Werewolf Error(ReMake) |Ended...

By Mokimu99

74.7K 2.9K 906

The balance of the multiverse was beginning to fall thanks to ink. Now error is forced to destroy a original... More

Chater 1
Chater 2
Chatpter 3
Chater 4
Chater 5
Authors notes
Chapter 6
Authers Notes
Chater 7
Auther news
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Auther news
News update
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Not a chapter just a question
Chapter 14
A idea???
Chapter 15
Shot out time :3
Mini Hiatus
The end is only a new beginning
Not important =3=💦
Final warning
Mini idea
My a new dawn began~
Fairwell old friend
Final notice

Chapter 13

1.9K 102 28
By Mokimu99

Things slowly began to settle down as the multiverses stopped just as soon as it began falling apart. Most around the aus where scared to do anything as they feared one wrong move would start it up again. After hours later the sans got a message from ink to meet at the star sans, only the ones that were still left attended.

At the star sans base.................

It was dead silent as most just looked around our distracted themselves from the half empty room. They waited uneasily until ink and science came into the room. "Ink what in asgore happened." Surprisingly outer was the one to talk first. Ink only looked down with white eye lights as science stepped up to the frost of the table. "As most felt there was a uneasiness in the aus...." science looked around a bit nerves as he continued "As you see most of the younger sanses are gone and from my calculations it's behind the sudden disturbance. From what checked in damage about only 5% of copy's from the originals remain..." Most skeletons in the room eye lights went out as a few cliched there fist in rage or fear. Science stepped to the side as ink stepped forward with red targets in both eyes "I don't know how but error was able to wipe almost all of the aus in one shot. But I promise you this I won't let him destroy the rest of your homes. We have to stop him!" Most nodded already agreeing to any plans to stop error. Ink and the others started to think of a plan as science left with fell following him. Red could only put a hand on his shoulder to try and help the tense scientists. "I don't know fell but somethings seems off with how this happened...." fell could only looked to the side also worried "Don't worry sci ink will fix this." But science only shake his head a ball of doubt in the back of his mind "Then why do I feel ink is the cause?"

Sorry for the short chapter having a bit of trouble with how to put the story in my head into the actual book.
Next few chapters may be long then usually. So stay toon :3

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