Chapter 23 : Deal

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(Disclaimer : This chapter will be a long one so uhh make sure to stay hydrated aite ?)

My once smiley face turns 180 degrees as i saw the future that i seek so much got ripped into pieces right in front of me.


He look deadeye at me, so intense that i think the plants behind me might run away out of fear.

"Yabuki Kyoya, out of everyone i thought you know me better."

"S-sorry JYP-nim ?"

"You really think i didn't know about your relationship with Momo ?"

I froze up literally, shivers ran through my whole body. H-how did he know about this ?

"N-no sir-"

"Don't your dare lie to me Yabuki Kyoya, answer it honestly." He said glaring at me with even more intensity.

"I-i'm not dating her sir, i....used to."

"You used to ?"


"But you did date her while you're a trainee right ?" He asked raising his left eyebrow.


He looked away and cover his mouth after he heard my confession.I don't know how am i supposed to feel right now ? Scared ? Anxious ? Confused ?

I've tried to hide our relationship but somehow JYP-nim managed to find out about us.


I look at him, i can clearly see disappointment painted on his face.

"I trusted you, i even chose you by myself to come and join me in JYP Entertainment. But now look what you've done."

I can only hang my head out of shame.

"I know love are humane things, i have feelings too so i know how it feels to fall in love. But you've agree with our terms, i just can't believe you done this to me."

I stay silent as JYP scolds me with his words. I deserve it, i was the one at fault for asking her out and keeping it behind JYP's back.

"Now you do know the consequences right ?"

The consequences-

Wait No....

NO !

"I'll have to take Momo out from the final lineup."

My heart sank hearing his statement. All Momo's happy images cracked and broke apart inside my head. Her chance...., the debut she been working hard for so long.....

"N-No ! JYP-nim , please don't do this to her. I beg you !"

"You beg ? You knows the consequences of dating as a trainee and now you ask for pity from me !?"

"I-I KNOW ! B-but please..please...just this once.."

I said fully bowing to him, I-I can't let something that i started broke someone else's dream. It's my fault ! I should be the one who take responsibilty !

"Please JYP-nim ! Anything ! I'll do anything ! Just let Momo stay in Twice, i can't stand seeing her crying again."

I can hear JYP-nim sighs before he asked me to stand up straight, quitting my full bow to the owner of JYP Entertainment.

"Look Kyoya, i really have to be strict with my trainees. I'm only doing justice here. But.."

He put his hand on my right shoulder and look at me.

Star-Crossed One (Male OC x Hirai Momo)Where stories live. Discover now