Deny The Destiny ✔️

By feynnrhyzz

787 114 50

Who said that life is boring? .. I would rather say it's full of new surprises and turns, that one could not... More

Chapter- 3
chapter- 5
chapter- 6
chapter -7
chapter- 8
chapter- 9
chapter- 10
chapter- 11
chapter- 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter- 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter- 22
Chapter - 23

Chapter- 4

58 4 4
By feynnrhyzz

Rosella's POV

There was darkness all around. Not even a single ray of light, frightening like hell.

"Rosellaaa....." I heard a low whisper near my ears as if something passed near by me.
It was so dark that I couldn't see anything.
A cold wave hit me, making me shiver.

"Who is there?" I was freaking out. I didn't knew where was I. I stood there fully naked.
No reply.

I walked in forward direction, wrapping my arms around chest to prevent some amount of cold gust.
There was nothing, not even a single sound.
Pin - drop silence......

"Rosellaaa......" I heard the whisper again.
"Curre....." The voice was so low that it appeared more like hissing.
A chill ran down my spine.
It was so cold that I was about to freeze.

All of sudden, sound of footsteps came from my behind.
Advancing towards me.... more ....more and more .........

I started running. Faster as my legs could bear.....
My mind went blank......

Suddenly, I felt no ground under my legs... I was falling....
Deeper and deeper.......
I cried for help.....
There was nothing except complete darkness.....

Suddenly I stopped, standing on my feet now. Surprisingly there was no jerk as if I was hanged in the middle.

I saw a light ray penetrating the darkness. Firstly it was a point, but as the time passed it grew bigger and bigger........

Now it was like a big blue light source.
Is it a star??!!

I was scared to death. I screamed as loud as I can.

Beep beep ........ Beep beep.....
The alarm rang..
I startled and woke up from the bed.
It was a dream??!!!
I was still scared to death and not in a position to utter a single word.

I was sweating profusely instead of the air conditioner working for the whole night.....

I rushed to the washroom, and washed my face, and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

What was that dream?!! That darkness!! That blue light!!

I was still so horrified and confused. I went back near my bed and sat there, checking the time.
Shit!! It was already 7:30 AM, I will be late.

Quickly I shook off all the thoughts and did my morning routine as fast as I can and dressed up quickly. It was not so warm outside so I decided to wear some more layers of clothes.

I chose a black loose hoodie with a black jeans, as comfort is a priority to me.

People often asked me why I dressed so simple even after being so rich......
The real reason is a strange birthmark that was there on my lower back on the left side.
I did not wanted to attract unnecessary attention to that, so I prefer to dress simply and also something that could cover it.

By the way one of the main reason is also that I'm a lazy person and keeping up with sophisticated accessories is not my thing.

I kept my hair open and did the simple basic makeup package, which included mascara, lip gloss and some foundation. I avoid heavy makeup as it felt like a blanket against my skin and also you can say that I'm naturally beautiful.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs, lost in my own thoughts. I didn't talked much during the breakfast also, which obviously concerned mom and dad as they have always seen me happy and cheerful.

It was already 8 now. I had to hurry up otherwise I will be late, but I couldn't find Garry.
Where was he??

"Mom, where's Garry?" I asked her while heading towards my car.
"He went for the football practice early."
"Oh I see." He went early! Whoa! It's must be hard for him to get up early.
I chuckled at my own thought.

On the way to school I stopped by a coffee shop as I was feeling very tired.
Maybe because I cannot sleep well at night......

I was standing at the counter in the queue, just then I heard my name again. It was the same voice as in my dream. I froze at my position.
What's that?!!!

This shit was getting wierd day by day. I might become mad because of this. I couldn't understand what was going on......

It was my turn, I took my coffee cup and headed towards my car. Just then heard a loud growl came out of no where.

Wtf was that??!!
It was like only I can hear that growl, all the people around me wandered as they were doing before.
Did they not hear the growl??!

Again a loud growling sound came. I quickly went out of the shop and ran towards my car.
The sound of growling came again and now even louder.
I was freaking out.

I quickly got inside the car and started it, Pushed the accelerator and speeded off the road. I took out my phone and called Emilia.
I needed someone with whom I can share what I was going through.
The bell was going..... No answer......
I again dialed her number......
But before she can pick up the call I again heard a loud growl and this time it was very loud as if the object or animal creating that sound was right next to me.
My phone dropped down on the car's floor.....
I didn't know if she picked the call or not, but I just needed help right now... That's all I knew at that moment......

I pushed the accelerator even harder, my car was almost on the verge of taking off the ground.

Just then I saw a bright light in front of my car that came out of no where..... I lost my balance. The car skidded.
It went straight and hit in a tree. Fortunately, the air bags came at the right time otherwise I would be seeing god by this time.

I quickly opened the door and went out. I layed down on the ground on all my fours gasping for air.

The car was damaged wholly. I started to feel nauseatic and it was very uncomfortable. I could barely breathe. I was loosing my consciousness, vision getting blur by the passing second.

I laid on the ground faced up. My eyes were getting closed gradually.
Just then I felt someone's hand. With much effort I opened my eyes and saw a blur figure in front of me....
I wanted to speak.....
" W.....wwh .......who Tt..." I tried really hard but nothing seemed to work.

"Shhh.... Calm down. I'm with you." I felt a hand gliding through my face. It was a male's voice.

Wtf?! Who is he?
Then I heard other noises around me.
"I told you not to leave her side. This is not tolerable." The voice was so commanding and yet so scary. I heard a growl from inside the person holding me.

"I didn't knew that she would come here. I will accept my punishment."
Wait, Is this Emilia??!!
What was she apologizing for??!!

After that I heard a lot of noises, as if many people were discussing something, but the person holding me was firm and didn't moved an inch....

Next, I heard a loud cry.....
It was of Emilia.....
I wanted to scream.
How can someone touch my best friend??!!
I will rip that person apart.

Suddenly, that person picked me up in his arms and started walking.

"Shh... It's alright. You're now safe." I heard that person's voice again. It was not like before, his voice now softened, a little seductive and more concerned.

It was the last thing I can remember, after that I was unconscious.

Ahh..!! So much noise..
Who was interrupting my sleep?!!

I removed the blanket, and sat right up. It was strange that I felt more energetic and enthusiastic that morning.

Wait!! It's not my room.
Where am I?!

I tried to recall all the past events......

School..... Starbucks....... Growl..... Accident...... The Voice........ Emilia!!!!!

It was like a flashback that ran through my mind. I freaked out..... Where am I?
What happened to Emilia?!

Suddenly I heard a noise from outside the door...
" Prince, are you sure that the Elixir will work?" Said one person.
"Yes, I do believe it will work." Said a familiar masculine voice.
I don't know why but somehow I'm attracted to it naturally.

Then I heard the doorknob twisting, I immediately pulled up the blanket. Then I saw Emilia coming in with a trolley.
I was so relieved at her sight!!
I quickly got off the bed and rushed to her.
"Oh my! Are you alright?" I held her in my arms and checked out her hands if there were any marks or else.

She smiled broadly....
"Yes babe...I'm alright. You must worry about yourself now. " She freed herself from me and pushed the trolley near the bed.

She indicated me to sit there, but I wanted to ask her many questions.
"Where is this place?" I asked her while she was taking out the food from inside the tray and serving it to me.
No reply......
"Em where am I?" I asked more sternly.
"You're exactly where you are meant to be."

What?!! What did she just say?!! Honestly I can't understand what she says.
She's like a mystery.

She handed me the plate and stood there.
" You need nutrition Rose."
Now that's enough.... Atleast she can answer my questions...

I kept the plate at the side and went near Em.
"What is this place Em? Why am I here? Where are mom and dad and Garry? What happened earlier?" I said all of it one breath.
" Woah girl! Easy easy! You will get to know everything soon, but first go freshen up, you were sleeping for last 3 days."

What?! 3days!
"3 days ? Are you kidding?" My eyes widened in shock.

"No Rose. It's true." She left the trolley there and went near the gate.
She turned back and winked at me.....
"And as of your parents, they're here. Come fast we all are waiting." Then she left. Leaving me in utter shock.
How can she be so casual?!

For the first time now I looked all around the room I was staying in.

There was a huge chandelier in the middle of the room. It had a little bit of pink texture, and as it was glowing I must say it was the most beautiful chandelier I have seen in my whole life.

The walls had a mixture of light brown, brick red and blood red colours. The curtains were  white and red.
It looked so elegant.

Also, there were a pair of couch which were again of red and black colour.

I think the owner of this room loves red colour. Also it was scary to think that why would a normal man would like red colour?!
Blood is also red, right!!

The bed was majestic, with pink bedsheets on it. The sheets were made of the softest cloth on the Earth.

I loved the room!. But it was not mine.
I sighed at the thought.

Then, I noticed that Emilia had kept some clothes on the bed.
When did she kept that??

Fast...... Ehhh??

I went to the bathroom. Did all the routine work and came out in a bathrobe.
I started dressing myself.

I picked up the clothes that Em left for me. It was a dress.

What a beautiful dress!!
So elegant and pretty. I took off the bathrobe and started dressing up.
Suddenly, my eyes went down to my waist.
What was that black design over there??!!
I checked it in the mirror.

Wtf!! My birthmark has changed, bigger, beautiful and elegant. It seemed more like a tattoo or a symbol. I stared at it for sometime and see I can understand it a little bit. It's like a circle entangled by three loops.

It's a symbol I heard of, but couldn't remember at the moment. It had a meaning. For now I decided to hide the symbol and go on like before, normal.

I wore the dress that was kept there. It was a yellow sleeveless dress reaching top till the neck and curved in a choker form. I finished dressing up myself.

Then I heard a knock at the door.
"Rose can I come in? Are you done? " It was Emilia.
"Yeah. I'm ready." I replied.

She came in .
"Come let's go." She held my hands lightly.
"But where? " I'd didn't know where I was, I didn't know what I'm doing here and now Em is taking me to go some random place with her and that also without telling me.

"To meet your parents." She replied. Her face was as expressionless as pumpkin.

"Really....." I was so happy at that moment. Dad and mum are here.

Then she pulled lightly and I followed her.
We came outside the room...

It's not a house....... Mann!!! It's a damn castle.

I noticed two men standing outside my room. They bowed to Em as we moved forward. Then we came in huge corridor, it was like a 500 metre long royal walk. Brick red coloured walls, with many taxidermy's  on each side.
The area was accurately lit. Men standing on both the sides at almost 10 metre distance from each other.
They all wore the same kind of costume, it was more like a fighting costume....
As we marched forward, all the men standing there bowed to Em, in a line.

Woah!! Her aura was damn authoritative.

Then we reached the main area. It was so big that thousand men can easily fit in it.

My eyes went straight to my parents who were sitting at the couch. I was at the entrance, so I could see only their side profile. They were talking to someone. I couldn't actually see his face, I could only see the back of his head.

Em took me closer to them. I was overwhelmed by their sight.

Gosh!! I missed them so much.

I went straight to Dad and hugged him, mom caressed my face. I wanted to melt in her touch....
Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Rosella how are you now?" It was the same voice that saved me..... I remembered that softness and concern.

I turned........
Wtf!! This was the hot guy back from the school!!!!!!!!!
He saved me!!!!

He was looking totally different from that in the school. Why is he dressed so extravagantly??!!

"William Jones..." The words slipped automatically from my mouth.
He smirked....
"Ohh... So you remember me?" He asked politely.

Is he a model?!! How can he look so damn hot?
He wore a tight black shirt, perfectly outlining his abs, a black vest and black pants.
He was sitting at couch so majestically, staring right through my soul.

It was the first time that I saw him this close. His eyes were yellow, it were as bright as the sun .......

I was staring at him foolishly...
"Rosella, This is prince William." Said my father. Then, I got suddenly aware of the situation....... It's was so embarrassing.
My face turned red..... I could notice that the corner of his turned in an evil sense.

His smile.... He's a male god... I must say.

Mom shaked me....
"Rose why are you so quiet?? Honey are you not well yet?"
"Ahh... No mom. I'm okay now." I replied back with a smile.

"Rose meet him. This is prince William." My dad said again, specially emphasising on the 'prince' word.

I turned to him. I forwarded my hand as a gesture for handshake.
"Hi William. I'm Rosella parker." I said confidentially.
He smirked and through actions gestured everyone to move out of the room, then he also forwarded his hand and met mine. He patted it with other hand and stood up.

I turned around and noticed that everyone was moving out even my parents.
"Dad mom where are you going?"
No answer.....

The grip on my hand tightened.
" Rose they are just out for a work..." Again his voice.....
I don't know what happens to me when I hear his voice.... It's like a wave of joy and pleasure.. and completeness that surrounds me.
I turned... He was standing so close to me. Our lips were an inch apart. My hands still in his and his eyes staring at me. I immediately stepped back.

Gosh!! What was that!!
I pulled off my hand.
"Don't be afraid. I'll not hurt you." He said giving a broad smile.

"I'm not afraid. And why will I be afraid of you? Don't you know I'm a black belt."
He laughed like a cheerful child.

Did I say something funny??!!

" Yeah yeah I know. My strong girl." Hardly able to control his laughter.

Ahh shake it off....
"Did you saved me last time?" I asked him.
His facial expressions changed. So stern and serious now....

Gosh!! Duality at its peak!!

"Yes Rose." He replied and then smiled softly.
"Why? Why did you save me?"
His smile gone now.
" I will always protect you Rose." He slightly picked my hand and brushed his lips over the back of my hand.
It sent chills down my spine.

I shivered.....
He smirked at my reaction, and then let my hands go.

"Umm... What  happened that day?"
" Not a big deal...." He said while breaking our eyecontact. He went near the bar which was at the corner of the area....

"What would you like to drink?"
"Umm.... I'm full. I just had breakfast."
"Oh okay.." Then he clapped his hands two times and all the people who went outside came there.

Through the garden window I saw Emilia talking to one boy.
Is that David??
She was blushing....
Ohh my my... She got the one ....

Then dad went to William and discussed something with him.....
"Rose you have to stay here from now on...." He said while turning towards me.
"What... Why??!!" I was shocked.
"Umm ... Actually..... "

Then my mother cut off  and said "honey it's for your own safety."
"But mom how can I live here and most importantly why would I?"

"Rose because it's important. If again something happened to you and what if we couldn't save you?!" Dad said.
"Nothing will happen. I'm totally safe with you guys I know."

Then he stopped saying anything and went again near William.

"Yes James. You can but remember if anything happens to her you will be held responsible. If next time there will be any attack then I will do anything so that I can save her......" Then William glanced at me and smiled after that he went out if that area.

Attack??!! Why is William so concerned for me?!

That day we came back home, met Garry and had dinner. Then, we all went to sleep.

For next two days I couldn't got to school because dad asked me to stay home and rest. For the past two days I haven't experienced anything unusual except seeing William very often in my dreams and that too staring at me.

After like 2 days I was bored at home, so I asked dad to let me go to school.

He made a phonecall then and told me to wait for 15 minutes and then he allowed me to go with a condition that I will always stay by Emilia or William's side, and will not talk to strangers.

I asked both dad and mom many times what was going on and why did they went to William's home but the only answer they gave was that I will get to know everything with time.

Surprisingly after that terrific accident there was not even a single scratch on my body. I felt as fresh as before and it seemed like nothing had ever happened to me.

After asking for the permission to go to school I went upstairs to get ready. The whole time I was thinking of William and the small moment when our eyes met. Everytime I think of it, I blushed.

I quickly freshened up and went to select my clothes.
I chose a pink stripped t-shirt, blue denim and a denim jacket.

Dad specially came that day to leave me to the school and let me go when he saw Em.

Gosh!! It was damn confusing. What the hell is going on??
And why are they not telling me anything??

I started to get frustrated.
I need to know many things, that happened to me.

I went to Em.
"Em what's going on? Please tell me if you know....."
"Umm... Rose, I will but not here. You see it's a crowded place." She smiled apologetically while shrugging her shoulders.

"Okay.... But you will tell me for sure."
"Yeah babe for sure."

Then we chatted for a little and then went to our classes.
It was Miss. Fressia's french class. She's a humble mid-aged lady with Bob cut hairs, complexion on a little darker side and always with small smile on her lips always.

Many students loved her because of her nature and I was also included among these students...

The class started and she explained the basic grammar.

"So here our chapter ends..... Children and for homework you must revise today's topic."

The whole class sang 'YES' in a chorus.

She laughed.
"Ahh.... One more thing students. Our school is organising a trip to Mount McKinley for 5 days. I hope that you all will participate in that."

"When?" One boy asked from the other side of the classroom.
"Umm..... I think it's from the next Monday."
Wow!!! All the children were very excited and most of them were hooting.

"Em will you go?" She was sitting there in a deep thought.
"Umm..... I'm not sure."
"Please come....... We will enjoy a lot."
I convinced her alot.

"Oh girl... Why are you so stubborn." She smiled sympathetically.
I knew she agreed and I smirked at my little accomplishment.
"But at one condition......."
She waited for my reply but I  was too happy to listen to any excuses or conditions.

"Yes yes..... Agreed" I said enthusiastically.
"But ..... First listen....."
I cut off her speech and took her hand and bolted towards the canteen as it was the mid break.


This is all for this chapter....

Do comment and tell me your views on the story.....😉

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