Silent Prayers

By mariahbelle18

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THIS IS NOT MY STORY This is written by TVDVampire on She's putting her entire trust in someo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 4

342 6 0
By mariahbelle18

The crowd was lively at an afternoon Braves game, and Stefan was happy that Damon and him had made the drive down to Atlanta to watch the game. Both chomped down on the polish dogs loaded with relish and onions that they had purchased on their way to their seats. "So, Elena's moving in with me next weekend" Stefan said, figuring it was as good of a time as any to tell Damon. He had already told Damon about how Elena had lost her parents and lived all alone. He told Damon pretty much everything, because Damon usually had great advice. If nothing else, Damon was a great listener.

Damon nearly choked on his food though, setting the rest of it aside and desperately reaching for his beer to wash it down. "What?" he asked, not trusting his own ears.

Stefan nodded. "She decided to go to school here, needed a place to stay, and I suggested that she move in with me" Stefan stated. "I've got the extra room" he reminded.

Damon sighed. "Oh, Stefan" he said, getting ready to give his lecture. "I know you like the girl, but asking her to move in?" Damon asked. He didn't think it was a good idea at all.

"She's moving in as a roommate" Stefan assured him. "People move in together on short notice all the time" he said defensively. That's what college was all about.

Damon opened his mouth to argue, but realized he didn't have a valid argument that wouldn't lead to a fight. Even if they had a great relationship, they still sometimes butted heads over certain things. "Look Stefan, I don't want to tell you what to do" Damon said instead.

"Then don't" Stefan shot at him. "Be my brother, not my parental figure." He was really excited about Elena living with him. He wanted his big brother to be excited for him too.

Damon felt horrible for questioning Stefan. Sometimes he really did forget that Stefan was 22. "You're right. I'm sorry" Damon told him. "If you and Elena made the decision to live together, then I support it" he stated.

"Really?" Stefan asked hesitantly. He couldn't tell if Damon was being honest or just accepting the news to avoid arguing.

"Really" Damon said, nodding his head. He smiled and slapped his brother's back. "So, can I do anything to help?" he asked, resuming eating his ballgame snack.

Stefan smiled as he relaxed back into his seat. "Elena is going to need some help moving" Stefan told him.

"I can take all of Sunday off. We can take one of the company trucks and drive up there" Damon offered.

"Thanks" Stefan said, knowing he could count on his brother for help. "This is going to be a good thing, you'll see" he said confidently.

Damon wanted to believe his brother, even though he still had his concerns.


Moving day had gone exceptionally well, thanks to Stefan who had enlisted Damon's help. Elena had been a packing machine the entire week, boxing everything up and labeling everything she would be taking with her. She didn't have too much to take, keeping in mind that she was moving into Stefan's place and she didn't want to take up too much of his space. Anything she wasn't bringing along was being donated.

Elena sat on the floor of her new bedroom in Stefan's apartment, surrounded by large and small boxes housing the only belongings she had left. She felt overwhelmed. She had all those boxes to unpack, and she was in a brand new place. The realization of this change in her life was hitting her all at once as she sat silently in her new room.

Stefan tapped on her doorframe, grabbing her attention. "You doing okay?" he asked. He hadn't seen much of her since he had helped her move all of her boxes into her room. That had been over an hour ago.

Elena nodded, hoping to be convincing. "Yeah" she answered, giving him a small smile.

He could tell right away that she was overwhelmed, by the way she sat by herself in the room, having not unpacked one thing. He understood what she was going through. He had experienced something similar at one point. "Do you want to go do something fun?" Stefan asked, figuring it would be a nice break for her.

Elena's eyes slowly came to life. "Yes" she said, relieved that he had offered. She didn't want to unpack right away, and she didn't want to sit in an empty room full of boxes either.

"Feel like going for a swim?" Stefan asked. "I just checked and the pool is empty" he added. Elena looked so much happier at that moment and he was glad to know he could help her in some way.

"Give me five minutes to change?" Elena asked.

Stefan smiled at her. "Sure" he said, backing away from her door.

"Maybe ten. I don't know which box I put my swimsuit in" Elena told him. She heard Stefan laugh as he walked down the hall to his room. Elena quickly shut her door and went to work opening all of her boxes, guessing which one had her swimsuit.

It was about ten minutes exactly when Stefan saw Elena again. "Ready?" Stefan asked, looking up from his phone to find Elena walking towards him in a white cover-up dress. She had put her hair up in a high ponytail and wore black flip flops that matched the black bikini she had underneath. He was too busy staring to have heard her answer. "Huh?" he asked, tearing his eyes away from her body and looking at her eyes instead.

"Yes" Elena repeated. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder that had her sunglasses and sunscreen.

"Great" Stefan said, standing quickly. "I grabbed you a towel" he said, handing her one of his navy blue ones.

"Thanks" she said, hugging it against her as she followed him out of the apartment. "Can we take the stairs?" Elena asked as they walked. She preferred the stairs for the workout.

"Sure" Stefan told her, bypassing the elevator and opening the door for her that led to the stairwell. "I've got a lease agreement that you'll have to sign" he mentioned as they finished one flight of stairs and started descending down the next. "Then we can stop by the front desk and get you a key."

"Thank you, Stefan. Really. For everything" Elena told him. "You're being entirely too generous." She honestly didn't know what she had done to deserve his help.

Stefan smiled as he walked with her. "You're welcome" he replied. He was so excited to be able to help her. "I really want you to feel at home here, so, feel free to move things around, redecorate, whatever you want" Stefan told her. He really wasn't set on the layout of his apartment.

Stefan opened the door for her again and they stepped outside onto the pool deck. "Maybe I can decorate my room a bit" Elena said. It was kind of bare in there.

"That room really could use it" Stefan agreed with a smile.

"It's a nice room though" Elena said, making sure that he knew how appreciative she was. "I'll think on it" she told him.

They picked out lounge chairs sitting in the sun and dropped their towels on them. There was now an older brother with his little sister in the pool, but they were at the shallow end. "It's never this empty on a weekend" Stefan mentioned.

Elena watched the brother help his sister. She wouldn't have minded a crowded pool as long as everyone was happy and having fun. "Do you need sunscreen?" Elena asked, pulling out the spray on stuff she liked to use.

"Nah" Stefan said. "I don't burn" he told her, peeling his t-shirt off.

Elena eyed him closely, not quite believing him. He had paler skin than she did, but she didn't know him well enough to hassle him about it either. She also tried to pretend that he didn't have the best looking body that she had even seen in person. Elena slipped out of her dress and gave Stefan a view that he was sure would be burned into his memory for quite some time. Then she sprayed herself down. "Can you get my back?" Elena asked, holding out the bottle and lifting up her ponytail.

"What?" Stefan asked, too distracted by her in just a black bikini to have heard what she had said.

Elena blushed, clearly aware that she had Stefan's attention. Elena could name a handful of guys who had told her she was attractive, though she hadn't really agreed with them. She just never considered herself someone who guys should fantasize over. "I asked if you could spray my back" Elena repeated.

Stefan felt like an idiot, practically drooling over his new roommate, who he had no intention of pursuing at the moment. Then again, she was admiring him, so, fair was fair he supposed. "Yeah, sure" Stefan said, taking the bottle from her and spraying all down her back.

Elena thanked him as she took her bottle back. "Are you sure?" she asked, waving the bottle slightly to try and persuade him to put some sunscreen on.

"I really don't burn" he insisted, smiling though because she obviously cared about his wellbeing.

Elena sighed, still not believing him. "Okay" she said, tossing the bottle back in her bag.

Stefan stood at the pool's edge and looked back at her. "Are you a jump all-in kind of girl, or do you prefer the slow, easing on in approach?" he asked. He dipped his toe in the water and wondered how the water could be so cold when summer was in full swing.

Elena smiled. She just moved in with a complete stranger to start her college career. Of course she was an all-in kind of girl. "Depends" she shrugged, deciding to let him figure it out. "How about you?" she asked, walking towards him. She stood next to him at the pool's edge and looked down at the clear water.

"Definitely like to ease in" Stefan told her. "Especially when the water is this cold" he added.

Elena nodded. "That's understandable" she agreed. "But sometimes life is unpredictable" she added.

Stefan looked at her curiously. "Yeah, I suppose so" he told her, right before he felt her pushing him and a devious little smirk appear on her face. He acted quickly, grabbing her hands and taking her with him. The last thing he heard was her scream before they were submersed in chilly water.

Elena was laughing when Stefan's head popped up out of the water. He had to give her credit. She might have had a little more spunk to her than he first assumed. "Always better if you don't know its coming" Elena told him, her laughter subsiding as she floated in the water.

Stefan grinned. She was fun, and that's something he needed in his life. He laughed when Elena splashed him lightly. Then she swam off for the other end of the pool. He stayed where he was, taking a moment to realize how lucky he was to spend time with such a great girl.


The next day, Stefan took Elena all around Charleston so she could get a better feel for the city she would be spending at least the next four years in. He took her to the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, which she absolutely loved. He wasn't sure he was going to get her to leave.

Then he took her to the Waterfront Park where she got to see sailboats going by and dip her feet in the Pineapple Fountain.

Finally, they finished up with the Charleston Museum and then lunch downtown.

They were all things he had seen and done a hundred times before, but he was excited to experience them with her because of her enthusiasm.

Oh, and he had in fact gotten a sunburn from the pool the day before, which Elena found quite amusing since he was so sure he didn't burn. She did offer him some Aloe Vera gel so she didn't have to watch him suffer though.

As they were walking back to the jeep, Elena turned and looked up at him. "Where does your brother live?" Elena asked.

Stefan smiled. "Damon lives in a log home he built himself" Stefan announced proudly. "He lives about half an hour from here if you want to go and see it. It really is pretty amazing" Stefan told her.

"Can we?" she asked, grabbing ahold of his arm and looking up at him with excitement in her eyes. She had stayed in a cabin once when she was younger and had loved it. But an actual log home sounded amazing.

Stefan laughed softly. "He'll be happy to show you. He's very proud of it" Stefan told her.

Elena smiled, slowly letting go of Stefan's arm that she realized she had been holding. "He should be proud. Building a home is pretty incredible" Elena said.

"Yeah, I think so too" Stefan said, sharing a smile with her. Damon had built the home five years ago. It was a long and daunting process, but the outcome was worth it. Stefan hoped to have a house of his own one day too.


"Believe it or not" Damon said, walking Elena and Stefan out of the house and onto the massive wood deck that wrapped around the entire home. "This deck was the most challenging part of the house to build" he informed Elena.

Elena smiled. "Really?" she asked. She found that difficult to believe, but she would take his word for it. "Your home is so beautiful Damon" Elena told him. She was mesmerized by the size and intricate detailing.

"Thank you, Elena" Damon told her sincerely. "Stefan here helped me quite a bit" he informed her.

Elena looked back at Stefan and smiled. "You didn't mention that" she said, staring at him curiously.

Stefan stuffed his hands in his pockets and smiled shyly, shrugging. "I didn't do much" he said modestly.

Damon scoffed. "He's good with a hammer and a nail" Damon informed her. Then he pointed at Stefan and smiled. "Gets that from me" he grinned.

Stefan laughed. "I mostly did the measuring and cost analysis" he said. "Crunched numbers and stuff."

Damon waved his modesty off. "He's too modest for his own good" Damon told Elena.

Elena smiled, and completely agreed. "You both did a wonderful job" she concluded, continuing to smile at Stefan. There was just something about the way Stefan looked at her that made her want to smile at him. "The one thing it is missing is a hot tub on the deck" Elena said. Such a beautiful, secluded place needed a hot tub to relax in during the evening.

Damon laughed. "Follow me" Damon said, taking her hand and leading her off toward the side of the house. Stefan followed behind. Elena looked back at Stefan and they shared another smile. Sure enough, there was a hot tub built into the deck around the side of the house. "And you and Stefan are welcome to come over and use it whenever you like" Damon added.

"I think we'll have to take you up on your offer, right Stefan?" Elena asked. He nodded.

"Well hey, Stefan and I usually have dinner together here on Sundays. Would you two like to stay?" Damon asked, looking at Elena and then to Stefan.

"I'd love to" Elena said, looking at Stefan as well.

Stefan nodded. "Sounds good to me" he replied, happy that Elena was so willing to spend time with Damon too. Though they hadn't known her long, she was fitting in quite well.

"Perfect. You two can finish looking around and I'll fire up the grill" Damon said.

"Thanks" Elena said, moving closer to Stefan. She would have offered to help Damon, but she wanted to see more of the property.

Damon left to go back inside and Stefan walked with Elena down the steps. "He owns about ten acres" Stefan said, pointing out across the yard. "Come on. I'll show you the creek that runs along the back of the property."

It didn't take long for Elena to be able to hear slow moving water. The creek was only a few inches deep and not very wide, but she assumed it would be deeper and faster come winter. Elena knelt down next to it and let the water run over her hands. "Where does it go?" Elena asked.

"I'm not sure. It runs through a few properties" he told her, walking across it in his flip flops. Then, he held his hand out, inviting her to cross it too.

Elena happily accepted his invitation. "I'm really happy you brought me here" Elena said, looking up at him as they walked slowly alongside the creek.

"I'm glad you wanted to come out here with me. Sometimes I get worried that Damon gets lonely out here by himself" Stefan told her.

Elena frowned. "He isn't seeing anyone?" she asked. He was quite the catch if she did say so herself. He was successful and from what she could tell, just as well-mannered, kind and generous as Stefan. Charming, too.

Stefan took his time answering, and Elena was starting to think that maybe she shouldn't have asked at all. "He used to be married" Stefan said quietly.

"What happened?" Elena asked before she could stop herself. She was genuinely curious.

Stefan gave her a sad smile before he continued. "They'd been together since high school. When Damon started up his construction business, she did a lot of the promoting and finding him business. She could chat anyone up" Stefan said, letting himself smile a little. "She had this energy that drew you in. They were the perfect team, professionally and romantically. They were together for almost 10 years" he admitted. He gave a long sigh before he continued. "But then she got really sick. A heart condition ... I can't remember what they called it off the top of my head, but anyways, she just kept getting worse and worse. She kept complaining about being tired all the time and losing her breath too quickly. None of us thought much of it until Damon found her unconscious on the kitchen floor" Stefan explained.

"Oh my God" Elena said, looking at Stefan with worry.

"That's when the doctors found something wrong with her heart. They put a pacemaker in, and it worked for a few months. And then she got worse again, chest pains and feeling dizzy all the time. When she had a new one put in, she got a really bad infection" he explained. "She was in and out of the hospital after that and was having a hard time adjusting. She just wasn't the happy, spirited girl my brother knew and loved. And she didn't think it was fair for Damon to see her like that."

"It must have been hard on Damon, to see someone he loved go through that" Elena said.

Stefan nodded. "It was. But he was amazing. He took care of her, spent as much time with her as he could. If he couldn't be with her, he found someone who could. He really loved her" Stefan said. "She had another really bad scare with her heart a few months later and she told Damon he needed to leave her. She wanted him to find someone who wasn't so sick and exhausting" Stefan said sadly.

Elena looked at Stefan cautiously. "Did he leave her?" Elena asked.

Stefan shook his head no. "He married her" Stefan told her. "Right there in the hospital room" he added with a small smile. "He loved her so much, and he wasn't about ready to let her push him away" he explained.

"So what happened?" Elena asked. Why wasn't Damon still married to her?

"She eventually went on some new medication and had surgery" Stefan told her. Elena felt her own heart stop. Had Damon's wife died? "She got better. Way better, actually" Stefan said. "They eventually had a big wedding and invited everyone, because Damon knew how much she wanted an actual wedding. Things were really good for a little while after that." Stefan sighed. "And then Damon came home one evening and her bags were packed and sitting by the front door. She told him she was leaving. That she had realized marriage wasn't for her and she needed to be by herself for a while to figure her life out" Stefan explained. "Damon tried really hard to convince her to do a separation, but she insisted on a divorce. When she filed the papers, he was too heartbroken to fight her on it."

"So Damon signed them?" Elena asked, her eyes glued to Stefan's as she looked up at him.

Stefan nodded. "Offered her whatever she wanted, but she said she just wanted to be by herself. So, he let her go" Stefan sighed. "That was about five years ago now."

They both remained silent for a while, walking along the creek. "So was building the house kind of a distraction for him?" Elena asked finally.

"Yes" Stefan answered. "When he wasn't working, he was building the house. He didn't handle free time well at all. Said it just made him think about her."

"How did you feel about her?" Elena asked.

"She was a big part of my life for ten years" Stefan told her. "I loved her because she made my brother happy" he added. Then he smiled. "She taught me how to shoot a gun when I was 8."

Elena looked at him wide-eyed. "She did?" Elena asked.

Stefan nodded. "Yep. We went to an old abandoned farm and she set up class beer bottles on a fence railing. I missed every single one of them" Stefan laughed softly. "But she got them all. She was kind of a wild one. She liked to have fun, but she was entitled and always wanted things to go her way. Damon did everything he could to make her happy." It just wasn't enough.

Elena could tell that Stefan's sister-in-law's absence had been rough on him too. "I'm sorry that she left" Elena said quietly, slipping her hand around his as they walked.

"Me too" Stefan agreed. "I just hope she found whatever it is she was looking for."

"What is her name?" Elena asked.

"Katherine" Stefan told her. "Her name is Katherine."

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