Chapter 20 : Eliminated

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3rd P.O.V.

Days passes forming into weeks, Momo who still have doubts about her boyfriend can only stay silent and work her day out. Every single night she would have sleepless night , accompanied by growling stomach because of her diet.

Her days seems longer than usual, unnatural mood-swings that affects her performance both in practice and in SIXTEEN.

At some point , she was asked by the members to rest for a bit because she look horribly tired and stressed. But she prefers not to because the moment she rests , those blurry images of Kyoya cheating behind her back starts to show itself.

This images are supported by the amount of times she saw Jihyo and Kyoya actually walking together somewhere. She doesn't want to follow them because she's not ready to see what're they doing together. She might be wrong about the Kyoya cheating on her but if she's right, she just can't imagine it.

Momo been wanting to ask Kyoya or Jihyo about it , but everytime she tried to ask words won't come out from her mouth. It's like there's this heavy feelings that stopped her from talking.

She wanted to ask either Sana or Mina to ask Kyoya about it but it seems really unethical to do it. She doesn't want her two close friends to be involved in any of this problem, which results in her keeping it to herself damaging her own mental health as we speak.

Because the two rarely meets , Kyoya didn't know about Momo's condition and when the two actually meet she will always act like nothing happened. He's being totally clueless with the condition.


Kyoya P.O.V.


"Agh that feels good." Working once again in the music producing room with the boys.

"Chan-hyung , maybe we should give our group a name ?"

"CRIKEY MATE ! That's a great idea !"

"I swear Chris , the more i spent time with you the more Australian i become." I said responding to the Australian slang that Chris just throw.

"2nd that." Changbin said accepting my statement.

"Well you better not get tired of this Australian slangs because you'll hear it a lot !"

"Crikey mate, that's astonishing !" I said copying Chris' accent.

"Crikey , that's actually pretty good !"

The four of us laugh together in that room. I'm really thankful for meeting these boys after the departure from GOT7. They're the ones that brighten my days from all the tiring training and stuffs.

"How about TheRachas ?" Chris suggests.

"Racha as in Sriracha ?

"That's because we spitting hot fire, right ?" ChangBin tried to guess.

"You know me so well Changbin-ah !"

"Yaaaawwww." ChangBin responds with his iconic adlibs while fistbumping his older friend.

"That's actually pretty cool tho, oh how about stage name ?"  Jisung said continuing the progress of the dialogue.

"I've prepared one for myself , call me CB97. Chan Bang born in '97. Cool right ?"

"That's pretty hard to pronounce hyung , try something like mine which is SpearB. Y'know Spear as in Chang and B as in Bin."
Changbin said while he mimicks how early humans used to stab stuff with spear.

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