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By gardeniamoss

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(crosspost from my quotev)(This takes place between parts 1 and 2 of jjba) George II grew up without a father... More

Chapter one - Treasures From The Past
Golden Light
Status Quo
A Cold Wind Blows
Back Where We Started
Waiting For The Day You Come Back
New Recollection
When Did It Begin?
A Loss For Words
The Training Forest
The Legacy Of Jonathan Joestar
The Stories Left Untold
Thinking Of Home
New Horizons
Hello And Goodbye
Sunlight On Your Shoulders

On The Rooftop

5 0 0
By gardeniamoss

He'd retired to his bedroom for the night eyelids heavy and limbs weary.He let himself slump onto the bed and drift off into the comforting blackness of sleep.It couldn't have been long past midnight when he'd awoken by a rough jostling to his shoulder.The room was illuminated by a single candle as a hand clamped over his mouth before he could even open his mouth to speak.In the low light,long dark hair and a familiar face were lit by the low glow of the single flame.Elizabeth shot him a look before calmly retracting her hand.

"W-what are you doing?"She gently put a finger to his lips.

"Follow me."Her voice was so hushed he could've mistaken it for the wind if not for her face still only being centimetres from his.To keep from waking anyone else,he silently nodded.She led him by the wrist through the dark halls as a blanket the blanket slung over his shoulder trailed along the floor.With precise and silent moments the latch to the attic was opened with a tiny click before her hand was on his shoulder,soundlessly urging him to follow.

The candle's meek light cast the dusty room in shades of orange and yellow.How long had it been since he'd been up here?had it really been two years?As his eyes scanned as much of the dim room as possible he took notice of how all the old boxes and crates were still in the position that he'd left them.Another latch clicked and through the candlelight he saw the door to the roof was wide open.Cool air blew into the room with the clear scent of a summer night air.Earthy and subtle like how it smelled before it began to rain.She climbed through the door with ease.He followed with considerably less grace.

She was already up on her feet when he popped his head to look around.The whole world so different.The roof seemed so much more otherworldly,an expense of shingles and nothing more aside for a couple of chimneys sticking up against the flat surface.They opted to sit down on a section that rose above the rest and gaze off into the stars.He barely registered the light shuffling of cloth until a little glass bottle was sat in his lap.The golden brown liquid swished around in the moonlight apaun inspection.

"You stole Speedwagon's gin!"He hissed,too afraid to yell from the rooftop lest someone find them with the contraband.

"I've never had alcohol,and I only took a little,barely three shots."

"Neither have I but I'd never steal for it."

"Well it's stolen now,I can't put it back."

"Then go ahead and drink it before he finds out."He sighed exasperatedly."Just please never do this again."

She didn't even speak at that,just nodded in agreement,drew back her head and began to down the contents.She gasped for air a moment later with only half the original contents.He could already tell it wouldn't be good to just leave her to her own devices so he outstretched his hand.The glance she sent him was a bit more than confused but she handed it over a moment later.Eyes lidded shut and hand clutching the shingles for dear life,his head tipped back and opened his lips for the liquor.It tasted disgusting and burned going down his throat but the assurance of Elizabeth's safety was enough to coax him to consume all the remaining liquid.He choked on air as he went for a breath,almost jumping when Elizabeth clapped a hand to his back.

"Don't down it so quick,you'll gag."

She patted his back as his choking fit came to an end.And when the burning sensation went away he looked back up to the sky.The Heavens were still,not a single cloud stirred the inky blackness.Every star twinkled in the same place they always seemed to be,he knew they changed place in the sky but they looked so stagnant.Maybe people were like that too,to themselves they are still the same as they've always been,but to everyone else they are a completely different person than they used to be.

How much had he changed since he was a child that he hadn't noticed?What kind of person would he be in the future?He was just about to finish the thought when Elizabeth's hand phased across his vision and he snapped back into focus.

"Are you feeling it yet?"

It wasn't quite like how he'd assumed it was like but there was something,a blurring of the senses,thoughts slowing in his head.He settled to just respond with a contented hum.The cool stillness was so relaxing,there was no need to move,no need speak.The wind was not content with him though as it blew coldly on his back and he draped the blanket over his shoulders.Elizabeth scooted closer and he opened the blanket to keep them both warm.And like that it was perfect,or as perfect as things could get.Like that,he could imagine that she didn't have lady training in the morning and he didn't have to go work his job in town.Like that they were birds,free to do what they pleased in the morning,if they didn't just sleep in until noon.

"What do you want to do in the future?"The question was simple but difficult to answer to answer.

His voice rung hollow in the air around them"I don't know."It was true,he really couldn't give a solid answer that felt right.

"Well what do you like to do?"Now that was a question he really had no answer to.Most people had some kind of lucrative hobby or interest,mother was a nurse and liked to help people and Robert was determined to make the world a better place but what about him?What did he want to do?

"I daydream sometimes,think about what it'd be like to fly."He felt stupid for saying that.

She just hummed.

"Sometimes in think about what I would do if I could,if I could bring people with me."

She turned to him,her eyes shining in the moonlight."Maybe you could be a pilot."

He hummed and thought about it.Taking people to new places,or sending important messages."Yeah,maybe..."

A long pause stretched between them as wind whistled around their huddled forms.

"What do you want to do when you're older?"She looked up from herself and gazed into the night sky.

"I have no idea."Her voice was wistful and distant."I suppose I'll go back to Tibet at some point,live there for the rest of my life until I'm an old hamon hag.And if I choose to leave...well I don't know,I've lived there all my life.The moment I leave that place my entire life crashes to the ground like the net holding it up finally broke.Every shred of understanding of the world around me just vanishing like mist."

"It'd be a fresh start through."

"In a way, yes,but I have no manners,no courtly skills or really any homely skills either.And no one would be willing to teach the normal things I should have rightly learned as a child."She turned her head back to face him,her solemn,nervous smile did nothing to help his rising worry for her."It's probably good that your mother is giving me lessons on that."

He stood up,"Would you mind practicing tonight?"

She screwed her face."What?"

He started again"Would you like to dance?"He outstretched his hand.

She grasped it strongly and pulled herself up."Alright,but not on the roof."

Quiet as mice or well,drunk mice they stumbled back into the attic.Their lone flame lit up the space dimly.Her expression was so relaxed and content,it was the most precious thing he'd ever seen.He let a goofy grin spread across his face.

"You're drunk."

"Maybe."He couldn't help the easy laugh that escaped him.

They took their places in the candlelit room as they began to spin around the space.They weaved around ancient crates as the hushed words to an old song flowed unconsciously from his lips.It was one of the old country songs his mother used to sing to him as a child.When it faded out she sang one of her own,soft and slow,in a language he didn't recognize.As she finished softly and he closed his eyes in contentment.Her arms held him closer as she pressed her lips to his.and when it ended he almost didn't notice how fast his heart was pounding in his chest.They were quiet for a long lime after that.

At some ungodly hour they slipped back to their rooms.He awoke with a groan as the sun shone too damn bright and the acid in his stomach sloshed painfully in his gut.

'Never again.'He promised himself as he thumped disjointedly down to the breakfast table.

The conversation and voices of the people around him blended together as his head felt like it was splitting itself open.Elizabeth didn't seem to be fairing much better,she kept silent through the meal.The only thing that reminded George that there were other people around was Speedy clinking his spoon against his glass.The table went still With all eyes on the man still holding up the glass.

"As you know,the Speedwagon foundation has now set up root and I am now free to work on other projects while it grows.Jonathan always planned to rebuild his old home,and as he is...not present for such;I thought it would be fitting to carry out the construction."

(Author's note:So I learned after writing this that I really like writing emotional drunk scenes so spoilers but it happens again very soon.I do not condone underage drinking,if you are under the legal age please do not drink it can be detrimental to your health.Anyways I hope you you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day/night wherever you are)

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