall as she closed her eyes. They were so desperate for each other and every nerve ending in her body was alive and waiting because of it.

She pushed on his chest, causing him to step back. He was a panting mess, and she knew she wasn't much better off. Elena smiled as she grabbed for the hem of his t-shirt. She let her fingers glide over his skin as she lifted the shirt up over his head. When he tried to come back to her, she placed her palm on his chest. "Patience" she whispered as she grabbed for the button on his board shorts. She got it open, pulled the zipper down and then pushed his shorts down over his hips until they fell to the floor at his feet.

Then she stepped back against the wall again and looked appreciatively at him in nothing but boxers. "I'm waiting" she said, biting her bottom lip as she watched him step towards her, pinning her body against the wall and kissing her madly.

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