Lost love **

By Writing_sprendes

7.3K 231 176

what happens when lovers who were forced to separate meet again but its awkward, what will happen? COPYRIGHTE... More



414 12 1
By Writing_sprendes

Its been months since shawn and Camilas last run in.

Camila had now turned 23 and shawn is now 21 almost 22 and Camila is still wondering if she should call or text

Despite the world telling her to leave shawn alone she decides to go to his house hoping he didn't move.

Camila was now outside his door and all the anxiety and pain starts to rise in her chest but she calms down, it's the same shawn she knew and loves no matter what.

When shawn opened the door he was surprised to say the least.

"I just want to explain and apologize after that I'll leave or we can move on you decide but I just want to have a civil conversation " Camila said and shawn took a deep breath and motioned for her to come in.

Camila walked into shawn condo and sat down on the couch.

"What happened between you and your girlfriend?" Camila asked completely going off topic and asking something she didn't need to know or be concerned about.

"My girlfriend?" Shawn asked confused because he hasn't been in a relationship since Camila.

"You know hailey?"

"Shes not my girlfriend " shawn said.

"Sure looked like it " Camila said rolling her eyes.

"What the fuck Camila?! " shawn exclaimed " she was never my girlfriend and even if she was its none of your business, we arnt dating and you don't own me! Just leave please " shawn said pointing out the door.

"Shawn please I'm sor-" shawn cut her off.

"Just go" shawn said pointing at the door, Camila didn't say anything but walk out the door with her head down.

She was really trying and something in her just switched and she couldn't control it.

Shawn on the other hand was tired of people constantly saying that no one would ever love him again, or that he only belonged to Camila.

He also hated that the girl who broke his heart was asking about his love life.

It wasn't her to ask or put her opinion into but she did anyways as if she still was his and he cheated.

He didn't, she left him and now wants him to pay for it. Or at least that's how shawn feels.

He feels like she can be happy and move on but when he does its wrong and he shouldn't be able to be happy.

Camila realized how bad she messed up and the more she thought, the more help she's going to need to get them on at least talking level and hopefully more.

"Hey taylor I tried talking to shawn and I fucked up...yeah...I asked about hailey and....yup...can you try to convince him to tall with me?....k thanks tay...bye" Camila said handing up the phone.

It was a few hours later and shawn was getting a call from taylor.

"Hi taylor " shawn said picking it up.

"Hi shawn...I know this is hard but please just meet Camila for coffee she has good intentions " taylor said and shawn took a deep breath, he should've known she was going to bring someone else into there personal problems and he didn't want to take it out on taylor.

"I'm doing know, she broke up with me because of a fucking label and she came over this morning and went off about me and hailey and I'm just done with all this bullshit " shawn said.

"Shawn that was years ago you have to let it go,and I know but shes grown shes matured"

"That doesn't make it any less painful! It doesn't justify what she did. She broke up with me for a record!, a fucking record taylor! I was going to marry that girl and she fucked it up...not me so don't try and switch it up and make me feel bad" shawn said and he knew he shouldn't have exploded on her but he was tired of being painted the bad one or the one who did something bad and he wished he could talk shit about Camila and expose her but he also understood her and loved her to peices and wouldn't do that.

"Woah that's a lot to take in, but please just go?"

"Fine" shawn said sighing and hanging up but not before saying bye.

Shawn:sorry about exploding but I'm just tired of being painted as the bad one and I know I shouldn't have but it just built up

Taylor: it's ok I understand where you're coming from and you did nothing wrong, everyone has made mistakes

(Does anyone have a brother that is hot, lives in the us, age range 14/15, 5'6 or taller, ok with being with bigger girls and needs a bestfriend? Cause if so hit me up, jk don't do that because I'm to shy)

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