Willpower (an Undertale fanfi...

Par Quacker_Zach

442 10 0

In the undertale universe a human fell down into the underground (AKA the monsters' home) this human is known... Plus

Chapter 1: The Rescue Mission
Chapter 2: Rejuvenation
Chapter 3: Green and Yellow Stripes
CHAPTER 4: love is in the air
Chapter 5: Problems...
PART 2 Chapter 1: The Awakening.
P2: Chapter 2: The Confrontation
P2: Chapter 3: Family Bonding
P2: Chapter 4: The Great Unveiling.
P2: Chapter 5: Darker, Yet Darker
Part 3: Chapter 1: ✋︎■︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎♏︎⬧︎⧫︎♓︎■︎♑︎
P3: Chapter 2: 💣︎♏︎♑︎♋︎●︎□︎ 💧︎⧫︎❒︎♓︎♐︎♏︎ 👌︎♋︎♍︎🙵
P3: Chapter 3: Determination
P3: Chapter 4: Dark Days
P3: Chapter 5: Left Behind
Part 4: Chapter 1: Determageddon
P4: Chapter 2: Hopes and Dreams
P4: Chapter 4: Greetings
P4: Chapter 5: My Inner Demons
Part 5: Chapter 1: Out of Options
P5: Chapter 2: The Plan
P5: Chapter 3: Death by Megalo
Part 5: Chapter 4: Hopes
P5: Chapter 5: Dreams
Author's Note

P4: Chapter 3: Along the Horizon

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Par Quacker_Zach


I woke up, next to Frisk of course. It's starting to become a more frequent thing, where Chara sleeps with Azz, and Frisk sleeps with me. None of us mind though. Though this time, it was only me and Frisk in the room. . Anyways, I wake up Frisk. "Hey, wake up boi." I said. She does so. "Who you callin a boi?" She says. "Sorry, didn't mean to upset ya GURL." I say sarcastically. We both laugh. We exit the room. We see Azz and Chara, with their hands behind their backs. "What could this possibly be?" I ask. I notice that they both have their golden lockets on, they resonate with their souls. It's almost as if it's glowing. They both pull their hands out. Asriel has two sweaters, and Chara has two heart-shaped lockets. Me and Frisk look at the Lockets. They say best friends forever, with our names engraved on the back. We each take what was rightfully ours. We put them on. "I'm touched, guys. Thank you so much." I say. "Now, take these sweaters." Asriel says, as he throws them at us. I catch it mid-air. It lands perfectly on top of Frisk's head though. They look just like the sweaters we already have on. We look at them confused. "Just do it." Asriel said as he is clearly trying to hide his happiness. We do so. We remove the ones we already were wearing. Then put em on. They fit perfectly. Then all of a sudden Chara went to my right, and Asriel puts Frisk to his left as he goes to my left. "Alright, now hold out your arms." Chara said. I realize the specialness of these sweaters. On Chara's left arm, it said Chara, then connected they say Chara & Seth. I look at my left arm. it also said Seth and connected to Asriel's arm says Seth & Asriel. And I look to see Asriel and Frisk's arm does the same. We drop our arms. I bring Asriel and Chara into a hug. "I've never felt more special, than this very moment." I say. I was half-joking. And they both caught on to that. "Your welcome, bro." They both say. We all head to the dining room, where there's some pie ready. We devour it and just sit there. Asriel looked like he was thinking about something. "Um, Chara?" He said. Chara looked at him. "yeah?" she said, lazily. "About a few days ago. What were the flashbacks that you saw?" He said. 


I ponder the question he was asking. I think back to the horrifying battle we all had. They were both blasting flashbacks of my memories with the two of them. "I remember when me and Seth were skateboarding and we went much further than we should have, and kept rolling over hot dog stands." I grin. "Oh my god, that was hilarious." Seth said, as he laughs himself silly. "That was when we were charged with Grand Theft Hot Dog." He said. I lost it with this. I was slamming my hand on the table trying to breathe. Then I remember one amazing one with Asriel. "Hey Azz, tell our bro about when we tried to bake Dad a pie." I say wiping the tears from my face. Asriel laughs at this. "I wonder where this is heading." Frisk says. We all take turns talking about our great memories with each other. Laughing the entire time. "Hey! That was special!" Frisk says as Asriel reminds her of the time that she drops her ice cream cone down a river. "A river?!" Seth says as he wheezes. We were all crying from laughter. Around 1 hour passes and we run out of hilarious memories. "Heya, how about we make this interesting." Frisk said. We all look at her. "How about we tell each other about our first kisses." She says as she looks devilishly at Seth. He starts to sweat. "Uh.." He looks at me and Asriel. "Rock, paper scissors?" He says. We nod. It was Asriel against Seth. It was the best of 3. Seth took first. Asriel took second. Whoever wins this one tells the other two about their most intimate moment. Frisk looked like she didn't care who goes first. Seth took out rock. Asriel took out paper. They go first. "Uh. Guess it's us first." He said. Frisk looked too excited for what was about to take place. Frisk just stares at Seth. "Um, *sighs* alright so when I woke up, in Gaster's little room in Waterfall, I went to go explore. This was when I still had no idea who I was and my purpose. I saw my reflection, and obviously being the arrogant asshole that I am, I call myself 'devilishly handsome' once I saw it." We chuckle at this. "I heard footsteps, come my way. I fall into the lake, then Frisk shows up. And gives me a towel. She wonders where I woke up in, so I lead her there, then she finds a crack. Being curious, I think, she puts her hand in a crack in the wall. It sucks her in and we eventually push her out. We slam against the wall. She was sitting on my lap.. and well, she leaned in and we kissed." Frisk holds his hand. "Wow, that was beautiful." I say. "Yup! Ight, your turn!" He said. Me and Asriel look at each other nervously. Then our eyes lock. I forgot how beautiful his green eyes look, I could tell he was saying the same about my Rubie eyed ones. "It was around midnight." I said. I didn't realize it at first but somehow, Seth got hold of popcorn. "We were all at Sans and Papyrus' house. It was the night after the Valentines Day Festival, I couldn't sleep. So I went out to the porch, then I see Azzy there. I ask him why he wasn't sleeping. He said that he had something on his mind. I sat down next to him, and just stared at the stars. I knew this was the time to confess my feelings for him, and out of nowhere we both say each other's name at the same time. Then.. we pulled each other in for a passionate kiss. And not a day has passed when I regret being with him." I say, as I put my hand on his. I hear sniffling. I look at Seth. "Are you crying?" I ask. "N-No. I just caught something in my eye." He said. I knew he was cracking a joke. "And what did you catch?" Asriel asks. "TEARS." We all laugh. Then Mom and Dad enter the door. "Hi Kids! We're going to the beach! Oh, looks like you all had fun while we were gone." Dad chuckles as he sees me and Asriel's hands on each other. And Frisk's with Seth's. We let go, blushing. "A-Are we going now?" I said. "Yup! We got you all swim suits as well." She tosses a fat bag for Seth to catch. He doesn't he just levitates it toward the table. We see swim trunks, goggles, and bikinis for me and Frisk. "Heck yeah!" Seth and Asriel say as they high five. After we all got done changing. We went into the car. "Yo, Azz you ever been to the beach before?" Seth asks. "No, but I'm sure it's beautiful!" He says. "Oh, yeah it is." He says. "Just steer clear of the sharks." He says. "What are sharks?" He asks. "Oh they're big fish with teeth, they're the bears of the sea." he says. I start to sweat. I hated sharks. I watched Jaws much earlier than I should have. I mean Seth was there too, but he seemed to love every second of that movie. "We should look for some." Asriel said. "Fat chance, those big boys don't hang out in shallow waters." Seth says. "Oh you guys do know we're going deep sea diving right?" Mom said. "AWESOME!" Seth and Asriel say. I sweat profusely. Oh no. 

On the S.S. Spear

Apparently all of our friends were coming with us. Mettaton brought his rectangular form with him. "Mettaton why are you.." "Darling, I'm not letting my beautiful body be tarnished by the salt of this vast sea, plus I want to see some sharks too." He said. I go into the boat. I sit next to Seth and Asriel. "Hey kiddo, you look nervous about something." I see Sans say in front of me. "No, no it's nothing." I said nervously. I see Seth open one eye. I think he was sleeping. "You scared of sharks sis?" He asks. "Don't worry we're going into waters where they accept tourists, they're used to this." He says. "ALRIGHT! IS EVERYBODY STRAPPED IN?" I hear Papyrus say. We all give the thumbs up. "Ok! HERE WE GO" He says. Then we went off. I could see the dolphins jumping as the ship goes further and further from land. I lay my head on Asriel's shoulder, as I was tired. He didn't have a shirt on so all I felt was his soft fur. The sea does look beautiful. I drift off to sleep.

A few hours later..

"NYEH HEH HEH! We're here ladies and Gentleman!" I wake up. I see a few boats surrounding what looks like a coral reef. Mettaton walks around and gives us all flippers and oxygen tanks. "Alright! Does everybody have their swimming gear?" Undyne says. She's not wearing anything but her bikini. I'm pretty sure she can breathe underwater. "ALRIGHT, WE HAVE SOME SHARKS TO PET!" She says as her and Mettaton Dive into the water gracefully. Then Seth, Asriel, Papyrus, and a reluctant Sans dives. Mom, Dad, and Frisk jump in. Then it was me and Alphys. We both looked incredibly nervous. "you, uh don't like sharks either?" I ask. "N-n-no it's just that I've never swam before." She said. "HEY PUNKS! GET DOWN HERE BEFORE I GO UP THERE AND GET YOU MYSELF!" I hear Undyne say. I had no choice, I put the goggles on, and put the breathing equipment in my mouth. Here we go. I dive in. I can make out Seth and Asriel playing with one. I go towards them. Frisk waves at me, I wave back. The water was really cold. Seth was rubbing his hand across the shark's head, in what seemed very specific. I see Undyne teaching other people the right way to do it. It was Asriel's turn. He approaches the shark, he does the same hand movement. He finishes. He was obviously very happy. He swims over to Seth and they slowly high-five in the water. When Frisk was done with her pet-session it was my turn. I get nervous. I look at everybody. Azzy and Seth give me the thumbs up. I slowly approach the shark. It was brown colored and had thin slits for eyes. I slowly move my hand across his head. At first it looked at me horrifyingly, but then it let me pet him. I stop. It looks at me. I swear to God it winked at me, then it swam away. I fling my arms in the water, in happiness. I actually did it! I didn't get killed! I hear honking. That was our signal to go. We all swam up, there was a ladder ready. I got onto the boat, and removed the gear. "I did it!" I yell. Seth laughs. "Yeah, you did." He said. Asriel got onto the boat. He removed his gear then started shaking to dry his fur. He gets us all more soaked than we already are. "Asriel!" We all say. "Whoops." He says. His fur was all fuzzy. We couldn't help but laugh. We all head towards the beach again. After a few more hours at looking at a bunch of dolphins, we end up back at the beach. "Who wants to play volleyball?" I hear Undyne ask. "Me!" The four of us say. "Fuhuhu! Alright! 4 v 4! Sans! Papyrus! Mettaton!" I see Mettaton break free from his rectangle and bring out his EX form. I also see Papyrus dragging Sans in the sand. "SANS! WE WERE CHOSEN FOR VOLLEYBALL!" He said. I hear Sans snoring. We all went to our stations. Seth cracks his knuckles. "I got this." He said. He serves with a deathly spike. "hoho! Finally a CHALLENGE!" Undyne said. I was amazing at volleyball, we used to play it a lot when we were younger. A few hours of volleyball pass, and it was a tied game. It was my turn to serve. "You got it sis." I hear Seth say. That was all it took. I jump and spike it. Mettaton deflects it with his leg. Asriel saves it by shoving it back, Papyrus whacks it, then Seth delivers the final blow. He jumps higher than I've seen anyone jump before and *BAM* whacks it with his head. It bounces on Sans then goes completely out of the park. "SANS!" The three yell. We won. "yyyyyyyyES!" We all say, as we high five each other, we all went into our cars and went home. It's been yet another good day. After we all took a shower, we went to bed. "What a day." Asriel says. "Yup, I'm bone-tired." Frisk says. We all drift off to sleep. We were all having our well deserved rests, when we hear something in the darkness..

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