Out Of The Ashes (MC x Lucif...

By axgirl13

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Hi, This is a fanfic for the game Obey My by NTT Solmare. It's a love story of my MC Lhori and Lucifer. The... More

Singing session
Sick Lucifer
Lucifer's Lover
The most embarrassing thing
Back into the human world (Part 1)
Back into the human world (Part 2)
Happily Ever After? (Part 1)
Happily Ever After (Part 2)
Life goes on (in Devildom)
The Night After
SPA day
Business Talk
Rewind. Begin again.
It's fun working together!
Date Night
The price of keeping secrets (Part 1)
The price of keeping secrets (Part 2)
What have you done?
Almost there
Safety first
Welcome to Devildom!
Like a moth to the flame
The Party
The Talk
Calm before the storm
They are coming
Ulterior motives
The Archangel
The Summoning
The Great Escape
The Last Stand
Epilogue - Out of the Ashes

Life goes on (in Devildom) 2

865 31 29
By axgirl13

                It was early morning. Lhori's head felt like it was going to break in half. It's been a while since she had such a monstrous hangover. She went barefoot through empty and silent halls of the House of Lamentation, still wearing a dress from yesterday's party. When she reached the kitchen, she looked around in search of coffee. She put a kettle on but didn't found coffee in a usual place. Cursing under her nose she started rummaging through the cupboards. Finally, she located it on the topmost shelf. She cursed again. Of course, it would be there. She was straining to reach it, but she was definitely too short.

"Lhori?" she heard a surprised voice. "What are you doing here?" She looked at Lucifer who just entered the kitchen. He looked perfect as always. She didn't even look at the mirror. She didn't want to see how she looked after passing out yesterday.

"I'm trying to make a coffee, but some sadist put it on the top shelf! Would you mind lending me a hand here?" He laughed and effortlessly reached for the coffee.

"I meant, what are you doing here, in the House of Lamentation. Not that I mind seeing you here in the morning. But, as I recall, you refused our invitation time and time again."

"Well, we got back here yesterday for the afterparty. That functional party wasn't very good. So Satan brought more wine, and then Mammon and Levi joined with even more wine, and then..." she stopped and frowned. "I can't really remember what happened then. It was probably when I passed out on the couch in the music room..."

"Well, I'm glad at least you guys had a good afterparty. I had to stay on that dreadful functional until the end..."

"Why?" she asked pouring boiling water over the mugs.

"It was expected of me. Someone had to entertain the delegates, while the rest of Devildom's representants decided to escape early," he added in a condemning tone.

"Shame I didn't have a clause about parties in my contract," she replied with a mischievous smile and hand him a cup of coffee.

"I can make sure to add it when we renew it," he replied with a smirk.

"Don't you dare!" She took her cup and sat at the small table savoring the smell of coffee. She was tempted to tease him about a beautiful angel lady, but she thought the atmosphere was so nice she didn't want to ruin it, so she just sipped her drink.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Lucifer asked.

"No, thanks. I'll just finish my coffee and I have to run. I need to get to my place to shower and change before getting to RAD. Plus, I don't think my stomach would be able to accept any food right now," she added with a sigh. Lucifer sat at the table too.

"Why don't you leave some of your things here?" he asked looking at her with curiosity. She put down her coffee and looked back at him.

"Lucifer... we talked about it..."

"I know. I'm fully aware you don't wish to live with us anymore. But you are always welcome here and, in case of this kind of afterparties, wouldn't it be nice to not have to get up at sunset and rushing to your place?"

"You may have a point," she admitted sipping her coffee.

"Your room is still intact. You can leave a change of clothes and whatever you need in the morning. I'm sure everyone would be happy if you stay for breakfast from time to time."

"I'd like that too," she said quietly not looking at him. "Actually, I just realized, I really miss this place. And all of you..."

"You are always welcome here. Whenever you are ready." They sat in silence for a while drinking coffee. Finally, Lhori stood up and put her cup in the sink.

"I really gotta run now." She took her heels from under the table and put them on. "Thanks for the coffee. See you later."

"Lhori, wait." She looked at him questioningly. He came up to her with a smirk. "Your makeup is all over your face." Before she could protest, he took her chin in one hand and gently rubbed her skin under her eyes and on her cheeks with a thumb of the other hand. She shivered a little under his touch and closed her eyes. But it only took him a moment and he withdrew his hands. "Now, all better," he said with a small smile.

"Uhm... thanks," she mumbled. "I'd better run now. See you later!" She said hastily and left without looking back, still feeling his gentle touch on her face, her heart hammering.


To her surprise, she was still the first one in the office. She managed to make them both coffee and already started on her to-do list. Then the door opened, and she heard a burst of beautiful laughter. She looked up surprised. The mesmerizing blonde angel glided into the office followed by Lucifer.

"I forgot how funny you are, Luci"' she chirped ignoring Lhori totally. The woman noticed the Demon's polite smile twitched when he heard the nickname, but he kept his composure.

"It's been a while," he replied. "I apologize, the office is so small, but it's enough for just two of us."

"Two?" she asked tilting her head and finally looked around and spotted Lhori. "Oh! Is she your secretary?" Lhori raised her brows and looked at Lucifer with astonishment. He grunted.

"No, this is Lhori, our human ambassador. Lhori, this is Ariel, she will be in charge of celestial realm students."

"Oh, this is she?" the angel asked surprised looking from Lucifer to Lhori, like she was waiting for someone to say it's a joke. Then she finally blurted. "But she looks so... plain..."

"Sorry to disappoint you," Lhori said. "I was at the party you know; I believe we have been introduced already."

"Oh were you? I'm sincerely sorry, I must have not noticed you. It was probably because I was completely taken off guard by meeting Lucifer again!" This time Lucifer did not manage to hide his cringe. But the angel lady didn't seem to be bothered by it. He shot Lhori an apologetic look. She only shook her head with pity and get back to what she was doing. "Ok, let's get to work, shall we?" said Lucifer and gestured toward his desk.

Ariel's voice, so beautiful when first heard, became annoying very fast. She kept being over-enthusiastic and dramatic, giggling with fake laughter every time Lucifer said something. He kept glancing at Lhori with a silent plea for help. She only smiled at him and ostentatiously put on her headphones and turned on music in full volume.

"Are you ok?" she asked Luciferlater in the afternoon when she was packing her things. Ariel left just a couple of minutes ago and the demon was half lying with his forehead on his desk not moving.

"No," he mumbled. "If she hasn't left when she did, I think my head would explode." He got up and massaged his temples with a heavy sigh. "I can't imagine working with her every day."

"Well, tough luck," she said. "Shame you can't delegate it on your secretary." She took her bag and moved to the door.

"Lhori?" he asked and before she knew it he was already standing at the door blocking her way. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"You didn't let this airhead's words get to you, did you?" he asked looking at her with concern.

"No, I don't care what she thinks," she shrugged and tried to move around him, but he didn't let her.

"But...?" he implored. She sighed and looked at him with resignation.

"She's just... so rude! I thought angels were supposed to be... you know... angelic? Simeon and Luke were lovely. I didn't expect that."

"To be honest, I'm not sure what's up with her. But as I can recall, she was never very bright. I'm surprised they entrust her such an important role..."

"Well, it seems we will have loads of time to get to know her better," she said with a small smile.

"Do you want to go and grab something to eat?" he asked.

"Sorry, I have to go and give a private tour now." 

Lucifer visibly tensed, his smile faded. "It's today? Let me walk you..." He reached for the door, but she put a hand on his elbow.

"No, Lucifer."

"What do you mean, no?" he asked annoyed.

"I mean, you're not gonna walk me. And you most certainly won't accompany me, is that clear?"

"Why..." he started, but she quickly interrupted him.

"Because last time you two almost got into a fight! If you piss him off he might put a stop to the exchange program! Do you think Diavolo would be happy then?"

"That's not..." he protested, but then he closed his eyes and sighed. "You're right of course. I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you."

"I'll be fine, Lucifer, I'm a big girl. It's just a tour. I'll show him a few places and it will be done, ok?"

"Please, be careful."

"Stop worrying already!" she hissed and left before he could stop her.


"I quite like it here," Michael said when they were walking through the main shopping street. "I think our people will be happy here."

"I'm glad you think so. It's a nice place, once you get used to it. It grows on you."

"You must really like it if you decided to come back here," he said with a knowing smile. He was awfully flirty with her the whole time. She didn't like that much. She was not buying his compliments, not after hearing how she was seen by others of his kind. She didn't let her guard down.

"I believe in the exchange program, and I had a good time here. I missed this place when I left."

"This place, or the people? I mean... demons?"

"Whatever do you mean?" she asked narrowing her eyes. He smiled charmingly.

"Well, I've heard you were quite close to Lucifer during your exchange program..."

"I didn't know an archangel would be interested in gossips," she said sternly. He laughed.

"Why, this is the favorite way to pass time in the celestial realm. You know, eternity can be soo boring sometimes. And it's not really gossiping if you hear it from a reliable source, is it?"

"Reliable source?"

"Well, Luke is a chatterbox, isn't he?"

"Of course he is."

"But it doesn't seem to be the case anymore, am I right?"

"I'm sorry Michael, but it's none of your business," she said annoyed at his shameless prodding. "It's actually getting late and we should wrap up our tour..."

"Lhori... wait," he grabbed her hand and stopped her. "I'm sorry, you are right, it was rude of me to ask. I was just... concerned."

"Concerned?" she asked raising her brows. He was still holding her hand, she tugged gently, but he didn't let go. He was looking at her with sadness and care in his brilliant sapphire eyes. "Please be careful who you are giving your heart to. They are called demons for a reason. They can all seem nice and friendly outside, but their dark side will come out eventually."

"I think I already saw all their sides," she said coldly. "Can you please let go of my hand now?"

"I'm sorry," he let go and held his hands up. "It would be a shame to see such a lively and wonderful person to waste her life here. Wouldn't you like to see the celestial realm sometime? I can guarantee, once you go there, you would never leave."

"Sounds a lot like a prison to me," she snorted. He laughed.

"That's not what I meant! You are very clever, Lhori. I like you! Let's go for a drink to celebrate the success of the program!"

"It's already late..."

"Oh, come on, don't be like that! I'll make sure to let Diavolo know how good a tour guide you are and how excited I am for a program. How about that?"

 She sighed. "But just one drink!"

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