Hallen and May

By rhetxtery

9.8K 268 135

"Let's make Aliases for the both of you!" A Katsuyu fanfic As UA's interships arrive, Tsuyu and Bakugo are(so... More

First Name: The Aliases
Second Name: Spark
Third Name: Your Excuse
Fourth Name: Airport Predicament
Fifth Name: Take off~!
Sixth Name: Destination Random
Seventh Name: Laws and Fish
Eighth Name: Miss Illusion
Ninth Name: Are Campfires Dangerous?
Tenth Name: The Importance of Sleep
Eleventh Name: New Vocabulary
Twelfth Name: Shadow Markets
Thirteenth Name: Mr. Whatshisname?
Fourteenth Name: Sweeter than Sugar
Fifteenth Name: Miss Fortune and Mister Angel
Sixteenth Name: Counterfeit People
Seventeenth Name: Accurate/Inaccurate
Eighteenth Name: The Same Target
Nineteenth Name: 1 Year Vs. 7 Days
Twenty-First Name: Airport Predicament #2
Twenty-Second Name: Raven's Law
Twenty-Third Name: Known Getaway
Final Name: Internships End?
Author's Note

Twentieth Name: Admit the Truth

262 10 23
By rhetxtery

  "Hallen? Are you okay? Kero?"

It was unnatural for Tsuyu to say Bakugo's alias at a time like this. She knew something was up with Bakugo; something suspicious.


He stepped forward to her. Tsuyu didn't step back.

"I'm going to ask you again."

He scratched his neck.

"Do you know Ray? From before."

'What is he talking about? Did he have an argument with him or something?'

She looked to the side.

"No, I didn't know him before."

Bakugo seemed to have calmed down but it wasn't really enough for him to stop asking questions.

'Why is he so worried? Aren't we going back to Tokyo anyway?'

Tsuyu decided to ask him a question first.

"Did Ray get the plane tickets yet?"

'Wait, why does he look a little more angry?'

Of course, saying his name even though it wasn't his real one would make Bakugo a little annoyed.

"Ummmm, is something wrong?" Tsuyu nervously asked.

Just then, her phone rang a message. She took it out right away and saw the message.


'I should respond to it...'

But just as she was about to type on the keyboard, Bakugo annoyingly took her phone out of her hands.

"What the-what are you-"

"Don't text the sender."

"Why can't I-"

"Just don't do it."

Tsuyu noticed a worried look on his face.

"Are you worried about me?"

Bakugo was surprised by her question but admitted it by banging the side of the table. He put her phone on the other side and sighed deeply.

"Yeah, I am worried about you."

Tsuyu was surprised by his answer. He didn't stutter or anything. Bakugo just told the truth, right there and then.

'Is this really Bakugo? He's not even yelling...'

She glanced at her phone.

"Well... it wouldn't hurt to check out the place right? Kero."

Tsuyu attempted to sweep past Bakugo while heading out the door, but he got to her first, grabbing her hand.


Tsuyu covered her mouth.

'Shoot! I almost said Bakugo-chan's real name!'

But he didn't care less about it at the moment.

"Let me come with you."

Tsuyu was shocked.


"I'll go with you, wherever the sender texted you."

Tsuyu felt the warmth in Bakugo's hand. It made her feel more calm, just like all of her stress went away. She looked down right away as her face became hotter than normal.

"Oh-okay...you can come with me...."

But even after her response, Bakugo didn't let go of her hand.

"Uhhh, aren't you-"

"Can we stay like this, just for a little longer?"


And in just a second, Bakugo pulled Tsuyu to himself, causing her to fall on his chest. In the midst of realizing it, her face immediately turned bright red.

"Ahhhhhh, ummmmm."

She couldn't speak properly because of his sudden actions. She attempted to get away to hide her embarrassment, but she couldn't since Bakugo was holding her tightly.


When Bakugo half released her, he started to caress her face as if he was cleaning a delicate vase.

'What is he doing? I feel so embarrassed. But I kind of like it...' Tsuyu thought flustered.

Bakugo then lifted her chin up and their eyes met. Time seemed to stop at that moment for the both of them. Tsuyu saw Bakugo's obvious expression as he looked into her eyes.

'He really likes me?'

"Tsu--chan... I-"


The sound of the door opening made time unfreeze for both of them. Mentaly shocked, they both looked to the side and saw a group of people in the door frame.

"HEY HEY HEY!!!! Y'all packed already!? Seems like the plane will be taking off soon!"

"FAYE!!!!????" They both said simultaneously.

In that instant, Tsuyu rushed out of the kitchen while grabbing her phone as fast as she could. Bakugo seemed devastated that she had left right away. Eri ran over to Bakugo and tugged on his shirt.

"Hallen? Why is your face so red?" Eri asked him.

"WHAT? My face is not red?!"

Faye then shook her head.

"Of course it is!"

She then contemplated for a moment.

"It seems that I have ruined your moment, haven't I?" she said sobbing.

"THERE WASN'T ANY MOMENT!!!!" Bakugo exclaimed as his face became redder than before.

Faye then patted his back as Bakugo picked up Eri.

"It's quite sad. This was the perfect place to tell her what you felt. But don't worry!"

Faye winked at him.

"I got a plan for both of you."

Faye then left non-chantaly, leaving Bakugo completely embarrassed. 

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