Fast Times At Clairemont High...

By iggykoko

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Without you what's the point? Y/n is a lonely girl, she has a few close friends but has never really felt ful... More



58 2 0
By iggykoko

Your pov



"You know it had been really good to get out a bit, going new places really helps me write more" Vic said as we strolled around some local stores and browsed what they had to offer.

"Yeah I bet it makes a change" I smiled. I glanced around at some small handmade trinkets, which layed in an open market. Small keyrings and little charms lay on small plastic bags on display. On the other side of the market stall, was a woman, maybe 60 ish with long grey hair tied in a low bun, smiling at us proudly. I bet she made all these trinkets herself, they were beautiful. One in particular caught my eye. It looked like a small purple elephant with intricate diamonds placed around it. I guessed they weren't real but that didn't really matter, it had golden ears and I thought to support some small businesses I would buy it. It looked beautiful after all.

I got out my money and payed the sweet lady who made them.
"Thank you so much" she smiled after handing me my change and we went on our merry way.

"You ok with singing on your first show tonight?" Vic asked me as he grasped my free hand.
"I mean... I'm probably gonna fail but I will try for you" I remarked as I gingerly slid my newly bought elephant into a small side bag.
"I have faith in you, you're gonna do great!" He beamed and plastered and genuine grin onto his face.

But for now I didn't have any intention if thinking about tonight's performance. The idea of it made me anxious and the close I got to the time I knew the worst I would be. Vic squeezed me hand letting me know I was safe and I would be ok. I knew deep down I would be but there are always those thoughts you know?

We wondered around such a beautiful, small alley filled with stalls and shops. Each had it own individual personality and things for sale. The walls of the alley were worn, old white paint which once used to cover there peeled off in large chunks. Yet it added to the rustic feel.

"Ooh! What you got there y/n?" I heard Jaime running up behind me as he pounced onto me and Vic. It was at this moment I realised that
"Woah Hime!" I cried out laughing. He must have spied me putting away my newly bought item.

"Oh it's just the cute elephant thing" I grinned pulling it out of the bag.
"Ooh that's cute! I wish I could see a real Indonesian elephant imagine how amazing that would be?!" Jaime rambled on.
"And scary-" Mike chimed in from behind him. Jaime just rolled his eyes. I looked down at him. He was holding two white bags full to the brim of snacks and gifts.ip

"HIME-" I yelled out a bit louder than I probably should have...
"What" he stared at me with a stupid innocent grin.
"What on earth did you buy now" I said swatting his loaded arms lightly.

"Well let's see." He laughed placing down his bags and emptying them.

"In this one we have snacks but in this one we have items" he pulled out a few small items, sparkly keychains, small wirey bracelets and a bright pink bucket hat. Checking back my laughter I glanced at Vic who also had a hysteric look on his face.

"Oiii, don't laugh..."Jaime said a little hurt but also with a grin on his face. I snatched the bright hat out if his hands and plonked it directly onto his head, scruffing up his spiky hair in the process. I took a step back covering my mouth in tears.

"So whatcha think???" He teased giving a twirl.
"Stunning, beautiful, gorgeous" Vic said clapping his hands.
"Thank you" he said content..the contrast of the hot pink hat to his almost mat back outfit made me laugh.

"Cmon guys let's go" I said as we helped Hime pick up his multiple bags from the floor and continue on our way down the alley.

Just like normal after out shopping haul we headed back to our hotel and this time we knew what time to get back. Out show started at 8pm today so we had to be ready. The sky was dim now a few greyish blue clouds illuminated like neon lights reflecting into the sky, but other than that the sun had said his goodbyes and the moon began to come out.

"You know what I'm gonna wear this hat loud and proud on stage today you know why?!" He laughed as he shouted wagging his finger at the rest of us just trying to relax on the beds.
"Because I'm too good for people like you...I'll shake the haters off." He stood up tall puffing out his chest whilst stills wearing the pink hat which was covering his eyes now.
I cringed a little but also stifled back yet another laugh.
"Good for you Jaime." Tony stood up and gave him an awkward fist bump, which made Jaime very happy so he finally sat down satisfied with his purchase.

I was happy to see Tony a bit more relaxed after the whole ordeal with Fitri. Sure he is a little stressed from time to time when he thinks about it, but overall taking a day out for him was nice. He bought some cool new earrings which he seemed happy with. Thanks to Jaime everyone was in a pretty good mood today.

That's the thing with Jaime. If it's one thing he is good at it's brining light-heartedness to any situation. But he also knew when to take things seriously. Honestly, he was such a child but we all loved him nevertheless.

As the time rolled around we made out way to our gig and the guys help me set up.


"We are going to play the two songs you're in and I'll just call you up if that's easier?" Vic said as he adjusted the mic to his petit height.
"Sounds good" I replied trying to keep my calm, I knew if I were to think about to too much I would become overwhelmed. To my best efforts I kept my 'cool'.

They all checked their mics and instruments in the sound check before the kids started to pile in. We had to hide backstage when the fans arrived, that way it was apparently more exciting.

"Besitos is the first one we play so you might aswell come on with us" Vic said as we sat backstage on small black wooden crates. They always started a show with a high energy song to really set the atmosphere for the rest of the show.
"Ok...I got this" I reassured myself smiling at the rest of the guys. They all seemed relaxed enough joking around impatiently. I bounced my legs figuring furiously, all the pent up anxiety in me made me buzz.
"Y/n" Vic placed his hand on my shaking knee.
"Hm?" I looked up off of the spot I had been staring at on the floor, and into his dark brown eyes, which instantly made me feel at home again.
"You're right. You do have this" he winked at me making my heart flutter. He was right I knew I would be ok... The possibilities of me messing up would still continue to haunt me, lingering in the back of my mind despite my best efforts.


"P.T.V P.T.V P.T.V" a huge chorus of jumbled voices chanted, slightly muffled from behind the stage where we waited.
"We go on in a second ok? The lights are going to be out on the stage so we can sneak on without them seeing." Vic said squeezing my shaking hand.
"Ready when you are" I smirked at him.

We clambered out from the hiding spot we were at, Tony leading the way to the stage and the rest of us following in a train like formation. If the lights were in and the kids could see us we would look like total ass hats. A small set of stairs I could slightly see in the dim lighting and the voices grew louder and louder as we made out way to our spaces. I grabbed my mic next to me, still trembling.

The voice in my head was telling me I would be fine. But my heart beat was so loud now It nearly drowned out the voices of the fans.

All of a sudden Vic stuck a chord and Mike started on the drums. Tony began to play the riff for Besitos. The chants turned to screams of appreciation and excitement. It was still dark, I was confused but as soon as Vic spoke the lights flashed on.

The sudden burst of light blinded me, but my eyes quickly adjusted to the new setting revealing a while crowd of people cheering with their hands in the air. It was slightly difficult to make out people's individual expressions and facial structure it was just one big blur. I felt like I was back on the stage at home, with Vic singing bulletproof love to me. But this time I had a role.

"Let'sssss.... GO! I WANNA SEE YOU ROCK HARDDD!!" Vic screamed raspilly into his microphone. Each of them had an instrument I felt sort of awkward holding nothing but as Vic began to sing I felt more calm.

A violin with no hands plays
Symphonies with no words.
A drowning boy with a voice prays someone up there's telling me you.

I found my self darting around the stage losing my fear now, I became immersed in the moment... It was more comfortable than just standing there nervously. The bass shook my bones like it should. As Vic continued to sing I stood on a small black step and mouthed the words staring at Jaime who was immersed in playing the bass. He mouthed them with me as we stared out into the crowd.

Baby leave the water by the bed...for...later.

and I woke up without a single drop...

I sung flawlessly yet I prayed my voice would hold up, but no cracks no nothing. It proves being relaxed in the moment makes your performance 100 times better.

I told myself, I'm tired of holding up your backup plans
Go down your list and be satisfied if all you have is not enough.

Smoothly and effortlessly, Vic sang to the hundreds of fans, who were recording us and yelling the lyrics along with us. Their singing was so loud in fact, I could barely even hear us. As he sung he shot a wink at me letting me know I did good. I felt relieved, although my part was small, it made me feel like I was really part of the band.

Then the song came to an end and we could finally catch a breath from the dancing and yelling.

"I wanna say a special thanks to y/n give it up for her!!!"  Vic panted into he mic holding both his hands in the air and clapping exhaustedly.

The crowd boomed in response, I coudln't help but feel so appreciated, the most i'd felt in my entire life.
"I LOVE YOU Y/N" I could hear someone faintly shout, I blushed in shock.
"I love you too!" I shouted back gingerly. A few whistles and screams could be heard and then the guys introduced the next song they would play. I knew that was my queue to get off.

"This one's called the sky under the sea." And they suddenly broke into song. I was still of course standing on stage, I was a little confused as how to get down so I did what me and Vic did last time.

I faced towards them with my back to the crowd in the very edge of the stage. I tilted my head to look at the people below me and mouthed.
"You better catch me ok?!!" Their hands reached our already grabbing and scratching at my ankles and for that reason I trusted them.

I still remember the night, you tried to kiss me though the window.

They began to play. Daintily I waved  Tony a goodbye and plunged myself backwards into the crowd bracing myself for impact.

Luckily the soft hands and heads caught my fall, I layed on my back because Vic told me it was safer for anatomy reasons. I could feel people tugging and each individual hand on my back, throwing me around and tossing me like a boat in a sea of people.

And I loved it.

The hardcore music, and the people, I felt like a god. I felt like I was recognised for once. I felt like I was alive.

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