My Hero Academia X Male Realer

By LoPau_24

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(Y/n) (L/n) born with a mixture of his parents' quirk.. he dreamed to be a hero and he wanted to t for his pa... More

Info & Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

932 20 8
By LoPau_24

(Y/n) and reina were headed to school when they were bombarded by a bunch of reporters asking about all might.. before reina could lash out on the poor reporters (Y/n) grabbed her hand making a break for it towards the gate.. soon aizawa shooed them away and the U.A gate shut them out.. but within them was a mysterious man... in the classroom aizawa was giving his feedback on the battle training..

Aizawa:"Good work on the battle training yesterday.. i looked over your grades and evaluations. (Y/n)" he was shocked to be called.. "(Y/n) you have what it takes but make sure to finish the job properly"


He then went on to lecture bakugo and midoriya on their results.. according to midoriya it ended with him over exerting himself again which he got an earful from (Y/n) through the phone..

Aizawa;"Now on to homeroom business.. sorry for the sudden announcement but." every one tensed up and thought of maybe another punishment "You have to pick a class president."

Everyone:"Such a normal school like thing!!"

Everyone started raising their hands and yelling that they wanted to do it (Y/n) also wanted to do it but his seatmate was let's say was really not interested in the whole thing.. and suddenly iida proposed a vote but it had issued but still went along with it and aizawa did't really seem to care either way.. soon the result were in.. 


(Y/n) (L/n) - 3 votes.

Izuku Midoriya- 2 votes

Momo Yaoyorozu- 2 votes 

(Y/n) was surprised and he looked at reina and she was just smiling at him while have her head on her desk..

(Y/n):"Huh i won."

Midoriya:"How did i get two votes?!"

Bakugo:"What the...! Who the hell voted for (Y/n) and deku?!"

Sero:"guess we can say that you didn't vote for them." reina just laughed but ignored bakugo and ochaco just playfully whistled not trying to be conspicuous

Iida sulked not getting any votes at all.. but he expected as much then (Y/n), midoriya, and momo went up front. 

Aizawa:"Fine. So your president is (Y/n) and vice presidents are midoriya and yaoyorozu."

Momo:"What a shame.."


(Y/n):"You got this buddy." he patted his back but it didn't work..

Kirishima:"I don't really mind the results! I know (Y/n) is amazing and smart and midoriya has the stuff for this!"

Mina:"And yaoyorozu was pretty cool, analyzing the battle training and all!"

Eventually lunch time came and soon (Y/n) and the gang headed for the cafeteria.. they got their food and sat at a nearby table..

Ochaco:"There's so many kids here.. this rice is so tasty~"

Reina:"besides the hero course other students from the other courses gather here huh." reina then wiped the sauce that was on ochaco's cheek..

(Y/n):"But i was surprised i actually got the position i have a guess on who voted for me."

Midoriya:"i'm more worried if i can really be a vice president.. that's why i voted for (Y/n)"

Ochaco:"You can."

Reina:"Don't worry about it.'

Iida:"Worry not.. regardless you may have lost to (Y/n) you also still have the grit and decisiveness to make a good second leader."

(Y/n):'he voted for midoriya haha'

Ochaco:"But didn't you want to do it? You have the glasses and everything!"

(Y/n):'she just says what's on her mind huh? just like a certain hyper blonde..'

Iida:"Ambition and suitability are two different things. I humbly made the choice i felt was correct."

Reina & Midoriya & (Y/n):"Humbly?"

Ochaco:"The way you talk iida are you a rich kid?!" 

Iida:"Rich kid?!" midoriya, (Y/n), ochaco and reina clearly wanted to know more "I don't really like people to know so that's why i hide it." he stopped eating and proudly said "Yes. My family is a renowned hero family.. and i am the second son."

(Y/n) & Reina:"Awesome!"

Midoriya & Ochaco:"Whoa cool!"

Iida:"Do you guys know the turbo hero ingenium?"

Midoriya:"Of course! He employs 65 sidekick at his office in tokyo!! So you're..."

Iida:"How very informed.." HE held his glasses in typical anime style and proudly claimed "Yes, He's my older brother!"

Reina:"He's really frank about it now haha"

Iida:"He leads people with his unwavering adherence to rules and regulations, A truly beloved hero! It's my admiration for him is what made my own desire to become a hero. Though i realize i'm not yet ready to lead anyone.. as the two superior candidates if i could vote twice i would have voted for you too (Y/n)" iida smiled and (Y/n) smiled back along with midoriya

Ochaco:"Never seen you smile iida!"

Reina:"yeah i always thought you were one of those weird stick in the mud types."

Iida:"I-is that so?! I smile on occasion and i am not a stick in the mud!!"

(Y/n):'like how midoriya has all might, and i have my mom, iida has ingenium..'

(Y/n)'s train of thought was broken by the sudden level 3 alarm that was blaring that made everyone go into a panic and started running for the exit.. now everyone was getting trampled by the sheer numbers of panicking students..

(Y/n):"Damn- Ow!" 

Reina:"Watch it damn it!"

(Y/n):'everyone's getting trampled if i could just use my quirk but using it will burn everyone..i got it!' "Ochaco!"

Ochaco:"yea- Ow! Y-yeah?" 

(Y/n):"Make iida float! I can't reach you so make him float!"

She nodded and iida saw what the reason really was for the commotion he then activated his quirk and went flying forward spinning.. he was now above the exit and called everyone's attention.. they all calmed down and soon after a few minutes everything went back to normal.. and the police arrived to get rid of the press.. we were now back in the classroom..

Momo:"go ahead class president."

(Y/n):"Sure we'd like to choose the other student council members.."

Midoriya:"but before that can i say something?"

(Y/n):"Go ahead."

Midoriya:"I.. i believe that iida is better suited to be the other vice president than me." The sudden statement confused iida "You all saw how well he and (Y/n) led everyone in that crisis.. so i think with him and yaoyorozu helping (Y/n) we can expect the better future for class 1-a."

Everyone cheered and iida happily accepted the position offered to him by midoriya.. while everyone was cheering (Y/n) still had a problem with what just happened today..

(Y/n):'But how did the press get in..'

With some of the faculty members they were inspecting the gate that was destroyed by said press..

??:"No ordinary reporter could have done this."

Nezu:"Someone instigated this whole affair. Did some evildoer manage to slip in? or do they intend to wage some greater war..?"

The next morning it all went like normal until aizawa had announced a new assignment to all of us.. he then showed everyone a card with the word rescue on it.. everyone got excited of course.. he then revealed the costumes on the wall and asked everyone to get ready..

(Y/n):"Rescue.. just like real pros.."

As soon as everyone was done and ready they all headed outside to see the bus that would bring them to the place.. 

Reina:"Well pres get everyone on the bus already." she poked (Y/n) on the sides making him go on ahead..

(Y/n):"Alright then! Everyone get on the bus!"

Iida:"Oh and make sure to seat based on your seat numbers!"

When everyone was on the bus .. the seats weren't what iida had in mind making him a bit disappointed (Y/n) just laughed and soon sat with reina.. after a minute of talking and (Y/n) just laughing at how bakugo was being sorta bullied..

Kirishima:"Yeah but if we're talking about cool and amazing (Y/n) has to be in that conversation."

Mina:"Yeah! He might not have a strength based quirk but he's pretty amazing at using his quirk." (Y/n) just chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck..

(Y/n):"Geez thanks guys.. but don't leave reina out of the conversation she's pretty amazing herself."


Tsuyu:"She's amazing and beautiful she's for sure going to be a great pro"

Reina just blushed a bit and thanked everyone.. (Y/n) knew under her cold exterior she was really sweet and shy on the inside.. they arrived and headed inside and the inside was really amazing..

Everyone:"Woah! Is this universal studios japan!?"

Thirteen:"There's the flood zone, land zone, conflagration zone, and etc. Every disaster and accident you can imagine i built this facility myself.. i call it.. the unforeseen simulation joint!"

(Y/n):'so U.S.J huh..'

Aizawa then asked thirteen where all might was but he said that he was resting due to him overexerting himself.. thirteen then went on to make a speech about how quirks are powerful abilities and can sometimes be used to kill so that the point for this exercise was to teach everyone how to use quirks to save lives..

Thirteen:"That is all!" iida cheered while midoriya was full on fanboy mode..

Aizawa:"All right, firs off.." before he could continue he noticed a portal forming at the bottom of the stairway..

Villains started to pour out of the portal and (Y/n) had noticed this and was growing worried.. aizawa had instructed everyone to stay put and thirteen to protect everyone.. some of them didn't get what was happening until aizawa said that those were real villains..

Portal guy:"Eraser head and thirteen? According to the staff schedule i acquired all might is supposed to be here."

Aizawa:"Of course that whole was the doing of these scum."

Hand guy:"Where is he..? We've come all this way.. and i brought so many playmates... All might.. the symbol of peace.. is he here? I wonder.. is killing some kids will bring him out." (Y/n) looked at the horde of villains and was terrified..

(Y/n):'this is what.. this is what they face everyday.. villains.. and their blood lust..'

Everyone at this point realized the danger they were in.. some confused and some concerned but a few were calm..

Momo:"Teacher, aren't there intruder sensors?"

Thirteen:"Yes of course there are..!"

(Y/n):"Most likely a quirk that's disabling the sensors in the building.."

Todoroki:"This place is far from the main building.. and they picked the time where there would be a few people."

(Y/n):"Either way they all planned this.. if i'm correct they might be after all might."

Aizawa:"Thirteen begin the evacuation and try contacting the school most likely a villain is jamming the sensors.. Kaminari try using your quirk to contact the school also."

Kaminari:"Got it.." aizawa was getting ready to jump down..

Midoriya:"But Mr. Aizawa you can't possibly fight them alone! Against that many you can't possibly erase all their quirks! Your specialty is in quick erasure and binding you ca-"

Aizawa:"No good hero is a one trick pony.. thirteen take care of them!" he then jumped down towards the villains.. (Y/n) was thinking of something but then suddenly told reina something..

(Y/n):"Take care of them! I can't let my teacher take on all of them.. Iida do you best!" he then jumped down following in aizawa..

Thirteen:"(Y/n) no!"

(Y/n) saw aizawa taking care of some of them but one almost got the jump on him but (Y/n) got there in time and stood back to back with aizawa..

Aizawa:"(Y/n)?! What are you thinking? you should have evacuated along with the class!"

(Y/n):"Now's not the time Mr. Aizawa.. How can i possibly become a hero if i can't even help the person in front of me." aizawa just shook his head but gave a slight chuckle..

Aizawa:"This is the height of recklessness and irrationality..then just be careful.. let's show them."


Reina, midoriya, and a few others saw how (Y/n) coordinated perfectly with aizawa.. and how he could hold his own against low class villains.. while everyone evacuated they almost to the exit.. but the portal guy appeared and stopped them.. reina, bakugo, and kirishima jumped him and attacked but when the smoke cleared the portal guy was unharmed.. they were soon enveloped in the black mist like substance and some of them were teleported somewhere.. with (Y/n) he was still taking out villains with kicks and punched powered by his quirk.. he was worried for his friends but he knew they could handle themselves well..

(Y/n):"Tch. there's no end to them!" he said as he kicked another one..

Aizawa:"Just keep focus until help arrives!"

With reina she was with momo and the others.. she was taking some out along with momo and jiro but kaminari was being a wuss which kinda irritated her a bit..

Reina:"Then become a human stun gun!" she the pushed him onto a dozen villains which electrified them all "Momo is the insulation sheet almost done?!"

Momo:"Yeah it's ready!"

A sheet then popped out of her back and covered all three of them..

Reina:"Right now kaminari!"

Kaminari:"You bet!"

He then released all of his electricity shocking everyone.. momo removed the sheet and her top was completely destroyed exposing her..

Reina:' is she an exhibitionist?'

Momo:"We better get back to everyone else.."

Jiro:"You better get clothes first.."

Momo:"You're right."

Reina:'She's the same size as i am.'

Back with (Y/n).. the hand guy finally made his move.. aizawa charged at him.. he elbowed the hand guy but he caught it.. at this point aizawa's quirk duration was over and the hand guy had noticed this.. he then started disintegrating his elbow.. (Y/n) saw this and boosted towards him and kicked the hand guy on the sides sending him a few feet away.. aizawa and (Y/n) backed up and (y/n) defended aizawa..

Hand guy:"Oh and i'm not the final boss.." he then gestured to the big black zombie looking creature beside him..

With the rest of the students.. iida had managed to get out and call for backup due to the help of the others... back with (Y/n) he tried kicking the black bird introduced as nomu but it seemed nothing happen.. midoriya, tsuyu, and mineta were watching.. and they were horrified to see the nomu grab (Y/n) by the leg and started smashing him on the ground and then threw him somewhere far and the audible thud terrified them more and it soon went on to beat aizawa to a pulp... (Y/n) had blood dripping from his head.. he saw that the portal guy came back.. but he saw aizawa heavily wounded by the nomu... the hand guy then went for what looked like tsuyu.. instinctively he boosted towards him and did a tornado axe kick..

(If i'm being honest if deku landed this bakugo would be ko'd)

And midoriya also went for a smash.. suddenly a smoke cloud appeared.. (Y/n) and midoriya landed the hit.. but when the smoke cleared the nomu was the one who took the hit..

Hand guy:"An impressive attack you both did.. you managed to burn nomu and you the attacked with 'smash' you a fan of all might? Well doesn't matter."

(Y/n) got a block in and the nomu punched him sending him flying.. it then grabbed midoriya but soon everything was interrupted by the sound of the entrance being smashed open.. and atop the staircase was an angry looking all might.. all might then suddenly took out most of the low level villains and he saw aizawa.. he then saved midoriya and the others..

Midoriya:"All might! (Y/n) he's over there!"

All might nodded and he saw (Y/n) bloodied and was on the verge of unconsciousness..

(Y/n):"A-all.. might..?" All might grit his teeth and carried (Y/n) and asked mineta to support him..

All might:"I will not forgive anyone who dare harm my students." he said and his aura suddenly changed..

All might the started fighting the nomu.. but (Y/n) just watched.. all might tried driving the nomu to the ground but a portal was ready.. the nomu then grabbed all mights side and blood was visible.. midoriya handed tsuyu aizawa and (Y/n) started to stand on his own but he wobbled.. 

(Y/n):'Only me and midoriya know how weak all might is getting.. and..'

Midoriya:'Only me and (Y/n) understand the situation all might is in..and'

Midoriya & (Y/n):'That's why we can't let him die!'

(Y/n) boosted and managed to hit the hand guy.. he retreated back and he todoroki and the others arrive.. bakugo captured the portal guy and todoroki froze the nomu helping all might.

(Y/n):"Took you long enough bakugo.."

Bakugo:"Shut the hell up! Look at your sorry ass! luckily we made it here!"

Kirishima:"Bro (Y/n) you better get going."

(Y/n):"I can manage don't worry about me.."

The hand guy then ordered the nomu to take out bakugo.. before anyone could react the nomu had punched him.. or so they thought.. beside all of them was bakugo safe..

(Y/n):"You dodged that?" 

Bakugo:"Shut up, i didn't."

The hand guy then went on to ramble about how heroes and villains are similar in the sense that both sides use violence.. but all might saw through his fake idealism..

Todoroki:"It's three against six

(Y/n):"With our support this will be a lot easier."

They were getting ready to face off but all might stopped them.. he then told them to just watch and learn.. he then clashed with the nomu exchanging blow for blow.. it was so fast that none of them could keep up.. 

(Y/n):'This is his power.. this is the man who's standing at the top..'

To finish it off all might sent a super powered uppercut sending the nomu flying out of the U.S.J 

All might:"In my prime 5 blows would have been sufficient! But today that took over 300 mighty blows!" he then looked at the hand guy.. "Now villain, how about we hurry up and finish this?"

Hand guy:"Y-you cheated..!"

With reina.. kaminari was taken hostage by a villain.. reina and the others played along.. but when the villain slightly let down his guard.. reina activated her quirk and appeared behind the villain and took him out..

Kaminari:"yayyyyyyyy! yayyyy!"

Momo:"That was amazing reina!"

Jiro:"You're really strong!"


Reina:"Now's not the time.. we should tie them all up and wait for the teachers."

Again with all might and the others.. all might was stalling and bluffing to make the villains retreat.. they all let all might handle it but (Y/n) and midoriya knew what was going on.. the two villains then charged straight towards all might.. Midoriya looked at (Y/n) and he nodded midoriya spun (Y/n) around and threw him.. and in that moment he boosted with his flames 

Midoriya:'Make it (Y/n)!'

Kirishima:"He's so fast!"

(Y/n) made it but a portal appeared and a hand was about to catch him.. and then midoriya suddenly appeared next (Y/n) and pushed him out of the way.. before the hand got him though a bullet hit him..

(Y/n):"They're here.."

The heroes arrived along with iida.. the villains retreated and all might reverted back to his true form..


Midoriya:"We couldn't help at all.."

All might:"That's not true you two.. if you both didn't buy me those couple of seconds then i would be dead.. You both saved my life."

(Y/n) smiled and he finally passed out.. seems as though all of the adrenaline left his body.. kirishima tried approaching the three but cementos luckily arrived to stop him from seeing all might's true form.. with the villains.. they retreated to what looked like a bar and the hand guy was shot multiple times..

Shigaraki:"Ow.. shot in both arms and legs ...We.. got crushed.. He got nomu too.. Our cannon fodder was taken down in a flash.. even those kids were strong.. the symbol of peace is in perfect health! You were wrong master! So wrong!" then the television and the person on that end spoke..

Man:"no i wasn't tomura shigaraki... We merely just got ahead of ourselves. Yes we underestimated him, good thing the league of villains came cheap right? Anyway.. What of our creation nomu? did you manage to retrieve him?"

Kurogiri:"No.. he was sent flying.. without the precise coordinates.. no amount of warping would help.. i just couldn't spare the time in that moment."

Man:"After all the trouble we went though to make him as strong as all might.. such a shame."

Shigaraki:"strong.. right.. there were two brats who were really strong! One was as fast as all might! And the other one was really amazing with using his flame quirk!" the man was quiet but it peaked his interest..


Shigaraki:"Without those pest we would have been able to kill all might! But those brats..!"

Man:"No use in crying over spilled milk. This endeavor was not all a  loss. Find stronger troops! Take all the time you need. We can't move freely That's why we need a symbol like you. Tomura Shigaraki!! Next time the world will know the terror you represent!"

The students were all evacuated and they were safe.. besides midoriya and (Y/n) who were both injured.. some of them asked about aizawa and midoriya and they said both were fine..

Reina:"What about (Y/n)? Is he doing fine?"

Detective:"(Y/n).. Ah yes.. he was currently transported unconscious.. he was mostly fine but he had pretty bad cuts and bruises but nothing life threatening." reina was a bit relieved but deep down she was still worried for both midoriya and (Y/n)

The three injured people were transported to the hospital.. after a minutes of being asleep (Y/n) woke up and he saw that he was in a hospital room.. he tried to sit up but he just felt everything was hurting...

(Y/n):"ow.. ow.. everything hurts.. ow my head.."

All might:"Young (Y/n) it seems that you've finally decided to join us."

Midoriya:"how's your head?"

(Y/n):"Splitting.. but aside from that... never mind.. everything hurts laying back down now"

all might and midoriya just chuckled at (Y/n).. he just smiled and laid back down.. a few minutes he fell asleep again.. all might and midoriya talked with detective tsukauchi and soon everything was somewhat normal..classes were cancelled the next day and resumed the day after.. (Y/n) was at the front.. telling everyone to quiet down after a few minutes..

(Y/n):"Homerooms about to start people."

(Y/n) went to his seat and suddenly the door opened to reveal aizawa wrapped in bandages.


Everyone:"You're back already Mr. Aizawa?!"

Iida:"Glad to see you're doing well Mr. Aizawa!"

Ochaco:"If you can even call that 'well'.."

Aizawa:"My well being isn't the topic, because your fight is far from over."

Bakugo:"Our fight?"

Midoriya:"Wait you don't..."

Mineta:"More villains?!"

Aizawa:"U.A's Sports festival is fast approaching!"

Everyone:"That's so completely ordinary!"

(Y/n):'No rest for the heroes huh?'


yo guys! Sorry for a late upload again.. my laptop gave out on me for about a week and repairs took longer.. but i'm back now and i promise to make an upload schedule.. but right now i'm thinking of every friday or saturday is when i release a chapter for this book.. but yeah thanks for all the kind words for real guys always appreciated! Love you all enjoy!


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