This, I Promise You

By donutellapanda

24K 1.1K 27

What happened when the past was still haunting him? Comes Gulf that brought so much positivity and happiness... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 14

763 37 0
By donutellapanda

Mew's POV

The Next Morning

I had woken up for quite some time, but I continued to be in the same position, looking softly at the individual who was still sleeping soundly in my arms. Gulf looked so peaceful, with his fluffy cheeks and chestnut lips, even in his sleep. I slowly made my way to the bathroom, not forgetting to carefully placed Gulf's head on the pillow, so that he would not be woken up without my presence.

After I was done with my shower, I sat down on the couch in my room. After last night's saga, I was more certain of my feelings towards Gulf. I was scared to admit my feelings for him, because I was having so many doubts in my head. I was unsure that I could make him happy, if I told him about my feelings. I still remembered the night when Gulf confessed to me about his feelings. He was certain of his feelings more than me. That very same night, I also told Gulf about my uncertainty, and I was glad that he did not take that as a complete rejection. He assured me that he could wait for me, even if it would take a long time. 

I smiled to myself. My thoughts were interrupted when the sleeping figure on my bed rubbed his eyes slowly, before opening his eyes to look around the room. He smiled, when he saw me sitting on the couch.

"How was your sleep, Yai Nong?"

"It was good. But could be better, if I woke up in your arms instead" Gulf slowly made his way to me, taking a seat on my lap. He yawned, while making himself comfortable on my lap.

"Spoilt brat.." I ruffled with his hair.

"Gulf.. I think I am ready to tell you.. About what happened that night. I think it's time for you to know what really happened from me, after possibly knowing about it from the internet." I whispered softly into his ear.

That immediately woken him up. No more weary eyes. He turned his body around, and looked at me, waiting for me to continue my story. I sighed, and took a deep breath.

"As you know, I was close with Archie because of the series that we did. I liked him because I felt that we could relate so well to each other. I thought that he also had the same feelings for me, because he seemed fine with our interactions and skinship. After a few months, I decided to confess to him. I thought that he would say the same thing back to me, but he did not.." I laughed dryly.

Gulf took hold of my hand, and squeeze it tightly as an encouragement.

"He rejected me that instance. He told me that we were impossible, and he only did all of those skinships for the fans. Hearing those words from him, really broke my heart. But I hid it, I told him that it was fine and we both agreed to be friends. I left his house afterwards, relieved that we could still be friends. As soon as I reached home, I fell asleep on my bed." I took a deep breath, before continuing to the climax of the story, the part that Gulf has been waiting to hear, for a long time.

"Boss came over, at 2am, in such a rush. It woke me up. He literally just shoved his phone to me, and sat down beside me, to watch the live together.  Archie was crying so hard in the live, but I was the most surprised when he told everyone about my confession to him. To make it worst, he also made up stories about me.. To make me seem like the bad guy."

"Everyone believed him. I guess, because he was crying, so everyone took his side. Yes, I admit that I was slightly possessive when it comes to him. I hugged him for most of the time that we were together, but it was only that. He did not even rejected my skinship attempts. If he did rejected all of that, I would not even hug him. But no.. I didn't forced myself into him, I didn't control his social life.. And I definitely did not beat him up when he rejected me.." I dragged out the last sentence.

I did not realised that I was looking at the ground, until Gulf pulled my chin up, to look at him. He nodded at me, and gave me a hug. I did not even shed a single tear. To my surprise as well, I did not even feel guilty, when I always felt so guilty whenever I thought about this particular issue.

"He wanted to bring fame to his name, P.. But look, who is the one shining from his fame now? An innocent man will always be protected from all evil-doings. From what I know, P'Archie isn't doing well in this industry. He's only relying onto his modelling career now." Gulf said with a smirk. 

Gulf removed himself, pulling me to the mirror that was in my room. He then stood behind me, and pointed at the mirror. I looked at him, puzzled.

"Look at this man in the mirror, Khun P. This is the man that had a past, but look at how well-brought up he is right now. From this mirror, I can see a very strong yet good-hearted man that everyone love. Importantly, this is also the man that always protect me and ensuring me that I am safe. The man that I fell for." I laughed out loud after hearing that.

I looked at myself in the mirror, taking a few minutes to really observe myself. At that moment, I then finally realised that it is normal to have a dark past. The important thing was, at least I learnt from it and I improved myself to be a better Mew Suppasit. Without that past, I wouldn't be having my mewlions, wouldn't be here to meet Gulf Kanawut, and wouldn't be this happy.

I am done. I am no longer looking back at the past, nor letting Archie to affect me anymore. He could have all of the fame that he had received from that night, and make himself happy from that. I made up my mind to never feel guilty over it. I have done my part and apologised, so it was all up to Archie to make his own decision. In fact, he can continue to be in the past and play the victim game, while I would soon be attempting to leap forward for a new happiness with the individual that was nuzzling his face onto my neck at the moment.

I laughed, feeling ticklish by Gulf's breath on my neck. I brought him to the entrance of the bathroom, and pushed him into the bathroom.

"Hurry up, Best Rookie! My mother is waiting for you. We are gonna be late for the lunch with your family, if you are not showering now!" I shouted before exiting my room, to play with Chopper in the living room.

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