Picture Perfect (Chris Brown...

Από BlvckDivmond

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Vashtie Carter is a 22 year old photographer born and raised in Albany New York. She's a tom boy at heart and... Περισσότερα

1. [Awkward Encountering]
2. [Texts From -C]
3. [So ... It's A Date?]
4. [Something In This Liquor]
6. [Paparazzi]

5. [Secret Admirer]

458 28 18
Από BlvckDivmond

Vashtie Carter

"So you guys didn't have sex?"

I rolled my eyes for about the fifth time since Dayjah called. She sounded almost disappointed that nothing happened between Chris and I. What happened with Chris was so uncalled for, I never planned on getting drunk. I don't ever drink like that but I guess I felt like I had to be spontaneous and step out of my shell to have a good time. I don't regret it at all but I just hope Chris doesn't think I'm like that all the time. Maybe I should clear it up with him later.

"No we didn't Dayjah. And what have I told you about calling while I'm at work?" I quizzed with my eyebrow raised as if she could even see me. I only had a few minutes left of work, but as soon as I was done I knew Dayjah was going to be at home, waiting for me at the door.

"Sorry, I'm just bored. When are you coming home?" She asked with a loud yawn straight after.

"Soon. Now get off my phone before you get me fired"

I hung up and sighed looking at the massive amount of work I had to sort through. When did my passion, that is photography, become so stress filled and tedious?

I love my job a lot but by the way things are going, me running out of ideas, having no muse and just down right being bored, I was going to quit anytime soon. Before I was hired for this job I used to take photos of anything and everything. The lake by my house was my go to spot to capture nature at its finest. But now it seems as though everything I capture has to be organised and planned out. There's not fun in that at all.

"Knock knock" Linda called out as she barged into my box of an office. It'd make more sense if she actually knocked on my door instead of saying the words knock knock, but I'm not going to voice my opinion because that would lead to me being fired.

"What's up?"

Linda made her way over to my cluttered desk and perched on the side of it. It wasn't till she fully entered my office that I realised that August, one of my colleagues, was standing right at the threshold of the door. I've seen his work and he likes to delve more into the abstract side of photography, kind of like myself.

"I know you've been struggling with work lately, I won't hold that against you since magazines aren't your forte" she spoke with a raised eyebrow. She knew all of this but still urged that I do the front cover knowing full well that other people who worked here knew the ins and outs of creating the best front cover possible. "So with that being said, I asked Mr Alsina over here to work with you and you know, let your creative juices flow between each other"

I looked up at August who still stayed put at the door. He looked so nervous he barely even made eye contact with me or at least crack a smile. We've both been working here together for a while and not once have I seen him utter a single word.

"Oh okay. That's completely fine" I answered, my eyes still fixed on August. His sheepish behaviour was making me want to know all about him. I heard that the quiet ones always say the most interesting things.

"Perfect" she chimed clasping her hands together, a broad smile spread across her face. "I'll leave you two to it" she finally exited, closing the door on the way out.

As soon as I heard the click of the door, an awkward silence filled the room. Why was he being so quiet and antisocial.

"You can have a seat, if you want to" I offered. He shifted from foot to foot before briefly glancing at me and walking over to the seat I gestured to. I watched him as he placed all his things on the spare empty desk that was in front of him. I noticed that his hands were slightly shaking as he arranged his sheets of paper and he was barely making eye contact with me. I know I'm not the prettiest girl but was I that bad that it's so hard for him to look at me?

Once he finished getting situated I took that as an opportunity to introduce myself. "Well since we're going to be working together now I think it would make sense to know more about each other" I said with a smile. He just simply nodded his head, not looking up from the desk in front of him. My smile soon turned to a frown and I quickly cleared my throat, brushing the awkward feeling that surged through me to the side.

"My name's Vashtie by the way or just V if you have problems pronouncing it"

"Vashtie Carter, I know who you are" he said. His voice was quite deep and it held an accent that I couldn't quite recognise. But at least he was finally saying something which was a good start.

"Oh how did you know my full name if we haven't spoken yet?" I asked.  He quickly glanced at me and began fiddling with his fingers. It was like it was hard for him to hold eye contact with me but I wasn't going to call him out for it. Some people hate that they can't hold eye contact with people they don't know so I wasn't going to bring it up.

"Uh, d-don't worry about that" he stuttered and I raised my eyebrow at him.

The company I worked for was big so it was possible to be unaware of every single person who worked here, August and I haven't encountered each other yet so I wasn't sure how he knew my full name.

"Well, okay then" I muttered. "So I assume Linda has told you about my assignment"

He quickly nodded his head clasping his hands on top of the desk.

"Have you got any ideas?"

August Alsina

I hated the fact that I couldn't make eye contact with her, which doesn't even make sense because when you see a beautiful girl, all you want to do is stare.

How could one be so incredibly beautiful?

I swear if I had the nerve I would've asked her out by now. But she probably thinks I'm a creep because I find it so difficult to speak around her.


I was pulled out my own thoughts by hearing the beautiful voice of Vashtie. I glanced up at her, meeting her enticing hazel eyes that managed to glisten even in the dimly lit room.

"Yeah?" I asked as she giggled causing a smile to briefly form on my face. Even her laugh was beautiful.

"I said, have you got any ideas?" She asked again smiling cutely at me. I glanced down at the desk looking at my template for the front cover of the magazine. Linda had me trying to do that task as well which I had no interest in. I preferred the abstract side of photography. Or waiting by the lake at 8pm to capture the exact moment the sun goes down and get that beautiful reddish pink colour in the sky. That's what I was into, not Vogue magazine.

"I have a few ideas" I muttered shuffling through my templates. My breath hitched in my throat once I saw Vashtie stand from her seat. She was making her way over to me and I couldn't help but stare at her body as she sauntered to me. I looked at her from head to toe, everything about her was just perfection. It even seemed like she was moving in slow motion as she walked.

She stood directly behind where I sat, looking over my shoulder at my ideas. I could feel her minty breath on my neck and I could smell her vanilla fragrance. I could barely breath with how close she was to me.

"Wow, this is amazing" she exclaimed making me feel a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

"Thank you. These are just a few rough ideas though I haven't really got a real outcome" I muttered as she came around and stood in front of me so I was forced to look at her.

"But seriously, these are better than I could've ever come up with" she smiled staring at me deep in my eyes. I was getting lost in her bright eyes, I couldn't even reply to what she said.

"August, are you okay?" She questioned placing her soft small hand on top of mine and looking at me with eyes full of concern.

I snatched my hand away from hers without thinking and moved back in my seat. I didn't mean to startle her but I wasn't expecting her touch, I wasn't ready for physical contact with her just yet.

"Uh yeah. I'm f-fine" I muttered, shaking my head at myself for stuttering. She probably thinks I'm a creep now.

"Are you sure?" She pushed and I quickly glanced up at her before looking back at the table again nodding my head. "Can we just get on with this please?"

She slowly nodded her head and looked down at her fiddling fingers. I could tell I offended her because of the frown that slowly settled of her face. The last thing I wanted to do was upset.

"Let me see some of your ideas" I asked, for once initiating the conversation. She nodded as she got up to grab her stuff from her desk. As she walked away to grab her stuff I couldn't help but look down at her ass. I mean who wouldn't, she was carry the most perfect body I had seen. She came back around and placed all her work in front of me and I slowly looked through it.

"They're okay I guess, but I feel like I'm missing something" she trailed off as I nodded continuing to stare at her work.

"Maybe you can add your spin to it to make it a little better"


"Are you done?" Vashtie asked for the fifth time. I could tell she was getting pretty restless but when I work, I like to take my time with it to make sure everything is perfect.

"No, not yet" I chuckled as she sighed picking her body off of my desk and moving to hers.

As soon as she sat down, her phone began to ring.

"Hello" I glanced at her as she smiled, swaying back and forth in her chair. I wonder who she was talking to to make her blush like that.

Vashtie Carter

"So are we still on for today?" Chris asked through my phone and I couldn't help but blush hearing his voice again. Even though I've only met him once I liked the way he was able to make me be spontaneous and do things I never usually do. Dayjah had always hated the fact that I never took risks and I'm always playing things safe.

"Of course" I chimed as I subconsciously played with the loose tendrils of my curly hair that had fallen out of my ponytail.  His voice was making me feel so frivolous and airy inside.

"Okay, dress up though. I liked what we did the last time we hung out but I think we should do sometimes less ... spur of the moment" he chuckled lightly and I blushed quickly, memories of last night coming to mind.

"Sure, but we're are we going?"

"Just dinner. I'll pick you up at 7" he said before quickly hanging up. I pulled my phone away from my ear and looked at the screen. The time read 5:30pm and I swear I almost screamed.

"Shit!" I cursed, leaping out of my seat and trying to neatly, and quickly grasp all my stuff and shove it into my small satchel.

"Are you okay?" I stopped what I was doing looking up to see August with a bemused expression on his face. I almost forgot that he was in the room.

"Sorry to cut all this short but I have to go" I replied, continue to shove my work into my bag.

"Oh, you don't want to finish this with me?" His voice came out soft and when I looked up to meet his eyes, he had a forlorn look plastered on his face.

"How about you come to my office tomorrow and we can continue to work on it?" I offered as he let out a deep sigh and shrugged. But he still looked a little downcast.

"I'm sorry, something just came up and-"

August chuckled lightly cutting me off. "It's okay Vashtie. I get it" he interjected as I blushed slightly out of embarrassment.

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow"

I quickly opened the door and ripped down the hallway trying not to catch anyone attention. If I spotted Linda there was no way I was going to get home on time because, she loves to talk.

Making my way out into the humid air, I unlocked my door and chucked my bag into the passenger side, whipping my phone out at the same time.

I quickly dialled Dayjah's number and waiting for her to pick up.

"Yello?" She answered as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What? Since when did you start answering the phone like that?"

"Since I saw some girl do it on TV, how did I sound?" She chimed as I rolled my eyes.

"Great" I deadpanned. "Anyways to the reason I calle-"

"Tell me I sounded awesome or I'm hanging up" she interjected. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I really don't have time for this right now.

"You sounded awesome Dayjah. But look-"

"Thanks boo!" She yelled. I was so close to throwing my phone straight out of the window.

"Cut me off one more time"

"Sorry" she giggled slightly as I leaned back in my seat.

"Anyways, like I was trying to say, are you at my house right now?"

"Yeah, I've been waiting for you to come home all morning, I'm bored and Trey has been in the studio all morning too" she complained.

"Okay good. Stay there because I'm going to need your advice soon"

"I told you already Vashtie, it's better to ride than to lay on your-"

"I'm not talking about that advice!" I grimaced trying to get the nasty thought Dayjah just planted in my mind out.

"I'm talking about clothes. Chris is picking me up at 7 for a date" I cheesed, I knew she'd be able to hear the excitement in my voice.

"A date? Wow. And you did that all without my help"

"I never needed you help in the first place. Just be there when I get home"

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the door" she said as I laughed and hung up.

I few minutes later I was pulling up in my driveway and sure enough, Dayjah was sitting on the porch swing with a tub of ice cream in her lap. As soon as she noticed me parking she put the tub to the side and ran barefoot up to my car.

"What kinda time do you call this!" She asked incredulously while banging on my window. I furrowed my eyebrow and turned the engine off.

"What're you talking about?"

"You're date is in an hour and you're only pulling up now! Girl, get yo' ass out the car"

She literally dragged me out the car and up the stairs to the house. She dragged through the hallway until we reached my bedroom.

"Okay, you get in the bathroom and I'll pick your outfit out" she ordered before marching out.

I wrapped my hair up so I wouldn't get wet and quickly started washing up. After I was done I lotioned and put on some underwear and waited for Dayjah in my bedroom.

Dayjah Anthony

I walked back into Vashtie's room holding the outfit I wanted her to wear. I knew she was going to complain about it "not being her style" but if I did let her wear something she liked, she'd end up going on her date with sweatpants on.

"Here's the outfit" I said holding up the fabric as I searched for her reaction to it.

She tilted her head to the left and squinted her eyes then tilted her head to the right before smiling wide.

"Now before you say anything just try it, you never know to might like it"

"I do like it" she chimed.

"No really just try it on firs- wait what did you say?"

She giggled and looked at me, standing up and taking the dress out of my hand. "I said I like it. I'm going to put it on"

She took the dress out of my hand and slipped it on with ease, she walked over to her mirror and looked at her reflection. I could tell by the look on her face that she felt good in this dress. As she should because she looked beautiful in it. It was like it was tailored just for her.

"Wow" she whispered. "Where did you find this dress?" She asked her hazel eyes locked with mine and I smiled looking down at the dress, analysing the way it hugged her body.

"Oh I just had it laying around" I lied. I actually bought that dress for her recently. I was going to set a whole blind date up with her and Chris but I guess she didn't really need my help. Plus I did vow to stay out of her love life, no matter how difficult that was for me.

"Okay so that's it, I'll just put those shoes on and wait downstairs" she said. As she was about to reach the door nob and leave I laughed obnoxiously loud and grabbed her shoulder leading her to the vanity table.

"Very funny V. I'm doing your hair and makeup" I demanded as she frowned.

"You know I don't like wearing makeup" she said looking at me through the vanity mirror and I rolled my eyes.

"A little bit won't kill you"


So I decided to straighten Vashtie hair. She wasn't too happy about it at first but she soon got over it. As for her makeup, I kept it very minimal and naturally looking. Just a bit of eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.

"So, what do you think?" I asked as I watched her through the mirror. She leaned in and looked at her face in the mirror and by the way the smile appeared of her face, I could already tell that she liked.

"It's nice, and natural looking" she said as she finger combed through her now straight hair.

Just then the door bell started to ring.

"Oh my god, oh my god. He's here!" Vashtie stood up and frantically ran around the room.

"Relax, geez" I laughed as she stopped moving and looked at me.

"Now, it's either the heels or the boots" I said holding up both pairs of shoes.

"Well there's no way I'll be able to walk in those heels so-"

"The boots it is"

I watched her as she slipped them on and looked at her outfit once more.

"Now I want you to listen to me and listen to me carefully" I started as Vashtie looked up at me and nodded her head. "Remember to throw it back on him. Guys love that shit"

"Really?" she deadpanned. "Just when I thought you were going to give me some words of encouragement"

"Sorry, I had too. Now go answer the door before he leaves"

Vashtie Carter

I would say I was feeling nervous, but that would be like the understatement of the year. I was completely freaking out. The last time I was on a date, it ended up horrible and I promised that I wasn't going to go on another one. But there was just something about Chris that made me want to say yes to all of this.

As I slowly made my way down the stairs and to the door I looked through the peep hole to make sure it was him.

I swung the door opened and almost died at how good he looked. He was wearing a dress shirt that was buttoned down slightly to where I could see some of the tattoos on his chest. He had on black dress pants and some black loafers.

He just looked so damn good.

"Wow. You look beautiful" he muttered as his eyes roamed all over my body.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself" I joked as he chuckled, who am I kidding, he looks freaking handsome and he probably knows it himself. I blushed deeply and waited for him to say something, too shy to even utter a single word.

"Y'all still here?" Dayjah's loud voice spoke as she came into view. I turned around and widened my eyes at her.

"We were just leaving actually" I said as I placed my hand on Chris' firm chest and backed him out the doorway. I walked out after him and shut the door, saving myself from embarrassment.

"Is this yours?" I asked as I pointed to the matte black Rolls Royce Wraith parked near my driveway.

"Yep. You like?" He asked looked back at me as I trailed behind him to his car.

"No, I love" he chuckled and opened the door for me. I thanked him for opening my door and for comfortable of the red leather seats.

"So where're we going?" I asked once he slide into the car on his side.

"Don't worry about that, baby. Just sit back and enjoy the ride" he spoke as I blushed. His voice sounded so sensual and he didn't even have to try.

I did as he said and sat back looking out the window and seeing everything go by in a blur. Soon the scenery out the window changed and I noticed I was seeing less buildings and city light and more trees. I also hadn't seen a pedestrian walk the streets either.

Now I've watched too many horror stories not to be scared out of my mind right now.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked as he glanced at me then back at the road.

"Y-yeah, why do you ask?" I stuttered as I looked at his side profile, watching the way his dimple sank deeper in his cheek as he smiled wider.

"Because your leg keeps shaking and you keep rocking back and forth" he said stifling a laugh.

I looked down and indeed my leg was bobbing up and down. I didn't even realise I was doing that until he pointed it out. I blushed and looked back at Chris to see his smile still wide and bright.

"Don't worry ma, I ain't gon' hurt you" he reassured.

I blushed even harder and looked out the window again so that he wouldn't see my red face.

"Not yet anyways"

My head snapped in his direction and he laughed hearty and loud. "I'm kidding" he chuckled trying to stifle his laugh so he could speak.

But this time he didn't sound so reassuring.

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