Siege - Sci-Fi (M/M)

By jjwebb

73.9K 3.2K 294

The year is 473af and Earth answers to Secaro, a very distant and unknown planet. When they first arrived, pe... More

1. The day I met him
2. What is right and wrong
3. From another walk of life
4. Haven't I seen you before?
5. Experiencing Earth
7. What are the chances?
8. How can I make this better?
9. Not all goes according to plan
10. Finally getting to the bottom of things
11. My simple feelings
12. Let the games begin
13. Not giving up
14. All good comes to those...
15. ...that wait
16. Let's talk it over
17. We need to talk
18. Now I know
19. Before Man
20. And now we must wait
21. The inevitable
22. The time is now
23. The destruction of Earth

6. New beginnings

3K 153 8
By jjwebb


We were on a return flight when news of new starters was announced. To stop complacency, people are moved around quite frequently. You can spend a few years on a ship before you need to be moved, and you aren't given a choice when or where to. The size of this ship meant a few transfers were made every couple of months. I was with the last bunch so it was quite exciting to not be one of the new guys anymore, although I would probably still be viewed that way for a while.

I didn't know the crew that well yet, so I had no idea who was going to be leaving. The people I spent most of my shift with hadn't said anything, but I wouldn't really say we were close enough to share that information. And the Secaro members would never tell you anyway.

There was a couple more night shifts before we will be docking, which was plenty of time to relax and maybe see if I can pick out one or two names that will be leaving. I am guessing some are relieved to go and others are sad to go so I can look out for signs that fit. They also get a month of leave before they are given their new job so most are very happy to see their families and relax. I can already spot one of the women beaming from ear to ear in the canteen - she probably has children she gets to see.

The rest of the week goes by without a hitch. I am yet to be on a flight where anything bad does happen, fingers crossed. The ships are so well made and we all have to do a great job, but we were trained well to ensure nothing happens. After 5 years of training, we would have to be good.

We have to stay alert and awake at all times, just in case, and it can be very tiring. I tend to stay awake after a shift and go to sleep a bit later, so I wake up energised for the task ahead. Today however, I am just too tired and go straight to my cabin. The new crew members won't be arriving for hours so it is best I sleep now so I can introduce myself later on before I start my shift again.

When I wake up, I feel well rested. I check the time and realise the new crew would have been boarded an hour ago! They should still be hanging around and introducing themselves hopefully, I mean I spent about an hour and a half doing it on my first day. I put on my uniform and exit the cabin hoping I will make it.

I assume everyone is is the canteen for introductions so I head over. I'm not more than 10 feet away when the door opens up and one of the new crew pops out. That's funny, I just imagined it was that Jaxenayo guy. Couldn't possibly be. I blink to do a double take.

'Hello.' He juts around slightly, as if he is not sure what to do, it almost looks like a hug but he eventually puts out his hand. It is that Jaxenayo guy. I take his hand.

'Hi Jaxenayo.' I shake his hand. Damn those tingles.

'You can call me Jax, I know how humans like to shorten names.' He smiles. He hadn't smiled at me before. His time on Earth obviously did him some good.

'Well then Jax, you can call me Izan if you like. Nice to meet you again.' I smile back. This was surreal. I assumed I may see him again as a passenger or something, if at all, but never a crew mate. What are the chances? I noticed our hands are still touching and pull mine away.

'I have to go and find my cabin now. Goodbye.' He is improving but it is still a little awkward as he just walks away. I guess there will be plenty of time to work on that now I will be seeing him all the time. Oh no, I have to see him all the time. I don't know how I will manage that, I mean, it's a big ship but we are bound to bump into one another. I'll have to wait and see because for now, I have to meet the others and get ready for my shift.

I am pulling open the door when he comes back and grabs my hand. 'It was nice to meet you too' and he shakes my hand and walks off again. He is obviously trying, probably because he can feel the weird tension between us as well. He must have noticed he was missing something in the conversation and felt the need to come back and fix it.

If I was in his position, I would want this straightened out, especially considering we may have to work together or see each other again at some point. In fact, I am in this position and he is Secaro so it could end up reflecting badly on me, not him.

First thing tomorrow, I will find him and straighten this all out. Have a proper chat with him and get to know him a bit better. Maybe work on our introductions and goodbyes to make it as natural as possible. If this continues, it could be very bad for me and my future - one bad word off a Secaro and you can be punished, moved, sent back to Earth - anything! This job was one of the best and I'd be damned if I could lose it.

I introduce myself to the rest of my new collegues but my heart isn't in it. I am too worried about my current predicament. Luckily, I find out that none of them are being placed with me so I don't have to try too hard and I can make up for it next time I see them. At least I was giving them a better impression than Jax - it's all that matters.

I grab some food and finish it quickly. I want to get a quick work out and shower in before I report for duty. It may help take my mind off of things. If I go in distracted, I could end up making a mistake. A mistake AND a complaint in the same week, well that would just be my luck. No, best behaviour from now on - that will be me. After I sort things out with Jax, I will never try and have a proper converation with anyone ever again, especially not a Secaro.

10 minutes till my shift starts - may as well get there early and make a few checks, distract myself some more and focus. I'm afraid that if I leave myself to my thoughts for too long, I'll panic.

'Holo-screen working, check. Holo-screen camera clear, check. Calibration, check. Contrast, check. Sensitivity, check. Motion sensor, check. Heat sensor, che-' I am stopped by a polite cough, trying to engage my attention.


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