Scrub | Sope

By euphoriaficss

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"do you want to kiss me as bad as i want to kiss you?" in which yoongi is hoseok's hairdresser and hoseok lik... More



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By euphoriaficss

2 years later

"what do you think?" hoseok asked, smiling at his client in the mirror, feeling proud of the haircut he'd done.

the client just smiled, running his fingers through the short mullet hair cut.

"i love it, hoseok! thank you."

hoseok just nodded and brought the man over to the receptionist to pay, not forgetting to thank him for visiting the shop.

as he walked back over to his station to sweep the hair from the floor, he felt two arms wrap around his waist.

he jumped at first, but settled when he realized who was behind him.

he felt subtle kisses start to make their way down his neck, giggling, trying to escape from the mans grasp.

"yoongi!" he squealed, finally freeing himself, turning around to look at him with a smile on his face, "i'm working."

yoongi just smiled, pecking the boys lips.

"i know. i just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing," he said, running his hands over the boys waist, "and also... did you check with kook on the tux's? do him and tae like them?"

hoseok just nodded, assuringly.

"they said they're great. kook said they match the theme perfectly and they look nice with joonie and jin's for pictures."

"alright. well, i should hurry and go pick them up, then."

"okay," hoseok said, leaning in and pushing their lips together once again, "i can't wait till our schedules line up again. it's so fun getting to work with you."

yoongi just smiled, pushing the fallen piece of hair out of hoseok's face.

"i know, i can't wait either. but, at least you got jungkook on the same hours as you today," yoongi said, smiling, motioning to the boy a few stations down, focusing intently on the short bob he was cutting on some lady.

"yeah. he's been so jumpy all day, though. i feel bad."

yoongi just stared over at the boy for a moment, watching the scissors in jungkook's hands shake slightly.

"he's getting married tomorrow, babe. of course he's nervous."

hoseok watched as kook fumbled with the scissors in his hands, accidentally dropping them to the floor.

both hoseok and yoongi immediately started laughing.

"yeah... i guess you're right," hoseok said, smiling.

yoongi leaned in and pecked the boys lips one last time, not really wanting to leave.

"i'll see you tonight, okay," he said, squeezing hoseok's hand and then heading for the door.


about an hour later, hoseok and jungkook were both on their breaks, sitting in the back and eating their sandwiches.

jungkook was shaking as he brought the sandwich to his mouth.

"jungkook, are you alright?" hoseok asked, feeling worried about how nervous the boy seemed.

"yeah... i'm fine," he said, taking a big bite of his sandwich.

"are you sure? i know you're getting married tomorrow, so it makes sense for you to be scared. i just want to make sure you're ready for all this."

jungkook just sighed, setting his sandwich down.

"i'm not nervous to marry tae," jungkook said, "i'm so exited. i'm nothing but exited, honestly."

hoseok looked confused.

"then why are you so jittery?"

jungkook stopped for a moment, thinking if he really wanted to tell hoseok what was going on.

"i'll tell you," jungkook said, "but you have to promise you won't tell anyone... especially taehyung."

"okay, tell me!"

jungkook fiddled with his fingers, nervously.

"well... i'm getting off early today."


"i'm..," jungkook started, clearly nervous to tell him, "i'm going to visit jimin."

hoseok's eyes went wide at the name. they hadn't talked about him in so long.

"jimin? why the hell would you do that?"

"well... i was curious about what was going on with him the other night... and i looked into it online. apparently he was transferred from prison to a mental facility over a year ago."


"yeah. when he did... everything he did to us... he wasn't right in the head. not that it makes what he did okay, but... he's getting help now. he's been getting help for a long time."

"okay, that's cool, but why the hell are you visiting him?" hoseok asked, clearly thinking the boy was crazy.

jungkook just sat up in his chair, setting his sandwich back down.

"i stopped thinking about him."

hoseok looked confused.


"i'm healed, hoseok. i... i want him to know that what he did doesn't hurt me anymore. that i'm... happy now. i want closure."

hoseok just sat there for a moment, thinking through what jungkook said.

"i... i wanna go with you. you shouldn't go there alone."

jungkook shook his head.

"i'm a grown man, hoseok. i have to do this on my own... show him i'm not scared."

"are you sure this is a good idea, kook?


"alright... just text me if you need anything. and i mean anything."

"i will. don't worry."


"you're here to see park jimin; correct?"

jungkook was standing in front of the counter inside the mental facility, talking to a lady, and signing in for his visit with jimin.

"yes. park jimin."

she typed a bit more on her computer and handed jungkook a tag to clip on his shirt.

"you're all set. follow me," she said, leading jungkook down the hall.

they took a few turns, before they landed in front of a door labeled, 'common room'.

the lady unlocked the door with her set of keys and the two of them walked inside.

upon entering, jungkook saw a bunch of people hanging out, talking, playing cards, and doing other random things.

"this is the common room," the lady said, "when we start to see positive dramatic changes in inmates behavior, they get granted permission to come in here during the day. it's like... a reward. helps them stay sane and remember what it's like to have fun and build relationships."

jungkook looked around the room, fascinated by all the people around him.

"oh... cool."

the lady was leading him over to a more quiet area of the huge room, where there wasn't many people. there was one man there, though, facing away from them. he was sitting at a table, reading a large novel.

jungkook could only see the back of him, but he seemed to be a normal looking guy. he had brown hair, that looked like it had been recently cut. he was wearing some comfy clothes and slippers, just focusing on the book he was reading.

the lady walked over to the the reading boy and placed a hand on his back, trying the get his attention.

"jimin, there's someone here to see you," she said, smiling down at him.

jungkook's breath hitched.

that's jimin?

he looked so different. he... felt so different. the strong, scary, and intimidating man that jungkook had been so ruined by, seemed so calm... so fragile.

"someone's here to see me?" he asked, seeming shocked.

jimin turned around in his seat and immediately met eyes with jungkook.

but this time was different.

this time, jungkook wasn't the one quivering in fear. this time, jimin was the weak one.

jungkook wasn't afraid anymore.

"jungkook..," jimin said, his eyes wide.

jungkook just stood there, looking at him.

"i'll give you boys some space. call me over if you need anything, jungkook," the lady said, walking away from them to go talk to another patient.

it was silent for another minute or so, the two boys just looking at each other, observing all the changes two years had done to the both of them.

jimin was the first to break the silence.

"sit," he said, pulling out the chair next to him, "please."

jungkook thought for another moment, then sat down beside him

there was a bit more awkward silence, before jimin spoke up.

"you... you look good," jimin said, not making eye contact with him, " like... healthy... i mean."

jungkook just nodded.

"i am."

they were both met with more intense silence, not sure what to say to each other.

" have you been?" jimin asked.

jungkook just looked up at him, being sure to make eye contact.

"i've... i've been great."

jimin went to say he was happy for the boy, but jungkook immediately interrupted him.

"actually... i've been more than great," he said, smiling, "i got a new job. i'm a hairdresser now. and... and i get to work with two people who mean the world to me. i have an amazing apartment... that i share with the most amazing guy in the entire world."

jimin nodded.

"i'm happy for you, jungkook. i really am."

jungkook just smiled dryly, sighing.

jimin took the pause in conversation as a chance to place the bookmark in his book and set it aside.

"jungkook, what are you doing here?" he asked, bluntly, " how can you even look at me? why would you want to?"

jungkook looked up at the clearly confused jimin and began thinking about how to respond.

"well... i guess i'm here because... for the longest time when tae would... hold me or... touch me, i would think of you. i... i could feel you on me. i never thought that was gonna go away," jungkook said, making eye contact with him, "i guess i came here to tell you that... i'm not scared of you anymore. i...i moved on. i've found my own way to forgive you and i don't need any apology. and... i'm getting married tomorrow. and i'm in love. i'm so, so in love. i never thought i was gonna have that, because of you. but, i found it... and it's so beautiful."

jimin stared at him, with tears weld up in his eyes. he was doing his best to hold them in, not wanting to throw a pity party for himself.

"jungkook, i want you to know something," he said, looking up at him, "i think about you and what i did every second of every day. being in here... it really doesn't let my brain go anywhere else. i would just sit here and tell you how sorry i am that i did what i did to you... how fucked up in the head i was.., but i know in situations like this... sorry doesn't really do shit. more importantly... i want you to know that i will never... ever do what i did to you again- to anyone. i'm never gonna hurt anybody like that again. i'm not that person anymore. i'm not."

jungkook saw the realness on jimin's face, how he was talking with such raw emotion.

and he knew the boy was telling the truth.

jungkook nodded, standing up from the chair.

"i'm glad," he said, beginning to walk away.

jungkook got a few feet away from jimin, before stopping and turning around, realizing he still had something to say.

"and... jimin," he started, meeting eyes with him, "i hope you can find love for yourself someday. i hope you can move on, too. really."

jungkook turned back around and continued out, not waiting for a response.

he had said everything he needed to.


hoseok was nearing the end of his shift, keeping busy and cleaning up his station. he had spent most of the day worrying about jungkook, scared about how his visit with jimin was going. so, when he did get a text from the boy telling him how good everything went, he felt a lot better.

it had just been such a long day and hoseok couldn't wait to just go home and cuddle up with his boyfriend.

hoseok smiled just at the thought of yoongi and immediately went to text him.

be home soon <3

                                         i'll keep the bed warm

( ^ω^ )

                                                                   oh no
                                                                not again
i know u love it

                                                    just come home

hoseok just smiled to himself, putting his phone back into his pocket and running to grab his things.


hoseok had been home for around ten minutes. he used the time to throw his pajamas on and jump into bed with yoongi.

they were now cuddled up together, watching who knows what on the tv.

"how was work today?" yoongi asked, "did you talk with jungkook?"

hoseok paused for a minute, realizing he still hadn't told yoongi what jungkook had spent his day doing.

"uh... yeah. i did talk to him."

yoongi pulled away from their curled up position, looking at him straight on.

"what's wrong?"

hoseok just shifted his eyes.

"it's no big deal... he just-"


"he um... he went to visit jimin."

yoongi's eyes went wide.

"what the fuck? why?"

hoseok wrapped his arms around yoongi's shoulders, pulling himself closer.

"don't freak out. i think he just wanted some closure, you know? he wanted to show jimin he wasn't afraid."

yoongi pulled hoseok closer as well, taking a deep breath.

"so... he went to visit him in prison?"

hoseok shook his head.

"no. he's... he's actually staying in a mental facility now. he's been getting help for over a year."

yoongi looked surprised.


"yeah, it's crazy. jungkook said it actually went really well, too. he said he got to say everything he wanted to."

"well... that's good."

"yeah, it is."

both boys fell silent, just cuddling back up and focusing on what was on the tv.

"are you exited for the wedding tomorrow?" yoongi asked.

"yeah, they're gonna be so happy together," hoseok said, "... i just-"

"what?" yoongi asked.

"i guess... i guess i just wish we were the ones getting married," he said, shifting on his side to look at yoongi.

yoongi just looked at him, laughing slightly at the boys cuteness, and moving his hand to wipe the bangs out of hoseok's face, causing him to shiver.

"baby," he started, moving his hand from hoseok's hair to his cheek, "is that really what you want?"

yoongi continued petting his cheek and hoseok nodded.

"i want to be with you forever."

yoongi's face became more serious, realizing how intense the situation really was.

"hoseok," he started, making direct eye contact with him, "i just need three months. we can save up some money and... and then we can get a house. and i'll marry you. i promise. just you and me."

hoseok looked at him, excitement radiating off his face.

"really? you... you want to?"

yoongi smiled at him and parted away, leaving hoseok slightly confused.

that is, until he saw yoongi slouch down next to the bed, kneeling down on one knee.

hoseok sat up, exited to watch yoongi's adorable display.

"jung hoseok," he started, showing off his gummy smile, "i love you more than anything in this world. i love you more than life itself."

hoseok was smiling brightly, his eyes getting all teary from his boyfriends sweet words. he really couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten.

"you are my entire world, hoseok. and if you take me, i promise i'll treat you right. i'll buy you a ring and a huge house and anything you want," he said, "will you, jung hoseok, make me the happiest man on earth and-"

"marry me?"

hoseok didn't even blink before jumping onto yoongi and saying yes, kissing him all over.

both boys were crying happy tears, not being able to help it.

they were just so happy.

"and yoongi," hoseok said, parting away and looking at him, "i don't need a ring or... a house... or anything at all. none of that matters,"

"i just need you."

yoongi smiled at him, wipinig off his tears with the back of his hands.

"...but i guess a ring would be nice."

both boys started dying of laughter, feeling beyond ecstatic that they would be laughing together for the rest of their lives.



sorry this took so long to put up nsjsjsjjx. it's been a CRAZY few weeks. i hope you guys enjoyed the story even though it was kinda shitty lmao.

feel free to follow me if you want updates on future stories! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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