Angel Eyes -Motionless In Whi...

By stellarmoonchild_

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✿ฺREMAKE✿ฺ (Read original if you please for it is not mandatory) Mora Paige Thomas. Sounds normal enough righ... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven

Chapter 4

513 12 9
By stellarmoonchild_

Chapter 4: Happy Birthday To Me

I woke up and checked the date on my crappy phone.

October 31, 2013

I grinned widely, today is my birthday plus the night of the concert. I threw my blanket off of me and hopped out of bed. Walking to my closet, I did a little dance and kept a smile on my face.

I grabbed my only Motionless In White shirt, which was a pretty old one, but also a great one. It has a clown resting on a pile of guts with a fucked up hand reaching toward the band name. Oldie but goodie!

I then searched for my bright pink skinnies, only worn with this shirt, and then grabbed my black Vans. I quickly changed into my outfit then checked the time.


Hm. The concert starts at 6, so I should have about an hour to finish getting ready cause the venue is about 30 minutes from here. I grinned and walked to the bathroom quietly, shutting the door behind me. I grabbed my makeup bag from under my sink along with my straightener.

After straightening my hair I put it in a bun and wrapped a bandana around my head. Next I went on to my makeup, which was putting on concealer to cover all of my bruises then foundation and pretty unique eye makeup. Which all I did was apply winged eyeliner, with white eyeshadow fading into black eyeshadow, then I put a cute black and white bow on top of it, outlining it with a tan eyeshadow. Once finished with both eyes and being completely finished with my makeup and hair I exited the bathroom and back to my room.

I looked out the window and saw the gray car still here. He's still home? I checked the time on my phone and it was 4:31. That's weird. I walked out of my room after I slipped my shoes on whilst grabbing my bag.

When I left my room I peeked into my father's room and he wasn't in there. Okay... I then walked into the living room and saw that he wasn't in there either but his keys were on the key holder. I furrowed my eyebrows and went to the kitchen to see him not even in there.

I walked back into the living room with furrowed eyebrows, snatched the keys, and headed outside to the car. He wasn't even in the car. Wait, why the hell am I concerned for his sorry ass? I scoffed and got into the car, putting the keys into the ignition and started the car, pulling out of the driveway.

As I was driving down the interstate, the stupid engine started sputtering. I groaned and pulled over on the side of the road. I turned the car off, got out and popped the hood.

As soon as I popped the hood, smoke shot out and I backed up quickly. Thank god that I have perfume in my bag. Once some of the smoke was cleared out I stepped a little bit closer to the car when suddenly it caught on fucking fire. Great! Just fucking great! Ugh! I went around and opened the car door grabbing my bag and slamming the car door.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time.


You've got to be fucking kidding me! I was almost at the fucking venue too! I groaned in frustration and tears began to pool into my eyes. "Great! Happy fucking birthday to me!" I shouted, a few tears escaping from my eyes. I was about to call someone when my phone died.

"Well isn't this just so much better!" More tears escaped my eyes and I sat by the barrier, pulling my knees up to my chest and putting my face into my knees. I squeezed my eyes tightly and just hoped for someone to stop and notice.

A few minutes later that felt like hours I heard something heavy start to slow down. Please oh please don't be a truck driver...I have a great fear of them...

I heard a door open and I grew worried. Please...

I squeezed my eyes shut and put the hold on myself even more tighter, not even caring about my wrist brace digging into my shins or the cuts on my wrist breaking open again.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard a soothing voice say. Do I dare look up? I guess I should...

I looked up and saw something that shocked me, well. Someone that shocked me.

"I...uh...I'm fine..." I responded, stuttering. "Are you sure? You seem as if you've been crying and you're sitting on the side of the interstate not even 2 feet away from a car on fire..." He said.

"Oh...uh...ha...yeah...that..." I can't stop myself from stuttering. "Here, let me help you up." He reached out his hand and gave me a smile. What if he is kidding...what if he doesn't really want to help and wants to just take my hand and throw me into the fire... I mentally shook my head at the thought and hesitantly took his hand with my left hand.

"Now, beautiful, what's your name?" He asked, scanning over me. Oh God, please don't be scanning over my body so you could...stop Mora!

"It's...uh...Mora..." I told the man. "Well, Mora, I wanna guess you already know who I am considering your shirt, but I'll introduce myself anyways. My name is Ricky, and it's a pleasure to meet you. May I ask where you were going to all dolled up and looking beautiful like that?" Ricky asked. Is something bad going to happen?

With hesitation, I finally gave an answer. "I was um...heading to the...uh...concert...your c...concert..." I answered. "Ah, would you like to ride to the venue with us? It'll give you a ride there and you can watch the show from the side of the stage if you'd like." He responded. A part of me was jumping and screaming yes, while the other part of me was fearful and cowering thinking of all the bad things that could go wrong.

"I...uh...yeah...sure...why the hell'd make my birthday a little bit better..." I replied, saying the part about my birthday quietly. "Alright, wait did you say that it's your birthday?" Ricky smirked. My eyes grew wide and I grew worried. Oh God, the last time someone knew when my birthday was something bad happened...

"Uh..." Ricky chuckled and picked my bag up off the ground. "We might wanna get out away from your car, so let's get going and you can tell me more about yourself on the ride to the venue." He stretched the hand out that held my bag and I hesitantly took it. "You're bleeding!" He pointed out. "Heh...guess I am..." I said, looking at my wrist. "Well come on! I'll help you clean up!" Ricky took me inside of the bus and gave the clear to start driving again and he took me to the bathroom.

"Sit on the toilet and I'll go grab a first aid." I sat down and Ricky left the bathroom. Sighing, I got right back up and looked at myself in the mirror. Only minor make up damages that I could probably fix.

"Who's the girl, Rick?" I heard, I think Ryan, ask. "Her name is Mora, she's the one who was sitting on the side on the interstate with the burning car." I heard Ricky respond. I began shaking. I just agreed to sit on a bus with a bunch of guys...what if they do something?! Tears filled my eyes again and I squeezed my eyes shut tightly once again.

I heard the bathroom door open and then shut. "Mora? You okay?" I heard Ricky ask then I felt him kneel in front of me. I clenched and unclenched my fists as fear bubbled up inside of me.

"Hey, look at me." Ricky said. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He used his thumbs to wipe away my tears and then grabbed a qtip to take away the black makeup the ran across my face, causing me to flinch every time he touched a bruise from doing both activities.

"Are you hurting on your face?" He asked. I nodded. "What happened?" Ricky wondered aloud. "It's...n...nothing..." I stuttered again. "I don't believe that but I won't press on it right yet. Can I clean your arm?" I nodded again and he grabbed my left hand, pulling it near him and he grabbed some cotton swabs that had some sort of liquid on them and began to wipe off my forearm.

Wait a minute. I harshly sucked in a breath as I watched him clean my forearm and as more and more blood began to clear I watched as his face changed from concentrated to one with mixed emotions, but also soft.

"What made you do it?" Ricky asked after he wrapped my arm up, looking me in the eyes. I shook my head, "'s shouldn't have to worry about it..." I answered with a wobbly voice.

"We're back at the venue!" I heard someone yell. "Come with me." Ricky said, grabbing my hand. I grabbed my bag and Ricky took me to the front of the bus where everyone was.

"We don't go on for about an hour and a half, so. We're going to have a little mini get to know each other party for your birthday." Ricky said, smiling at me. In a way, his smile made my heart melt but my mind drifted to other things that could mean a get to know each other party.

"Alright, so guys. This is Mora. She's my new friend who had car trouble. Today is also her birthday." Ricky announced to his band mates. I looked down at my feet and realized that Ricky still had hold of my hand and for some reason, I couldn't tear myself away from him even though I had so much fear that is building up inside.

"Hello Mora! Happy birthday!" I heard multiple people yell. I looked up to see five other guys with bright smiles on their faces.

"T...thanks..." I stuttered with a small smile. Everyone got up and hugged me, but Ricky was the first and I tensed up. This is both the best feeling and worst. The fact that I feel like I could possibly be safe with these guys scares me. It's also kind of weird considering that my face is in Ricky's chest, almost his stomach seeing as I'm kinda short. Ha. Awkward...

"So! Let's get to know each other, mostly Mora though!" Ricky said excitedly once everyone pulled away. I mentally shook my head once again and we all began playing question games where I became to terrified to speak at some points and bluntly answering at other points.

About an hour later, someone knocked on the bus door and Chris got up to go answer it. In came a person with a cake and I grew extremely confused. "I got the cake Ricky." The man said. I looked at Ricky and he smiled and stood up, reaching into his pocket. "Thanks Korel, here ya go." He said, handing the man a 20 and 10. The man known as Korel, who I think is there manager from what I can remember, put the cake on the table.

I looked at Ricky with a confused look and he just smiled at me, going to the cabinets and grabbing paper plates and plastic forks. "Since its your birthday, I had Josh get you a cake!" Ricky said excitedly. I slowly got up and looked at the medium sized circular cake.

It was white and had purple lettering, reading;

Happy Birthday Mora!

I put on a real smile and looked at Ricky, hugging him myself without hesitation. Ricky hugged me back and squeezed a little, and I let out a small yelp. "What did I do?" Ricky asked, pulling away quickly. " just squeezed a little too tight...I have quite a few bruises..." I responded. "Why do you have so many bruises?" He asked.

"Long story..." I mumbled in return. Ricky slowly nodded as if he understood and took the top off the cake. "Shall we have cake?" Ryan asked. "Fuck yes. I'm up for cake!" Balz said.

Everyone got a piece of cake and they began to eat theirs, but I just picked at mine, feeling terrible because Ricky bought it for me and he barely knows me. He seriously spent his money on me just to say happy birthday. To me, that's pretty bizarre and I would've never thought something like this would've happened.

And now I feel like shit because I'm not eating it because I don't like to eat. I haven't eaten more than 2 bites in a week.

I mentally slapped myself and took a bite of the cake before someone starts asking questions. Then I found myself eating a few more bites until I stopped, reminding myself that if I don't stop I'm going to get fat. No one likes someone who eats all the time and is overweight...

"We play in ten. We better start heading into the venue." Ghost said, throwing his plate away. "Agreed." Brandon said. I sighed and got up to throw away my plate but Chris grabbed it for me and Ricky grabbed my hand. "Do you wanna go out in the crowd or stay backstage?" Balz asked. "Um...I'll stay backstage if that's alright..." Everyone nodded in an agreement and we made our way inside of the venue.

The guys went on stage and every so often Ricky would look back and smile.

Around the end of the show, after playing Devil's Night, Abigail, London In Terror, Puppets, and Creatures Chris made an announcement.

"Alright, so, today we met a new person! She's probably the most shy girl we've ever met. She's also a bit frail. But her name is Mora and today is her birthday. Mora is right back stage and we're gonna have Josh bring her up here. And once she's up here we're all gonna shout a big happy fucking birthday, Mora to her. Alright?" Chris said and my eyes grew wide. Please don't...

Balz went off the stage and neared me. "Come on little one!" Josh said excitedly.  I shook my head and he frowned. "It'll just be for two seconds. I promise." He said. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply then exhaled. "Fine..." I mumbled. Josh clapped his hands excitedly and brought me on the stage.

"1! 2! 3!" Chris shouted and a chorus of Happy Fucking Birthday, Mora! ran through the venue and rang in my ears. "Holy fuck she's hot!" I heard one dude yell and I tensed. Stop it...

"How old is Mora?" I heard another person shout. Chris looked at me and put the mic near my face. I shook my head and stood on my toes to whisper in his ear. "She's 18!" Chris shouted into the mic. "So she's legal?!" Another guy shouted. I shook my head and ran off the stage.

"Very disrespectful to say that in my opinion! But we have one more song and we're dedicating it to Mora! This is City Lights!"

After the show, we all went back to the bus and I crashed there with them, going home in the morning.

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