By Kojak_

57.6K 1.9K 435

in the year 2010, Merlin meets Sam and Dean . Will Arthur rise from the lake of avalon and who else will com... More

Library Encounters
meh seems legit
'67 chevy impala
i miss you arthur
merlin? i could've sworn your name was Emrys
dude you just insulted THE merlin
the kid lived through that?
hello dean
bye bye bitch
bruh you are IMMORTAL?
apples... really ? okay then
smile for the camera gwaine
you and that apple need to get a room
oi take your shoes off
emrys im sorry
heya bro
his soul is destroyed
merlins being moody or something i guess
asda is a scary place
showers are the shit
a flower for the lady
questions, questions, so many questions.
im back baby
he's lost it aint he
gwaine is actually a child , fight me
Moose, Squirrel
look who's back in town
come on lads , wake the hell up
deans angry grrr >:(
that was YOU?
overgrown lizard
Lebanon, Kansas
yeah so thats that

oi oi buff boy

1.1K 47 13
By Kojak_

Castiel's POV:
We sat on the grass before Avalon. Merlin and Leon indulging in a 99 , Gwaine with a fab . Sam chose an orange callipo. Dean sat by me with a chocolate ice cream, every 5 seconds he was begging me to try it , saying it will taste like the best molecules ever . I caved in and tried it , i went to take it from his hand but he just shoved it into my mouth, that is one way of doing it. It tastes very ...molecular, how splendid.

I stared into his eyes , the grass surrounding us wasn't even as green his eyes . We lent in slightly and he kissed me. It was only quick , but it happened. I could feel my heart explode into tiny pieces , my grace flowing through me like crazy, my wings were exposed, spread wide. A light blush spread across his face , hiding the freckles that sit there.

He smiles at me , wide and happy yet also shy. I return it feeling giddy . When i finally managed to turn my eyes away i caught Gwaine's , he was staring at me with an 'i told you so expression'. He raised his eyebrows and mouthed "fucking called it mate." ...he did.
I took Dean's left hand in mine hesitantly , scared he wouldn't want it but he tightly clasped them together. I'm home . He pulled out his phone , it's usually Merlin that does this stuff so i was a little surprised, and we took a photo . He leaned in and kissed my cheek , taking another; he saved it as his background and i fought the urge to just squeal there and then. Very big strong angel of me , i know .

We lay down in the sun for an hour , Dean lying upon my chest slightly. The knights and Merlin in a bundle , Sam just sat there comfortably as he joined in on the conversations.

Dean's POV:
My heart is going so freaking fast right now. He actually likes me back this is awesome. I can hear his heart in his chest , it was beating like crazy - i didn't think angels could get like this .
We lay like this for a while until Merlin shoots up and scans the water.

"Guys the water , it's energy levels are going crazy."

I stare at the lake , a few ripples caught my eye making me stand up and walk over to the edge .
"Merlin it's rippling!" i exclaim , exited for the possibility of more of his family coming.
He bounces up and stands by me , the others following at the same pace.
Just as it had done the day before, the ripples intensified and started to part ; creating an entrance for someone to pass into our world. I grasped Cas' hand in anticipation.

Leon's POV:
The hand breaks the surface , there's no denying who's it is . I turn to look at Gwaine for a spilt second knowing how happy he is going to be , i've always suspected that they had a little thing going on but never had it fulfilled.
His eyes were full of hope and his chest was rising at an alarming rate.

The arm increased and no red nor chain mail in sight . Gwaine took of his shoes and rolled up his trousers before wading his way in , determined on meeting the body as quick as he could. I turned to Merlin , he was smiling at the sight but by the way he was shifting on the spot he was getting impatient.

Gwaine's POV:
As soon as i saw the hand i knew. He promised me he would follow me and he kept it as he would . My heart was pounding like crazy and my patience was lost , i stripped my shoes and rolled my trousers before travelling as fast as possible to get to our fallen friend .
The next arm , including the sword rose with it, in turn allowing the rest of him to climb out of Avalon and into England.

He turned around , his eyes met mine , they were big and puppy like. He began to run towards me and i him , he picked me up and swung me around before kissing my deeply . The moment was romantic, it was perfect then Merlin had to go ruin it or improve it , i can't tell.

I felt Percival shake underneath me with laughter at the comment.
"Never Merlin, you know me- muscles are just too damn big ."
He carried me bridal style back to shore where he greeted Leon and Merls properly.
"You know i could see you two being a thing from a mile off , even back in Camelot you were fools in love."
"Nice to see you too Leon."
He wrapped our friend in a tight hug before moving to Merlin.
"I really missed you big guy."
"Yeah i missed you too mate."

His eyes scanned the group before falling on Sam. "Woah i have some competition, look at him , he's huge."
"Hey babe don't worry , you're still massive compared to him."
Sam giggles at the comment and walked over to us , "Sam Winchester, pleasure to meet you Sir Percival." His hand outstretched for a polite handshake.
Percy took it up but being the kind person he was excused his title.
"Hey you took in my baby brother and best friend , titles are not necessary."
"Hey Percy buddy , i'm wayyy older than you i think we can quit the baby part by now."
"eh it was a worth a try."

Castiel and Dean walked over , hand in hand , glad they finally got their shit together . Only seem them for a couple of days but the tension was unbearable. "Hey i'm Dean , and this is Cas. He's an angel."

Merlin's POV:
I pulled out my phone , just as i did with Gwaine , i spoke in the language of the old religion so Percy was no longer drenched . With my phone i took a few photos of us to add to my collection . We were stood in a peaceful silence all just taking in each other's presence when the water began rippling again.

"Dude someone else is coming already."

"oh yeah , he said he'd join me as soon as possible, didn't want to leave my side. Be gentle with him please Merlin."
From that comment alone i knew who it was he spoke of , Mordred.
"Calm yourself Percival, i forgave him centuries ago. I'm just glad to have our friend back."
"I'm proud of you Merlin and thanks for drying me off by the way."
He grabbed me in a playful chokehold and we watched the water waiting for Mordred to rise.

Our family is returning.

I can feel the numbness and the coldness that held a place within me decrease slightly.

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