Star-Crossed One (Male OC x H...

By StarLightUpMyDays

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A story of a young man on how he acts when his original dream got crushed to pieces and how unlucky stuffs ke... More

Chapter 1 : Wish
Chapter 2 : Scattered
Chapter 3 : Support
Chapter 4 : Different
Chapter 5 : Talent(s) ?
Chapter 6 : Dots & Lines
Chapter 7 : Training ?
Chapter 8 : Audition
Chapter 9 : Hello New Dream
Chapter 10 : GoodBye
Chapter 11 : New Enviroment, New People
Chapter 12 : New Routine
Chapter 13 : Addition
Chapter 14 : Deal
Chapter 15 : Commitment
Chapter 16 : Debut Prep
Chapter 18 : Compete
Chapter 19 : Wrong ?
Chapter 20 : Eliminated
Chapter 21 : Big Things Happening
Chapter 22 : TWICE
Chapter 23 : Deal
Chapter 24 : The New Fellaz
Chapter 25 : Secret and Promise
Chapter 26 : Differences
Chapter 27 : In Between
Chapter 28 : Chance
Chapter 29 : Empty Heart
Chapter 30 : Responsibility
Chapter 31 : Tour Of Self Healing
Chapter 32 : KQ Fellaz Unite
Chapter 33 : Conflicted
Chapter 34 : Mix of 9
Chapter 35 : Mix Of 9 Pt.2 "Ranks"

Chapter 17 : Out and In

432 27 56
By StarLightUpMyDays

  3rd P.O.V.

"You're out of the team."

"W-what ?"

"Got7 will debut without you in the team."

Suffocated is all Kyoya can feel , things are going too fast for his brain and heart to process.Sadness,confusion,anger,dissapoinment all become one, making the world shakes real hard for him like an earthquake.

"You are to move to dorm in the second floor room 20 in less than 24 hours.That is all."

With that being said, JYP left the room without any extra words. The rooms was silent for a few seconds before,

"I can't just accept this !" JB said while he runs outside trying to catch up with his CEO demanding an explanation for his decision upon the younger trainee. It doesn't take a long time for him to catch up.

"JYP-nim ! WAIT !"

The older man look behind with confusion as why JB suddenly chase after him.

"Hm ? Jaebum-ah ? What is it ?"

"Why ?"

"Sorry ?"

"Why did you remove Kyoya out of the team ?"

"Ah about that..."

"Yes, why JYP-nim ? He fits really well in our team.I just can't see any reason wh--"

"GOT7 is already filled with amazing talent with the seven of you. I think it'll waste his talent to put him in GOT7, you shouldn't overdo something or it won't end up well."

"So you're saying he's not part of the team because he's just as talented as us ?"

"Indeed. Anymore question ?"

"If I may know..., what will you do with him then ?"

"That's some internal stuff, if you really want to know I suppose I can tell you. But you're not allowed to tell Kyoya about it."

JB nods agreeing to the term and condition that JYP-nim asked for.

"I'll put him in a another project.I didn't put him in that certain room without any reason y'know. Dorm 2nd floor room 20 is a room filled with 3 trainees that are also producers. This new group project.... let's call it project 'SK' for now."

"SK ?"

"I'm afraid that's all I can say for now. I wish you luck for tomorrow JB."

JYP once again walks away leaving JB confused whether he should feel happy or not about the current situation.

Kyoya P.O.V

"HYUNGG !!" Yugyeom cries out while he hugs me.Sadness was all I can feel before I think 3 or more feelings starts taking over. I don't even know how to feel about this , it's just empty...

"DON'T LEAVE US HYUNNG" BamBam cries out following his loud duo hugging me. Heh..I'll miss the noise pollution that these two always make.

"Aigoo you two , it's not like I'm dead or anything." I reply to my two younger friend while patting their head.


I look to my left and see Youngjae with a sadden expression.

"Hey it's alright--"

"MY ROOMMATE ! (sniff) ALWAYS FIND ME (sniff) WHEN YOU NEED ME OKAY ?! I'M NOT (sniff) CRYING !" Jackson said literally crying.

"Come on you two , roommate group hug." Mark-hyung said bringing me and Jackson to a little group hug.

"I'll miss the three of us watching horror movies and witnessing Jackson screaming like a little girl." Mark adds ending his sentence with a light giggle.

"YAH ! NOT (sniff) THE RIGHT MOMENT !" Jackson replies.

The whole room laugh just because of that simple sentence.

"Hey you better come to our first concert one day okay ?" Jinyoung said while put his hand on my right shoulder.

"I will, that's a promise."


The door opens once again, revealing the figure of GET8 or well now GOT7's leader JB.

"Kyoya..I'm.. sorry.."

I shook my head.

"Come on hyung it's not your fault why are you apologizing ?"

"I...I don't know...I just feel like guilty..losing a member like this.."

"Like I told you , it's not your fault.There's nothing we can do about it. I guess it's just my bad luck."

"(sigh) If you need us, just come by and visit us okay ? No need to be shy. We'll be there for you."

"Thanks, I'll do that."

I once again look at their face, I'll miss this group full of random and weird people.Many memories were made with this people, i learned a lot too from all of them despite the random  habit and acts the always do.

"Alright you all, let's do Girls Girls Girls OT8 one more time to honor Kyoya. Jinyoung hit the music !"

"YEAH !"


3rd P.O.V.

The next morning come by, the group spend their last time as a OT8 group with games , horror movies, and scary stories before one by one giving in to feeling of sleepy.

"Kyoya, I'm sorry we couldn't help you moving--"

"Aigoo, it's alright JB-hyung. You guys gotta continue shooting the M/V. I'll be praying for you guys. Hope everything goes well today."

"Thanks, I..wish you luck too. I hope you'll quickly debut."

The young man can only smiles as a response to the older trainee. The two part ways as they do their own activity for the day.

Accepting his fate , Kyoya walk with his belongings to move to the second floor. He's walking pretty awkwardly carrying the three bags of clothes and personal things that he brought.

"Ah hyung here let me help you." A voice suddenly appears followed by the owner.

"Ah thank you."

"No problem ! May I know where should I take this to ?"

"Oh I'm moving into room 20."

"Room 20 ? Ah ! You must be the new addition."

"Hm ?"

"Kyoya-hyung right ? I'm Han Jisung. Looking forward to work with you hyung."

"Oh , Yabuki Kyoya. Likewise, I'm also looking forward to work with you Jisung and how did you know tho ?"

"JYP-nim told me yesterday, and hey guess who's your roommate ?" Jisung said with somewhat a proud smile on his face.

"Uhh you ?"

"Bingo ! Oh and there's 2 other people that we'll share a room with. Don't worry, our room is big enough for the four of us "

"That's relieving to hear."

"I know right ? But it's quiet surprising to hear someone will join our room."

"Mind explaining ?"

"JYP-nim did say our room is a little bit special, I never went to other trainee's room so I don't really know the difference. You'll know about it when we arrive."

Kyoya nods as the two continue their journey to the dorm on the second floor. Arriving at front of the door, Jisung push the door easily while still carrying Kyoya's bag.

"Yah Jisung where were yo-- Kyoya-hyung ?!!"

A familiar face that most of people in JYP knows , it's your friendly Australian boy.

"Chris !?"

"Wait you two know each other ?" Jisung said joining the conversation.

"Yeah we met a while back, I didn't expect to share a room with you."

"Same for me hyung-- Oh right Jisung-ah where's Changbin ?"

"Changbin ? I thought he went to get some food in the cafeteria, he didn't go with you ?"

"Wait you two aren't practicing today ?" Kyoya said suddenly cutting the dialogue between the two.

"Oh JYP-nim told us to prepare for you, we'll join the practice later." Chan explained.


"Hey I got some nice rice cracker-- Oh annyeonghaseyo." A new character enters the room wearing white shirt and black training pants.


"Ah there you are ! Why did you leave me behind !?" Chris suddenly said cutting my greet.

"Ah hyung you take too much time to use the toilet , I decided to just go grab some food to be more efficient with the welcome party."

Jisung and Chan facepalm their own face after their friend just spoiled everything in front of the target.

"Hm ? What's wrong ?" Changbin asked being totally clueless.

"You just basically spoils everything."

"Yea-wait don't say you are--"

"OBVIOUSLY HE IS !" Jisung said.



"Okay I'm quiet lost here , you guys mind explaining it to me ? And hey you must be Changbin right ? I'm Yabuki Kyoya, looking forward to work with you."

"A-ah ne, I'm Seo Changbin also looking forward to work with you hyung."

"Okay I'mma explain it , so me and Changbin were supposed to get some food and throw a little party to welcome you hyung. But it was supposed to be a 'surprise'." Chan said with an emphasis at the word secret.

"I'm sorry ! Like I said Chan-hyung took too long to the point where I think that our new roommate will arrive before we prepare anything and guess what ? I was right."

"True tho, which is why I don't see any reason on why we should keep on debating."


The conversation falls silent...

"So uhh..are we still gonna do the party or not ?" Kyoya ask sounding all awkward.

The other three look at each other before they replied with a loud,



Kyoya P.O.V

"7..8..., and bam-bam-bam."

Sweat starts to roll down my face, back as a normal trainee means I have to deal with the dance moves that aren't really necessarily needed in a debut.But hecks these dance moves sure are hard. I'm kinda alone too here since Chris and the others are in the other class.

"Hey isn't that the guy that was supposed to be part of the group that JYP-nim about to debut ?"

"Yo you right , dang he must be part of a scandal or some shiet. Pfft... pathetic"

"I know right, pathetic."

Yoo these sorry-ass motherf*cker thought I don't have ears or some shiet ?! They sure knows how to get on someone's nerve don't they ?!

"Yah ! You two ! How about you said that in front of his face ?"

I look around to see who said that and apparently it was this tall guy.

"Tsk, let's just go."

The two random guys exit the room quickly, heh guess they all bark and no bite.

"Hey thanks ! I appreciate that." I said thanking the bear guy that helped me.

"No problem hyung , I'm Woojin. Kim Woojin."

"Kyoya, Yabuki Kyoya."

He seems like a nice guy.

"Hyung I'm not gonna lie , your dance move sure stands out."

"Eh? What do you mean ?"

"I mean the way you execute the moves is really sharp and good, mind if I ask for some tips from you for the future ?"

"Sure ?  I don't mind."

Another addition to my friend list, Woojin seems like a chill guy. A warm one if I should say.

"Ah hyung have you eat ?"

I just ate a while ago.....

But dang my stomach is craving for more..

"No, wanna hit the cafeteria ?"

"Let's go."


Momo P.O.V

"I feel bad for Kyo-san." Sana said while walking together with me.

"Yeah, it's really weird that JYP-nim suddenly remove him from the team." Mina adds.

Nobody expected his sudden removal from the team , I haven't met him since that.

Poor Kyoya....

"Hey isn't that him ?" Sana suddenly said.

"Where ?" I asked while searching for him which somehow makes Sana dan Mina giggling.

"Ohyo ohyo , you really want to meet him don't ya ?" Sana said teasingly.

"Ah you're lying don't you ?!" I replied while feeling redness on my face from embarrassment.

"Momo-nee really can't be seperated with Kyoya-san huh ?"


The two only laugh looking at me being embarrassed from all the teasing the two did.

"But for real tho, he's there."

"Okay you better be not lying now."

I look around once again just to realize..

"Pfftt I'm sorry Momo !" Sana said while laughing making her apology sounds not sincere at all.


I ran away , not being able to contain the embarrassment I got from the two.

"Yah ! Wait for us !"

I look back to see my two friend following me from behind. I was about to say something when I



"UAHGG" head...


"I'm sorr-"

Eh ? This voice ?


"Eh Momo ? Are you okay ?"

His face is so close.., I locked eyes with him..I can feel my heart starts beating fast and loud- wait this scene... isn't this scene that typical lover moment from K-Drama !?

"Ara-ara seems like Momo is enjoying this right Mina ?"

I widen my eyes as I see Sana standing there with her smug face and Mina just there blushing.

"N-NO !"

By instinct I pushed Kyoya away.

"OW !"

"Ah hyung , you okay ?" said a tall guy who I assume was walking together with Kyoya earlier.

"Yeah I'm fine Woojin-ah , geez Momo what's the deal !?"

"A-ah sorry I didn't mean it."

He stand up first before helping me to stand on my own two feet.

"Next time be careful will you ? You could've gotten hurt colliding into people like that."

"AH blame it on these two !" I said blaming my two friend that just stand there and watching.

"Okay I'mma put the blame on Sana , Mina is too pure to start a fight with you"

"Eh ? Mou Kyo-san you meanie~" Sana said while pouting while Mina just smiles there.

"What did she do this time Momo ?"

"She te-umm"

Wait we can't let other people know about our relation, Mina and Sana already knew about it. But Kyoya's friend there didn't know about this.

"What is it ?"

"Eh umm..."


A guy suddenly shows up talking in english (?) , his accent is really strong.

"Oh Channie ?"

"OH Sana-noona ! What a surprise."

"Chan ?"

"WOOH Woojin too ? What's happening here ? A party without me ?"

How did this turns into a sudden gathering....


Ch.17 done , I couldn't find a proper way to finish the chapter so I decided to do it this way lmao.

If you like it drop a comment , thanks for reading, have a great day , and as always

I'm out boiii

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