
By Godslittlelight

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This is a story told from a guy's perspective of a dating violence relationship. Relationships do matter when... More

Sweet Abby
About Broken
The Beginning
Rotational What?
Salts and Light
Who's Got Talent?
Slide Royalty
Call Me Maybe
Bro Battling Stars
Black and White
EHHHHHH Macaroni!!

Show Time

52 6 3
By Godslittlelight

POV: Gabe

I can't believe it's the "big night"... This is Soo awesome, yet it's nerve racking!! I can't believe I am actually doing this. What if they laugh? What if.... No I am going to do great.... Joey has told me multiple times that I am doing amazing. I might not believe it, but if that brother says so, then I must be ok. We are a band of brothers and we stick together.

We are Yellow Cavalier, and we..... Are named after Caleb's dads car. I laugh at this idea and it's too funny. I think we were either tired or five guys just aren't good at coming up with names. Either way the girls love it. The guys seem to enjoy the attention, but I only have one girl on my mind. Abby is soo sweet and she is a Christian. Sometimes she can be a bit "feisty" but that's only when others pick on me. She says she's only looking out for me, and I feel safe.

Those guys that have picked on me in elementary and beat me up haven't even thought about doing again. They have even came up to me and told me that they were sorry. I even invited them to youth group. They gladly accepted and it's amazing what God has done with them. We aren't as close as my "brothers" are, but they are friends. I would occasionally get that "friendly shove" from them, but we all know they are joking.

We seem to look out for each other. I even found out that the "leader" Bobby has an older brother that picks on him. He was always tired and couldn't think during the day. He said that he didn't mean to take his anger out on me. He couldn't control it and didn't know what to do. He is glad now that I invited him, and he is doing a lot better. He is now trying to convince his brother to come.

Like how can there NOT be a God after seeing this happen? My worst enemy has turned into a very good friend.

Well I lost my train of thought as Alan tells us to come and warm up. Joey says, "Alan I already have a jacket on and don't you think we will be warm enough from the lights on stage?" Chad(dy) grabs him and gives him a noogie. "Really dude?" Joey complains...

"Alright you two break it up, or you will get us all in treble," Alan commands.

"But Alan I thought you were all about that bass," Joey answers. Chad let's go as he is laughing and we all laugh. People look at us like we are crazy, but I don't think we care. It feels nice to have "brothers" that care about each other and then make each other laugh (sometimes at each other).

"You guys are on in five," we hear another kid say.

I was starting to get nervous when I look over and see her in a sparkly cowgirl outfit. She has her violin in her hand and her and Kelsey are warming up. The two look SOO much alike with the matching outfits and long beautiful auburn hair, but I could pick out Abby in a heartbeat. She is so different from any other girl. She gets a little frustrated when she had hit a wrong note, but Kelsey was there and she placed a hand on Abby's arm saying it's going to be alright. Abby calmed down and looked happy to have a friend.

Chad looks at me and I it took me a minute to see he was waving his hand in front of me, "What was that?" I ask.

"I saaaaid. Are you ready to pray before the big show?" Chad gives me a smirk... He knows. All four do.

"Oh yeah definitely!" I say.

All five of us huddle in and Alan starts the prayer. We all take a turn saying our prayers and I can say that I definitely felt something. I felt it in my heart. I know God will calm my nerves on that stage. I feel it.

We walk on stage and Alan says into his mic as we pull out the stools next to the piano, "Hello everyone, we our band is called the Yellow Cavalier."

The teacher in front nodded and I guess that was the signal for us to go.

Joey plays piano. We all sing and I notice that some kids in the audience are wide eyed and it makes me feel kind of good. I am at more of an ease now. I think I might enjoy this singing thing. (It might even impress Abby am I right?)

no no no... Gabe just wait. If she is the one for you God will show it. Just let it go for now and enjoy the music.

I don't even notice when the song is over. I must have gotten lost in the music. It felt amazing. I love it!!! All four guys stand, so I do the same.

We turn around and face the crowd screaming out... Screaming our name. When I thought I would run, I chose to stay, and I now I can say that I lived through my first performance with my brothers. This is a life changing moment for me. I feel these the guys and I will change many hearts if we have God by our side.

Even with the spotlights us I think the real light belongs to the one who gave us our voices. With His words in our music, we can change lives forever....

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