
By trashpandaleader

237K 4K 494

"I'm so sorry, it was unexpected. " "It wasn't, we just didn't want it to happen." More



4.7K 89 1
By trashpandaleader


I closed my office behind me, i was finally able to go home early for once. I was driving home with Luke because he was also finished with work. Ashton and Michael still had a few hours to go so we didn't bother waiting for them.

Diana was in the kitchen preparing dinner when we got home.

"Ah you guys are just time. We were just about to have dinner."

"Shall i get Becky?" I asked when i only saw Jack sitting downstairs.

Diana shook her head. "She skipped school today and acted like an absolute maniac when i picked her up from her friend's house. So she has to stay in her room tonight as punishment. "

"Have you talked to about why she skipped school?" Luke asked while he helped Jack onto his chair.

"I tried but she's just doesn't listen."

I looked towards the stairs. I wanted to go talk to her but Diana clapped her hands.

"Let's eat, shall we?" She said with a smile on her face.

I sighed and sat down at the table. I would talk to her after dinner.

I knocked on her door, i heard a soft "come in". I opened the door and saw Becky sitting on the floor with her guitar in her lap.

Her room looked pretty messed up. She was most likely angry and trew some stuff around.

But she didn't look mad anymore. She looked tired and a little bit sad. I wondered if there was more to the story than Diana had told.

"Your mother told me that you skipped school. So also said that you weren't very nice to her when she picked you up." I said softly to her as i sat down infront of her.

She shrughed. "So?"

"Why did you skip school?"

"I just didn't feel like going. It's all so boring."

I looked her in the eyes. She wasn't telling the truth and I was waiting on her to tell it.

She sighed. "Okay fine, i did it so that i could piss my mother off. She doesn't care about me anymore so i don't care about her. But I won't do it again because it's my future I'm trowing away. "

"Your mother stills cares about you." I said trying to make eye contact.

"I'm tired of talking about my mother. Nothing that we say will change her decision. " She said in a soft voice.

"That might be true but talking about it will make it easier to deal with her decision." I said wrapping my arm around her.

She shook her head. She stood up and went to sit on the bed.

I could tell that she was done talking about it.

"You wanna watch a movie in my room?" I offered.

She thought about it for a second but then nodded.


I followed Calum to his room.

We both argued about what kind of movie we would watch.

We eventually settled on a child's play. I've always liked chucky but the new movie kinda sucked.

Calum fell alseep halfway trough the movie. I couldn't blame him, it wasn't really scary.

I leaned against him as i let my tiredness take over.

I woke up from people shouting. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Calum was still asleep.

I walked to his door and put my ear against it so that i could hear it a little better.

I heard my mom and Ashton yelling at each other but i couldn't hear what they were saying.

I carefully slipped out of the room and walked towards the stairs.

I sat down at the top of the stairs. I knew that they couldn't see me here from the living room. But i could hear them perfectly.

"You said that you respected my decision!" My mom yelled.

"That doesn't mean i agree it with!" Ashton shouted back.

I had never ever thought about how hard this must be for Ashton. He had found love only to lose it becaus my mother was an ignorant, weak woman.

Jack came out of his room. He still looked very sleepy and walked slowly towards me.

"Why are they making so much noise?" He asked tired.

I stood up and grabbed his hand so that i could guide him back to his room.
"They're angry at each other."

"Why?" He asked refusing to follow me back to his room.

I sighed, Jack deserves to know the truth but I had no idea how he was going to handle it.

"Come I'll tell you in your room." I said slightly tugging his hand.

He gave in and followed me to his room.

I lifted him on his bed. I went to sit infront of him and grabbed his hands.

"I'm going to tell you something that you don't want to hear. I want you to stay calm and talk me, okay?" I said firmly.

He nodded, holding his teddybear close to his chest.

"You know that mommy is very sick at the moment."

"But she'll get better." He said softly.

I took a deep breath in. "She won't get better." I said looking him in the eyes.

"That's not funny." He said while he let go of my hands. "You can't say stuff like that."

"I'm not joking, Jack. Mom isn't undergoing treatment for her illness. " i paused for a second
"She's going to die." I said with tears in my eyes. It was the harsh truth.

He started to panick. "You're lying! She won't do that. She going to get better!" He yelled with tears in his eyes.

He jumped off the bed and ran towards the door.

I quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

"Let me go!" He yelled while he tried to squeeze out of me grib.

"I need you to calm down."

I tightened my grib. There would be choas if he got out his room right now.

"Why would she do that?" He asked crying.

I pulled him to my chest. "I don't know."

We were both crying while he held each other.

"Mom can't know that i told you this." I said to him after he had calmed down a bit.

He looked at me confused.

"She wanted to tell it herself but i just couldn't lie to you any longer. So this is going to be our little secret. Do you promise me that you'll not tell anyone that I've told you this?"

I held my pinky up as i said that.

He intertwined his pinky with mine." I promise."

I helped him up and put him back in his bed.

"Can you stay here tonight?" He asked softly when i was about to leave.

I smiled at him. "Of course."

I crawled next to him in bed and stroked his head as I felt him relax.

"Does mom not love us anymore?" He asked.

"Mom still loves us very much." I said not believing it myself.

"Maybe we can still change her mind. We can come up with a plan."

"We'll talk about that in the morning. Try to get some sleep."

I knew that this was hard for him. If making a plan was what helped him cope i would allow it.

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