Ashes to Ashes | A Kylo Ren...

By Novacant

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When the First Order raids a village on Tatooine you are taken away from everything you know. Entering the Fi... More

1. Taken
2. Command shuttle
3. Deal Or No Deal
4. Propel Me Into Space Why Don't You
5. Damsel
6. My Prisoner
8. Back where we started
9. Warning This Chapter Contains Exercise
10. Meet The Knights Pt.2 (Don't piss them off this time)
11. Vicrul Has Abandonment Issues
12. Battle and a Half
13. So Much Angst
14. Play The Role
15. Dresses?!
16. Society?!
17. No one puts little rebel in the corner.
18. People Are Watching.
19. Don't let me down
20. In The Bleak Morning Light.
21. Aftermath
22. Cat and Mouse.
23. Ashes.
24. Dust
25. Power and Glory
26. Anew
27. Death of each-other

7. Meet the Knights

796 23 29
By Novacant

You woke to a room void of Kylo Ren, and lord were you you happy for it.

Yawning and stretching and wriggling in the overly comfortable bed you exercised your free limbs to their full extent.

You lifted your hands to your face, examining them in the dim light of the chamber, your hands were raw and dry from the life you lead on Tatooine, and your wrists bruised and scabbed from the life you lead here.

The scratches on your arms still prominent, and itchy.

The hiss of the door broke you from your examination, you didn't need to look to tell who it was, you could feel the darkness of his presence.

There was also the fact that it was his chambers you resided in, so there wasn't much guessing to be done.

You gathered the sheets around you and pressed yourself into the headboard, glaring straight ahead as Ren stepped into your vision.

"Get up"

You continued to glower, balling your hands into fists under the long sleeves of the shirt he gave you.

"So now you can be quiet?" He said offhandedly as he turned away, tearing you from your cold shoulder plan as you went to object. Clicking his helmet and taking it off, placing it on the desk and picking up a data pad.

You clamped your mouth shut before you could give him what he wanted.

But he felt your need to respond, and worse he felt your need to prove him wrong.

So, silent or not you knew he knew you were fighting a loosing battle.

"What's on the agenda for today Supreme Leader? Genocide or kidnapping?"

He turned to you, face stoney "Get up or I make you get up"

You sat still, pondering just how far you could push your captor.

Lowering a portion of your mind wall you allowed some loud thoughts about what you thought of him, your well thought out random statement included some profanities, some excellent vocabulary choices and very little grammar. 

You looked up to him from where you sat on the bed, eyes wide and blinking with mock innocence. 

"Stupidly well-formed arse?" He repeated? A humorous smirk gracing his cheeks.

Your brow fell and your cheeks flushed, "Thats really what you chose to pick out from that?" You said irritatedly.

Your rebellion was quickly extinguished when his raised his hand to use his stupid magic powers on you. Springing up, abandoning the sheet as you stood in front of him, slightly closer than you had meant, conscious of your barely covered legs.

You shot your most foul glare at him he looked down at your, gaze partly triumphant and partly sardonic.

Deities you hated him.

Brushing past him with heaps of completely warranted aggression you stormed into the refresher.

Ren had left you a uniform similar to his own on the counter. You strode over to it, rummaging through the pile of clothes with a frustrated hand.

It was black, of course.

Coarse too, you came to realise this as you ran a gentle finger over the well tailored material.

You shrugged it on, thick, strong material weighing heavily on your shoulders. A high collar and long straight sleeves that came to a slight flare flowed down your body, but tightening the belt around your waist it felt like it was strangling you.

Sitting on the toilet to slip on the socks and combat boots you could quiet the loud frustration that rung in your head, a lack of acceptance pinching at the edges of your mind at all time.

Huffing you straightened, turning to look in the narrow mirror, honestly you could just look at any wall on this forsaken ship to the same effect. It wasn't comfortable, neither was it your style, but damn did you look good.

You settled for loosely braiding you hair as you had nothing to tie it with.

Stepping back into the chamber you looked to where Kylo Ren still stood with the data pad. He didn't even look to you before speaking, 

"there's food at my desk, eat before we leave" He spoke apathetically, still looking down at his data pad.

He didn't even appreciate your new fit. Rudeness of unmated quantities.

Huffing and walking over to the desk you found a bowl of grey slush and a bread bun, you sat in the large black chair, it was lightly cushioned and comfortable, you sighed as you sunk into its massive frame, eagerly shovelling the slush down your throat.

Looking up from your meal only once finished you found Kylo looking at you now, cheeks heating as you realised he had been watching you eat like a slob.

"Come here"

You stood your ground, or more accurately, sat your ground. You were taking the offence.

The offence was definitely your style.

But Kylo Ren didn't seem to be the defensive type either.

This time he conceded first, striding to you. revealing what had been concealed behind the data pad.

A pair of stun cuffs. You couldn't take your eyes off them, pushing yourself into the back rest of your chair.

"Put your hands out" his voice was monotone.

"No" you replied slowly, looking up to him with a furrowed brow.

"Don't make me repeat myself little rebel" His tone lowering, annoyance salting his tongue.

"I don't need them" an argumentative tone coating your tongue. He chewed on the inside if his cheek, clearly trying to check his anger.

How considerate.

"It will content the officers " He sighed, eyes intense as ever as they bored into yours.

"Kriff the officer's contentment" You waved you hands up in frustration.

"Do I need to remind you again of your status abroad this ship?" That sardonic tone was back again, it's derisive edge threatening to cut your rage free.

"No" you gritted, struggling to keep your voice level. Staring him down.

"Then give me your hands" he hissed, taking a step towards you.

"You cannot control me" you snarled, with no where to go you were a caged animal.

His cheek twitched, a smirk pulling his plump lips upwards.

"I will" His words shook me. 

The words caught you of guard allowing him to tug you up and towards him with the force. Your hands were dragged to where the cuffs sat, snapping into place.

You let out a slight growl, eyes wild as you looked up to him

"You will never control me"

Hostility floated from him, seeming to trail from the bottom of his billowing cape as his feet pounded the floors of the corridors.

You walked in front of him, having to double your stride to keep a good distance from him.

The fiery heat of his gaze kept you from running, laying like a heavy load on your shoulders. You kept your head high was you passed the stormtroopers, you hoped the word had spread of how you had kicked trooper butt in your cell, the last thing you needed on

You couldn't tell however because the unease rolling off them as they passed was almost certainly caused by the ball of dark energy that was behind you.

Ren had to take hold of your shoulder to get you to stop when you had arrived at the meeting room, you jolted, too lost in thought to register the invasion of your personal space.

He didn't seem to be one for personal space.

You allowed him to steer you into the room before shrugging his iron grip off. The room was plain, extravagant like most of the first order's interior, but in a clean, polished and minimalistic way. It contained one long table a control centre in the far corner and a device on the table that looked like a holograph projector.

Sat at the table were five men, all staring intently at you, The man with a face littered with scars and stubble was analysing you with a militant, critical eye, there was a younger man next to him who looked at you with curiosity. The two men next too them had distasteful sneers on their lips. However, neither could compete with the mocking sneer that practically tore the haughty ginger man's face apart, you could feel the hatred seeping from him like dioxis gas.

They all stood as Ren entered, Ginger guy noticeable standing with much less enthusiasm and a good few seconds behind the others, you could tell he was trying to antagonise Ren, perhaps promotion envy?

Ren placed a hand on the small of you back which made you grit your teeth, he guided you to the head of the table, he stood slightly behind you to your side.

"Officers" He greeted, the helmet mangling the booming greeting.

You felt on display, as though you would be more at home in this room in a glass box with a plaque. 

"I have called this meeting to introduce you to my apprentice" He boomed, the eruption of his decoded voice almost making you jump.

"She will be training with me until she is fit to join the knights and I on missions" he continued.

A moment of silence was interrupted by Sneer Face opening his thin lipped mouth to let out a drawling "And what of her affiliation to the Resistance?" he dragged his eyes over your form, lingering on your waist where the belt accentuated you curves.

God you wanted to pour scalding hot wax on his stupid side burns and rip them off his stupid head. 

You stared him down through another second of silence before he added the obligitory "Supreme Leader"

The other officers shifted uncomfortably at his blatant challenge.

"The affiliation was tenuous at best, she will submit to me- to the First Order"

You twisted you head to look up to him, scrunching his nose in distaste at his proclamation

The men around the table raised their eyebrows turning to give unsubtle looks to each other. Ren stiffened by your side, no doubt hearing the officers insubordinate thoughts. Part you couldn't wait to learn that part of being a Jedi, gossip was a fun pass time in the drudgery of day to day in Morg's town, and with access to anyones mind... the tidbits of personal information you could access made you want to drool.

You realised then that you wanted the power he had, you wanted to be superior to these grovelling men, for them to fear you like they did the powerful man beside you. You needed the power so that you never had to lead an existence as you had on Tatooine.

Your brow lowered, tearing your eyes away from the gaggle of pathetic officers you looked up to the masked Sith Lord beside you, he shifted he head slightly, shooting you a diagonal look. You projected along the bond that lead to his mind "I want to leave" you said.

"Patience little rebel" he replied out loud, causing the officers to cease their blabbering and look towards you both, his mechanical words sending shocks of fear through their spines.

You clenched your fists under the flared leaves of your robe, you look away from the empty eyes of his helmet, its gaze burning a hole into your head as you looked to the floor.

The ginger man interrupted your train of thoughts again, a squeaking drawl leaving his mouth "You picked a pretty little thing for an apprentice Ren, if she fails her training with you I'd be happy to train her myself"

You saw red, both you and Kylo whipped your arms up towards the General, sending him flying towards the back wall with such velocity you could be sure his spine crunched.

You dropped your hand first, looking towards it with shock and slight disgust and your violent tendencies.

Ren kept his hand up, the General stayed suspended, struggling with the invisible chock hold he was locked in.

The infuriated ball of black cloth marched towards the General, stopping at the end of the table, next to the chair that so recently the ginger idiot had sat at.

His voice was deep, a new level of sinister that you had not yet heard from him, "My apprentice ranks above the lowly level of General, you will show her the respect she deserves. As your superior"

The General went an even deeper red, still gasping for air as Ren held him at the wall for a moment longer before dropping him into a sprawling gaping mess.

He definitely wasn't in the state to spew anymore insults, you were glad, you'd rather listen to a blash'narl feed than one more second of that idiot man's voice.

The Supreme Leader walked past you on his way to exit the meeting room, taking one last look at the petrified faces of the men at the tables, before turning on your heel and following Kylo out the door.

"Where are we going now?" you huffed out finally after minutes of walking through identical corridors.

"To meet the knights" he growled, even with the decoder mangling his words you could sense his lingering anger.

"Right." you said, panic creeping up on you.

"Be calm little rebel, they won't kill you without my order" He gave you a side long look.

"Good to know Supreme Leader good to know" you said mockingly.

"They are obedient, unlike you" he added, making you look indignantly up at him, unfortunately there was no comeback to that one.

You almost bumped into him when he stopped in front of a pair of double doors, Ren looked down to you again as you shuffled your weight from foot to foot. He held our his hands, you raised an eyebrow, hesitating, he sighed, grabbing you cuffed wrists and releasing them, you rubbed them tentativley. 

 Giving you a small nod he opened the door.

He stepped in first, his presence felt immediately by the men in the room, they stood to attention, militant in their synchronisation, before filing towards where Ren stood waiting for them, forming a line facing of him.

They all wore masks, each seemed to be a variant of Kylo's, one spoke up, a casual tone still laced with respect for his master.

"Is there a mission for us Master Ren?" He spoke, his mask was divided into small squares with only a small mesh visor for visibility.

"No Vicrul"  Ren turned to you, you stepped through the door hesitantly to stand just behind Him "I have someone to introduce, this is my new apprentice"

Despite the masks you could sense the eyes on you, feeling crushed under the weight you, but you lifted your chin and scanned their masked faces one by one, refusing to cower in front of yet another set of entitled men.

A different mask spoke now, this one had visors on each side "The force is strong in her" he spoke gruffly.

"She will train mainly with me until she is ready to accompany us on missions" Kylo announced.

He placed a hand on the small of you back as he pushed you towards the right of the the line, once you reached the first masked knight who had spoken you shrugged off his hand, a gesture which, surprisingly he allowed.

"Knights introduce yourselves"

"Vicrul, hand to hand combat" The first knight spoke, he sounded cold and distant, much like his master. He offered you no outreach of welcome.

Moving down the line you looked up to a Knight with a mask shaped like a elongated skull, he had his hood raised up over it. "Ap'lek, the smart one I suppose you could say" The men let out chuckles at his confidence.

Ap'lek looked down to you, somehow you could sense a smile emulating from under his mask, it was one you couldn't return.

"Cardo, In charge of explosives" He stated cockily, but a reply from somewhere down the line had his head whipping away from you "He just likes blowing things up" More laughter followed, Cardo only huffed. His mask was simple and quite rounded, but he held a cannon like contraction on his arm, you gulped as you looked down to it, you could only imagine the damage one blast could do to a person.

"Kuruk, I deal with stealth operations" The Knight that stood before you was the one who had sensed you strength in the force, he gave you a subtle nod as you looked into his strange helmet.

"Name's Trudgen, apprentice, I'm master in the martial arts" Another overly confident introduction, You watched you eyes widen in the reflection of his wide vibrocleaver the whole blade was the length of your torso, he wore a heavy tabard and hood with scavenged armour plates all along his chest. His helmet looked disarming similar to a troopers, only with sharper angles and crevices.

As Kylo guided you to the last knight, you looked up to the mask armed with filtration antiox tubes but it was Kylo that spoke, "This is Ushar" he leaned down towards your ear, whispering whilst looking to Ushar "He doesn't speak, silent but vicious" He showed you no recognition, staring only straight ahead, he had swung a blunt war club over his shoulder, you gulped as you basked in his silence.

"Resume training, reconvene at second shift" The master of the Knights of Ren ordered turning, you lingered looking up into the mask of Ushar, he lowered his head slightly, indicating he was looking at you too.

He was definitely your favourite.

"Apprentice" Kylo boomed, you slowly turned and trudged after him.

A voice from the men behind you stopped you in your tracks "Doesn't the 'apprentice' have anything to say for herself?" The emphasis on 'apprentice' was clearly mocking, you spun around to see the first Knight, Vicrul had taken a step forward. The edges of your vision tainted with red.

You spoke without thinking, "I don't plan on sticking around to know any of you, I have nothing to say to Kylo Ren's little maids. Keep your distance from me and I'll do the same" The words slid harshly from your tongue like sandpaper. The men stood for a moment before Ushar took three steps towards you, he gave you a nod, quick and efficient before turning and walking to the weight section of the training room.

The other Knights nodded and chuckled, murmuring to each other, slowly each nodding to you and dispersing to continue with their activities. Until only one remained.

Vicrul, he stood fast, staring you down before swinging his sword menacingly and rejoining his fellow Knights.

You stayed where you stood for a moment, stunned at their apparent acceptance of you into their group.

Spinning slowly on your heel you joined Kylo Ren at the door way blowing fly aways out of your face as you walked.

He looked down to you, and from the harshness of the breaths coming from his mask as he tugged your wrists to him and snapped the stun cuffs on, he was not happy with you.

I reckon those cuffs will come in handy later;)

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