tiny & vicious || h.s ✔️

By jcwrxtes

6.5K 188 20

The second part of the series reveals the infamous assassins Aria and Harry falling back into the shoes of th... More

~Song List~
~ 11 ~


68 4 0
By jcwrxtes

A/N GUYS YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM OMG!!! I have had a very stressful few weeks...I lost access to this account and I thought I lost everything because I prewrite and upload my chapters as drafts omg I was so sad and I was scared I would disappoint all of you and not get to finish the book...BUT IM HERE NOW SO ENJOY!!

Song: Ex's & Oh's by Elle King

Aria's POV

"Do you really wanna do this, Dean" I smirked, with blood dripping from my nose. I was in a very interesting predicament, I must say. My back was split open and my head, heavily concussed. My eyes were drooping with each fateful hit they placed on my body. My neck was bent over a wooden rod which kept me in a very uncomfortable spot. I could barely move and each time I flinched, the bitch behind me would tighten my leg straps and practically rip the hair off my head.

The only plus to this whole situation was that my head was turned away from the fucking dick named Dean. Instead I was faced with the beautiful view of the scorching Spanish sun dipping below the pinkish-orange horizon. The smoky atmosphere had cleared and all I could see was the well-kept grass and large sun. The sight was amazing. I never truly got the chance to witness sundown in this gorgeous country.

Even though my head was bent in a sharp angle, I still revelled in the beauty of the sunset. The golden circle mixed with the lush green rolling hills of Mila's backyard brought a smile to face.

It beats the sight of Dean's disgusting face.

As if on cue, Dean stepped into my view, covering the gorgeous scenery. I rolled my eyes and moved my head dramatically in an attempt to see the view again.

"Can you move, you dick? I'm trying to watch the sunset" I scoffed.

Dean let out a tiny chortle and rubbed his hands together. He turned to watch the sunset and then looked back at me. His pansy suit and low tie was his obvious attempt to seem elite and powerful but it really only illuminated his dickish features. He hid a beer belly and his face was splattered with weird fuzz and spots. I would rather eat my own eyeballs then look at his disgusting face. I visibly gagged and luckily, he did not see me.

"You want to see the sunset?" He laughed. I cringed at the sound. It was like painful nails on a chalkboard. "Please stop laughing. I would rather hear donkeys go through childbirth" I groaned. At this, Dean's face went cold and he stomped closer to me like a toddler. I mocked him and pulled facial expressions. "If I wanted to see a tantrum, I would tell my daughter she can't have any more pancakes." I deadpanned.

Dean stopped, a metre from my face. Even through the distance I could smell the rancid odour of tuna on his breath. "Oh my god, what the fuck did you eat for lunch." I scrunched up my nose, but Dean didn't care. He shot me a glare before scrunching up his eyebrows in thought. I could see the gears physically turning in his head. It made me a little uneasy. The wood underneath my neck bent a little more and I yelped. Fuck that hurt.

"Your daughter" He muttered. My eyes widened and I growled in warning.

"Keep her out of your psycho thoughts" I grunted and looked to the side. Harry's limp body laid on the ground, next to the boys and some guests. The guests had bloody slices across their necks and their bodies emitted icy chills. I shivered as I peered at my family. They were knocked out somewhere throughout this battle. After I collapsed, I awoke in this rope predicament. My family was long gone and asleep on the floor before I awoke. Their necks were tilted in painful positions and I cringed physically. That must hurt, I thought.

Tears filled my eyes as they drifted to Harry. I know for a fact that he was the last to go down. His arms were still in a fighting position and his legs were positioned in my direction. He must have tried to save me but failed at the last moment. The tears spilled down my cheeks as I zoned out.

I knew that the children and Mila were most likely in a safe place. We built several emergency chambers in case something like this were to happen. The chambers were all underground and would take ages to find.

My eyes lulled to the side and I was about to take a long-deserved nap before my head was violently jerked up. I looked up to see my attacker but all I could see was a huge fist coming my way. I had no time to brace for the blow and the painful impact threw my head to the side. Blood sprayed from the corner of my mouth and onto the grass.

"I see you're distracted. Is this not enough for you! Must I make this more painful!" With a flick of a wrist, the ropes which bound me were tightened. The wood dug into my skin. Splinters stung my neck and I screamed out. The pain felt like my skin was on fire. I scrunched my face painfully and bit down harshly on my lip. Blood leaked from my mouth and spat it out.

"Try your worst bitch. I am a Black Cobra. We do not succumb to torture." I screamed. Blood and saliva coated my teeth as I bared them at the enemy. Dean tightened his fist again, ready to take another swing at me. I clenched my jaw and braced for the impact.

"Boss, wait." A voice behind me screeched. I tried to turn around but the bitch speaking, applied more pressure on the wood. "She may not succumb to physical pain, but what about mental." I could feel her smirking devilishly behind me. As I let her words sink in, the shocking reality of what she was hinting at finally shook me. My blood-red eyes widened, and I growled angrily.

"Don't fucking touch her" I yelled. The impact of my voice shook the ground and everyone stilled. Dean smirked and grasped my chin roughly. I jerked my head back but he kept an iron grip on me. "What are you gonna do about it?" He spoke while intensely looking into my orbs.

The unsettling reality dawned on me. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just like Niall and Jordyn. There was nothing I could do.
"Nothing, Aria. Just like Jordyn and Niall. But you already figured that out didn't you, my Muppet." He smirked. The fear spread through me. I looked to Harry but he was still asleep. I fumbled in my seat desperately. Come on. I can do something. I have to.

"Your efforts are futile" Dean laughed as he tugged on my hair painfully. I groaned and tried to distance myself. "Let me go" I screamed. As I struggled relentlessly, I heard a familiar cry which broke my heart. I stopped fighting and closed my eyes. I breathed out as tears fell down my blood-stained cheeks. When I reopened them, the beautiful sunset was no longer there, neither was the disgusting hateful man in front of me. It was my beautiful daughter...with tears in her eyes and a gun to her head.

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