Emperor's conquest | TG ✔

By Elaboratae

152K 12.1K 2.9K

In which the Min twins not only fight for the crown but also for the cute poet Kim Taehyung working in the pa... More



2.7K 229 94
By Elaboratae

Me, losing strength to even bother continuing the account:
Also me: hey, how about an update??:D


"But what if I want you to love me?"

"Y-your majesty?"

Taehyung looked up to the King with huge scared eyes, heart pounding inside his chest, because no this was not how this was going to turn out, this was not planned at all-!

Yoongi wasn't supposed to say things like this. This wasn't part of the plan! Taehyung wanted to go back to Suga, wanted to show him that he was worth his trust and love, not being confessed at by the scary Scar King. It was indeed not something Taehyung would expect.

The King growled, forcing Taehyung's chin more up until tears threatened to spill from his huge eyes, bottom lip trembling and begging Yoongi to be released from the grip. Feline hands came up to wrap themselves around Yoongi's and the King merely flinched by the action. Because fuck, Taehyung's skin was so soft and Yoongi wondered how it would be like to suck on these pretty fingers.

"I said it before, little dove, you're mine. I didn't make you my personal poet for nothing, I put my claim on you. So don't even think twice about going away. You want to leave for your kingdom again? That won't happen. Because I have Namjoon announcing how much in love we are and that it was your decision to stay with me. As my future Queen", Yoongi smiled, thumb coming down to rest on Taehyung's bottom lip and toying with it.

"Y-you cannot do that! I haven't given my consent to this! My cousin will refuse to believe this fraud. And I under no circumstances will become your Queen!", Taehyung gasped out, moaning surprised when Yoongi's thumb slid into the wetness of his mouth and forced him to shut up.

"Hmm, how are you so confident that I would allow those pretty lips to talk to anyone else besides myself? I am a possessive man, Taehyung and I don't share. Don't you think I know who's leading the rebels?", Yoongi cooed, bringing their faces closer together before abruptly yanking Taehyung upwards.

The poet stumbled against him with a shocked gasp falling from pretty lips, one arm immediately claiming the dip of Taehyung's small waist, the hanbok riding up to reveal a bit tanned skin of his legs. Yoongi might've been shorter in height but his confidence and dominance easily got rid of the missing centimeters.

"If you know, why are you allowing the rebels to spread their wings underneath your reign? Isn't it showing weakness?", Taehyung questioned, after managing the thumb to slip out of his mouth, watching breathlessly how Yoongi lifted his hand in order to suck on same thumb with a hungry expression.

"I allowed them to bloom with my knowledge but this will end now. I just needed to wait for my dear brother to reveal his weakness to me and I'm so close in discovering it. You might think you know him but he's my twin. I know exactly how he thinks. Don't you think I know him best, know that he would never waste an opportunity to get his greedy hands on beauty like you? We're twins!", Yoongi hissed out at the end and Taehyung flinched by this, feeling exposed to the core and anxiety crept up his heart.

"We desire the same things! The title of King, the throne and now you", Yoongi smirked victoriously at the end before abruptly swirling Taehyung around, the petit male smacking against his chest with a mewled protest. His hands were gripped in a steel hold before he could try to free himself, they were pressed against his own chest.

No no no, this wasn't the plan, this was not good at all-!

Just in this moment, the doors were yanked open and four guards stormed inside the throne hall, hands on their swords and Taehyung's heart skipped a beat before he opened his mouth to protect. "You aren't allowed to hurt me, this means war", Taehyung seethed out, the last bit of courage scattered together for these words but soon vanished when he heard Yoongi laughing behind of him.

Fingers tugged bronze color behind a pretty shaped ear before a tongue merely grazed over baby soft skin. "Who says I was going to hurt you, my gem?", Yoongi laughed lowly. "I'm simply going to make sure that you'll stay by my side and that especially not my brother can reach out for you ever again. I know about his plans, I know everything. And you, little dove will be my prize that I'm going to take for defeating them. My Queen, my lover, my gem", the Scar King grinned, nosing along Taehyung's jaw before laughing maniacally.

He loved holding these powers and he couldn't wait to force them on Taehyung, all of his insane thoughts about what he could do to the gorgeous piece of art now manifesting.

"Take him into my chambers and don't let him leave!", he ordered loudly before he pushed Taehyung forward and into the hold of the guards. The foreign prince protested when hands took a grip of his arms to force him into their middle.

"You cannot do this! I'm a Prince of Paekche, my Kingdom will come and demand for me!", he yelled out furiously, not caring about showing respect to Yoongi. Not when he has revealed his plan in owning Taehyung.

And making him his conquest.

"Watch me, little dove", Yoongi snarled back amused before walking back to his throne and falling into the seat, chin resting back on his fist before one of his long fingers followed the perfect curve of his sword while he was watching from his risen position how the beauty was taken away.

"You might be a master of words, but I'm the master of this game, little dove and neither you or my brother can destroy me, no matter how hard you're trying."


Not @ me saying I want to write for myself but also needing feedback like a h*oe so I won't lose motivation:,)))


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