Mixing of Snow and Sand

By kat1315

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Mia Hosaka, the only survivor from the Village Hidden in the Snow, a village long forgotten from the attack o... More

Chapter 1: A Village Long Forgotten
Chapter 2: Connections of the Past
Chapter 3: Demonic Sand
Chapter 4: Cursed
Chapter 5: Someone Precious...
Chapter 6: One Month
Chapter 7: Temari's Wind
Chapter 8: Gaara's Demon
Chapter 9: Childhood Memories
Chapter 10: Forced Out
Chapter 11: Village Hidden in the Sand
Chapter 12: Change of Scenery
Chapter 13: A New Beginning
Chapter 14: Hosaka Legacy
Chapter 15: Kisame and Itachi
Chapter 16: Rescue Attempt
Chapter 17: Haku
Chapter 18: Clouded Truth
Chapter 19: A New Technique
Chapter 20: Her Answer
Chapter 21: The Curse Grows
Chapter 22: The Night Everything Changed
Chapter 23: Body Guard
Chapter 24: A Month Later
Chapter 25: Brother vs. Sister
Chapter 26: Sasuke Retrieval
Chapter 27: A Choice to Make
Chapter 28: True to Yourself
Chapter 29: Osore Reveals
Chapter 30: Shei's True Form
Chapter 31: Breaking the Link
Chapter 32: Truth Behind the Wolves
Chapter 33: Reason for Happiness
Chapter 34: New Kazekage
Chapter 35: Surprise Attack
Chapter 37: Hope
Chapter 38: Back Home
Chapter 39: Sad Truth
Chapter 40: The Akatsuki
Chapter 41: Transfusion
Chapter 42: Emergency Surgery & Jonin Level
Chapter 43: Gone...
Chapter 44: Bide our Time
Chapter 45: Goodbye
Chapter 46: Truth of the Osore
Chapter 47: Darkness Consumes
Chapter 48: Orochimaru's Betrayal
Chapter 49: Shei's Story
Chapter 50: Chatting
Chapter 51: The Akatsuki Strike
Chapter 52: Day Off
Chapter 53: Madara

Chapter 36: Argument

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By kat1315

By the time we got back to the village I had gone unconscious three more times. When I woke up again I saw I was in the hospital. No one was there and I wondered what happened when we got back. I sat up slowly and rubbed my head. 


You're awake, that's good.

What happened?

Gaara and the others brought you here. They worked on trying to get the sedative out of your system, but its more complex than we originally thought.


Its not going to be so easy to get it out of your system. 

So I'm stuck like this until the sedative can be removed...

I'm sorry.

Don't be, I made my mistakes. 

Gaara and the others are sending word to Lady Tsunade, maybe she will know a way to remove it.


Its going to be alright.

I know. Thank you Shei.

I shoved the blanket away from me. I saw there were several IVs in my arm. I carefully removed them and shut off the heart rate monitor before it could start flatlining. I walked out the door and several nurses immediately tried coaxing me back to my room. 

"I'm fine, if there's nothing that can be done about it I want to be able to aid Lord Kazekage." I spat.

"What did I tell you about calling me that?" I turned sharply to see Gaara standing there with Temari. 

"Where's Kankuro?"

"He went back to Leaf Village with several of our Shinobi."

"Forgive me for being a burden." I muttered. Okami jumped into my arms. 

I'm glad you're alright! 

I smiled lightly at him. 

"You aren't a burden, Mia. You were protecting us." I shook my head. 

"And here I am being a hinderance...stupid sedative." I felt the wave of nausea coming. Okami jumped out of my arms when he noticed the paleness in my face. 

Are you alright? He asked. 

"I'll be fine, just some nausea...it will pass soon." 

"Lord Kazekage, she really should stay here and rest. It will also give us more time to research the sedative." One of the doctors walked over. 

"I'm not going to just sit here." I spoke firmly. 

"I understand your apprehension, Mia. But this is for your own benefit." The doctor argued. 

"I know you're trying to do your job, but I can't just sit here and do nothing. Its not in my nature."  

"You are your mother's daughter." He chuckled. 

"I know." I winked. 

"Wait a minute...!" The doctor started. "The village in the snow had a special type of medical ninjutsu, it was the only one of its kind." I frowned. 

"But those medical records were destroyed in the fires..."

"You studied that medical ninjutsu right?" Temari asked. 

"What do you mean?"

"During the chunin exams, you said your village was known for its healing abilities. You said you had healing abilities. You must have studied it at some point." I frowned more. 

"I haven't used my medical ninjutsu in years. I've never been good at using them on myself." I muttered, looking at my feet. My mother used to scold me terribly whenever I tried to heal my own injuries because I always ended up making them worse. 

"Do you know if the records were kept anywhere else like copies of them?" I thought hard about the long stretch of time. 

"I..." I started but suddenly I was thrown into my mind. Shei was standing there. 

Shei? What's the matter?

Though I may not have been linked to you when your mother was still alive, I can see into your memories, farther than you can.

So are you saying you'd be able to look through my memories to see if they kept a copy of the medical records?

Yes. But it will take time.

Alright, then I will leave it to you.

Very well.

I zoned back into reality and saw everyone giving me a weird look. 

"What is it, Mia?" Gaara placed a hand on my shoulder, a look of concern across his face. 

"I'm sorry, Shei was talking to me."

"About what?" Temari asked. 

"He said he might be able to look further than I can into my memories. He said he is going to look for anything on those medical records. But its going to take time, since it was from a time before he was sealed in me." I explained. 

"Really?! That's amazing!" The doctor stated excited. I flinched back a little at the look of intrigue on his face. 


"Shei is like Shukaku right?" He pressed. 

"I...uh...kind of..." I stumbled as he started getting closer. Gaara immediately stepped in front of me. 

"That's enough." The doctor seemed to realize and backed off. 

"My apologies." I shook my head. 

"Its alright. Gaara, Temari let's go and get something to eat for the time being." I stated and turned heading down the hallway towards the exit. 

"But Miss Hosaka!" The nurses started. 

"Please I'll be with Lord Kazekage and Temari. I'll be fine." I rolled my eyes, though they couldn't see that. 

"Very well, but if things worsen you will be admitted." The doctor stated firmly. 

"Fine, fine." I waved him off and continued walking. Gaara and Temari rushing to catch up with me. 

"You really should listen to the doctors." Temari groaned. 

"For them to tell me that there's nothing to do and just sit there and lay in bed all day. No thanks. If they can't figure it out then I would rather be helpful during the day until the sedative kicks in." I stated. 

"Mia..." Gaara looked at me sharply. 

"Don't you dare tell me to do that!" I yelled. He sighed. 

"You wouldn't listen to me anyways." I smirked. 

"You're damn right I wouldn't." 


By the time we got to the resturant I felt like my stomach was going to start eating my whole body. 

"Can't wait to get some food in my stomach." I licked my lips. Temari and Gaara ordered their food, I waited until they were done before speaking again. "I know Kankuro went to the Leaf Village to get Lady Tsuande." They both looked at me shocked. 

"But how-?" Temari muttered. 

"Shei told you." Gaara said. 

"Yes, you really shouldn't be bothering the Hokage. She has enough on her plate to begin with." I glared at them. 

"Mia, we don't want you to get any worse." 

"I don't care. You have to be considerate of the other villages. As Kazekage, you shouldn't be acting like an idiot." I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Do you really think saving your life is me acting like an idiot?" His voice was starting to raise. 

"No, but you running to the Leaf Village for everything is. The Sand Village has to show we are strong as well." He shook his head and I could see I was getting on his nerves. 

"Do you really not care about yourself at all?" Okami was resting underneath my feet, but I knew he was listening. I knew he was scared of where the argument was going. 

"hey guys, why don't you save the cat fight for later. People are starting to stare..." Temari whispered and out of the corner of my eye I could see people starting to turn to stare. I slammed my hands on the table as I pushed myself to my feet. 

"I'm going for a walk." I threw some money on the table for my meal and left with Okami. 

Mia? He asked as we walked. 

"What is it?" I was still fuming, but I calmed my voice for him. 

Are you and Gaara okay? I sighed. 

"We just had a disagreement. That's all."

So you guys are still friends?

"Yes." I felt guilty as I lied to him. Gaara was my friend, but he also had to respect my wishes as well.

I made my way to the cemetery and sat down next to my mother's grave. 

"Mom...I really wish you were here. You would know what to do..." Okami was laying underneath the shade of a nearby tree sound asleep. "I bet you would've loved Okami...he really is a wonderful companion and friend. He reminds me so much of the wolves from outside our village." I covered my stomach as it growled. "Guess I'll have to find my own dinner." I muttered, pushing myself off the ground. Okami opened his eyes and stood up shaking his fur out. "I promise I'll visit again soon, Mom." With that the two of us headed off to find dinner ourselves. 


After dinner we headed back to the house, I knew Gaara probably wouldn't be there since he was tied up in Kazekage matters. The sun was starting to set and I could feel the sedative kicking in. I yawned. 

"Okami, can you go let Temari know I'm here?" He nodded and ran off in the direction of the Kazekage's building. 

Of course she would be with him...

I went inside and to my room, before collapsing on the bed. 

Anything Shei?

No not yet, but I still have a lot to go through. Just get some rest. I'll let you know if I find anything.

Sounds good.

With that I shut my eyes and allowed the sedative to put me asleep. 

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