Mixing of Snow and Sand

By kat1315

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Mia Hosaka, the only survivor from the Village Hidden in the Snow, a village long forgotten from the attack o... More

Chapter 1: A Village Long Forgotten
Chapter 2: Connections of the Past
Chapter 3: Demonic Sand
Chapter 4: Cursed
Chapter 5: Someone Precious...
Chapter 6: One Month
Chapter 7: Temari's Wind
Chapter 8: Gaara's Demon
Chapter 9: Childhood Memories
Chapter 10: Forced Out
Chapter 11: Village Hidden in the Sand
Chapter 12: Change of Scenery
Chapter 13: A New Beginning
Chapter 14: Hosaka Legacy
Chapter 15: Kisame and Itachi
Chapter 16: Rescue Attempt
Chapter 17: Haku
Chapter 18: Clouded Truth
Chapter 19: A New Technique
Chapter 20: Her Answer
Chapter 21: The Curse Grows
Chapter 22: The Night Everything Changed
Chapter 23: Body Guard
Chapter 24: A Month Later
Chapter 25: Brother vs. Sister
Chapter 26: Sasuke Retrieval
Chapter 27: A Choice to Make
Chapter 28: True to Yourself
Chapter 29: Osore Reveals
Chapter 30: Shei's True Form
Chapter 31: Breaking the Link
Chapter 32: Truth Behind the Wolves
Chapter 33: Reason for Happiness
Chapter 34: New Kazekage
Chapter 35: Surprise Attack
Chapter 36: Argument
Chapter 37: Hope
Chapter 39: Sad Truth
Chapter 40: The Akatsuki
Chapter 41: Transfusion
Chapter 42: Emergency Surgery & Jonin Level
Chapter 43: Gone...
Chapter 44: Bide our Time
Chapter 45: Goodbye
Chapter 46: Truth of the Osore
Chapter 47: Darkness Consumes
Chapter 48: Orochimaru's Betrayal
Chapter 49: Shei's Story
Chapter 50: Chatting
Chapter 51: The Akatsuki Strike
Chapter 52: Day Off
Chapter 53: Madara

Chapter 38: Back Home

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By kat1315

Temari and I spent three days traveling to my village and by the time we arrived in the snowy terrain I felt the tug of familiarity coming to me. The village that I was brought to was in sight and I knew we were going to have to stay there for the night.

As we walked into the village I saw several people turn to look at me.

"Its her..."

"She's back after all this time..."

"She looks different somehow..." I tried not to listen as they continued to question my sudden appearance.

"Mia, its been quite some time." I turned and saw the old woman who had taken me in, she had been a lot younger the last time I saw her but she had always been compassionate to me.

"Miss Sayu, its good to see you." I smiled.

"Who's this?" Temari asked confused.

"Oh right, she took me in after my village was destroyed. She was the only person who wasn't afraid of me..." I whispered as I saw the other people of the village go inside their homes.

"Please forgive the people of the village, since that happened people haven't been quick to trust. They fear what they don't understand." Miss Sayu muttered, signaling for us to come with her. Her home hadn't changed a bit. She had been a gifted doctor in her youth, now retired.

"It doesn't bother me too much anymore." I stated as we sat down around the table. Okami walked over to her.

"And who is this little one? This one is different from the two you left with."

"Yes, his name is Okami. The two you saw me leave with passed away some time ago." I explained.

"May they be at peace." She prayed.

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. So please tell me what makes you return?" I explained briefly, she seemed concerned with the sedative, but understood the situation.

"I see. You didn't wish to return did you?" I frowned.

"Not so soon after the anniversary of their deaths. But I need to do this. Its something that will hopefully give me some closure now." I muttered. I looked over at Temari and saw her shivering a little. I had given her a cloak to help keep her warm, but she wasn't used to this like I was. "I'm sorry Miss Sayu, we may need to trouble you for a place to stay for the night." She shook her head with a smile.

"You are always welcome in my home, that goes for your friends as well." Okami hopped up and down happily.

"Temari, why don't you go sit by the fire. It should help you warm up." I pointed in the direction of the fireplace and she smiled gratefully and went to warm up. "Okami do you think you could keep her company?" He nodded and bounced after her.

"You seem to have made some good friends." I chuckled softly.

"Yes...I have made such wonderful friends over the years I've been gone. But really it wasn't until very recently that I had changed my view on life." I thought about Gaara and the others who had given me so much more to live for.

"There's someone special isn't there?" I blushed harshly as she eyed me with a smirk.

"Well...yes, we've been together for a few months now."

"Does he treat you well?" It was like I was talking with my grandmother again.


"Well are you going to tell me anymore than that?" She chuckled.

"He's someone I've known since I was a child. He was similar to me in many aspects but we've both changed for the better."

"Young little Gaara then." She stated. I blushed harder. "The way you spoke of him, it reminds me of when you were a child. You always used to say how amazing you thought he was." I could heard the snicker of Temari from the other room.

"Shut up Temari!" I called to her and I heard the snickering stop. "I've always been meaning to ask, but why were you never afraid of me?" I asked Miss Sayu.

"Because you are a child who has struggled and seen terrible things. Why should I be afraid of you? You can't help what happened to you and it is no fault of your own that were brought here." She had always been so kind and caring like my grandmother used to be. She had been one of the most gifted healers in our village. If she had still been around today...I'm sure she would have been able to fix what was wrong with me.

I saw the sun starting to set and as if on cue the sedative started to kick in.

"I'm sorry...the sedative is starting to kick in, is my old room?"

"Its the same way you left it." I smiled.

"Thank you." I walked over to the fireplace and saw Temari and Okami sound asleep by the flames. I chuckled lightly.

"Go and get some rest, your friends will be fine with me." Miss Sayu walked up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, for everything." I walked past her and went upstairs to see my old room was like it had been. There was nothing that was remotely mine in this room, but its felt like home in some regard. I went over to the bed and laid down thinking about how long it had been since I had last been in this room.

Five years...Though it had been a lot more recent since I left this area behind. I had went and stayed in the area around my village with Apollo and Artemis.

I shut my eyes as the sound of the wind outside soothed me to sleep.


The next morning Temari and I ate breakfast with Miss Sayu, then headed out.

"Take care of yourselves." She waved goodbye.

"You do the same. You're not getting any younger you know." She chuckled.

"That may be true, but I'm still young enough to take care of myself."

"I know." We waved goodbye and headed out of the village. Okami was in my arms, since his paws were getting cold.

"How far are we?" Temari asked five minutes of running.

"Not too much farther, there's a ridge coming up and then over that is where the village once was. There was a bridge that went over it but I don't know if its still there now."

"If the bridge doesn't work I can fly us over." She stated.

"Then we have a plan B." I took point and jumped up over the snowy hills. It had been so long, but it was still so beautiful to me. I stopped when we reached the ridge and saw that the bridge was still intact. "It looks like the bridge is still good." I muttered and we walked down to it. I could see there was some wear and tear from the years of wind and storms. "We'll have to go one at a time. I don't think it could carry both of our weights." I stated.

"You go first, worst case scenario I can fly over with my fan." I nodded and slowly made my way across. I could hear the creaking and swaying of the bridge. Okami was shaking in my arms. I knew this scared him a lot, he had never been a huge fan of heights and the ridge didn't have a bottom you could see.

Once we were across I saw Temari start to cross. I could sense the wind picking up.

"Temari! The wind is picking up!" I shouted. She looked in the direction of the wind and started running across the bridge, the planks dropping away as she rushed over them. She made one final jump and landed beside me as the bridge collapsed into the abyss below. "Guess we're not leaving the way we came." I muttered as the wind started blowing harshly.

"Let's just get moving and find those records." I rushed with her through the area where the village once stood. It took everything in my power not to stop and look around. I could see through the oncoming blizzard that the cave wasn't that far away.

"A few more minutes and we'll be there!" I yelled over the wind. She nodded and I led us into the darkness of the cave. Once we were inside the howling of the wind was the only thing that was making any noise other than our footsteps.

"So this is it?" Temari whispered.

"Yes. This is the place where Shei was sealed away before he was inside of me." I let out as it echoed off the walls.

"You never mentioned that..." Temari looked at me concerned.

"Don't worry neither Shei nor I are upset by this outcome."

"I see..." I walked closer to where there was a light being emitted. I had never been inside the cave before, it was off limits when the village still stood here. Even with Apollo and Artemis I never felt it was right to go inside. Now I didn't have a choice. "What's the matter?" Temari asked as I stopped when the light was completely illuminating the room. It was the crystal that my necklace was made out of. So this was where it was made.

"This must be the room." I stated, grabbing my necklace lightly.

"How do you know?"

"I just know." I walked over to the center of the room, where there was a crystal etched with a symbol I had never seen before.


Its the old symbol of the village. It was changed long before you were here. Place your hand on it and it should recognize you as a member.

I reached my hand up slowly and touched the symbol, the crystal cool to the touch just like my necklace. All the crystals in the room grew brighter until there wasn't a single inch of darkness left. From there the crystal moved to the right, revealing a box. I pulled it out slowly and opened it to see papers that dated back to when the village once stood.

"These have to be the medical records." There was a very old book at the very bottom of the box, something inside of me wanting to see what was inside. I pulled it out and opened the first page:

" Month XXX Day 3: From the moment she was born, the elders told us to watch over her. Told us she would grow up to be either the savior of our village or the destroyer of it.

Month XXX Day 10: The headmaster of the academy stopped by this morning to tell us about her inheriting the Osore...to think that such a small and innocent child could wield such a power visual prowess.

Month XXX Day 35: Yuto and I have been concerned about Mia for some time now. She doesn't speak to anyone other than Haku, doesn't tell us about the other children bullying her in class. She doesn't complain or argue, just simply takes the harassment as if it was deserved.

Month XXX Day 56: Yuto and I fear something bad is coming, Rasa has been coming too often for a Kazekage. My husband will be telling him to stop coming the next time him and Gaara stop by. My only fear is what will Mia feel when her only friend goes away...

This was a month before the village was destroyed...

"Month XXX Day 70: I write this as the village is under siege, Mia, Haku if either of you survive this I want you both to protect this with your life. It was given to me by my father, I know I was never open about my past and I knew eventually I would have to explain everything to you. I had hoped I would have had more time with you...Yuto and I loved you both with all of our hearts. Mia...I know you felt as if you never belonged but this is your home as is the Sand Village. When I had been your age I had the dream of becoming the Kazekage of my village. I met Kakashi so soon after that that dream faded away into the back of my mind as we had you. To protect you and your brother had been my new dream, so with these last words I impart to you the secrets of my Wind Style that my father had taught me. Tiger, Bird and Eagle...with this fan, use it to whip up sandstorms...The rest you will have to learn on your own. Please forgive me my beloved children for not showering you with unconditional love when I had the chance."

After that entry the journal ended and I could see a small amount of blood on the page. I could feel the blurring of tears as I looked over those entries. My mother had always loved and wanted to protect me. She knew what was happening to me and did everything in her power to try to help me but I pushed her away.

"Mom..." I shut the journal and held it to my chest.

"Mia..." Temari bent down next to me. Okami was looking up at me as well with sad eyes. I swiped the tears away and put the journal in my bag.

"I'll be okay...but my mom mentioned a fan, there's no fan here..." I muttered as I looked in the hole to see if there was something else.

"Try the hand signs on the journal, maybe with the last of her strength she put the fan inside." Temari suggested. I gave her a small nod.

Tiger, Bird, Eagle...

I placed my hand on the journal and watched as it glowed. we all had to shield our eyes as the light got brighter. When it faded on the ground where the journal had been was a beautiful silver fan.

"This fan..." I muttered and grabbed it, the metal despite being cold filled me with warmth.

"Its beautiful." Temari stated as she grabbed the box. "We should probably let the storm pass before we head back." I was about to agree with her when Shei popped into my head.

With that fan you have the power to drive back the storm.

"Wait what?!" I demanded.

Your mother had the ability to control wind with that fan, if you focus hard enough you can drive back any storm.

"What is it, Mia?" Temari asked a little surprised at my sudden outburst.

"I have to see something." I rushed with the fan to the entrance of the cave. The blizzard was harsh and I couldn't see anything ahead of us.

"Mia what are you doing?" I opened the fan and looked out at the storm.

Mom...I don't know if I'll be as good as you were, but I promise you that your dream of becoming Kazekage will live on inside of me as I support Gaara. Your dying wish for us to live, I will make it come true!

I swung the fan out and watched as the storm slowly dissipated into nothing.

"What did you just-?"

"Shei told me my mother had the ability to use this fan to drive away any storm. I had always wondered why we never had any winter storms. I see now my mother probably used this fan to drive them away..."

"A fan that can drive away storms...I've never heard of such a thing, but you just did it."

"We can talk about this more later, let's get back home before Gaara comes looking for us himself." I chuckled.

"Yeah...then I'll get an earful." Temari rolled her eyes.

I finally got the closure I had been looking for...

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